HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 192» , «tuer (Slarirr MOKE ABOUT AN ALTO PARK tonnage, and tbua eliminated the flood­ ing uf export markets with huge car­ goes. He urged shippers to be more selective in their choice of refriger­ ator «hipe; that tbua they would aoon bring about the installation of proper refrigeration In all ships made avail­ able for transporting fruit tonnage. J. G. Euaon, district manager of the Leiickeuhacii Shipping Co., cited that his concern was interested in the transport of apples to Atlantic and Gulf points. The company is now operating 22 ships, having eight in Portland harbor each month. Mr. Euaon cited how hia company had Installed the preeoollng refrigera­ tion system, which is of benefit in handling any kind of tonnage, ta or­ der to prevent sweating or moulding. Mr. Euaon said it was the policy of his company to give agricultural pro­ ducers the most beneficial service. lie cited that a prosperous lot of North­ western fruit growers resulted in a profitable shipping business. “We are needed as a balance for the railroads." he said, “and we need them for a i>Hlan<-e for us. We are a kind of necessary evil for each other.” E. P. Hoech and R. E. Piper, mem­ ber« of the staff of the Leuckenlauh company, wen- present. The speakers were introduced by W. N. Livingstone, chairman of the day, who also pre­ sented Mr. Harlow, of the Pacific Fruit Co., a soloist of merit, who was accompanied in songs by Miss Dorothy Rand. Other guests present for the day in­ cluded: I*. B. Murphy, of the W. P. Fuller Paint On.,; Walter Nack, or- chardlst. and N. H. MacMillan, man­ ager of the Grange Cooperative Store. any suggestion to the court by way of excuse or palliation in any mannar for the thefts committed by the de­ fendant. yet we believe that all tbe circumstances surrounding the case are very proper to be taken into con­ sideration by the court in passing sen­ tence. That after full and complete investigation and long consideration honestly and ardently given to this case, and taking Into consideration tbe effect upon our public schools, and the community. generally, we believe that the defendant is not at heart a crim- inal, and that if given an opportunity he will fully redeem himself and again stand up rightfully in the community, and that the sentence of this court will not only meet out jiistice to the fendant, but be a warning which others will heed under like circum­ stances, especially the boys who have looked upon the defendant in the past as a hero and they will not emulate his example in Ahat regard. We believe that, under the circum­ stances of the defendant's financial condition, he should not be heavily fined, for a heavy fine would not adequately punish the defendant, but tbe result would fall upon the depend­ ents hereinbefore mentioned. We alao note the fact that the de­ fendant has suffered and is suffering mental anguish which cannot be meas­ ured in dollars and cents, and, further, that a long jail sentence would result In the same disastrous consequences to the dependent above named, as would the assessment of a heavy fine. Therefore, in view of ail-•the facts and circumstances, we recommend that the court do’ not assess a line upon the defendant, but instead, sentence him to a term in the county jail of not less than ten nor more than thirty days. And we alao further recommend that the boy, Kenneth, be brought before the juvenile court to answer to that court for his part In the transaction hereinbefore referred to. Respectfully submitted, Albert Canfield. Foreman of the Grand Jury. Geo. A. Palmiter, Karl Buelow, Robert B. Cunllff, ' B. B. Powell, H. H. Hann. Geo. L. Emry. Grand Jurors. Judge Wilson, while he said he had no more authority than any private individual, since the entire jurisdic­ tion was In juvenile court, personally recommended that young Convert be paroled. Retailers of Everything to Wear ^be PARIIS FAIR New Millinery and Trimmings The Store of Biggest Valuea Crisp Freshness Apparently tbe city will Boon own the Batchelder tract of 37 aeree, Jiwt west of the city, If the owners of the estate meet the term« of a new offer of the city council, which ha« agreed to accept a three-year guaranty that the old auto park, to be traded in on You will be disappointed if you do not see tbe purchase price of the 87 aeree, will not be utilized by private parties our line of New Spring Hats for Ladies, Misses for auto park purposes. Already the and Children. A becoming shape for every face, city ia laying plans for improving th« Newest creations, direct new park. The Glacier wishes to be listed from the largest fashion among those who Monday night pre­ Your Gingham Frocks should be made centers. We have the lar­ sented the city council with a remwi early. For with several new frocks of“ Ging­ gest assortment in the city «trance against the purchase of the park property at the present time. for you-to choose from, at * ham, you can look- forward to the coming The expenditure of existing fund« on economy prices. Do not the old park, would, we believe, make months with anticipation of maximum com­ the old park entirely adequate for fail to see them. 2d floor. motor tourist« for some time to come. fort. Be sure that you see our entire line of It Is true that the old pork, with it« marshy center, p-esents an appearance Ginghams, Percales, Voiles, Devonshires, Ever­ that is fttr from attractive at present, fast Suitings, and many other wash materials but the funds provided In the year's budget could be applied for relief of suitable for the summer’s wear. thl« condition. We do not believe that available funds, expended on the new property, will result In any more ap­ We are showing the big’ We are showing many new designs in pealing auto park the coming two gest values in Ladies ’ New years than we at present have. In­ practical, attractive fabrics in- plaid, checks Spring Coats that can be deed, we believe, basing our expres­ sion on tbe judgment of men qualified On recommendation of the grand and stripes, in most effective color combina­ found anywhere. Come in to make an estimate, that tbe Improve jury Judge Fred W. Wilson Tuesday and see the quality, work ­ assesameut of a fine against tions. We have never had a more complete ment of the Batchelder property will omitted R. C. Goodman, ex-high school man­ manship and style, and cost more than anticipated; that the ual training teacher, who pleaded assortment of desirable materials. purchase price, in the end, will be a guilty to eonfr’b'iting to the delin­ note the price and you will relatively small portion of the Invest­ quency of Kenneth Coovert, a 16-year- boy. by inciting him to complicity readily realize the wonder­ ment. We are fearful that the auto­ old In thefts of automobile accessories. Come in and see dur display. mobile park, once started, will cause Judge Wilson sentenced Goodman to ful values they offer. na to dip into tax money for Its 20 days in jail. No case of the local criminal dock­ improvement. NEMO, GOSSARD AND AMERICAN LADY CORSETS We are not so sure that the policy et, because of the high »tandlng of Goodman, who had taught In tbe high of municipal auto parks on a large school for four years, has ever created scale is going to be a good one for greater Interest. Wanted - Genetti Mutar track will haul cities. A review of the ea«t and mid­ For Bale—A Steven» shotgun. pump action, For Kent — Partly turn)»hod rooms. 110B For Sale—Good lota for sale In all parte of Judge Wilson in passing sentence 1» gunge, good shape, (IK; alao nearly new theclty, prices right. A. W. Ontbank A Co. al4tt May Street. Mrs. C. A. Buddy. JlOtf For Sale dle west we believe will reveal that urged Goodman to change his view­ Wlncbeoler «Ingle abot rifle. Jn«t off new For Rent— Rooms and tarnished suit»«. highway and flrat house on old. Or For Hole— Fir wood, 16-In. and 4-tl. Pbone 1910 Dodge Brother« touring car. Loop this form of entertainment for the point and endeavor, after paying his write J. E. Radford, Rt. 1. md 4688. A. LaChs pel le. my81 "M Pbone 3644, Mrs. H. J. Frederick. I n22tf debt to society by the jail sentence, to Has been overhauled and looks like a motoring public Is being left for pri­ rehabilitate himself in the Hood River new car. Price only $400.00 WiU For 8«le—Alfalfa bay. Clifford Wells, pbone For Hale—Fine team of hors*, about 1800 lbs vate enterprise. I d the Pacific North­ community. He declared that such a make a very good family car. Beta- 4828. m20 each, good heavy berne*. flve Ions good hay. WANTED ».“2ft. Inquire Cecil Cutler, IQ ml. west of Van west, on the through, main highways, course would win the convicted man nett Brother«. __ __ aS M18CELXANEOU8 bay. And wlab to buy eeoond band bog wire. Wanted — A married man to work on a private parks are coming Into exist­ the support of all good citisena. Tel. Mil. ml8 For Bale—Barrett District, one acre, S-room ranch. Pbone Odell 88 m6 Thar grand jury's report of the case, LoM—A veteran K. kCjewel with name or J. ence, and the state highway depart­ house, furulshed. out buildings, never falling larger aeatlng capacity and a new For Bale-O. A.C. Barred Rook eg«» tor hatch­ well; modern chicken bouse accomodating Wanted — Two prnaer», about 2 montbe H. Gerd* engraved on back. Findet pfoaae ment, more and more, is making avail­ covering four typewritten pages, was and much larger ahow with many ing. call tt®, Ge- doe hotel. mt 200, electricity. Addreu K. L. Barstow. 410 Good laying »train. Pbone 2854. ni« work, a ao a man to make lawn. Call Park, as follows: N. E. 16th Bt.. Portland. Ore. Jyt7tf dale X, W. H. MoGulre. rott able more parking places, for the free For Exebange—Htoek and dairy raneb. We, the grand jury, of Hood River added features are promised at the For Bele— Firat eia* «trawberry plant« for all use of motorists. Who knows what county, state of Oregon, having found auto ahow to be held at the Hood »•le. Claud Moore, Jericho Lane. Wanted — Good grade Jersey or Guernsey Want borne pr<>po«IUon, Incorna. wbaLbaare xtf cow, giving 4 gallon» or more. Full particu­ you t Addre* c T m . C., care Glacier. FOR RENT the trend of the ^automobile park an indictment for contributing to the River Garage Thursday, Friday and For Bale- Ai/alta hay and olover bay. Wil­ lar« In Orel letter. R. £. Voateb, Cascade Saturday, March 13, 14 and 15. son Fike. Pbone 468». mS " Ixrcki. mH business will be in five years hence? delinquency of a minor, one Kenneth For Rent—A 4-room cottage. Tel. 2084. m3 ’ For Hale—One Clark Cutaway tractor diek, Wanted—I desire a good man to farm my We may have a white elephant on our Coovert, against the defendant, and one Mllbnrnc wagon «ear, two Kimball weed- For Rent—Dairy and Frail Ranch. 88« ecru, place on «haree. Have a good tenant bouse. having Investigated the clrcumatancvs FOR BALE era, two Acme weedera. Call A. W. Peter», 76acr* under plow, 12 acre» bearing orchard. Pbone 1288. hands In the new automobile park. Gasoline power wood eew equipped on ftatf surrounding the case very fully, hav­ pbone 46t(. mt Free waler, low rental. Edward Abellng, track. Will call Immediately In either city We may represent a minority of ing examined nine witnesses, including For tale-300 O. A.C. White Legborn bens Goldendale, Wmb. mX Wanted—WMbl ng or Ironing. Pbone 1464. or valley. --Quick. Good Work,” my motto. For Hale — A reel »nap If taken at once. m«tf IXtf W. T. King- Tai. 278«._________________ flhtf opinion In this matter of an auto park, tbe voluntary statement made by the Call pbone 58B4. Large »lx room bungalow. 724 State. You may For Kent—Furnlabed apTtmenla for rent or call al 1310 A street. defendant to us, and It being made Interacted In Poultry» Get 1 year»- Pacific cm thl« by applying at tbehouee. Write Mr». A Iso 4-room bouse Pbone 2001. f28tf For Bate—A t-year Jersey oow, eligible to but we believe that our expression« Wanted—Man to work on ranch by raoutb; Poultryman for price oil year, limited time known to us that the defendant in­ registration. Will bo treob Marob ■ wltb (nd Bueeu Kaeeeer, 2821-71H st. 8. K.. Portland, mt alao2 men to prnne 50 acres Pbone H. K. Dav. .only. one dollar today for latest aril, are fairly representative of a heavy tends to plead guilty to the indictmwit calf. Tel. MT Parkdale. For Rent—Furnished apartment. 1223 Cao- enport, Odell 1(1. mil ffllf ciaa by Bend leading west coast author It lea, llloe- For Hals— A Inch Mitchell wagon, with cade Ava Pbone N43. f28tf body of taxpayers. We are going to tn open court, we deem it but fair For BsUe—~t good teams about MOO each- •print«, for (7K. W. Y. Klng,.tel, V7M. 1802 Wantted—Married mtn to work on raneb. Irated. Road one copy, yoa'li look forward to ra It every aeontb. Address. Tbe Paolflo Poultry- For Rent—2 furnished room« with bath and E. R. Moller, pbone 58(7. m6 sincerely oppose the purchase of the and right that we accompany aaid in­ sound, true to pul', wltb berne*; one wagon Tiayloett., city. man,MB Folsom Bldg ,BealUe, Waab. mt fornaoe beat. 501 Blate Street, aero* from wltb apple rack:one acme barrow; nne spring m6tf Wanted—Experienced dreumakar wante property. If the deal is finally con­ dictment with a atatement of farts for tooth and one 20 Inch diac. All good condC For Hale — Hatching ana from eitra an« library. parabred Rboda Island Rada, the kind that the information of the court, together work. Have your old suit made over Into an mMf summated, we, and we think we can wlt|i our recommendation, wt-ich we lion. Call Odell 22». layPwtt for IS. Avalon Farm, Hberman J. For Rent—Two furnished room» and a sleep­ up-to-date spring drees. Will work by day or % nitf ing po-cb: beat.Ilgbt and bath. Tel. 3783. m6lt piece. Pbone 2X3. m3 Foe Bale-»21 Franklin ear, wire wheel«, wood Freak. Phons 5408. speak as well for those who signed offer to the cthirt for such considera­ tlree. splendid oondltloo. 1*4 lloenoe. Ca«b For Bade-A tractor, diac and »prayer. Tel. For Rent—House at Odell. 5 room», hot and Wanted - Two girl», ages 13 and 14 veare, the remonstrance of Monday night, tion as be may deem it entitled to be price ("00 Inquire of First National Bank, M«8. C. King Benton. ni6 cold water, bath and garage. Call Parkdale want to work for board and go to school. lood River, Oro. mU will Join with our shoulders to the given. X. Ja24tf Pbone 3552. MOOD RIVER, CBE tato*. C. E. Miller, pbone 5448. m6 summoned before us and heard the ol Glacier. _________ ___ »iiiy I the county court. We have declined testimony of Superintendent Cannon; For Bale- 150,000 Clark Bead ing strawberry For Hals—Early maturlnt, heavy laying, O. I to publish the communication In view C. 8. Jones, superintendent of l>uHri- plants. H. H. Fawbusb, tel. Odell Tl. m6tf (UNDER MT. HOOD ANNEX) A. C. Htraln of Barred Rock«. Selected hen». I of the fact that, as we understand it. luge: Roscoe Anderson, a senior, and heavy layer», mated wltb Cockerel No. 847-K. I For Bale-Hatching egg» from good laying Record or Dam (48 kgta. Pedigree «bow» up I all of these matters are being inves­ president of the student body ; together Barred Rock, O. A. C. strain. Price 75c per to 80S Egt« on Dam’» aide and X3onBire’a| in27 aide. Em lKc each. Mre. Anna Edgington. tigated by the grand jury, at the In­ with J. W. Crites, who served la«l down. Pbone 8781. year aa principal of the high achool. Ktb andllay Streets. f2ltf I For Bale- Economy Chief Heparstor, good stance of Mr. Maaon and Mr. Hawkes. and we find from their testimony that ondltlon. B. L. Murpby, Pbone MOB. ml3 For Hale — Belted Hampshire boar, one year Our space is too limited to make use tbe defendant, Mr. Goodman, has here­ old. Phone R. Davie, 5642. infl For Bale—Hardie sprayer, orchard wagon, of Mr. Mason’B prolific writings and tofore and up to Friday of last week, spring tooth and diac. B. D. Klint or, Metho­ For Bailo—1 Bean Triplex Hpray Outflt oom- good reputation an an dist Caos. m«ll our replies thereto. We find that It Is borne a very the ilete, good mechanical condition; 1 Oliveri school and among Instructor in 0-ln. bottom tractor plow, nearly new; 1 new always necessary to explain and cor­ bls associates generally and we alao For Hale—Loose clover bay. Tel. X7 Park, dio gal. storage tank. 4739. Wm.W. Foca, m« _ mi3 rect his statements. When he begins found from the testimony that the date defendant*! Influence among the boys charging tho«e he oppose«. It is his Matches, Good Brafid, Noiseless Tip, Good Size Boxes, 6 for 25c Inevitable rule to lie so lioliscrimlnate working in his department, that of manual training, was for good and of For Sale-Work bor*. nr will trade for oow For Bale— Full blooded Rhode Island cock­ as to make assertions that can never a high order; that he delivered talk« or dragaaw. Tel. Odell 844. Dane Kemp, mil erels Pbone 4712. ftt Pure Bulk Lard Bulk Shortening Dried Peaches, Extra Fancy be substantiated. or short lectures to them frequently For Bate—4 bead of well broke, blocky hors­ For Bale — Baby ebteke. Wblto leghorn«, 3 lbs. 50c 3 lbs. 50c 15c pound We announce now that we wiU pub­ In the claw romn. urging upon them es. J net tbe animals tor orchard work Hee Rhode (aland Rod« and Barred Rocks. Mrs. at Faablon Htable H. H. Tobey, 420 Cal­ Geo. Chamberlin, Pbone 8x1, Odell. m« lish whatever report the grand jury tlie necessity or becoming good citi- them houn et.. Tbe Dalle« m« «<-n«. and impressed upon them the Wesson Oil, pts. 28c; qts. 53c may wish to make in this matter. If lnii«>rtance of the virtues of honesty For Bate March 10—Real bred to lay Rhode For Haie— Beau Triplex Hprayer. SOOgallon White Star Tuna Fisi, White Meat tank, t b n„ 8-cyllnder Cuahinan enclae. Two laland Red eblek» wltb four generation« of MLft. lentth» of bone, new iMt aeaaon; t Har­ the grand jury sees fit to make no re­ and integrity. Kgals. $1.03; gals. $1.98 K’s, 2 for 35c; K’s, 2 for 59c year ronnd trap nesting back of them. Price apraygun». Price gWO complète. C. K. port. we. too decline to burden the We also had before us Mrs. Dora -Soeacb. Ralph R. Lewie, pbone Odell X ml die Houseel, R. D. (. Hood River. m< public with Mr. Mason's grievances B. Coovert. the mother of Kenneth, For Bale—(lota #1 WO. near present auto park. Creme Oil Soap Royal White Soap Citrus Washing Powder —Good cooking spplee. Two boxea and she seemed to lie of the opinion 1400 takes them. Apply at Auto Park Her vice fbr ForReto or supposed grievances. 7ft osata, delivered in Hood River. Pbone 4 bars 25c 6 bars 23c large package 22%c that the defendant’« influence over Station. ml8 M«i. ____________________________ ra» We will say, however, that we be­ her son. on the whole, was for the For Bate—Rboda laland Red eggs for hateb. For Sale-Urn Chevrolet touring ear In good lieve, in view of the charges that have better, notwithstanding the fact« and shape. Prunes, Extra 1 e size Addreu Box 48, Moeler. mSO Ins; tbaklnd that I» bred to lay. AlaoHpita- White or Black Figs - Macaroni, Fresh Curve Cut «nbu-g, Ortley and Newtown appi*. W. T. 1>ecn made and bruited alaiut, that the circumstance« of the crime mentioned, 4 pounds : For Hale — Foor regialnred Jersey oow« from Cooee,tel. MtM. marT7 2 pounds 25c 4 pounds 25c Jury should take cognizance of them and that «he would tie perfectly will­ two to five year* old. all bred In a good flow ing to entrust her son to hi« care from lloroee For Hale—40 head, weight fjom liOO to of milk The oow. ere of Heneatlonal Fern. and, following a thorough inveatlga- Hinds I .ad .nd Golden Glow breeding. A I too lb«.. 4 to» yr», old, all broke: some well- Codfish, Fancy Tablets Booth Sardines, 15c Salmon, Lass Kin, Fancy Red now on. »Ire4 year* old, etrong of Golden Glow matched blocky orchard team«. Thia «tuff la tlon, render a compreheualve report We fnrther found that the defendant herd breeding. A bargain by taking the bunch. priced right toaell. O. D. Martin, 8nn«et Ga­ 1 lb. bricks 22%3 for 43c Sockeye, K’s 20c; 2 for 39c in fairness to all concerned. Is an ex-service man, that he served Dwight Heller«, RL 2. B ink«, Ore. ni77 rage, Ird and Jefferson 8ta ., The Dall*. Ore. Phono Main 2»2». 1» iti the U. 8. Navy, and for aeven For Bale - 40 acre ranoh and ranch equip­ months of ills service was in what In ment; Toilet Paper, 1000 Sheet Tissue, 3 rolls 23c; 7 ounce Crepe, 4 rolls 22c For Hale—Tbe leading variatine of apple«, eaat »Ide; 1 mile north Odell nation; termed “warring waters.” and that e discriminating pur­ mother-in-law. whom he ha« to sup­ For Bale — Barred Rock baby ebloka and I« Ineb Fir..................................................... SISK hatchine eex», Jaonbaon »train, bred to lay. I« Ineb Pole Oak ......................................... ttltt chasers of refrigerated apace for their port, by reason of their age and in­ Tel. RAT ■. HAR^fcfc. Phone 5(0» Odell 10R Mrs Elisabeth Bears. f28tf export fruits. Mr. Clark, who gave a digent circumstances. That he further brief history of the development of contributed to the support of Ills wid­ Fbr Hale—Team of beyrwlth barn«*. Hora­ true, gentle, connd «nd not old. Weight the apple business from Portland, de­ owed mother and small sister, who ce i)pie, No. 2 Crushed Broken Slices, Very Rich Mission Crushed, No. l’s about 1800 each, Troy Hhelley, telephone Odell clared that the first refrigerator ships reside In the city of Portland, and that tn. rjztf •by s, each 22%c large No. 2K cans 25c 2 for 2^c : made available were nothing more ills salary of $1,500 a year, paid him For Hate— 8-ptece parlor eet, «ettee and two For Hale—Good oata bay. Troy Hhellev, than meat packets, with chambers re­ by the school laiard, which was prac­ odeii an -mtr chairs, mteelon oak and renalne leather. ttA Lily of the Valley or Del Monte Country Gentlemen Com frigerated with side and (-piling grids. tically ills entire earnings, was not Vacuum oarpet »weeper. (4 Nearly new lawn mower, regular d«, for IK. Call on 0. Jacoh- For Hale — Apple, peach, pear and cberry In such refrigerated holds, he de­ sufficient or adequate for the demands 2 cans 35c; 6 cans $1.03 treee. We have a foil line or general nnreery ■on. Route 8. f 28 clared. it is necessary to seal the space on him. and in consequence thereof he •Inch. Phone Parkdale M or write 0. T. Raw- In order to maintain the low tempera­ wss in straightened circunistam-ea. all eon. Parkdale. Hay For Hate-Good first crop al fa Ite. V. K. CXtf Coppie, pbone 47*. Jal?« Solid Pack Tomatoes, Gold Leaf Brand, No. 2%, 2 fer 25c tures. Fruit needs ventilation, and of which, we lielleve. preyed on his For Raia—Or will trade for beef cow. a good when air space la supplied, It brings mind and caused him to fall In a weak milch For Rale—Wheat hay and timothy hay. C T. cow. Hbe teela 5.4, gives 4 eallon» when Sunlit Brand, No. 2% 15c; bythedoz. $1.50 about severe changes in the refriger­ and unguarded moment. j 101» fr*h Now «Ivlng two gallon». Ralph Clark. Roberta, phone tats. Rt. 4, near Rockford »tore. m« ated «pace. We And from the evidence and we Portante—Fir and pine in In. and 4 It. wood, Peas, Hatu Brand, No. 2 tins 12%c Preferred Stock Peaches, large cans Mr. Clark said that more up to date believe that the theft or thefts per­ For Hale—A needle valve oil burner hrooeer delivered anvwhere In tbevaltey. E. Beanre­ Inch hover In good condition. Coat 180 will gard. Tel. Odell (OS. n-JMf shipping lines are now furnishing re­ petrated were not for material gain, W by the dozen SI.45« •ell lor (15 if liken at once. K. H. Samuel, tel. 29c each frigerated holds into which precooled as 'none of the articles purloined were MOT. For Rale- f room hon«e with large basement fWtf toilet end hath. 4 lot« and earace. com« fruit air in driven with fans. Thia elimi­ offered for sale by the defendant or Del Monte Apricots, Heavy Syrup For Hale-About nine aoree, within Are trece, abode trcea and «hrnbberv. ltW Taylor A & L Apricots, Medium Syrup nates ds mage and should, he believes, the minor Involved, mid the articles mlout* walk of the center of town of Win­ street, ou the Beichte. Hood River. Adder* tend to lower ocean freight rates, be­ have all been returned to'the police lock. Wa«h.. well adapted to chicken ralatng, fbretmC. Maalker. Maryhill. Waab. large cans, 2 for 47c n«tf large cans, 2 for 37c cause the chance for damage suits, officers except a set of tires which the rood bon* and barn, electric lights and city For Bate—A a pewenrer nulck « eytVnder car, Will take »49«) ca h or trade In on against which the owners of vessels defendant attached to his car which Water Hood R ver property. Addre* J. P Tbomaen. Mod«! K4A. with «potllght. power tire pomp with the older forms of refrigeration was later turned laiek to the company Tel. Odell ■«. tftt t sod other ostras. (4M. ÄI. Itti, Paul Meg ar­ cher, detf had to insure themselves, is elimi­ from which he purchased it for non­ For Hate— WMhlngton Mperagu* Plant». nated. Mr. Clark also declared that payment of the purchase price. Largeet and beet Mparagua grown. W. R. Gib- the preeixded sill pa carried a smaller rwtf We, as the grand jury, do not offer son A son. Rt, X TWENTY DAY JAIL SENTENCE ASSESSED New Ginghams New Coats, Suits and Dresses 20th CENTURYGROCERY 104 O AK STREET SPECIALS AT ALL 20TH CENTURY STORES SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY h SHIPPING MEN DE­ LIVER TALKS HERE Fresh Fruit and Vegetables CANNED GOODS i