The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 06, 1924, Image 3

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    H ood rtveb
F you wait your home to reflect indi­
viduality and character you must have
it carefully planned according to your
ownjdeas. Usually a house ia built
for a lifetime and should express your
every ideal of beauty and convenience.
You should know at the start what grades and
kinds of material are to be mad in the construc­
tion of that home. If you are contemplating
building a home and wilLgive'us the size you
want, Bize of lot, the location, immediate sur­
roundings, vistas, the type of exterior and inte­
rior, we can help you select the home to fit your
needs. Our architectural department is com­
plete and can work your ideas into a home that
will give real meaning to the sentiment of
“Home Sweet Home.” We are in a position to
assist you in getting a competent contractor to
do your work.
L umber B ill , Mgr.
P hone 4121
The Gift
an Elgin Watch
Elgin Time is “train
time’’ in the hands of
thousands of railroad
men, all over the world.
Such a present as an
Elgin is a gift of a life­
time. Nothing else will
ever take its place—it’s
/A f gift supreme.
When you Dart out to select a gradu-
ation gift—stop in and let us shot
our complete display of fine
Watche»—$25, $175, and many in­
between prices according to grade of
movement and quality of case.
Established In 1M6
Office Supplies
These are days when you are thinking of them.
We have nearly everything In the staple line you
may desire, I If you want anything
- - - special, we’ll get
it for you.
We are distributors for the
P. & O. Walking and Tractor Plows
Arsenate of Lead
Nitrate of Soda
Orchard Supplies
I enormi
—It is on the land and our appetite has a
hankering for green things.
Our stock of vegetables is always fresh
and contains a full assortment.
When you want something real good, try
some of our homemade Boston Brown
Bread—there was never any better made.
Anderson Undertaking Co.
Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director
J. R. Nickelson, joint state senator
The Hood River Garage la now prs-
The transcontinental journey of the
Chicago Grand Opera Company, which from Hood River and waeco counties paring for ita Necotid annual auto
will bring the fatuous organisation to for the past two terms, will not be a show. Inst year's show wan visited
Portland for four performances, is candidate to succeed himself, he says. by hundreds but thia year’a show will
rapidly as timing the aspect of a tour Local voters, however, have received prove a much greater ■■
of triumph,, telegrams to Steers & the announcement of Judge It. it. But­ is much larger and Ute mechanical
ler, attorney of The Dalles, and M. M. features which are furnished by the
Couuin indicate.
The reception accorded the company Burtner, a fruit grower uf Dufur. ixith Buick people are well worth -going
in Pittsburgh waa described as fol­ of whom are seeking the Republican miles to see.
lows: ‘'Everybody raving over Mary nomination for the joint senatorship.
One of the features thia year ia a
Judge Butler nerved as joint state Buick four motor sitting on a pedestal
Garden’s *Cleopatra' tonight. All say­
ing it was the moat sumptuous and senator from the tqo counties in 1918 with the shell of the motor cut away,
beautiful performance of o|>era ever and 1015. He moved from Gilliam showing the working parts under ac­
given here. The Jewess* was given county to Tlie Dalles 13 years ago tual working conditions, as thia motor
tliiB afternoon; it was a glorious per­ He waa formerly circuit judge for the is runqlpg under its own power and
formance, aud Itoaa Raisa as 'Rachel* judicial district composts! of Gilliam. not with an electric motor aa moat
Sherman and -Wheelercount les. Judge jobs of thia sort have in the paat.
is magnificent.”
In Cleveland where Chaliapin ap­ Butler ia a native of Tennessee.
The lecture is the same as given at
Mr. Burtner for the last seven years the Portland auto show. There will
peared in “Boris GodunoCG'.-iho trag­
ic Russian opera which he so marvel­ represented the Oregon state grange also be motion pictures covering the
ously interprets, the house had marly as a legislative committeeman. He trip to Government Gamp by the Buick
999 more people in it than the ordi­ was author of the state market roads four. This trip to Government Camp
nary capacity, the great baritone as bill. According to a statement from was made last month through two to
the czar of Russia being oue of the him he introduced, through Capt. Geo. four feet of snow with runners on the
R. Wilbur, who was joint senator in front wheels and drums on the back
'biggest drawing cards on the list.
Mary Garden's "Salome" with her 1917, the amendment that directed wheels. There will be a reel covering
wonderful dance of the seven veils The Dalles-California highway through the four-wheel brake and the teat»
has seldom been interpreted with Wasco county. His statement also ex­ made by the Portland police and Are
more verve, spirit, aud passion than plains that be had introduced uu de|>a rtments.
she la puttlug into every porformance amendment which permitted the veto­
Mr. Fenton, of the Portland auto
this season. It is her favorite of all ing of an emergency clause attached show fame, will lx* in charge, assisted
to a bill without the veto attachlug to by My. N'icliols, the road representa­
the many roles she has created.
The first performance of the Chi­ the entire measure.
tive. Mr. Franz is endeavoring this
cago Grand Opera Company will be
year to make more seating room to
that glittering gorgeous production of
take care of the'crowds. The dates
No Firm in ,11 Days
Masseueuet’s “Cleopatra.” In French,
will be ■■
March 13 and 14.
Monday evening, March 10, with Mary
This city, which had one of the
Garden, Rimini, Sharlow, Defrere, lowest fire records of the Northwest
Kipnis and others with the entire bal­ last year, continue» the precedent.
Buying a Tractor Harrow?
let in special number, with I’anizxa Fire Marshal Morgan yesterday re­
The John Deere tractor disc harrow
ported that 68 days bad elai>sed with­
Tuesday evening. March 11, will be out a fire alarm. He attributes the Is not a rigid, one-piece frame. It
Moussorgsky's “Boris Godunoff,” in elimination of Area to the campaigns penetrates and pulvertzes its entire
Italian, with Chaliapin, Lamont, Lax- of education that the fire deimrtmeu, width even when going over depres­
sions and obstructions. It is a flexible
zari, Claesseus, Defrere and others, lias waged the peat several years.
harrow. Each section and, in fact,
Polacco conducting.
each gang works independently, disk­
Wednesday matinee, March 12, will
Genuioe Ford parta at Frana Co.’s.
ing all the ground without twisting or
present tlie sinuous, alluring Mary
binding the frame. Repair parts al­
Garden inc**8alome,” in French, Rich­
ways obtainable—thia year and for
Ditto Wanted
ard Strauss’ music gpd the famous
the life of the implement. See it at
poem by Oscar Wilde, Georges Bak-
Kennett Brothers before buying. , 1116
ianoff, the fascinating baritone, will
sing the part of "Jokanaan;” Riccardo
Martin that of “Herodalso appear­
Notice of Final Hearing
ing will be Maria Claessena, .lose office in the Capitol Building at Salem.
Notice Is hereby given that the un­
Mojica, Lazsari and others, Polacco Oregon, up to 11:99 o’clock a. tn.,
April 29, 1924, for all the State’s in­ dersigned administrator of the estates
The final performance will be held terest in the river front lands herein­ of John P. Snyder and Mary L. Sny­
Wednesday evening, March 12, with after described, giving, however, to the der, deceased, has filed in the County
Iioni Raisa and her lx*autiful voice owner or owners of any lands abutting Court of Hood River County, Oregon.
interpreting the part of "Rachel” in or fronting thereon, the preference Ilia final account as administrator of
'Tlie Jewess,” the lovely five-act opera right to purchase at the highest price said estates, and that Friday, the 28tli
provided such offer is made day of March. 11)21. at the hour of
by Hulvey, in Italian; Charles Mar­ offered,
shall, Lucie Weston, Angelo Mingliet- in good faith, the Board reserving 10 o'clock a. m„ at the office of the
right to reject any and all bids:
County Judge, lias ls»en flxed by said
tl and others, including the entire bal­ the Said
lands are situated in Hood Court as the time and place for hear­
let beaded by Anna Ludmila, Panizza River County,
Oregon ami described ing objection» to said refiort and the
aettlement of said estate.
The four performances are under as Beginning
at the meander corner
Frank H. Snyder,
the direction of Steers 4 Coman, Co­ Common to Sections
f 2X11127
lumbia building, who are now taking II. 19 E. of W. M., thence S. 75 degrees,
mail orders for all'the operas.
49 minutes E. 1119.1 feet to 2x4x18
Notice ef Final Account
Inch fir stake; 8. 12 degrees 47 min­
Notice ig hereby glyen, that the un­
Miss Carson Honored
stake; S. 43 degrees 26 minutes E. dersigned, Administrator of the Es­
Miss Helen Carson, a graduate of 159.5 feet to % inch iron liar; N. 65 tate of Margaret T. Arnold, deceased,
the University of Oregon with the degrees 51 minutes E. 252.3 feet to has filed In tlie County Court of Hood
class of 1922, who is now teaching In crore on rock; 8. 74 degrees 4 minutes Illver County, Oregon, his final ac­
the high school, has txx'n appointed a E. *202.4 feet to cross on rock; H. 73 count as such administrator, and that
member of the alumni executive <-am- degrees 44 minutes E. 406.0 feet to tlie same lias been duly set down by
paign committee which is endeavoring croM on rock; 8. 11 degrees 54 min­ order of said court for hearing at the
to raise <1,000,000 among the unlver- utes E. 371.0 feet; 8. 53 degrees 0 court room thereof in Hood River, Ore­
sity alumni for the purpose of contln- minutes W. 134.6 feet to Gov. niesnder gon. at two o'clock p. m., on the 24th
( uing the university building program. corner.
<lay of March, 1924; at which time any
Tlie alumni will undertake to pro­
Thence returning on Gov. meander persons having objectiona thereto are
vide the funds necessary to construct line to place of beginning containing required to present the same.
a library adequate for the university 4.27 acres shore lands in NW% See.
IL L. Rabin, Administrator.
needs, a new men's gymnasiuni and 32, T. 3 N. K. 11 B. W. M.
th« memorial court, the latter being
Applications should be accompanied
dedicated to those sons and daughters by check or draft of the amount of
Notice ef Sheriff’s Sale
of Oregon who made war sacrifices.
bld and should tie addrereed to G. G.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
While attending the university Miss Brown, Clerk of the State iJind Board,
Carson was very active in campus and Salem, Oregon, and marked "Applica­ Oregon for the County of Hood River
student affairs. During heryfoetiior tion and bid to purchase River front in Equity.
North Pacific Mortgage Company, a
year she served as secretary for the land.”
G. G. Brown,
corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Frank H.
Associated Students of the University
Clerk Rtate Land Board.
Stanton sud It. V. Shearer, Defend­
of Oregon. Rhe also served on the Dated at Salem, Oregon,
student executive council, the student
f21a24 ants.
February 13, 1924.
By virtue of an execution, judgment
council and the finance committee.
order. dix-ree and order of sale issued
Rhe is a member of the Alpiia Phi
Notice of Final Account
out of the above entitled Cx»urt in the
sorority. _______________
Notice is hereby given, That the un­ above entitled cause, to me directed,
Scaly Trees Cut Down
dersigned. as administrator of the Es­ dated the 3rd day of March, 1924.
Approximately three miles of scaly tate of Francis M. Pcugh, deceased u|s»n a judgment and decree entered
trees are being cut down along the hag filed his Final Account in sold Es­ in said Court on the 23rd day of Feb­
Columbia river near Wenatchee, Wn., tate in the County Court of Hood ruary, 1924, in favor of the plaintiff
under the direction of the state hor­ River County, Oregon, and that said above named and against the defend­
ticultural department. The work has Court has by order duly made and en­ ant Frank II. Htanton for the follow­
been carried on throughout the dis­ tered, apixiinted Raturday, March 22, ing sums, namely: $16,000.00 with in­
1924, at 11 o'clock a. m., as the time terest thereon at the rate of eight per
trict to lessen the amount of scale.
The trees consist mainly of wil­ and the court room of said court as cent per annum from August 1st, 1923;
lows, cottonwoods and choke cherries. the place, for Hearing upon said Final $21.33, being Interest at the rate of
Account and of objections thereto, sn<l ten per cent per annum on the sum of
the settlement thereof; of which all $040.00 from August 1st, 19*23, to No-
Partiea desiring the uae of Park Iteraons interested will tske due no­ vemtor 30th, 1923; $354.09 with inter­
Grange hall, communicate with H. E. tice.
est thereon at the rate of ten per «ent
Wylie, custodian, tel. 6771, Rt. 4. ml3
Dated and first published February per annum from November 30th, 1923;
21, 1924.
O. C. Doan.
$750.00, attorney's fee; $21.33 costs
and diaburswueuts herein taxed in
Notice of Sheriff*» Sale
George R. Wilbur.
favor of plaintiff; and the costa of and
Notice is hereby given. That in com­ Attorney for -Administrator f21ml.3 upon said writ, commanding me to
pliance with an execution in fore­
make sale of that <Wtain real property
closure Issued out of the Circuit Court
situate in Hood River County, Oregon,
Notire sf Sheriff’s Sale
of Hood River County, Oregon, on
and more particularly tojinded and
February 18, 1924, in that certain suit
By virtue of an execution in fore­ dem-ritod as follows, to wlt:
wherein 8. N. Loria is plaintiff and closure duly issued by the Clerk of the
All of the north half of the north­
F. E. Denison, Eva Y. Denison, Nor­ Circuit Court for Hood lltver County, east quarter (N*4of NE(4) of Section
man D. Root and Pernie Johnson are Oregon, dated on the 4th day of Feb­ twenty-two (2*2), in Township two (2)
defendants, in compliance with the ruary, 1924, and to me directed, in a North of Range ten (19), East of Wil­
terms ofxa decree made and entered certain suit in said Court wherein lamette Meridian, containing eighty
in said suit on February 16, 1924, for Albert Hutson and Clotilda Hutson (80) a<Tes. more or less, together with
judgment in favor of 8. N. Loris and were plaintiffs and N. I^roy Cary was a water right for twenty inches of
against F. E. Denison, Eva Y. Denison defendant, and wherein on the 4th water deeded by one Roscoe Miller,
and Norman D. Root for $902.33, and day of February, 192-i, plaintiffs recov­ nnd save and excepting a right fur a
$75.90 attorney fees, and $25.80 costs ered a judgment against said defend­ ditch line now used by one touts Plug
and disbursements, with interest at ant for the sum of <3,000 with Interest or his successors In interest,
8% per annum from February 18. thereon at 7% per annum since the together with all qnd singular the ten­
192-1, and which decree did further 25th day of October, 1922, until paid, ements, privileges, hereditaments and
foreclose a certain mortgage covering nnd for the further sum of <250. at­ appurtenances thereunto belonging or
the real property hereinafter de­ torney'a fees, and <12 costs of suit, and in any wise appertaining.
scribed, which said execution in fore­ which said execution is agalnat and di­
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
closure is directed to me as sheriff of rects that the hereinafter described execution, judgment order, decree and
this county, and orders and commands real property be sold to satisfy said order of sale and in compliance with
me to sell the said real property for sums and costs and expenses of sale.
the commands of said writ, I will, on
the purpose of satisfying said judg­
Notice is hereby given that I will Friday, the 4th day of April, 1924, at
ment, costs and expense«, »
on Saturday the 15th day of March, 1.30 o'clock ]s m., at the front door
Therefore, In compliance therewith. 1924, at the front door of the court of the County JJourt House In Hood
I will, on Saturday, March 32, 1924 house in the City of Hood River, Ore­ River, Oregon, sell at public auction,
at 10 o'clock a. m. at the north frent gon, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of subject to redemption, to the highest
door of the County Court House in said day, aeil kt public unction to the bidder, for cash in hand, all the right,
the City of Hood River, Hood River highest'bidder for cash, the following title or interest which the defendants
County, Oregon, sell at public auction descrilied real property situated In in the above named suit, or either of
to the highest bidder for cash in hand Hood River County, Oregon, towlt:
them, had on Jnly 30th, 1913, the date
for the purpose of satisfying the said
The Southeast Quarter of the South­ of the mortgage therein foreclosed, or
judgment and accruing costs and ex­ west Quarter of Section Eight (8), since xald date had in or to the above
penses, the following described real Township One (1) South, Range Ten described property or any part thereof
property, to-wlt:
(10) East of Willamette Meridian, con­ to satisfy said execution, judgment
Tlie northeast quarter (NEK) of tainlng 40 acres, more or less, ile- order and decree, interest, coats and
the northeast quarter (NE%) at Sec­ serving, however, a right of way for accruing costs.
tion 22, Township 2 North, Range 9 Irrigation flume or ditch from the
Dated this 6th day of March, 1924.
East of the Willamette Meridian, con­ Northeast corner, nt store described
First publication, March 6, 1924.
taining 40 acres, more or lees.
tract, running Routh along the East
tost publication, April 3, 1924.
Dated February 21, 1924.
line thereof to the irrigation' dlfch of
Ttios. F. Johnson,
Thomas F. Johnson,
Middle Fork Irrigation Company.
Sheriff of H<x<d River* County, Ore­
Sheriff nt Hood River County.
Also an easement in n strip of land gon.
twenty feet in width, off of and along
George R. Wilbur, Esquire,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
f21m!3 the West line of the Northeast Quarter
of the Southwest Quarter section above
mentioned, the same to be used for
Notice of Final Arreunt
road purposes, with the right to erect
Notice la hereby given, that the un­ and maintain telephones and electric
dersigned. Administrator of the Es­ lines thereon, the same to be appur­
tate of Hosmer K. Arnold, deceased, tenant to the 40 acres of land above
has filed in the County Court of Hood «vmveyed, or so much thereof aa may
Phone ¡201
River (bounty, Oregon, his final ac­ be necessary to satisfy said judgment
count as inch administrator, and that and the sums due thereon in favor of
Leaves Hood River daily at
the same has been duly set down by skid Albert Hutson and Clotilda Hut­
order of said court for hearing at the son against said defendant N. I^roy 4.30 p. m.
court room thereof in Hood River, Ore­ Cary, together with all costa and ex­
Leaves Parkdale Daily at 8
gon, at two o'clock p. sl , on the 24th penses which hive or may accrue.
a. m. (except Sunday).
day of March, 1924; at which time
Dated thia 7th day of February,
nn.v persons having objections theeeto 1924.
Every Saturday Leaves
are required to present the same.
Thomas F. Johnson,
R. L. Sabin, Administrator.
Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon. Parkdale at 6 p. m
Parkdale Auto Stage
C. C. ANDERSON, Sol« Proprietor
placier , thübsdat , march <¡. 1934
Highland Linen
Pound Paper with .Envelopes to Match
Tablets^ AU Sizes, Correspondence Cards,
Envelopes, Etc.
Phone 1551
Squibb Chemicals
Ladies’ Rest Room
“We are as near to you as your telephone”
iasaaaaFag=^=±: *
Canned Goods Week
March 1& to March 8th
Summer All the Year Round
Preferred Stock Peas, Beans, Corn,
Sweet Potatoes, Grape Fruit, Tomatoes,
Hominy, Kraut, Succotash and
Fruit or Vegetable Salad.
Standard Grades Much Cheaper.
P hone 1811
Why not in the
home’s work shop?
by Enith Griffith
A TRIP I made through one of
** the Northwest’s best factories
the other evening literally opened
my eyes. I didn’t see a single man
squinting or straining his vision be­
cause the lights were dim.
No one was bothered by his own
shadow—there were no shadows I
The light had been scientifically
diffused and distributed. Industry has found that
proper lighting paya dividends on its cost many times
Then I asked myself this question I If good illumi­
nation ia desirable in in­
Try it 30 Days FREE
dustry is it not equally
Without any coat to you
desirable in the kitchen,
the company will install a
—the workshop of the
Daylight Unit in YOUR
home? There waa only
workshop so you can give
one answer.
it a month’s free trial. If
you like it, pay 7Sc a
And so now I am glad
month for 10 manths
to be able to tell you
(charged on your Hgfat
about the Daylight Kitch­
bill) and the unit ia yours.
If yon’re not satisfied after
en Unit and the free trial
you've tried the Daylight,
offer of the Pacific Power
the company will put back
A Light Company. With
your old fixture. No charge
this improvement, you can
for this either. This free
trial offer bolds until
“daylight” your kitchen,
April 1st.
drive out shadows, banish
dim gloom, relieve eye
It brings your
If you rent that need not
kitchen — your workshop
keep you from enjoying
— the efficient lighting
the Daylight Unit If you
that industry has found
move within ten months,
we will replace the old fix­
indispensable. Every
ture snd take down your
kitchen deserves such
Daylight all without
Pacific Power & Light Company
A I wayt at Tour Service
Spray, Nitrate of Soda
Orchard Supplies
We are now arranging accounts for the coming
season. Call and see us.