The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 06, 1924, Image 10

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sjTIAME is the by-product of work well
done. The sturdy leadership that
9K our clothing has earned In world
sales is based upon the solid founda-
h tlon of quality— Quality always! The
^3 clothing we have built for m^n must
withstand the severest test of out­
standing elegance and long-mileage endur­
ance, or that leadership cannot be maintained.
vens for
Such is the responslblblty of fame.
applies to
Ed V. Price Made-to-measure and
Michaels Stem Clothing
-Surely within the reach of all men
Mrs. IT. Osborne tock her little
Sunday school will be at 2 p. m.
Hunday and preaching at 8 o’clock.
Everyone welcome.
ford Porter plays recently purchased
from Howard Shoemaker.
Fred Thompson Is convalescing in
the Cottage hospital from an opera­
tion for appendicitis.
A little son, Thomas William, was
imrn to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Fletcher
in Portland last Saturday.
Mrs. A. J. Grow is visiting her sis­
ter in Portland this week.
Rev. Kqljr, of The Dalles, will oc­
cupy the pulpit next Bunday.
Mrs. Viator Thomsen baa returned'
from a visit with her parents nt The
The W. C. T>U. will meet with Mrs.
H. M. VannJer this afternoon.
Miss Effie Wagner entertained Mias
Chambers, of Portland, over the week
As a fitting memorial to the memory
of Robert Louis Stevenson, who gave
to tbe world so many delightful sto­
ries, his old home “Vailima” in west­
ern -Kamos is to be converted into a
listening station so tbit many may en­
joy and receive the benefits of tbe
programs broadcasted from KGO, the
new station of the General Electric
Company, according to letters received
by J. A. Cranston. Pacific coast man­
ager of the company, from bis excel­
lency, Major General George 8. Rich­
ardson, administrator of western Sa­
moa under a mandate from the League
of Nations to New Zealand, and Quin­
cy F. Roberts,* American consul at
Consul Roberts stated that he re­
cently invited General Richardson and
his family to listen in to KGO pro­
grams and that as a result “Vailima,”
the Robert Louis Stevenson home, is to
l>e equipped with radio receiver. Gen­
eral Rtchardson 'expressed his belief
that in the very near future the na­
tives of the South Sea Islands would
lie able to listen in and that tbe back­
ward conditions under which they now
live wonld be very much benefltted by
their being brought into radio contact
with civilization.
“This evening I with my wife and
family have been most pleasantly en­
tertained by your company, and we
feel very grateful to you and the ex­
cellent performers who so kindly gave
tlieir services to transmit their talent
through the medium of your wireless
installation to us, and to' thousands of
others who are isolated from the out-1
side world by their residence In the
tropic-al islands of the Pacific. <
“Quincy Roberta, tbe America^ con­
sul of this Territory, invited us to
spend the evening with him in order
that we might experience the pleasure
his wireless set gives him, and to many
others whom he entertains. I did not
previously realize that your concerts
could be so plainly and distinctly
heard, at this distance of nearly 5,000
miles, but after this evening I visual­
ise the not very distant future in
these islands when there will be many
listening sets, owned by native« who
will experience the great pleasure of
living in contact with the civilized
world, and enjoy hearing good music,
singing and other things which they
would not otherwise have the chance
of hearing In their remote and back­
ward civilized conditions under which I
they live.”
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shelley and son,
of Eugene, spent the week end as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Walter
and Rev. and Mrs. Troy Hhelley.
J. 11. Eggert has returned from Cal­
ifornia, where he has iqtent the win­
ter months visiting friends and rela­
tives. lie will continue to Bend where
be will be employed through the sum­
mer months.
M. D. Odell, G. E. Bowerman, O., L.
Mrs. Hoopes, Mr. and Mrs. G. E.
Walter and W. C. Ehrck went tn
Htouffer. Mrs. Church, Mrs. ParHier,
Portland last week as representatives
Mrs. E. H. Green. Mrs Maybel Van
of the Odell district to interview ths
Wicklen, C. F. Htouffer, Miss Bophia
State Highway Commission concern­
Dubath. Miss Thelma West. Mlns
ing the approach to the Ixs>p highway
Anna Wfrriek. Harry Wlrrick, Mr.
near Lens station.
Lowry. Donnabelle Roberts, Helen
and Wayne Cunliff, Ivan and Ken­
Miss Aino Annala is visiting in
neth Woods. Evelyn Htouffer, Ralph
West and, Walker West------------
M f . and Mrs. Frank Bpcnecr have
moved into the bouse owned by Joe
Hood River recovering from an oper­
Mrs. L. A. E. Clark, who has spent ation for appendicitis.
Monroe has returned from
the past four months in Hants Bar-
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cady are moving
where he underwent an oper-
bara. Calif., visiting her daughter,
Mrs. B. IL Nickerson, returned home
Ganoe ranch. Mr. Cady will operate
last Monday.
this ranch In connection with his own
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Chandler
this year.
moved into the house formerly
pied by Will Whiting.
A. N. Dsvh, W. J. Holman and Roy
Holman were business visitors In
The Brooks and Horn families re­
Dnfur last Saturday.
turned from California Bunday even­
There will be three basketball ing. They report a very enjoyable
games played at the grammar school trip but declare Oregon la good
gym Friday (tomorrow) evening, enough for them.
when Parkdale will play the return
The Pine Grove second team played
game« against tlie three teams of the Oak Grove's second team and were de­
Methodist chnrch as follows: - High feated 18 to 4.
school girls’ class, grade boyg and the
The teachers of the Oak Grove I' Mrs. Doggett returned from her
men of tbe church..
school gave a dinner to the directors visit with Miss Frances Doggett at
Sunday' school night will be held of the school Tuesday evening.
I Pendleton Tuesday.
Thursday night, March 18. The gen­
Mrs. Rowling returned to Portland
Miss Marian Wyatt, who la a mem­
eral theme will be "Relation of the last week after a visit here for a few ber of the glee clnb ot Willamette
Church and Sunday School.” A sup­ days.
I Vniverslty. visited at the home of Mrs.
per will bs servod In the church din­
I Maude Jordan and daughters. Vera
ing room st 6 o'clock.
and Viola, at Heattie, while the glee
Winlock Monday evening.
Next Sunday announcements for the
The Oak Grove school is planning club was in that city.
M. E. church are as follows: Bunday
Tom Hopper attended the meeting
school at 10 a. m. There will be a on having a more successful year in of the grange in the Lower Valley
missionary opening program in charge club work this year.
The sixth, seventh and eighth grade one day last week.
The Chamber of Commerce Safety
of Mrs. W. W. Gilkerson. There were
Friends and neighbors to the num­ I concrete highway bridge over Hood Firat committee Monday night pre­
1M5 present at Sunday school last Sun­ boys and girls are selling "The Coun­
day. Preaching services at 11 o’clock try Gentleman” to pay for athletic ber of 50 gathered at the Devin hall river. The 100-foot 'gap, a new earth sented to the city school itoard the fol­
by Rev. W. 8. Gleiaer. Special music goods. Anybody wanting to subscribe Saturday evening for a farewell party I fill that has just repiait-d wooden lowing recommendations :
has been arranged. Epworth League may call Bruno Hnkari. phone 5713. I for Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rush, who I treatlework, will be allowed to settle
Following the two recent deaths by
Raino Kotila had hia hand serious-1 are moving to their new home at a year liefore paving is undertaken.
st 7.15, The topic Is "The Epworth
drowning in tbe slough of tbe Colum­
The city expressed a desire to pnve bia river, tbe Chamber of. Commerce
league in World Service.” Mrs. J. ly injured while playing with some Trout Creek. The ladies gave Mrs.
E. Ferguson is to be leader. Preach­ dynamite caps which be found in the Rush a handkerchief shower. The I a stretch of Oak street at the west called a meeting of representative« of
evening was spent In playing pro­ <ilge of the city, but it was declared various organisations in Hood River
ing at 8 o’clock by Rev. Gleiaer.
irrigating ditch.
gressive pinochle and progressive five that only a portion of this might be to consider what might be done to
Mrs. J. E. Ferguson spent the week
The next meeting of
I»ainty refreshments were
end in Portland to be present at the Teacher Association will_ ________ nerved snd everyone reported a good I undertaken because of the fact that avoid such accidents In tbe future. At
banquet given Friday evening at the day, March 14, Instead of March 7 as time. Mr. and Mrs. Kingdon were up I some of the abutting property would that meeting a smaller committee was
I h - unable Th stand assessments against appointed to consider the matter fur­
Seward hotel by A. A. Morse, which was announced last week.
from Pine Grove for the occasion.
■ tlie
property. It was stated that the ther and make such recommendations
was attended by 35 guests of all de­
Bancroft bonding act will permit prop­ ns it might find necessary in the solu­
nominations as a representation of by the Park grange soon. The cast
erty to be asseMM-d for only 75 |>er tion qf the problem.
executives of the Council of Religious and date will be found elsewhere in
Education In Oregon. This is to this paper. If you heard It over radio Ix-gion at Hood River Monday even­ cent of Its assessed valuation. The
This committee, after careful con­
matter will be Investigated and dis­ sideration of tbe matter, desires to put
promote religious education.
Mr. Tjine and family have moved cussed at the next meeting of the city la-fore tbe school board ths following
Churchill was one of the principal looks like.___
here from Walla Walla and have fathers.
observations :
speakers. Arrangements were made
taken charge of the boarding house
City Engineer Clark reported to tbe
for the state Sunday school conven­
In the opinion of the committee, the
at the mill.
council that data had been obtained problem of the recreation of our boys
tion, which is to lie held in the Pres­
byterian church in Portland- April
and girls is one that involves the
ily to the tenant house on the place a sewer district for the Winans addi­ whole community, and which the com-:
21-28. Marion Lawrence, a speaker
of Mr. Magnuson.
of international note, is to be one of
tion, at the extreme edge of the city. tnunity as a whole should undertake to
the principal speakers at tbe conven
Mr. Clark's report recommending the solve.
Mr. Rwul is here from Newberg,
of a chlorination plant for
The problem cannot be permanently
Mrs. Henry Chevron Thursday of last working at the mill. Ills family will purchase
. I um' on waters of Hakel spring, which solved by the imposition of restric­
The Parent-Teacher
Fifteen members and five move here later.
Central Vale will meet
New Truck Service—Between Park- Ix-caine contaminated last summer, tions. but rather by a constructive pol­
guests were present. Tlie president.
Association Tuesday. March 11. Tlie Mrs. Hoffmann, was present, but hav­ dale and Ilood Iilver. Daily trips. was viewed favoroblv and the Are and icy with the aim of providing suitable
teachers will l>e In charge of the pro­ ing lost her voice in Portland, the Light and heavy hauling solicited. water committee was empowered to facilities for the play and recreation
gram. Mrs. Schweitzer is chairman meeting was caned to order by the Dave Armstrong, Phons 88 Parkdale ;| act in Its purchase. The system, two of our boys and girls.
Such a constructive policy should
of the program committee.
vice president, Mrs. Fred Ingalls. Phone 4251, Taft Transfer Co. Hood of which, of a similar nature, will be
purchased soon by. Redmond, will cost be undertaken by the community as a
Further plans were made for the sup­ River.
8x72.50, f. o. b. New Jersey.
whole as part ,<>f its program for the
per to be given March 14. Holders
Mr. Clark recommended the installa­ mental and ;>hysical development and
were made for the sale. An article
tion of a two-inch pipe line, which will tçalnlng of the boys and girla.
Was read by Mrs. Moss. Delicious
(By Leia Barrie)
connect the water mains on MonteUw- -xTo insure tbe continuous and pro­
Including birthday cake,
A contract with the West Coast refreshments.
a venue with tbe Coe spring reservoir. gressive development of such a policy,
were served. The next meeting will
Engraving Company has be« signed, be
This will enable tbe city to utilise an it should be undertaken not by a few
held nt the home of Mrs. Wilburt
and the editorial staff Is getting ma Gilkerson
overflow from the Wilson reservoir on individuals but by tbe community as I
March 18.
tcrial together for the publication of
The high school auditorium was the Heights, which has formerly been a whole Acting through its
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace drove to
the “Odellinn.”
ized and elected officials to whom is
packed last Friday night for the oper­ wasted in Indian creek.
A report was given last week by with Mrs. Wallace's parents at Mil­ etta. "What's the Matter With Hally,”
The finance committee's report, rec­ committed the training and education
each of the delegates on the various
* . . ‘
given by the freshman girls' glee club. ommending the lease of the old city of Its youth.
exhibits tliey observed while attend­ waukie.
In view of the above considerations, I
The accompaniment was furnished by hall to Schiudler Bros, for |20 per
William Gilkerson spent the week tlie high school orchestra. Special montif was adopted.
ing the O. A. ,C. educational «jxhiblt
the undersigned committee respectful-1
end in Hood River.
held at Corvallis.
The fire and water committee was ly submits the following suggestions: I
numbers were given by the boys' gl<-e
Mrs. Mary AUen attended the lie-1 club of the high school and a male empowered to fix the season's irriga­
That the qcbool board of Hood River I
As a result of the tryout held last
..Jysponsor a movement for
Friday. Cleo Gerrlsh and Gordon bekah convention at Dufur last week. quartet composed of II. O. Cooper. Al­ tion imnrs before the next meeting of Initiate and
don and supervision of or-1
the proving
Graff have lieen selected to represent Hhe was a delegate from the Odell | fred Neal. I»elbert Itand and J. H. the council.
Mr. Carlton, owner of the Auto Park ganixed i creation of the young people I
tbe school in the annual literary pro­ lodge.
Fletcher. Mrs. C. II. Henney directed
grocery, visited the council and asked of this <1 itrict.
gram to be held at Hood River high
Mr. McCoy and family, from
the appealing operetta.
j>erin lesion to move the Hood River
That a full-time recreational direc-1
school March 28. Mrs. Waldo Mills. Odell, have moved to the L. A.
The full program was as follows:
Miss Hwengle and Mr. Forcier acted erts place In Dukes Valley.
Soloists: Hally, a rich little girl. valley slgn.i which obstructs the view tor be ei iployed for the development I
as judges.________ ,
Mr. snd Mrs. Fa fl Lane, who have Delina Dutro, Hoprano; Miss Celia of ills pUce ef business, further back and supervision of such recreation.
Respectfully submitted,
iteen visiting Mr. iAne's
_ _ sister.
JBR. Mrs. Jeffries, a teacher at Ht. Thomas' Or-j In the park. The council Instructed
Lindley II. Miller, Chairman,
L. A . ~
Rolterts. for
the past month, phanage. Ann Wueat, soprano; Pru­ the street committee to collaborate
C. H. Vaughan,
have moved to Mt Hood for tlie sum- dence, Agnes. Betsy and Peter, or­ with him on having the sign moved.
Mrs. W. C. Keck, who has been 111 iner.
Fred H. Bell.
phans. Ihirothy Garrahrant. mezzo-
in the Cottage hospital for nine weeks,
C. H. Centner.
soprano; Agnes Einmel. soprano; Edna
returned to her home last Thursday. will be given under the Hospices of Foust, soprano, and Margaret Caulier,
Albert T. Case.
Hhe is still attended by Miss Jessie the Central Vale and Willow Flat mezzo-soprano.
Two members did not sign the above
Other characters: Mrs. Donnelly, , Thursday evening. March fl, KGO solely l>ecaime of their membership on
Mothers' Club Friday, March 14. at
Rlnnr Anne spent some time here the grange hall in Odell. Hupper will Helen- Boddy; Mrs. Blount, Fern Reed. will offer an nnusnal program of in­ and affiliation with the school board.
on business last week.
Scenes : A school room of 8t. Thom­ strumental and vocal numbers. The
I* served from 8.80 to 8.30. when the
Mrs. A. Iluhnke, who wns taken v»ry program will commence. Home made as’ Orphanage.
Towler string quartet, the California
Musical nnmls>rs— Act I: Instru­ mixed vocal quartet, the KGO male
ill last week, has gone to Portlnnd for candy will be sold ; also useful house­
hold article«. Everybody has a cor­ mental Introduction ; chorus with solos, quartet, baritone solos by Clarence
"We Kork Very Hard in School,” Mias «»liver, a soprano nolo by Fanny
Miss Alite Tomkins spent the week dial invitation.
Mr and Mrs. C. A. Heeger. who have Jeffries. Prudence and orphans; chur l Bailey Hcott, and a chorus of mixed
end at her home in Cascade Locks.
us with solo. “Welcome Sally.” or­
The program presented at tlie grant­ Ixvn spending the winter months in phans and Hally; solo and chorus. voices will be featured.
Bingham Livingston will deliver an
last Buturday evening by Mrs. V. Win­
address. "Where Has Leisure Gone!”
chell was decidedly novel A fashion home on Willow Flat.
ami orphans.
Saturday evening. March 8, the San
The Tri-L cinb met at the home
show was presented, several ladles of
Between Act I and Act II: Vocal Jone Helots’ Band of SO pieces will
Hie grange acting as mannikins. Gowns of Mrs. Henry Chevron Friday after­ selections, high school girls' glee club;
from 40 to 100 yesrq old were shown noon. They had a short program and male quartet. "In n Little Town Near play in tbe studio of KGO. , Etta Wil­
in contrast to the modern styles. Hev- each memlter brought a recipe for a By.” “Rose of My Heart.” "Hwlng son. soprano, and Eugene Cowles, bari­
gral lieautifnl afternoon and evening cake. The demonstration for the af­ Along.” "Kentucky Babe," R.- O. Coop­ tone .will sing. The Arion Trio will
dresses’were loaned by the J. C. Pen ternoon waa the making of salad er, Alfred Neal. Deli»ert Rand and J. also be heard.
ney Co. and their courtesy waa much dressing.
IL Fletcher; Mrs. C. H. Henney. ac-
appreciated. Two radio sets were in­
The Parent* Teacher Association compnnist.
stalled by Clare Bickford . and Rog.'t met at tbe school house Monday even­
Musical numls-ra:
Blackman and several concert nun. ing, about 20 being present. No pro­ of the Huds." girls of
hers were beard.
gram was given as the Central Vale solos and ensemble.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Whitcomb, of Association is to give the program at Town.” Prudence. Ag
Portland, were week end guests of Mr. the Odell Parent-Teacher meeting Peter; chorus. “Wha
in Odell next Tuesday evening.
and Mrs. F. H. Blackman.
With Hally,” company.
and Mrs. Harold Blackman have
1 to tMBrimr home on tbe Clif
H. U Hasbrovck, optometrist
98c to $2.98
Styled Especially for Girla
Little Misses will like these new Spring Coats for
school and dress-up occasions. A variety of styles in
both loose back ana belted models are shown in velours.
Polaires and other desirable materials. The new Spring
shades are featured in plain colors, stripes and plaids.
Sizes range from 2 to 6, 7 to 10, and 10 to 14.
$4.98 to $14.75
—The new Radiola III, a nice little two-tube
receiver, only $35.00 with tubes and phones. %
down terms. Why be without one ?
—Beautiful Radiola V, a good three-tube re­
ceiver, $65.00 with phones and tubes. Terms.
We are sales representatives for the Radio
Corporation of America.
Phone 1234
irous, always ruatlingiand «ood
lbs. The cockerels are direct
of Corvallis. Three of them
275. Come and see their ped.
Phone 5407.