The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 21, 1924, Image 4

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Tbe Oiiio state grange hag adopted
Htn?r (Klarirr I ■urroondln«hl* hüm« °®the bTv,k °f
wiosm |thg Hel<bu Not w mBny Ij,,,
tbe slogan, “Lower Taxes »nd Less
Maggd the appealÿg array of coloring
at the Summit gladioli farm of J. H.
Wheeler. Did you ever wish that you
could pluck from your own gardens
bouquets aa beautiful as these men
You can, If you just will It hard
On percureory consideration, it enough. Both of these men thia year
might eeem to gnyone that the chances are offering bulbs for sale. All you
for aerioua competition from pwn<*rH m i-tl to do. we think, la to tell either
of a private automobile park on the of them what yon want in the way of
part of a municipality would be «nalL flower» front tlielr especial aiieciea.
Ender certain circumBtancea thia They’ll furnish you the bulbe with di­
rections aw to their acting and cultiva­
might be very true.
Tbe city of Hood River, however, tion. You'll be rewarded, when the
should consider all of tbe circnin- blooming aeason rolla around. If you
atances and contingencies that may •re willing to expend a little time In
arise here before they allow such • cultivation and care, with the oppor­
statu, to exist. If today Hood R ver tunity of cutting from your own gar­
had a sufflcient sum of money to make dens tnagnlflieent bouquets. Yon will
the Batchelder property available to be making your home pretnlaee n de­
motor tourist. In a manner that would light to the eye of every caller to the
have a general appeal. we might find valley.
But please do not think that in our
reason In making some concewdons.
But just now Hood River hasn t Buffl- suggest ion you ahould limit your
rient funds to improve the new park, flower plantings to dahlias or gladioli,
With the money at hand, could the although with either you can get re­
town make the new camping grounds sults that are highly gratifying. The
more attractive next year than the catalogs of the many reliable seeds­
old park! We doubt it. Right from men. eastern and Pacific coast, are In­
the jump off the city would be forced triguing. Nearly all flowering annuals
to make money enough from it. annual do well here. The opportunities for
receipt, to pay the Installment of producing wonder gardens of blooms
$1 (100 on the purchase price anu a have no limit. Ilood River valley can
the same time lay aside a fund for the tie made one of the; moat appealing
gradual improvement of the park prop­ spots on the Great Footstool.
erty. With the city facing the com­
petition of a privately owned park, the THE ODD FELLOWS’ CONVENTION
transaction smacks of a weak ehoe
It behooves all of us to give earnest
consideration to the plana of the Hood
Of course, Hood River, after such a River Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges
deal was finally consummated, could in entertaining the 1924 state conven­
levy a special tax or provide for char­ tion of the grand lodges of the fra­
ter amendment and vfite a bond issue ternal organizations. The convention
for caring for the park. But. it Is our will bring the largest number of peo­
belief that the citizens of tbe city will ple to Hood River ever gathered here
not stand for any plans that hint of for any event. We are going to have
. tax Increase. Senator Patterson, at to cooperate fully in lodging and car­
the Lunch Club the other day. told of ing for them.
------ vw
the benefits that had accrued to Salem
It la up to all of tut to join the Odd
from the automobile park there—that Fellows in seeing that the de'egatee
88 tracts of land had been sold to are given a hospitable reception.
motor tourigta. We happen to know When they leave we want each and
of several prospective settlers among every one of the visitors to carry back
motor tourists here last year. Tliey home tbe story of Hood River' open
went so far as to Investigate real lence beartedneas. While it is a fraternk)
property. One man was on the point event. It belongs more or less to us.
of buying a fine home, but he finally and we must take a pride in making
waa balked at the high taxes. What it one of the tient I. O. O. F. and
is It going to profit us by having the Rebekah convent lone ever held In Ore-
most attractive automobile park on
the Columbia River highway if we
have to purchase it by taxes so high
that some of these same tourists will
Ig onr I muc of February 14, an im­
have no incentive to linger and buy portant typographical error appeared
In an article by A. W. Stone, entitled.
It is true that • good automobile “Views are Given on Cooperation."
park will k«ep tourlsta here and that The said error consisted of substitut­
these transients, who linger a few ing the year 1023 for the year 1913.
days In our midst will swell to a con- The part of said article affected by
siderable degree tbe coffers of our •aid error should have read as fob
merchants. Do not get the Idea that
we are against an automobile park.
May, 1918, the Apple Growers Asso­
We want one and a good one. But we ciation was organized and for a period
believe that we can provide for the of ten years has efficiently and econom­
entire comfort of our tourists for some ically handled ana snarketed the fruit
for Its SOO to 1000 members. The co4rf
time to come by expending a compar­ of service to its members for all of its
atively small sum on the existing park activities In handling and marketing
and by. If need be, the purchase of their fruit and in furnishing them
supplies was substantially leas per box
some adjoining property.
similar services for the crop Bea­
We are In thorough accord with the for
son of 1922 than for the crop season
sentiment expressed by Mr. Smith at of 1918. This result waa accomplished
the Tuesday Lunch Club. Certainly. by loyal, efficient, collective action for
Hood River wants the Batchehkr the common benefit of those interested.
The value of thia cooperative effort
property, and should have it. not
to the growers Iwcomes apparent when
merely for auto park purposes but for wv consider that there was no part of
the general recreation of citizens and the act I vit lee of these memlters in the
children. We believe that the time raising and preparing for market of
will come when we will And our way their fruit that did not show a sub­
stantial Increase in cost for the said
clear to acquire It. But we must period.
travel, slowly and flt our plana to our
Tito Old Oregon Trail is getting on
ability to pay. We most not bring to
materialisation plans that may set up tbe map. Its story, a story of Oregon
a tax burden. Whatever we do, we and romantic hardships and realiza­
should not purchase the Batchelder tion it of dreams come trnc, of the days
property without a five-year restric­ of the prairie schooner, is going to he
carried to far parts by the motor tour­
tion clause.
ist. When we think of the Old Oregon
Trail we can't help thinking of Walter
The Glacier is very much Interested E. Meacham. He has worked inde-
in the plans that are now under way fatlgiiably. and sometimes agnlhHt
for effecting a cooperative marketing odds, toward the end of making the
organization throughout the northwest. long, long trail a monnment tn pio­
Wo are going, however, to occupy the neers. He has succeeded. Tbe tonr-
|>oaitlon of interested oliscrvers for 1st will learn of that great migration
the time ltelng. Our only suggestion to Oregon. The restoration of the
will tie that those of the committee of Old Oregon Trail, now a new trans
five work slowly, if they would work continental motor trail, will perpetu­
surely. The rocks of baste have ate ii. modem memory the overland
caused the wrecks of many cooperative journey of the pioneers.
ventures In the past.
If the committee of five can accom­
plish the ends that are hoped for and
a real federation of cooperative units
In all northwestern apple districts cin
lie effected, the Industry will benefit.
Thia federation. however, if It would
lie really effective, must control the
tonnage of the entire northwest. We
will repeat a comment we have so of­
ten made before—the work of bringing
about the federation would lie easy.
If Washington apple districts had
rvrehed that state of district unit co­
operation now prevailing in Hood
At h tervala, the next few months,
The Glacier will carry comninnicatlona
from various north western growers
Who are sincerely interested In tlic co­
operative movement and who have
been engaged in the administration of
district units for a nun.tier of years.
A communication, written by A. W.
Stone, whose efforts In bringing the
Apple Growers Association into being
are well known appeared in Inst
week’s paper.
Whether there be n concerted cam­
paign to beautify the premises of Hood
River homes this year or not, moat of
its. if we display a little energy and
cntreprlae, can bring abont garden
results that will ntrengthen our pride
io onr surroundings.
Moat of ua hare seen the autumnal
glory of J. G. Ruggles’ dslilla gardens
People of Hood River county will
be glad of the opportunity of voting
•gain for Judge Fred W. Wilson.
Judge Wlltton Im8 occupied the bench
with rare dignity. He la a man guid­
ed by Integrity and honesty and poa-
aeaaed of human understanding. Hla
keen and aincere interest in all the
good activities of our county have en­
deared him generally.
We hare noted a number of folk,
when they talk about their purebred
rows. calling thettr thoroughbred».
Our learned contemporary, the Hood
River News, applied this term to cows.
Listen for the laugh when a horseman
hears you talking of a thoroughbred
cow. Ruch an animal, we imagine.'
would l>e better on the run than for
In thia wwk'i iaaue of The Gla­
cier we carry an article on cooperative
marketing by Dr. C. X. Macrum. pres­
ident of the Mosier Fruitgrowers
Association. At Intervals throughout
the spring we will carry such articles
from those interested in cooperation
throughout the Northwest.
Hugh Hume, editor of the Portland
Spectator, suggests that Portland, to
1« logically in line with Heattie and
Tacoma, should change the name of
Mount Hood to Mount Portland. Mr.
Hume Is joking, of course. He doesn't
want to start a scrap between Port­
land and Hood River.
Legislation.’’ It la possible someone
will run for the legislature on just
such a platform and get away with it.
Another idea might be for someone
to run on a platform of being the r»ne
representative In that body who would
agree only to present such bills as
would repeal something, instead of try­
ing to get elected on a platform of
correcting all the things that appear
Retailers of
You Get More Than A Suit or Overcoat
Those who attend the Out Door Life
Exposition in Portland this week will
know a little more abont Hood River.
The activities of the men who ar­
ranged the display will result IB many
visitors here, we predict.
You really buy confidence. Confidence in yourself and the confidence of
others. You buy good first impressions; you buy a factor in success. Those
are just a few of the things you get out of good clothes. A few of the
things we offer in the new Hart, Schaffner & Marx styles for Spring. They’ll
serve you well; so will we.
We invite you to. come in and see the new Spring Models ; try them
on and note the dressed up, easy feeling they give you. Your new Spring
Suit awaits you here.
He who slings mud is more than
likely to got slimed up himself, This
is true ^specially when he plunges into
muckraking as Indiscriminately as did
-F. A. Vanderllp.
“All's quiet along the Potomac” la
obsolete. .Today it Is: “OiTu well
along the Potomac.”
The orchardlata with the cows are
proaperona orchard let a, If they take
the care they should of the animala.
EV to Wear
The Store
of Bigge
i P
The primarie» are not far off, gen­
tlemen, It la time for you to
jockeying for the start.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx will make you a Suit to
your individual measure if you desire. We have a splen­
did line of swatches for you to choose from and can save
ou money on your Made-to-Measure Suit. Come in and
>ok them over, it will pay you.
New Hats, New Caps, New Shirts for Spring
Spring is coming. Park grange
already laying plane for celebration
July 4.
We have one of the best and largest assortments in
the city and will be pleased to show you
Get your garden spaded up early.
A special buy enables us Do offer you some wonder-
ful values in Dress Shoes, in either kid or calf leathers.
Colors, black or brown. Don’t miss this opportunity.
Hood River Oommandery No- U, K.T
. ULM r'MeeU every flrst Tuesday evening
yiiff eAch month.
K. L. Boobee, K. O.
'9im. Irwin, Recorder.
“I’ m °°D «»VWOXL
No. 8, R A “ B f M
H.U every
W. F. Laraway, ». I. M.
A. Canfield, Reoorder.
Mra Emm.
Meetaseoond and fourth Tuesday evenin«
of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed
Mrs. Iva Boobee, W. M.
Helen Carson. See’y.
tDLKWlLDELODQKNO. 107, 1. O. O. F.-
Meeta la FrateAal ball, every Thursday
R. V. Dickson, N. Q.
öeo. W. Thomson, Beoretary.
For Hale—Fir wood, 16-In and 4-ft. Phone
For Hale—Karly maturing, heavy laying, O.
For Rent—Foor room fnrnlabed apartm ent
Wanted — Maternity nursing, by experi­
A. C. Htraln of Barred Rocks. Selected hens, 4683. A. LaChapelle.
mySl "24
wllb garage and private batb; 826. Phone 3251. enced practical nurse. Call at 1007 Heventn Bt.
heavy layers. mate<l with cockerel No. 6<7-N.
For Bale—Fine team of horses, about 1300 Iba
Record of Dam 248 Egga. Pedigree shows up
to 308 Egg« on Dani's «Ide and 283 ou Hire’s each, good heavy barneaa. five Iona good hay.
For Rent — Houma and furnished suite*.
aide. Eggs 16c each. Mr*. Ann* Edgington, 8226. Inquire Cecil Cutler, 15« ml. west of Van Phone XII, Mra. II. J. Frederick.
6th andMay Streew.
Will Trade—Town property, two Iota and
small house on Belmont road, value |6uo, for
For Bale-Barrel t Dlatrlct, one acre, 6-room
For Sale—Cheap. a good stump puller aud
good milch oow and bogs. Phone 2861.
line. A. J. Pratt, Htevenaon, Wush.
house, furnished, out building*, never falling
well, modern chicken houae accomodating
Wanted-Experienced pruner. A. L. Page,
Gasoline power wood asw equipped on
For Bale —Two White lee horn oockersla. 200, electricity. Addree« K. L. Barstow. 410 Kfd. 4. Tel. 4777.
truck. Will call Immediately In either city
Hollywood strain, from 'JSO Jovegg pens. Price N. E. 16th BL, Portland. Ore.
SZ.tOeach. I. P. Calhoun, 818 June st. Phone
Wanted —A furnluhed house by March 1, on or valley. "Quick. Good Work,” my motto.
or near Height«. Phone 5491.
121 W Y. King- Tel. 2733.
Meats flrst and third Mondays each mouth
Mra Clara Colby, N. G.
Mra Nettle Moeee, Bae.
Fur Hale Will sell my One Boston Terrier
pupplea reasonable; mother's pedigree lost In
Are. Mrs. A. J. Plfer. 614 Htats, tel. 1411. ft!
Hood River, Ore. James Btranaban, Free.
Mra Alma Howe. Baa. Leslie Butler, Trees.
Pali phons 1301,_______________________
For Bale-Bought a pair of 18-bntton length
while kid glove« and Innnd they were half
vise to »mall. Home one wearing V/. sise may
hnve these for 89 96. Have never been tried on.
Mrs. Plfer, 614 Blate, phone 1411.
f 91
CANBY W. R. C.—Meets eeoond sod fourth
Haturdaya ofaach month at K. of P. hall.
Mrs Conran Btranaban, President.
Mra Earlean Meyer. H e er e t ary.___________
F«r Hale—Carrot« and alöalfa hay.
L. L. Gooch.
leans—Meals the fl rat and third Friday«
at old X. of P. ball. C. D. Biwaiaaa, M. A.
J. H. K obbbo Becretary.
Riverside Lodge No.68— Meeting nights 1st
and 3rd Batnrdaye, old K. F. Hall.
H. L. Howe, Financier.
Cheater Bhole. Reoorder.
Meets the flrst and third Tuesday evening lb
each month la the Odd Fellows Hall, seven
miles south of Hood
River. R. D. 1
Nellie Dick, N. O.
Mathilda Edstrom, V. G,
Gsrtrud* Gang hey. Tree*.
Tel. 6831
For Hala—Belled Hampshire boar, one year
old. Phone K. Davla, 5642.
mH .
For Hale or Trade — One good water tank,
coat 8300. new. used 6 mo.. *4 “ron band*. Will
set) Air 886 or trade tor a good work horae; or a
<<><xl fresh milk cow, up to that value. Io-
quire of C. L Gorlon, Wyeth, Ore.
f 21
For Bala—Two palleye end ^-Ineh cable ICO
feel long. Also lr>0-eg< Incubator. Cbaa. Ox­
ley, phone bSSV.
For Hale—Bean Triplex Bpraver, 200-gallon
tank, Sb p., 2 cylinder Cuahman engine. Two
50-fl. length« of hose, new last season; 2 Har­
die sprayguna. Price tun complete. C. E.
Houasel, R. D. 2. Hood Klver.
HOOD RIVKR CAMP, NU. 7.708, M. W. A.-
Meeu In K.of P. ball every 1st and 3rd Wed
of each month.
V. X. Wolgamott. K. C.
W. T. Fraaler. Clerk._________________
M.—First and tblrd Wednesday night* of
each month.
C. C. Anderson, w. M.
Kent Shoemaksr, See’y.
Poet. American Leglou. No. 22. Meets tins
Monday eve of each month at Chamber of
Commerce. Mr» Herold Herabner, Pres,
Mrs. Van W Gladden, Bee'y.
W. O. W.—Regular meetings the first and
third Tnrsdays of each month at K.of P.
hall. Vial tors cordially Invited. By C. C.
L. G Morgan, C. C.
Jack Lindsey, Clerk.
For Kent—Light housekeeping room*. Tel.
For Rent—A four room house. Tel. 4624. f 21
_ ■
For Kent—A 6 room modern house and a 3-
roorn Cottage on Heights. SW. 6411.
For Kent—A S room furnished apartment
for light housekeeping,on 9th and May ala.
Phone 2673.
f 14if
For Rent— Two furnished room* and «deep
Ing po'cb; beat, light and batb. Tel. 3783. J3IV-
Interested In Ponltry? Get 2 years’ Pacific
Wanted—Man to work on ranch hy month; Poultryman for price of 1 year, limited time
alao'2 men to prune 60 acre* Phone II. K. Dav. only. Bend one dollar today for latest arti­
enport, Odell 197.
12111 cle* by leading west coast authorlllea, Illus­
trated. Head one copy, you'll look forward to
Wanted—A married man for general farm It every mouth. Address. Tbe Pacific Poultry-
work. John P. Cooper, Parkdale.
Phone tuaH.6U3 Folsom Bldg ,Heatlie, Wash.
Eatray Notice—About November 1 a brown
Wantted — Married man to work on ranch. mare, shoui 1100 lb*. wt..came to my premises
E. It. Moller, phone 5897. -
on the Harhakc Land A Development Co.
place, 1% tulle* «ou th of city. Owner may have
■ Wanted — Experienced dressmaker wants animal by paying coat of keep and advertis­
work. Have your old suit made over Into an ing and proving ownership, f. C. Cornett,
up-to-date spring dre««. Will work by day or it. F. D. 2, Hood River, Ore.
f 21
piece, l’bone '2362.
PIANO HACRIrtCE— Near Hood Klver.
Wanted-Girl. refined, fnr light booaework, Most sell high grade piano quick. Term« 110
In family of 2 adult* and 3 children. No laun­ monthly to reliable party. For particulars
dry work. Plain cooking 703 Oak St. Phone write at once to Cline Mnslc Co, Astoria,
— •
Wanted — Two girl*, age« 13 and 14 years,
For Hale—1 BSen Triples Hpray Outfit com­
For Rent-House at Odell. 5 room«, bot and want io work for board and go to school.
plete, good mechanical condition; 1 Olivers cold water, batb and garage. Call Parkdale Phone 3532.
KT-ln. bottom tractor plow, nearly new; 1 new IM.
gno gal. storage lank 4739. Wm. W. Foa». mV
Wanted— General Motortruck will haul
For Kent — Partly furnlnhed rooms.
anything, any place, any time. Tel.3524 and
For Bele-610 acres wheat land Franklin Co., May Street. Mrs. C. A. Buddy
1452. L. F. Culp.
Wash , 81« per acre. Well, «table. and X
room hoo«e. 200 acres Summer fallow, |20 0
cash. balance 3.5 crop contract. A. w. Bock-
lay. Phone .3343. 417 May aL
f 21
For Bale-40 sere ranch and ranch equip­
ment; eaat side; 1 mile north Odell station;
good bnlldlnga; close to church and school;
WAUNA TEMPLE PYTHIAN 8IHTKR8 No.6 part cash, eaay term* to right parlv. Addreaa
Meets the second and fourth Thursdays of K I .. Beadell, RL 4, Hood Klver. Phone Odell
each month at K, of P hall.
5X6______ _____ ____ _______________ f7tf
Mra. Bee Wood. E. C.
Huraying time calls for a storage lank—10(0
Mra Mery C. Rustles. M. of K. and C.
xal'oi, t-ln. Fir Btave Tank, good condlt on; a
HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. fl. K. A. M.- «acrince. 8N>. f o. b. Hood River. Addnsa
MeeU first and third Friday nights of « m F Karl H. Zeller. Kouts 3. Tbe Dalles, Ore. f 21
G. B. Marsh, H. P.
For Hale-Full blooded Rhode laland cock-
W. M, host, Hecrelary.
srela Phone «713.
For Hale—Baby chick*. While Leghorn*.
Regnlar meetln( second and fourth Monday»
Rhode laland lied« and Barred Kock*.
,f each month.
8. M Dick, C. P.
Deo. Chamberlin, Phone Sxl, Odell.
Uso. W. Thomson. Scribe.
Marie Kemp, Bea
For Bale— Good cooking apple*. Two boxes
for n cents, delivered In Hood River. Phone
MVL_____ ______________________________ m
For Bale—Rhode laland Red eggs for hatch.
Ing; tbe kind that 1« bred to lay. Also Hpits-
»nbnrg Ortley and Newtown apple«, w. T.
Cooee, tel Man.
llorsee For Hale—40 head, weight fjom 1200 Io
IM» Iba.. 4 to9 yrs. old. all broke: some well-
matched blockv orchard team*. Thia stufT Is
priced right to sell. O. D. Martin, Runaet Ga­
rage, 3rd and J «(Tenton Bta., Tbe Dalles. Ore.
Phone Main?.«.’».
For Hair- The leading varieties of apple«,
pear», cherries, plums, apricot*, prune* and
grape« one aud two years ago F. A. Maaaee.
phone Odell 146.
J81 If
Meeu In K. of P. ball every Tura lay night.
W. M. Edlck, C. C.
Harry Wood, K. ofR. and H.
For Bale—At Puyallup laylne ronteet l»ewla'
Trapneated Rrda atood aecond amons all en­
tries and Brat among heavy enlrlea for month
of December, making a lay of 183 egga forlheS
bird« or about M per eent average Hatching
egga 91.60 per aettlng and up. Ralph R Lewie,
phone Odell (M.
For Rale - MaRtern Incubator. The beet for
the went
0. 1>. Nlckelaen, phone 2801 or 5W>1.
For Hale- A young cow, Just fresh. , Phone
Baby Cblcka for Hal«. The kind tbat lay
Odell 2M.
rj8 and pay. Phone C. D. Nlckelaen.
For Haie^Ona Clark Cutaway tractor disk,
one Mllbnrne wagon gear, two Kimball weed-
era, two Acme weedera. Call A- W. Peter*, 1« Inch H lab wood .................................
$6 00
phone 4672.
m6 I« Inch Fir.................................................
M inch Pole Oak ...........................$1150
For Hale-Ivory wicker, reversible gear, ba­
HAY K. IIAKPfcK, Phone .3809
by baggy. 816; also Ivory wicker bassinette,
87 611; both In first Claes condition. Will »ell
For Hale—Alfalfa hay. cut from open field
together for 840. call Mrs. Freucb »12471. fjltl and free from «pray. Tel. Odell IM or 2WI.
C. A. Thomaen. R. D. 2, Hood River.
For Hale—Home nice year old grape vines.
American varleile», 22c each. Address L F.
For Hale 3 plree parlor set, aettee and two
Henderson, Hood RfVer.
Hltl chair», mission oak and genuine leather. 826.
Vacuum carpel awoep«''- 84 Nearly new lawn
For Ha Is— A real snap If laken at once, mower, regular tin, for 88. Call on C. Jacob­
l-arge six room bungalow. 724 Btate. You may son. Route 3.
f 28
sea this by applying at Ihehouae. Write Mra.
Buaen Kaeeeer, 2821 71st al 8. K . Portland. ni6
Hay For Hale- Good flrst crop alfalfa. C. E.
Coppie, phone (TVS
For Hale—A 3W I nob Mitchell wagon, with
springs, for |76. W. Y. King, t*l. 2733. 1602
For Bale White Plymouth Hoc* cockerel*,
Taylor st., city.
fjn trap nealed slock; also trio* for breedins pur­
pose«. l. M Taylor, R. F. D 2.
For Hale — Hatching eggs from extra flue
purebred Rhode laland Reda, the kind that
For Hale—Wheat hay and timothy hay. Ç T.
lay. 12 for 16. Avalon Farm, Hherman J. Roberta, phone 4633.
Frank. Phone 6408
For Bale or Rent— Modern 7 room bunga­
For Hale—Seven passenger, 6 cylinder Hinde, low, Ideal location, contain* all modern con.
baker, In good condition, new batttry. Rea­ venletu-m. Including plpcle«« furnace, electric
son: too large for family of three. Tel. 8WI. Hilf stove, hot water heater, fireplace, bnllt-ln mb.
abowerbalh, etc. For former Information ad­
For Bale-Hatching egga fjom While leg dress Owner, care Glacier.
hoina. O. A. C. A Hollywood atraln; and K. I.
Reda, trap healed «lock, from tbe Pntgreealve
For Hale Fir and pine 18 In. end 4 fl. triMtl,
Poultry Hatchery. Phone 487». V.T. Bean re­ delivered anvwliere In the valley. E. Beaure­
mtr gard. Tel. Odell :ar>.
For Hale—f room honae with large basement
For Bale—A well mated team of farm horae«
age 4, weight about I9UU each, and new «et of toilet and hath, 4 tola and •*•«<», some fruit
doable harness. Write D. T. Marlor, Twin tree«, shade tree« and shrubbery. It»! Taylor
Street, on the Heights, Hood Klver. Addreaa
Oaks Farm, May at reel road. KM. 8.
f 21lf
Carson (’. Maalker. Maryhill. Wash
For Hale—Timothy-clover and wheal bay.
For Hale—A 6 passenger llulck Scylluder car,
Tel. Udell 362 W.O. Milla.
f 28
Mortel K«6, with ■|H>tllgbt. power tire pump
For Hale-Two shares of Farmer«’ Irrigating and other extra«. fo.'A Tel. IWI, Pani McKer-
Com paar waler alook. Addreaa, Owner, care Cher.
_________ ______________ £5*L «M»—---------- ----------------------------
For Hale- A nplr rack aa good aa new cheep
For Bale—1100 feet oi one Inch galvanised Phone Odell 5X
Iron pipe, 20U) gallon redwood tank endone
No.6 hydraulic ram. Will nell cheap J. F.
For Hale- (Mod lota tor able In all paru of
Thompson, Phone Parkdale 9*.
tbeclty, price« right. A. W. On thank SOO. a!4ti
To Exclnuige—A 8 passenger touring car lor
a Dodge commercial. Taft Transfer Co.
Any girl In trouble may communicate with
Ensign 1-ee of the Halvatlon Army at tbe
White Hlileld Home, 666 Mayfair Ave., Port­
end, Oregon.
all ’24
You aye reading this because you want to increase the buying
power of your dollar. The 20th Century Stores are always pre­
pared to co-operate and occordingly offer—
Special on Sunmaid Raisins, 15 oz. packages, the newest pa
Seeded or Seedless, pkg. 10c
Bulk Seedless 3 lbs. 29c
Royal Baking Powder
12 oz. cans 40c
Cornmeal, kiln dried
9 lb. sacks 32c
’ Bulk Crackers, fresh
per pound 15c
Linit Starch—Gives Cotton Goods that Linen Finish, 3 packages 25c
Crown Graham Flour, Fine or Coarse, 10 pound sacks 42c
Creme Oil Soap
3 bars 22c
Small White Beans
3 lbs. 25c
Maraschino Cherries
7 oz. bottle 28c
------------------- -
Fancy Sockeye Salmon, Rich Oil, Lass Kin Brand, % pound tins 19c
Ehman Ripe Olives, New Pack
5 ounce tins, 2 for 23c
Wax Paper, 10c size
6 for 25c
Ivory Soap, 6 oz. bars
3 for 25c
Royal Garden Tea, Latest Pickings, Delicious, Refreshing
Japan or Ceylon, % pound package 39c
Crystal White Soap
Jello, all flavors
Preferred' Stock Catsup
5 bars 23c
10c each
16 oz. bottle 25c
Flour, All Best Brands $1.67; Fishers Blend $1.83 per sack
Pure Bulk Lard or Bulk Shortening, 3 pounds 50c
Singapore Brand Sliced Pineapple, large No. 2% tins 20c
Gold Leaf Tomatoes, Solid Pack, No. 2% tins, 2 for 25c -
Royal Club Coffee, 1 lb. tin 43c
Sliced Beef, tender meat
3 lb. tin $1.23; 51b. $2.05
2!4 oz. jar 15c
Crisco, 1 lb. 27c; 1% lb. 38c; 3 lb. 75c; 6 lb. $ 1.43; 9 lb. $2.13
I ’
Twentieth Century Coffee; None better at any price, per pound 35c
EXTRA SPECIAL—White King Washing Machine Soap, Small size, 2 pkgs,
for 25c and 1 bar 9c Mission Olive Soap FREE
Large size, each 48c and 2 bars 10c Cocoanut Oil Soap ,FREE
Fete' «"a £?T‘tJ°n FancX£y'c£,Nai;e,1 °ran8cs Nice Solid Head Lettuce
Milk, $4.55 case
216’s 23c; 2/45c
5C each