HOOP RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBROaRY- 28^1924 I 1 11111 I I I I K | | | |f | ! |j Miss Ida-Karl, of Portland, arrived automobiles from 59th street to Mult­ number of places, eo hot that the snow BB1KF LOCAL MENTION , last Friday evening for a visit with nomah falls* was melted all about it. They left the ►*<1111114 1 1111 10 1 1 11 111,': > the family of 8. A. Anderton. The Solohe Camp Fire Girls met at rock at • p. bl , climbing through hip­ ma Flag the last 100 E. L. Hall was up from Portland tho Riverside church recently where deep feet to snow the Bad top tSsiS?.. H. L. Hasbrouck. optometrist. a rock chute over the week end looking after hia they wore served with a delightful Gennine Ford parts at Frans Co.’a. tf [ West Bide orchard place. cupper. It was cooked by three of that waa encrusted. with ice. 'Bile Mayor Robert B; PerIgo and Mrs. YY. H. McClain waa a business vis­ Mrs. Cora B. Smith was up from the Camp Fire girls and their guard­ was at M0 p. m.. when the sun went down and the wind came up, after Perigo returned Tuesday from a seven itor in Portland the first of the week. Portland over the week end visiting ian, Mias Knoll. hours of climbing. weeks' rail and water tour. They Miss Dorothea Frans celebrated her 11% Whalen waa a visitor in friends. They found the rangers’ cabin COBt- Portland last week. A. G. Lewis was recently in 8|s>kaue eighth birthday anniversary Btturdsy ed with ice and buried to the eaveo in left San Francisco in early January the steamer Finlaud, bound i. Dr." ,Bla<* wo * business vis­ on business for the Apple Growers afternoon, when 12 girl frier ds joined snow—a,full eight feet about it. The aboard for New York City by way of the her. at the home of her parents, Mr. Association. itor in Portland last week. wind had broken in the north and Panama canal. The vessel stopped T. Sato, Upper Valley Japaneae or- and Mrs. . Earl Franz,1 j for ¿a pleasant west windows and the upper part of only in the canal zone and at Havana. 8. G. Babeon was a business visitor chardist. was a business visitor in the party. the cabin was full of snow. They in the city from. Parkdale last wet^. “We were just 21 days on our trip <£>eo. T. Prather, who spent the win­ spent two hours digging through the from Portland to New York City," Alex B. Brooke, who spent the win­ city last Saturday. ter ju southern California, has re ­ drift before they effected an entrant*. Dancing from 9 to 12 jevery Saturday said Mr. Perigo, and we had delight­ ter at Tacoma, has returned borne. turned home. Mr. Prather says that in, they were comfortable, being ful weather every moment. We fully If CAtneron had not understood his night a$ Oriental cafe bf American Le­ southern California is suffering from Once well provided with emergency rations expected to strike squally weather on business I would have told you so. f28tf gion, 10c* dance or $Uo> the evening. the worst drougth experienced in 75 and with warm Bleeping equipment. the Atlantic as we journeyed north, mfi years. Geo. R. Wilbur was a business vis­ They spent a comfortable night in the but a calm prevailed on the entire For Sale—7-paasenger, 6-cylinder Stu­ itor In Portland the first of the week. debaker in good condition, new battery. An important business meeting of cabin. _______________ journey. It was hot enough to be Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bell were Port­ Reason, too large for family of 3/ Phone the Asbury Methodist ladles will be uncomfortable down in the canal sone. held at the church parlors tomorrow, land visitors the first of the week. 3821. f 28tf Indeed, it was difficult for os to be­ Friday, afternoon, when the annual lieve, while there, that winter weather W. L. Mason was here from the Up­ Searches of records and reliable ab­ dinner for the Apple Growers Asso­ could be prevailing anywhere else on per Valley the first of the week. stract* made by Oregon Abstract Com- ciation will be held. A large attend­ the globe.” M. O. Boe and eon were down from P«nJ, A. W. Onthank, Manager, 806 ance is desired. Mayor and Mrs. Perigo viaited Oak 8treet. Phone 1521. jy20-tf their Upper Valley home Saturday. H. 8. Braakman does painting, paper Washington, D. C., and thence trav­ We pay cash for your old furniture or hanging Circuit court wtU be convened Mon­ eled to Mr. Perlgo’a old home at Hood River Box Co., box manufac­ and decorating. Have your turing, Hood River. Oregon. Phone make- a liberal allowance on new goods. house enameled inside and outside with day by Judge Wilson and a grand jury Booneville, Ind., to call on relatives. Cali Hackett 841), Kelly Bro*. Co. Fur­ a guarantee for six years. Tel. 2404. will be drawn. Officials anticipate a HU- m4tf They visited a week at Tulsa, Okla., niture Exchange. ml7tf Braakman’s Hardware, Paint and Wall light docket. The grand jury will be with relatliA-s before returning to . ®arci *re made to measure. asked to investigate the alleged van ­ We have several tractor plows on paper, Smith Building, a6tf Mrs. C. S. Jones, Coraetiere, 810 Park Hood, River. hand at a real buy. These are plows Ave. Phone 2294. o4tf “W< 7e had Washington Winesaps and Mr. and Mrs. H. Gross were called dalism of the Pacific Telephone Co., we handler! during our Cletrac agency. crews of which are declared to have Hood River Newtowns atxiard the Parties desiring the use of Park to Portland Tuesday by the illness of Hood River Garage. f28 denuded portions of the rights of way boat,” said __ „ __ ______________ Grange hall, communicate with H. E. Mr. _____ PerIgo. "Wo saw their daughter, who had been there If you do not receive yonr Oregonian for the past five months receiving sur­ of the Columbia River highway west apples for sale on thousands of fruit Wylie, custodian, tel. 6771,Rt. 4. ml3 regularly or wish to subscribe for same, gical care. Another operation was of the city. The.jury list drawn for stands. Although some of tlnjn were Mrs. E. L. 8l>ee was in Portland either the March term includes: by carrier or mail, please call necessary yesterday. very small, we never saw any cheaper last week to see "Blossom Time.” George Bowerman, C. K. Benton, T. Oregonian «gent. Phone 2303. f 21 tf Mrs. K. W. Jameson, dean of women W. Berry, A. L. Boe, L. S. Boyed, H. than seven cents apiece. They were Radiola V, long distance Radio Re- J. W. I’erlgo, who has been on the _ at _____ higher than oranges. It seemed to u* O. A. _____________to C„ Will speak the mothers ture hour have b^en, “Our Foreign federal jury for the past several tonight, at the high school at* 7.30. 8. Braakman, E. R. Bradley, K. C. to be too high for apples.” Bucklin, Carl Buelow, A. Canfield, If Cameron coulifnot have fixed your weeks, expects the task to end this She will Bia*ak on some topic concern­ Geo. N. Creswell, C. C. Cuddeford, R. electric system I would have told you week. ing the problems of high school-*-girls. B. Cunliff, J. B. Doggett. Geo. Erury, *>• f28tf Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ix>wis, accom- ___ All mothers interested are welcome to Earl Frans, Edgar Franz, W. H. Geo. W. Blodgett was down from panl<‘miaaion was requested to J. H. Eggert, who lias been spending for six years in Des Moines, la. ______ _____ _____ The Social Club of the A. O. U. W. February 15. She was ably assisted make the survey.” the winter in , California, arrived home yesterday. 1 His son, Fred, who wa^ lodge gave a surprise party Wednes- In receiving by Mrs. H. G. Hyland. Tlie survey bill has groused an ele­ with him In the south, is expected day night of last week at the home The tea was a philanthropic as well ment of the Pomona grange, who have of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Merrill. The as a social function, and waa given soon. threatened to institute a recall against The Woman's Union of Riverside occasion was enjoyed by a host of under the auspices of the missionary County Judge Hasbrouck if the county friends of the West Side orchard branch of the Woman's Union of Riv ­ court allows it. church will hold its regular meeting ------- f----------------- Friday afternoon, February 29, at couple. Mrs. Freis gave several selec­ erside church. It was a beneflt given tions on the piano, and games were in ­ for a Chinese boy in China whom the XSDFo’clock. The pastor will give a Holman A Davis Buy Store short talk after the business meeting. dulged in. Mys. Freet was winner of church is at preseht’ educating. W. J. Holman and Aubrey Davis, the potato race. Refreshments were Refreshments consisting of tea, cof­ Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bone returned fee, sandwiches and cake were served both members of pioneer families, to 30. Visit our store and take last week from Marshfield, where they ssrved Paul Casey will leave today for San from a pretty and artistic table dec­ have purchased from L. A. Chapman had l»een spending several weeks dur­ advantage of the Big Saving ing the cold season. Bernardino, Calif., for a rare opera­ orated with white carnations and the latter’s general merchandise store tion aneurism, a peculiar enlarge­ ferns. Mrs. 8. E. Bartmess and. Mrs. at Odell. Mr. Holman, memliera of we will offer during The American Legion dance series ment for of an artery. For the past year Isaac Jeffries poured. Sixty ladies whose family have l>een in business bld fair to liecome very popular. The numerous physicians in Portland have were present to enjoy the entertaining In Hood River for the* |>ast 25 years, initial hop nt the Oriental cafe last l*een treating him, Mr. Casey said. program. Mrs. Roddy was fortunate will be manager of the business. Saturday night drew a far larger The disease, however, is a rare one, in securing for the afternoon Mrs. H. crowd than was anticipated. and it was feared that he might lose G. Cooper, who gave a reading. “The Year Ball Tomorrow Night Buy any assortment of a A. C. Lofts. Jr., has returned from his right leg. A physician at Ban Ber­ Two Portraits;” Mrs. G. G. Metcalf, A Ixap leap year ball will be given to­ who sang two soloa. "The Slave Bong. ” Portland hospital, where he under­ nardino, he said, had specialised in dozen or more of Fruit and a went an operation, necessitated from treatments of arterial enlargements and “A Chinese Prayer Song.” She morrow, Friday, evening at the new Vegetables and we’ll guar­ injuries when he was aboard a sub­ and he hopes to secure relief by the was asslated by Miss Sarah Howes at Mt. Hood community hall of J. C. the piano. Nineteen dollars waa Devin A Son. It is anticipated that marine chaser, hunting out Hun under­ operation. ____ ____________ antee you an average saving sea raised and the tea rated a great suc- the .social event will attract attend­ boats. ance from all mld-Columbla points. of 16%. cess by all present. Gennine Ford parts at Frani Co.’s. Merrymakers were present at the new Mr. and Mrs. N. H. MacMillan aad Come in and let’s talk it daughter recreational center for n Valentine Motorbike Goes Into Phelps Creek party from all neighborhoods. The motored to Portland Sunday over. for a visit with relative, and friends, City Night Marsliiil Sloat, who will dances at the Mt. Hood place are be­ Mrs. MacMillan remained there for a become a comity traffic officer March coming more popular each week. time. Mr. Devin and his son, Keltslo, have F. C. tlelmer, director of the south­ 1, while trying out his new motor­ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Summers, who ern Oregon experiment station at Tal­ cycle Sunday with City Traffic Officer responded to a popular appeal and will for some time have resided at ent, will visit the Hood River valley Morrison occupying the side car, o give Saturday evening dances reg­ Doughty. Wash., where Mr. Summers tomorrow to advise with growers on served a large passenger car spec ularly. Good Things to Eat was employed by a logging company, various horticultural problems and to westward by the city auto park. The have returned here to make their re<<>ininend as to plantings of pear men Immediately gave chase. The Divorce to Sought home on their West Side ranch place. trees. Mr. Reimer, who secured much ear was making a speed estimated at Mrs. Alma Ford has filed a suit in Mrs. II. J. Frederick, accompanied of his stocks in remote parts of China, 45 miles an hour, and the motorbike circuit court, seeking n divorce from Phone 8561 by Mrs. W. L. Clark and Miss Ella has developed a world famed nursery wae soon picking up a similar speed. Ernest V. Ford. The complaint al­ Crum met t, motored to Portland over at Talent. He has spent years in test­ Just as the car reached the Columbia leged cruel and inhuman treatment. the week end. On their return Mun- ing out different varieties of pears, Gorge hotel. Mrs. R. V. Foreman drove d<*claring that Mr. Ford on one occa­ day afternoon they counted 2, KM) in order to secure a stock that will out. In order to avoid striking her sion spent <>ver a day away from resist blight. the motorcycle was driven over an home, although, according to the al­ A motor caravan of growers will embankment into Phelps creek. The legations^ be had told his wife he accompany Mr. Reimer tomorrow to car turned over three times, but the would be away for only an hour or . all parts of the valley. men only sustained slight bruises and two. Mrs. Ford seeks to recover $150, Tomorrow evening at the library a good drenching. They lost the which she alleged her husband had hall. Mr. Reimer will give a talk on speeding automobile, which had kept txirrowed from her. pear culture which should be of inter­ far enough ahead to prevent the tak- est to many fruit growers of this dis­ ing of the license number. Desirous io Please trict. Friday morning the excursion The motorcycle’s damage was neg- Requests have come to us from will leave the office of the Experiment ligible. The men pulled It from the many of our jmtrons for Saturday Station at 9.50 a. m. All growers in­ stream and rode ft back to town. terested are invited to thia excursion. Officer Morrison just previous to the night dances; therefore we will en­ The Upper Valley will be visited in accident, arrested W. H. Terry, The deavor to please by holding same. the aften. -on. Growers interested Dalles business man, who was charged Wo hope to make the Saturday night can meet at Mclsaac's store at Park- with driving while Intoxicated. Ha dances as pleasant as those previously dale at 1.30 p. m. At 3.30 growers on posted ball of $100. held Friday nights. Dee Flat can join the party at the Thus remember Saturday night, west corner where the pear orchards March 8, as our first Saturday night Prof. Henderson Offen Awards J. C. Devin & Son. of that district will be loqjced over. dance. Trof. L. F. Henderson has offered a prize of $5 for the school boy or Moroni Olson Playera Again Soon girl of Hood River valley who sup­ The Moroni' Olson players will be plies him with the collection of the Libbey Solid Pack Tomatoes .doz. $1.90; case $3.80 largest number of specimens not al­ in Hood River again for their last pre­ Gold Bar Peas........................doz. 2.00; case 3.95 ready Hated in an herbarium he is sentation Tuesday, March 10. They preparing for the Hood River high will render “Beyond the Horizon" at Royal Club Peas..................... doz. 2.15, case 4.20 school. A second prise of $2.50 will the Rialto theatre. A party of three Maunuis, Robert be given. Monopie or Shriner’s Peas.... doz. 2.25; case 4.45 Osborn, Fred SJadter and Ray Con­ Professor Henderson is making a way, climbed to the top of Mount gift of his herbarium. It will include Golden Bantam Com............ doz. 2.15; case 4.20 Hood Saturday, slept in the rangers' flora of the lower level, and of the On Sale at Kresse s Drug Store cabin there Saturday night and mountain altitudes. It is anticipated Fancy Main Com.................. doz. 1.90; case 3.75 climbed back down again Monday. It that it will be one of the moat com­ Tickets to the Joint Recital by Gold Bar Spinach.................. doz. 2.35; case 4.65 Was the first ascent of 1024 and was plete In the state. Sheridan Dtleplac Dorethea Schoop made to place the Mazama registra­ .doz. 2.90 Hillsdale Asparagus Tips........... Violinist Pianist tion book in the lookout station. Card of Thanks The only complaint made was that ..doz. 2.15 Oysters ................ ....................... Presented by the Baptist Ladies a 12-mile hike was necessary before We wish to extend our heartfelt ..doz. 3.00 Clams, best grade......................... they could begin to climb. Friday thanks to the many friends for their they had to snowshoe it four miles kindness and sympathy at the death ..doz. 1.20 Pimentos Gold Bar....................... Into Camp Blossom, where they found of our beloved rnotber; also for the Ttan, FA 28&,8 $. Bagful A the cabin drifted up to the eaves Jin beautiful floral offerings. ..doz. 2.90 Peaches, best grade..................... i snow. They entered through a trap Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thomas, ..doz. 2.90 door in the peak. At midnight they Apricots, best grade................ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, Adula S«c High School Studants Me found that it was cloudy and threat­ Mr. and Mrs. Jerne Thomas, , Grada Children Me doz. 4.35 Pineapple, large can, P. S............. ening, but at 4 a. m. the clouds had William and Elisha Thomas," disappeared and the moon was shin­ Mrs. Mattle Pengh. ing. At 1 a. m. Saturday they started Remember our afternoon free delivery for the top. HOOD RIVER MATERNITY HOME Notice * It was a warm climb, they said, with the sun shining so brightly that Hood River, Or., Feb. 28, 1924. 19OR May S tra at they were comfortable in their shift To Whom It May Concern: This sleeves. They climbed without mis­ is to announce that hereafter I will hap to Crater rock, where they cooked be responsible only for bills that have their soup over a steam fumcrole. been contracted ' by mysslf. I Steam was coming from the rock in a fMmU Thad K. Peterson. MAYOR AND MRS. PER IGO RETURN QRCU1T COURT TO MEET ON MONDAY “Setbacks stiffen your it’s made of the right DRESSES Due to holiday larft week delay in express, the full si ment of dresses, skirts a__ coats did not reach us until .. Monday and will be here until Saturday. We cordially invite you to drop iQijind see them Ideal Shoes For Children have arrived and are just what you have been waiting for GIRLS WILL GIVE OPERETTA TOMORROW BLACKMAN CHARGES NOT SUBSTANTIATED COURT RECEIVES BRIDGE ROAD BILL “The Early Bird Catches the Worm therefore select your new suit of clothes before the cloth you want is sold to some other chap. Money Saving Prices Daring CANNED GOODS WEEK Mar. 1st to 8th in Preferred Stock Goods r Canned Goods Week i Spring and Summer underwear for everybody. New novelty belts for the Young Ladies and * new lot of novelty beads, bracelets, barrets, etc. MR. REIMER WILL BE HERE TOMORROW The Star Grocery PERIGO & SON We have these wonderful shoes for Men and Women. both Canned Goods Sale NOW QN! WATCH OUR WINDOWS All grades greatly reduced for ¡his week 3 MAZAMAS SCALE OLD MOUNT HOOD GRANGE CO-OPERATIVE STORE MT. HOOD MEAT CO Saturday Specials No. 5 Lard............................................ 65c No. 10 Lard 1 Fancy Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb...... 25c Boneless Brisket Corn Beef ,.15c Pickle Pork..... ,.2Oc Fresh Spare Ribs 15c Loin of Pork Chops. 26c Loin of Pork Roast. 26c Leg of Pork Roast .... 22tfc Shoulder Pork Roast 18c 2 Oc Shoulder Veal Roast Veal Stew. ISc Lamb Stew Rubber Stamp Ink at Glacier