The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 13, 1924, Image 4

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Convinced that highway advertising
signs detract from the natural beauty
of the great routes of travel of the
Pacific Coast, this Company has de/
cided that it will erect no more such
signs and that it will immediately re/
move all of its signs of this nature now
standing. Hereafter the Company
will confine its use of signs to com/
mereiai locations.
The Company feels that the splendid
scenery so characteristic of nearly all
of the highways of California, Ore/
gon, Washington, Nevada & Arizona
should be unmarred, and on that ao
count is willing to sacrifice the advert
rising value of the signs.
s'.. '
( California )
Preferred Stock
The All Ceylon Tea
A Star Line”
The double strength tea in leadfoil
package insures you a delightful aroma
and an entioing flavor.
Double strength and double econo
my. domes packed in four sizes.
All brands of best quality coffee in
P hone 1811
Negotiations for the transfer of
approximately 260 acres of lsnd near
Itowena loops on the Columbia River
highway to the state for park pur-
poaes, were nearing completion, it was
announced at The Dalles last week.
Mark A. Mayer, of Mosier, has re­
imbursed Wasco county in the sum of
$2.800, which the county spent in con­
demnation proceedings to obtain pri­
vately owned .lands at the loopa, in
order that it might be developed into
a natural park. The ¡mrk will be im­
proved by the state highway commis­
Claims Allowed by County Court
March, 1924, Term
County Court: Salary of Judge,
$"5; F. II. Blackman, Commissioner,
$8; Allison Fletcher, $11.20; Under­
wood Typewriter Co., $15.
Circuit Court: Jury service, No-
vember term, W. B. North, $4; Ben
Conlon. $8.70. Grand Jury, A. Can­
field, $9; II. B. Cunllff, $11.60; Geo. A.
I’almller, $9.70; II. II. Hann, $12.40;
Geo. Emry, $9; Karl Buelow, $9.40;
B. B. Powell, $9.20. Jurors, Earl
Franz. $10.50; Floyd Nunamaker,
$11.70; W. II. Goodenough, $11.50; T.
W. Berry, $11.50; O. B. Nye, $11.30;
If. 8. Bruaguian, $10.50; C. C. Cudde-
ford, $10.50; Aug. Guignard, $10.90;
O. II. “
$12.10; Walter Nack,
$11.30; H. L. Hasbrouck, Jr., >11.30;
11. R. Heft, $12,10; Frank Howard,
$1-20; J. B. Doggett, $5.90; John
llakel, $4.60; Edgar Franz, $3; K. C.
Bucklin. 43; E. R. Bradley, $3; L. S.
Boyd. $3; A. L. Boe. $6.80; C. K. Ben­
ton, $4; Geo. N. Creswell, $4; Geo.
Bowerman. $4.60;' Mt. Hoed Hotel,
supper for Jury, $9.10; Hlectric Kitch­
en, midnight lunch for jury, $2.85;
G«?o. T. Prather, Grand Jury bailiff,
$10.50; E. 8. Olinger, court bailiff,
$16. Total. $302.75.
County Clerk’s Office:
$133.33; deputy, $125; Carl B. Baer,
cleaning Isiok machine, $10; office ex-
pen«ee, $11.07; Gia«« A Prudhomme
Co., blanks, $1.75; Irwin Hodson Co.,
<*ircuit court tiling envelop«*«, $81.25,
adding machine ¡taper, $3.58; Kllham
Stationery A Printing Co., supplies,
$1.30. Total, $370.28.
Sheriff's Office:
Salary, $133.33,
deputy, $125; part salary of traffic
officer, $75; Carl B. Baer, cleaning
typewriter, $8.50; Win. II. Edlck, car
hire. $2.50; Irwin Hodson Co., adding
muelilne paper, $3.58; office expenses,
$08.38; J. H. Sheldrake, special dep­
uty. $16; Western Union, telegrams,
$2.87. Total, $435.16. ,
Treasurer's Office:
Salary, $75;
express, $.65. Total, $75.65.
larv, $108.33; *
AHM-ssor’s Office: Halar;
Book A Art Store, paper, ', $.65;
ong A Co., tax roll, $116.75. Total,
HchoqLJliipt-: Salary, $150; travel-
Ing. >22; expense«^ $11.50.
Fruit Inspector: Salary, $100.50,
expenses, $85.12; Betty Woodard,
office work. $18.25. Total, $209.8V.
Surveyor: Investigation of Ilorden
hill, $8; office* rent, four months, $40.
Total, $48.
Care of Poor: Marie Hanneinan.
allowane«*, $10; Mrs. C. C. Walton,
care Mrs. Wishart, $20; Lu<*slna E.
Hoagland, care D. C. Miller, John Nu-
gnn and H. B. Curtis, $187.50; Nettle
May, allowance, $10; J. II. Martlimen.
rent for Hermiston. $27; Water for
house on Montello. $1.25; Tlie Dall«*«
Hospital, care Carl Pierce, $101.50;
Frasier Grocery Co., groceries for Mrs.
Drumin and Mr. Picket, $28.20; Dr.
M. Ditterbrandt, services rendered
Nels Hermausen, $23; J. II. Gerdes,
room for E. T. Dwyer, $12; Glover
Bros., grocerl«*s furntaht*d Allen Kilis
family, $19.07; Glover Bros., groceries
furnished Nels Hermausen, $40.10;
Ruy E. Harper. wood for Mrs. Miller,
$8; Perigo. groceries for Martha
Klick, $5; Paris Fair, clothing, $32.50;
Dr. M. Thrane, examinations,
examination«. $30;
Vincent A Shank, groceries for Young
family, ■ $9.45; Wasco county, H.
Greiner on farm, $30. Total, $601.62
Luesina E.
Widows’ Penatomi :
Hoagland, $32.50; Violet Crosby, $25;
Addie May Matheny, $32.50; Mary
Abbott, $10; Ida Flint, $17.50; Cora
A. Schooley, $17.50; Hattie Dumbol-
ton, $17.50. Total, $145
Health Officer: Dr. J. Edgington,
Court House: H. E. Mays, Janitor,
$38.33; water, $1.25; Kelly Bron.,
lights and floor oil. $7; telephone,
$24.30; light, $5.45. Total. $76.83.
Jail: City for rent. $15; prisoner
board, $31.27; K. g. Olinger, Jailor, $3.
Total, >49.27.
Bounty: J. P. Anderson, female
coyote, $4; O. E. Parrish, female coy­
ote and bobcat, $6; Gao. Hanoi, male
coyote, $3; Emil Frautscby, coyote
and three bob cate, $10. Total, $28.
District Healer; $11.87.
E. R. Bradley, letter
beads, $7; Hood lllver News Co.,
notice of leisure of trrrto. carrying«
liquor, $10.50, road closed ad, $!, 2.000
envelopes, sheriff. $8.50, 200 dodgers,
sheriff. S3; Hood River Glacier, as­
sessment blanks, $59. road notice,
$2.50; court proceedings, $23.00; tax
receipts. $45. Total, $190.10.
Boys’ A Girls’ Aid Society, $7.50.
County Library: $225.
District Attorney: Office rent. $10;
stenographer hire preparing Grand
Jury report, $12.50. Total, $22.50.
Bond Premium: J. M. Culbertson,
balance bill rendered. $10.
Insane: Dr. Thrane, examinations,
$10; Dr. Rogers, examination, $5.
Liens filed by Fruit Inspector: A.
J.~ Vogler, work done on F. II. 8tan-
toh ptace, $780.96; on W. U Clark
place, $290.40; Fred Pflughaupt, work
done on Ellen Cherry place, $295; D.
Shuck, work done on Claude Moore
place, $28; work done on E. C.' Scott
place, $50. Total, $1444.35.
Miscellaneous Bridge Repairs:’ Em-
ry Lumber A Fuel Co., lumber, $80.86;
E. A. Franz Co., nails, $10.40. Total,
Total warrants allowed on General
Fund. $5,019.02.
Road Fund
Claims allowed March, 1924 Term.
Roadinaster, $179.70.
Foremen; J. K. Carson, $124.75; J.
O. Cameron, $14.97; Luhr Jensen,
$61.87; J. B. Doggett, $14.97. Total,
I,abor: Eugene Sagers, $82.57; Mat
Huekier, $89.75; C. F. Epley, $87.95;
C. D. Shaw. $59223; Bert Cain, $89.75;
Chas. W. Allen, $10.77; Harry Fur­
row, $1.79; Cecil Cameron, $12.50;
Lloyd Cameron, $52.04; Armand Du-
luith, $32.31; Oregon Lumber Co.,
$5.38; J. D. lIoogseH. $7.18; Jim Gur-
reU. $5.38; J. H. Crenshaw, $21.54;
T. B. Davla. $21.5-1; George Coopqy,
$29.01; Asa Doggett, $3.50; John Cos­
grove, $43.08; F. Kile, $3.59; J. H.
Reed, $3.59. Total, $008.30.
Tnick Repairs and Parts: W. L.
l'p««m, $3; Howell Bro«., $1.50; Bar-
tol-Manafleld Co., $2.75; Joe Fletcher,
$10; The Tire Shop. $1.10; Mt. Hood
Motor Co., $91.13. Total. $115.48.
Mechanic: J. O. Wilson, $174.70.
Gas: Standard Oil Co., $243.00.
Supplies: Mt. Hood Railroad Co.,
freight on crusher parts. $56.53; W.
L. Nichota, cash for freight. $1.48;
water for garage. $1; 8. M. Dick,
blacksmithing, $12.25;
Machinery Co., $5.06; Road Building
Equipment Co., shovels. $20; Howell
Bro«., $10.44; Coast Culvert A Flume
Co., wheels for scraper, $14.40; Road
Building Equipment Co., grader bits,
$24; Howard Cooper Corp., $1.06; Ajt-
ple City Elec. Shop, lights for garage,
$2 98; Kelly Bros., $3.60; E. A. Franz
Co., >15. Total, $164.04.
Power: P. P. A L. Co., $3.40.
Man and Team Hire: G«*o. Chntn-
berlih, $10.78; H. L. Davis, «>10.78;
liny Gibson, $79.98; J. O. Cameron,
$98.39; C. M. Sheppard, $39.60; Bruce
H. Crump, $131.92; Brute Cunllff.
$93.47; S. C. Russell. $85.96; Alex
Forties, $28.76; J. II. Crenshaw, $5.39;
<1. W. Baker, $39.52; J. B. Doggett.
$10.80; I). R. Cooper, $53.98. Total,
Andrew Pelkey.
Truck Drivers:
$47.14; E. T. Bishop, $9 <78 ; G«*o.
Taylor, $44.33 ; Arthur Kerr, $03.97 ;
A. R. Shank,
$90 52: F. B. Root,
$112.25. Total, $462.99.
Mine.: Ltthr Jensen, carbire. $4.40.
Total claim« allowed on road fund.
Mr. Smith Finds Many Agates
Claims allowed on Market Rond
D. P. Smith has returned with his
C. M. Hurlburt, engineer, Wife and son from Newport, where
*95.20; Ed Hobson, assistant «•ngin<*«*r,
$81; The Fredrick Post Co., tracing they spent the winter, with a record
for finding water agates. In the few
paper, etc., $7.17.
Claims allowed on Mt. Hood Loop weeks of strolling over the lieaches
Road Fund: W. A. I^ngilk*. right of Mr. Smith had picked up 80 water
way agent. $8; Joe McElroy, car hire. agates. He brought liack over 100
$9.75; W. E. Sherman, right of way, pounds of other varieties of the unique
$100; State Highway Commission,
county's share of expend! tur«*«« mnde
by state outside of contract, $456.03. I
the packing of pears as well as apples.
A telegram was received last week by
Paul McKercher that a carload of ex­
tra fancy d'Anjous, sold by Monroe
growers to a Chicago concern last fall,
had lieen resold at the Illinois metrop­
Oiled Wrapped Pears Sell High
olis for $5 per box. ’ The fruit, it was
Oiled wrappers, according to fruit declared, had kept in storage in excel­
shippers, are proving their worth in lent condition.
stones. One of these lias on
the exact representation of
fisherman holding up a huge
another appears- what looks
honey bee.
one side
an old
flsh. In
to be a
To the Republicans of Hood River
and Wasco counties:
I hereby announce myself as a can­
didate for the Republican nomination
for State Senator for the 16th Sena­
torial District, composed of the coun­
ties of Wasco and Hood River, and.
if nominated and elected, I will per­
form the duties thereof to the tiest of
■ny nliility, and will strive to promote
the interests and welfare of the citi­
zens and taxpayers of my District,
and of the State of Oregon. I favor
fewer laws and better enforcement,
lower taxes and less extravagance,
(Paid Adv.)
II. II. Butler.
Auto Parks to be Taxed
An emergency ordinance to regulate
tourist camp grounds within the city
limits, providing for a license ft*e of
$1.000 annunlly and** requiring the in­
stallation of adequate accommodations
In tlie interests of health and public
safety and aimed at promiscuous use
of vacant city land for such purposes,
wns introduced liefore the city council
of Tlie Dalles Monday night.
The measure Include« police protec­
tion at the cost of the owner of any
such auto camp, to be regulated under
the ' city police department, also rhe
regulation of the prices to lie charged
tourists stopping in the camp and
making provision for the accommoda­
tions flint shall be required for sucli
_________________ X
Buick outsold all cars selling for
more than $650 In Oregon for the year
1923. See for yourself at the Buick
Auto Show. Free lecture«, displays
and motion pictures Thursday. Friday
and Saturday. Hood River Oarage.
Nolle« to Creditors
In the County Court of the Stnte of
"Oregon for Hood lllver County. ‘
In the mutter of the Estate of Cur­
tis C. Paddock. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned Ims been appointed execu­
trix of the I«aat Will and Testament
of Curtis C. Paddock, decetnsed. and
that nil persona having claim« sgninst
said estate are hereby required to pre­
sent the same to the executrix, duly
verified within six months from ¡he
I date of the first publication of thia
notice, which la the Oth day of March,
1924. at the office of A. J. Derby, First
National Bank Building. Hood River,
tf.t , Oregon.
Clara E. Paddock.
.............. .
daring tests
of Oaklands
Duco Body-finish
See These Tests
Muriatic Acid— It doe«
'not harm Oakland's new
» finish.
Sulphuric Acid—A finish
that stands this last will
stand the hardest usage.
Fire—Even a flame cannot
harm Oakland's finish.
Ammonia—Tha strongest
ammonia ia used la
thia test.
Fire Extinguisher—It kills
fares but not the bright-
oi Oakland's finish.
anu ^\ening’ ^ginning March 17th and
g arch 22, we will put on a most unusual
demonstration at our show room. The beautiful
new Duco body finish of the True Blue Oakland
vJCStcd and ,ts remarkable qualities proved
right before your eyes.
theSe te’t8’U,»ted «
left, you will
realize what a wonderfiil advance Oakland has
made in bringing out this new finish.
the Family
See These Tests
Cotne— Bring
J* W
>L|he the V °/
her ?dvanced
of which
also be demonstrated just as conclusively.
Every Day and Evening
March 17th to 22nd
Ho* Tar—Saa how easy It
is to risen roattaas forni
Boiling Water—It 1« fine
to know that tha finish
will stand thia teat.
Mod—Sas a muddy car
cleaned with a dry cloth
without harm to its finish!
Oust— With Du co you can
safely dual your car aa