HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1924 r to • » , Turn A Lumber TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY The Gift Supreme— an Elgin Watch W. F. LARAWAY Office Supplies THE BOOK AND ART STORE We are distributors for the INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA P. & O. Walking and Tractor Plows Cultivators HarrtSws . Arsenate of Lead Nitrate of Soda Orchard Supplies HOOD RIVER FRUIT COMPANY - : The Touch of Spring ¿«a FRASIER GROCERY CO Anderson Undertaking Co. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director /♦ * neglected through failure to make it easy and safe for tourists to see it, and at • moderate price. We called upon Joe McCrea, who Who formerly lived tn Hood River with his brother, FYed, the later now a resident of Prineville. Mr. McCrea came here for his health, and says he Is entirely cured, but feels that It is safer to remain here. Mr. McCrea says the Commercial club is a live organization, but does not get the support 4t should from the community. Many booster campaigns are put on, an expensive organization is kept up, but it is.not followed up as It should be with l/ie wholehearted support of the business interests. Near Tucson ia also located the largest cactus forest in America, there the giant cactus reaching its highest perfection. Another place of interest is the Picture Rocks, where prehis­ toric Indians have carved pictures of animals on the face of cliffs. Nogales is located 86 miles south, and the nearest place to Mexico for the thirs­ ty. The rqad is kept In good condition and the travel ia heavy. Stages make regular trips. (By A. D. Moe) Tucson, Aria., February 5. In the few days we spent in Tucson we could hardly do more than give it the once over. Yet one gets an impres­ sion of a place or locality in a short time good or bad. Tucson is the second city1 of Arizona. While it is claimed by some to be as large as Phoenix, yet Chamber of Commerce officials claim only about 30,000 as against about 40,000 in Y Phoenix. Of this population, however, about half in Tucson are Mexicana, including a sprinkling of Chiueee and negros. The cltybas its peculiar ad­ vantages over Phoenix. It is the most importaut railway center of the state, being a division point on the main line of the Southern Pacific, the terminus of the Southern Pacific de Mexico and the headquarters of the El Paso A Southern Railway. The Southern Pa­ cific also maintains railway ahupe at Tucson. The agricultural area is limited, all water for irrigation being, pumped. While water apparently underlies all the valley of Las Cruces river (which is dry except at flood time) at depths of 50 to 100 feet, yet pumping plants Apple market prospects are more make irrigation more expensive than the gravity system. Dairying and cot­ encouraging in some respects. Sup­ ton are the principal crops. There are plies are still large, but some of the thousands of acres of grazing lands, winter varieties are cleaning up. however, and during the high war Prices are steady and in Certain lines prices brought about $4,000,000 mmu- show a strengthening tone. Winesaps are beginning to move ally into the banks of Tucson from the L umber B ill , Mgr. cattlemen. Since the slump in prices It freely to the seat and south, and while was reduced to a half million dollars prices are still cheap, apple men look P hone 4121 last year. This has had a depressing for signs of a stronger market very that ’ s our self - starter influence on this importaut Industry soon. Spitsenburg prices are well maintained with the Oregon crop prac­ and has affected business. tically out of the growers' bauds. Perhaps the greatest asset of Tucson The Hood River association has is the climate, which is so beneficial to cleaned up its choice and fancy New- those in ill health, particularly tuber­ towns and has only about loo cars of culosis. It Is claimed that Tucson is extra fancy to dispose of. The small ideally situated for those wishing to went mostly to exporters. The regain their health, and many perma­ sizes motorship Loch Katriue cleared from nent residents are gained in health Portland last week for Eurois* with a seekers who have been benefited or good-sized apple shipment. The last cured after coming to Tucson. Many of the season’s direct to of those are possessed of considerable Europe will go out on shipments tile steamer means and erect beautiful bornea, ad­ Albion Star, which was due in Port­ ding to tlie beauty and prosperity of land Monday. The steamer lias been the. city. There are many delightful loading Yakima redApples at Seattle. spots in the nearby mountains where Seventy-five carloads of Hood River one can escajte the heat of the long were awaiting her at Portland, summer, while the winter weather is fruit loiter export shipments from Oregon Elgin Time is “train delightful. Wann, sunshiny days will go by way of Nejs York. during the winter months may be re­ time” in the hands of Returns on export shipments in tiie lied upon with very few exceptions. part of the season were good, but thousands of railroad Tlie air is dry and the altitude of 2400 first for some time thereafter the British feet adds Invigoration that is not ob ­ men, all over the world. tained at some other localities. In markets were depressed. The latest fact, the large area around Phoenix returns received this week, however, Such a present as an now under Irrigation has caused more are the beet of the season, netting Elgin is a gift of a life­ humidity in that section, and It is con­ $1.(15 to $1.75 to shippers. letters just received from London ceded that Tucson is a better place for time. Nothing else will explain the improvement ly the Brit­ tlie health seeker. ever take its place—it’s ish markets by the fact that the bulk The University of Arizona is located of the Oregon apples received there /¿r supreme. in the northeastern part of the city, were transshipped to Russia. This the grounds being well laid out and was made possible by the trade agree­ fins substantial buildings have been ment recently signed by the British When you »tart out to »elect a gradu­ erected to house the various depart­ government and the Russian soviet. ation gift—»top in and let us »how you ments. In this part of the city are lo­ So far as known these are the first our complete display of fine Elgin cated many of the fine homes. Every Oregon apples to reach Russia. Watches—$25, $175, and many in­ effort is lieing made to keep out all between prices according to grade of Ttie overloaded condition of the Mexicans and colored residents from British market was also relieved by movement and quality of case. this part of the city. Extending east shipping to Germany. The Canadian from the University is a fine boulevard fruit trade commissioner at Hamburg called "Speedway.” Along this road wrote on January 10: for several miles the land has been "Tlie apple crop in Germany last laid out In acre tracts, supplied with summer was a failure and under nor­ JEWELER mountain water for irrigation and do­ mal conditions the imports of apples Established in 1846 mestic purposes. Good substantial would have been expected to exceed homes are being located along this previous records. First experience road. It is especially attractive to with consignments of barrel apples those who must live there for their was not encouraging, but with health and who have means to erect a the introduction« of---stable currency commodious and comfortable home. aptive demand sprang up for boxed About six miles out on this road we apples. This was taken advantage of saw the picturesque bungalow of Har­ by English brokers whp aent over con­ old Bell Wright, the author, who has signments or boxed apples for sale at selected Tucson as his permanent the Hamburg auctions. During the home. He has a tract of land in the month preceding about These are days when you are thinking of them. home place, but it does not show much 150,000 boxes were Christmas sold, the prices We have nearly everything In the staple line you cultivation, being left largely in the ranging very high, about double the desert stage. may desire. If you want anything special, we’ll get prices realized in Great Britain. Brit­ The Mexican population swells the ish Columbia apples have ts-en much It for you. size of the town, but whether It is an in evidence. Jonathans and Winesaps asset or not is questionable. While have been the varieties most suitable there are some prosperous and pro­ for the market. Preference for the gressive Mexicans, and some very fine boxed apples lias been explained by 8]>anlsh families in the city, yet the the fact that they arrive in better con­ HOOD RIVER, OREGON average Mexican peon is a shiftless dition. Boxed apples can also be sold _______________ -__________________________ ___________________________________ ____________ person of low mentality, lazy and in­ more »lowly, if necepsary, .and are -....................." ' ■■■'■■ ' '------------J- ‘ -'-U-Mh-’-L -■■■-'H-J-’ - ..X competent as a rule. Many of the preferred for this reason, since the de­ schools near the Mexican section are mand and consuming capacity of the 75 to 90 per cent Mexican children, a market is uncertain.” condition not desirable to the white citizens whose children have to be Ford Truck For Sale brought up with them In the schools. Equipped with cab, Hassler shock While the children are compelled to talk English at school, they always aksorliera, self-starter, ” demountable use their own language, a sort of rime and weU-built tied. This truck .Spanish jargon, among themselves has never carried a real load. Priced reasonable. Bennett Brothers. mfl when at home or out of school. I should judge that half the busi­ ness houses are run by Mexicans, al­ Notice of Sheriff’s Sale though the principal stores are oper­ By virtue of an execution in fore­ ated by Americans. closure duly issued by the Clerk of the We drove down through Old Town, Circuit Court for Hood Itlver County, the Mexican quarter, with its adobe Oregon, dated on the 4th day of Feb­ houses built solid along long, narrow ruary. 1924, and to me directed, in a streets. There is a peculiar odor in certain suit in said Court wherein the quarter that first is. mystifying, Albert Hutson and Clotilda Hutson then begins to grow npon one who is were plaintiffs and N. I-eroy Cary was not accustomed to it. Finally I heard defendant, and wherein on the 4th ___ *• a. nasal exclamation from Mrs. Moe to day of February, 1924, plaintiffs recov­ “get out of this,” and looking up mw ered a judgment against said defend­ her holding her nose, so we turned off ant for the sum of $3.000 yrlth Interest to pleasanter surroundings. Now she thereon at 7% per annum since the declares she can smell a Mexican a 25th day of October, 1922, until paid, block away and can even detect a Mex­ and for the further sum of $250. at­ ican dwelling along the road before torney’s fees, and $12 coats of suit, and we can even see It. which said execution is against and di­ || Tucson is one of the oldest Euro­ recta that the hereinafter described pean settlements in America. The real property tie sold to satisfy said charter of Pueblo of Tucson w’as sums and costs and expenses of sale. granted by the king of Spain In 1552. Notice is hereby given that I will The mission San Xavier del Bac was on Haturday the 15th day of March. founded In 1087. This mission is still 1924, at the front door of the court kept in repair and used as a house of house in the City of Hood River, Ore­ worship. It is situated 12 miles from gon. at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of the city in the Papago Indian reserva­ said day, sell at public auction to the tion. It is an interesting spot to visit, highest bidder for cash, the following and has many visitors. A rocky described real property situated in mound adjoining the mission grounds Hood River County, Oregon, towit: rises to a height of abont 100 feet and The’ Southeast Quarter of the South­ is surrounded by a road so one can west Quarter of Section Eight (8). —It is on the land and our appetite has a drive around it. From here the city Township One (1) South, Range Ten of Tucson can be plainly seen. hankering for green things. (10) East of Willamette Meridian, con­ One of the attractions outside of the taining 40 acres, more or leas. Re­ city is the Collosaal Cave, 28 miles serving, however, a right of way for Our stock of vegetables is always fresh from town. "It ia privately owned and irrigation flume or ditch from the a caretaker is in charge to show vis­ Northeast corner, of above described and contains a full assortment itors its wonders, for which a charge tract, running South along the East is made. It is said to contain 27 miles line thereof to the irrigation ditch of When you want something real good, try of chambers and tunnels, with five ex­ Middle Fork Irrigation Company. its. Beautiful chambers of atallactitea Also an easement in a atrip of land some of our homemade Boston Brown add to its attractions, We mnde the twenty feet in width, off of and along Bread—there was never any better made. trip out there, leaving the • El Pano the West line of the Northeast Quarter highway at Vail and winding up of the Southwest Quarter section above through cactus and chapparel six mentioned, the same to be used for miles to the side of n bluff, where the road purposes, with the right to erect main entrance is located. The aix and maintain telephones and electric miles of rosd is winding, rutty, rocky lines thereon, the same to be appur­ and a continual climb, while brush tenant to the 40 acres of land above along the trail raked the sides of the conveyed, or so much thereof as may car. A gasoline engine runs a dynamo ÍP necessary to satisfy said judgment ... — in the cave which supplies lights nd the sums due thereon in favor of through the principal chambers. After said Albert Hutson and Clotilda Hilt- our hard trip the young man In son against Mid defendant N. Leroy charge was unable to start the engine, Cary, together with all costs and ex­ so we declined to go in with just little pense« which have or may accrue. carhide lamps and pay $1 for the priv­ Dated thia 7th day of February. C. C. ANDERSON, Sole Proprietor ilege. with the prospect of getting lest 1934. in the dark recesses or falling Into an Thomae F. Johnson, abyss. It would seem that here is a Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon. valuable asset to the city that ia being f!4ml8 41$ OAK STREET. PHONE 1364 We have~4u^t received 5 cars of Turn A Lumber for the Spring trade. *■ Our ¿lock is complete in common and finish lum­ ber. We áre always ready to quote prices, show plan books and figure bills. Come in and let us solve your problem. I TUCSON HAS BACK­ GROUND OF HISTORY OREGON APPLES ARE SOLD IN RUSSIA Wreck on North Bank Three members of the crew of the west bound 8. P. A 8. train UstJTri- day night narrowly escaped being seri­ ously Injured when a string of cars plunged Into a big slide across the track JmtJ opposite Cascade Locks. The three men, now at Vancouver* Wash., are: Edward SborteU, engin­ eer, shoulder bruised; 8. Officer, flre- umn, legs bruised; L. 8. Hoaendabl, brakeman, legs bruised. The slide was 90 feet long and from four to eight feet deep. The engine went down the bank to the edge of the Columbia, and several eara were de­ railed. Al Kader Shrine Ball Saturday A large delegation of local Shrlners, according to Charles H. Castuer, rajah for this county, will motor down to Portland Saturday night for the an­ nual formal ball of Al Kader Temple of the Mystic Siirine. The Hood River Shrine Club, which ha8 a membership of about 100, is planning a luid-suuuuer picnic which, it is »ntici|>ate*d, will draw a lurge crowd. FULL LINE OF Tires and Automobile Accessories IGNITION EXPERT CONSTANTLY ON HAND The public is invited to visit and inspect the new sta­ tion, of the-handsomest and most attractive construction in the mid-Columbia. We intend to so operate it that Hdod River folk will j>oint to it with pride. Notice of Final Account Notice is hereby given, that the un­ dersigned; Administrator of tho Es­ tate of Hosmer K. Arnold, deceased, lias filed in the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, his final ac­ count as such administrator, and that the same has been duly set down by order of said court for hearing at the court room thereof in^Iood River, Ore­ gon, at two o’clock p. rn., on the 24th day of March, 1924; at which time aiiy persons having objections thereto are required to present the aainai R. L. Saiiin, Administrator. f21—m20 ¿W. L. HUCK AB AY, Proprietor Something to Drink Preferred Stock Coffee Notice of Final Account Notice is hereby given, that the un­ dersigned. Administrator of the Es­ tate of Margaret T. Arnold, dewaxed. Ims tiled in the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, bis final ac­ count as such administrator, and that the same has lieeii duly set down by order of said court for hearing at the court room thereof in Hood River, Ore­ gon, at two o'clock p. in., on the 24th day of March. 1924; at which time any persons hnring objections thereto are required to present the same. It. L. Sahin, Adniinistriitbr. f21—ni20 Instant Postum and Postum Cereal Guittard’s Chocolate , Guittard’s Cocoa and Preferred Stock All Ceylon Tea Notice of Administratrix Sale of Real Property In the County Court of the Stnte of Oregon for the Coiinty of llood River. In the matter of the Estate of Daniel E. Stanton, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursu­ ant to an order of the above entitled court made on the 24th day of Janu­ ary, 1923, the undersigned, uh admin­ istratrix of the above entitled estate, will offer for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder there­ for, at the court house in Hood River County, Oregon, on Saturday, March 1, 1924, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock, a. m., the following described real property located in the County of Hood River, State of Oregon, 'to-wlt: Lots 45. 40, 47, 48, 57, 58, 59 and 1«) of Block 12 of Stranahan's Third Ad­ dition to the City of Hood Itlver, Hood River County, Oregon, according to the duly recorded plat thereof. Dated at Hood River. Oregon, Jan­ uary 31, 1924. J. Leona Stanton, Administratrix of the estate of Dan­ iel E. Stanton, Deceased. j31f21 HOLMAN & SAMUEL SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY P hone 1811 BUY FISK MAS5A5OIT CORDS Summons ITT*the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County. Tum-A-Lum Lumtier Company, A Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. E. M. White and Addie White, husband and wife, Defendants. To E. M. White and Addie White, the above najned defendants: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the com­ plaint filed against entitled Court six weeks publication of this On or before six weeks 30x31, $11.60 31x4, s. s. $17.00 32x4, s. s. $18.40 33x4, s. s. $19 —Other tires of same value. HEIGHTS TIRE SHOP Snowdrift with interest thereon at ten per cent per annum s day of March, 1922, and for its costs and disbursements made and expended herein. Tills summons Is served upon you pursuant to an order of the Hon. H. L. Hasbrouclc, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County, duly made and entered on the 17th day of January, 1924. whereby you are required to appear and answer the complaint, filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or before six weeks from the 17tb day of January, 1924, and this summons is dated and first published on said 17th day of January, 1924. A. J, Derby, Attorney for Plaintiff, Hood River, Oregon. J17f28 The 100% Pure Fat Sealed in an Airtight Can ALWAYS FRESH The Pure Vegetable Fat Yours For Service Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. In the matter of the'estáte of Julius L. Johnson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed Admin­ istrator of the Estate of Julius L. Johnson, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Hood River and has qual­ ified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby hotified to present the same, duly verlfiiri as by law required, to the undersigned at the Sheriff’s Office, Court House, Hood River, Oregon, withiu aix months from the date hereof. Dated and first published January 17th, 1924. Last publication February 14, 1924. Thomas F. Johnson, Administrator of the Estate of Julius L. Johnson, Deceased. J. K. Carson, Jr., Attorney. jl7f!4 VINCENT & SHANK “The Home of Quality Groceriea” KELLY BROS. CO. Spray, Nitrate of Soda Orchard Supplies We are now arranging accounts for the coming | season. Call and see us. — - rnr,,-;— THE FASHION‘STABLE’S BARGAINS IN BROOMS Parkdale Auto Stage Phone 1201 Leaves Hood River daily at 4.30 p. m. Leaves Parkdale Daily at 8 a. m. (except Sunday). Every Saturday Leaves Parkdale at 6 p. m. U We have just received a big shipment. The brooms are of the best quality and at prices you can’t beat anywhere. We always have a full line of fresh vegetables on hand. Our fresh Garden Seeds. Onion Seta and Early Seed Potatoes are ready.