the break of the Haights. Not so many have wlt- Msssd the appealing array of coloring kt the Summit gladioli farm of 3. H. Wheeler. Did you ever wish that you could pluck from your own gardens botoguete as beautlfulas these men grew! THE NSW AUTO PABK Ton can. If you just will It hard On percuraory consideration, it enough. E&th of them men this year Ight seem to anyone that the chancea are offering bulb, for sale. AU you e agrión, competition from pwnera need to do. we think, la to tell either of a private automobile park on the of them what you want in the way of part of a municipality would be small. flowers from their especial species. Under certain circumstances this They’ll furnish you the bulbs with di­ rection, as to their setlng and cultiva­ might be very true. The city of Hood River, however, tion. Ton'll be rewarded, when the should consider all of the circnm- blooming season rolls around, if you riances and contingencies that may are willing to expend a little time in arise here before they allow such a cultivation and care, with the oppor­ status to exist. If today Hood River tunity of cutting from your own gar­ had a sufficient sum of money to make dens magnlflicent bouquets. Tou will the Batchelder property available to be making yonr borne premises a de­ motor tourists tn a manner that would light to the eye of every caller to the have a general appeal, we might find ▼alley. But please do not think that In our reason In making some concessions. But just now Hood River hasn't suffl- suggestion yon should limit your rtent funda to improve the new park, flower plantings to dahlias or gladioli, With the money at hand, could the although with either you can get re­ town make the new camping grounds sults that are highly gratifying. The more attractive next year than tbe catalogs of the many reliable seeds­ old park? We doubt it. Right from' men, eastern and- Pacific coast, are In­ tbe jump off the city would be forced triguing. Nearly aU flowering annuals to make money enough from its annual do well here. The opportunities for receipts to pay the Installment of producing wonder gardens of blooms •1,000 on the purchase price and at have no limit. Ilood River valley can the same time lay aside a fund for the be made one of the; moot appealing gradual Improvement of the park prop­ spots on the Gnat Fixitstool. erty. With the city facing the com­ petition of a privately owned park, the THE ODD FELLOWS' CONVENTION transaction smacks of a weak shoe It behooves all of ns to give earnest string. consideration to the plans of the Hood Of course. Hood River, after such a Blver Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodge* deal was finally consummated, could In entertaining the 1924 state conven­ levy a special tax or provide for char­ tion of the grand lodges of the fra­ ter amendment and vote a bond issue ternal organisations. The convention for earing for the park. But it is our will bring tbe largest number of peo­ belief that the dtlsens of the city will ple to Hood River ever gathered here not stand for any plans that hint of for any event. We are going to have a tax Increase. Senator Patterson, at to cooperate fully Hi lodging and car­ the Lunch Club the other day, told of ing for them. ths benefits that had accrued to Salem It la up to aU of ns to join the Odd from the automobile park there-that Fellows in seeing that the de'egatea 3S tract* of land had been sold to an given a hospitable reception. motor tourists. We happen to know When they leave we want each and of several prospective settlers among every one of the vlsitors to carry back motor tourists here last year. They home the story of Hood River open went so far as to investigate real lence heartedness. While it is a fraterall property. One man was on the point event, it belongs more or lees to us, of buying a fine home, but he finally aad we must take a pride In making was balked at the high taxes. What it one of the best I. O. O. F and la it going to profit ns by having tbe Rebekah conventions ever held In Ore­ most attractive automobile park on the Columbia River highway if we 1 gon. The Ohio Mate grange hga adopted the slogan. "Lower Taxes and Lett Legislation." It ia possible someone will run for tbe legislature on just such a platform and get away with it. Another Idea might be for someone to run on a platform of being the one representative In that ^ody who would agree oaly to present "racb bill, as would repeal something. Instead of try­ ing to get elected on a platform of correcting all the things that appear wrong. HART, SCHAFFNER 9t MARX FINE CLOTHES FOR MEN PARIS FAIR ' - You really buy confidence. Confidence in yourself and the confidence of others. You buy good first impressions; you buy a factor in success. Those are just a few of the things you get out of good clothes. A few of the things we offer in the new Hart, Schaffner & Marx styles for Spring. They’ll serve you well; so will we. We invite you to come in and see the new Spring Models; try them on and note the dressed up, easy feeling they give you. Your new Spring Suit awaits you here. He who slings mnd la more than likely to get allmed up himself, Thia la true especially when he plunge, into muckraking aa Indiscriminately a, did T. A. Vahderllp. “All's quiet along the Potomac“ la obsolete. Today It la: “Oil’s well along the Potomac.“ SUITS MADE TO MEASURE p Hart, Schaffner & Marx will make you a Suit to Sour individual measure if you desire. We have a splen- id line of swatches for you to choose from and can save you money on your Maae-to-Measure Suit. Come in and look them over, it will pay you. The primarie» are not far off, gen­ tlemen. It la time for you to Jockeying for the atari. New Hats, New Caps, New Shirts for Spring Spring ia coming. Park grange already laying plana for celebration July 4. ' _____ Wp have one of the best and largest assortments in the city and will be pleased to show you. Get your garden «peded up early. SPECIAL-DRESS SHOES FOR SPRING SOCIETIES. A special buy enables us to offer you some wonder­ ful values in Dress Shoes, in either kid or calf leathers. Colors, black or brown. Don’t miss this opportunity. NEMO, GOSS ARD AND HOOD BIVEB CHAPTER WO.RO.I.I- Maetaaaoood and ItrarUi Toeeday evening ofeacb month. Vial toes eerdlaliy wetoonaed Mrs. Iva Bcobee, W. M. _____ tDLEWlLDB LODGE NO. W, 1. 0. O. F.- Meets tn FraieAal hall, every Tbureday w ~_____ LeXU^*““’ "’ g AB LODGB Mo. «1.LO.O.F LADREL REBEK For Sale—Fine team of boraee. about 1300 Ibe each, good heavy barn«**, live tout good hay. »125. Inquire Ceell Cutler,ml. weot of Van Horn. nlfllf L. G. Morgan, U. C. PLANT A FEW FI 4) WE RS Whether there be a concerted cam­ paign to beautify the premise« of Hood River home* this year or not, most of da, If we display a little energy and entreprtoe. can tiring sliont garden results that will strengthen our pride in our surrounding*. . Mori of ua have seen the autumnal glory of J. a. Ruggles’ dahlia gardens Jack Lindsay, Clerk, People of Hood River county will be glad of the opportunity of voting again for Jndge Fred W. Wilson. Judge Wlliton haa occupied the bench with rare dignity. He la a man gnld- ed by integrity and honesty and pos­ sessed of human understanding. HI* keen and sincere interest in all the good activities of our county have en­ deared him generally. We have noted a number of folk, when they talk about their purebred cows, calling them thoroughbred*. Our learned contemporary, the Hood River New», applied thia term to cows. Listen for the laugh when a horseman bears yon talking of a thoroughbred cow. Such an animal, we imagine. would l>e better on the rnn than for butterfat. In thia week'a laaue of The Gla­ cier we carry an article on cooperative marketing by Dr. C. X. Macrom. prea­ ident of the Monier Fruitgrower* Association. At intervale throughout the spring we will carry auch article* from those lut created in cooperation throughout the Northwest. Hugh Hume, editor of the Portland Spectator, suggests that Portland, to be logically in line with Beattie and Tacoma, should change the name of Mount Hood to Mount Portland. Mr. Hume is Joking, of course. He doran't want to start a scrap between Port­ land and Hood Illver K. OF P- eeday night Edict, o. c. FOR 8ALE For Sale—Barrelt District, one acre, 6-room liouae, furulahed, out building*, never fktllng well, modern chicken houM accomodating For Hale —Two White leehorn oockerel«. 200, electricity. Addrea* K. L. Bgratow. 410 Hollywood «trctD, from 260 »9 egg pen«. Price N. E. 16th HL. Portland. Ora. Jy«7tf •t.W «MS. I. F. Calhoun, Hia June «4. Pbone Illi. til For Bale—Will «ell my floe Boeton Terrier For Sale—At Puyallup laying contort Lewis' Trapnesled Reda stood seoond among all en­ tries and flrat stnon« heavy entries for month of December, making a lay of MS eggs for tbe 5 birds or about M per cent average. Hatching egg« »I M per setting and up. Ralph R Lewie, phone Odell 28. J441 f For Sale—Masters Incubator. Tbe beet for tbe west C. D. Ntekelsen. phone 2801 or SMI. For Sale 3 piece parlor set, settee and two chair*, mission oak and genuine leather, »25. Vacuum carpet sweeper. »4. Nearly new lawn mower, regnlar »16, for (8. Call on 0. Jacob­ son. Route 1. fri Hay For Bale-Good first crop altaite. C. E. Coppie, phone 4792 Jal7tf For Rale—White Plymouth Hoc« oockereia, trap nested stock; also trloe for breeding pur­ poses. L. M. Taylor, R. F. D X Jalktf For Hale—Wheat hby and timothy hay. C T. Roberta, phone 4633. JlOlf For Bale or Real— Modera 7 room bunga­ low, Ideal locallon. eootatn* *11 modero con. venían»««. Ineludlng plpeloa turnaos, elcetrlc atore, bot water beator, Breplane, bolil lo tob, abowerbath, etc. F >r fortber Information ad- draaa Owner, cara Gloriar. d«tf For Hale- Fir and pin* 1< In. »nd 4 ft wood, delivered anywhere la I ha valley. K. Baau re­ gard. Tat. Odell 3M. n»tf For Balo—A well mated foam of form borace e«a 4, w»l»ht about IM) eaob. and new aal or doubl« barnee«. Write D. T. Marlor, Twin Oaks Farm, May street road, UM. 4 ftlif For Rent—Foor room fnrnlabed apartm ent Wanted — Maternity nursing, by experi­ with carage and private batb; »25. Pbone 3251. enced pr*0110*1 nurse. Cali at 1007 Heventh st. d20tf nstr For Kent — Rooms sud tarnished saltee. Phone 3644, Mrs. H. J. Frederick. n2SU MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Will Trade—Town property, two lota and amall Uonee on Belmont rood, value »500, for good milch oow and bogs. Pbone 2861. riltf FOR RENT For Hebt—Light housekeeping rooms. Tel. 26X1. F " f2S For Rent-Small cosy room for one. »3 00 a week. Also large room for two. 414 Htate hl Phon« 1411. fgl For Rent—A four room bouse. Tel. 4624. f 21 For Rent—A 6-room modern houae and a 3. room cottage on Height*. Tel. Mil. f21 For Kent—A Sroum furnlihed apartment for light houMkeepIng, on 2th and May ala. Phone 287». f!4tf For Rent—Two furnished room* and a deep Ing po'ob; beai, light and bath. Tai. »783. J31L Wanted-Experienced praner. A. L. Page, Hid. 4. Tel. 4777. f 28 Gasoline power wood sew equipped on track. Will call Immediately la either city Wanted—A furnished house by March 1, on or valley. "Quick. Good Work," my motto. or near Heights. Pbone 5421. 121 W JLKIng- Tel. 2733. __ ______________ Clltf Interested In Poultry? Get 2 year»' Pacific Wanted—Man to work on ranch by montb; Poultry man tor price of 1 year, limited time also2 men lo prune 50acres Pbone H. K. Dav. only. Head oue dollar today for latest artl. enporl, Odell 1V7. mtf cles by leading west coast authorities. Illus­ trated. Read one oopy. you’ll look forward to Wanted—A married man for general farm It every mouth. Address. The Paclflc Poultry­ work. John P. Cooper, Parkdale. Phone man. MS Folsom Bldg , Heattie, Waab. in« 2x6. fll Estray Notice—About November 1 a brown Wantted—Married man to work on ranch. mare, shout 1100 lbs. wt., came to my premises E. K. Moller, pbone 5W7. m* on the Harbake Land A Development Co. place, 1W miles south of city. Owner may have • Wanted — Experienced dressmaker wants animal by paying cost of keep and advertis­ work. Have your old suit made over Into an ing and proving ownership. F. C. Cornett, up-to-date spring drew. Will work by day or K. F. D. 2, Hood River, Ore. f 21 piece. Pbone 23*2. m6 PIANO BACRIrlCE— Near Hood River. Wanted-Girl, relined, for light boonework, Must Mil high grade piano qulek. Terms »10 In family of «adult* and S children. No lean­ monthly to reliable party. For particulars dry work. Plain cooking. 70S Oak 8t. Phone write at once lo CJIne Music Co, Astoria, »4. SI Ore._______________________•____________ fM_ Wanted - Two girls, ages 13 and 14 years, To Exehange— A » paaeenger touring ear lor want to work for board aad go to school. a Dodge commercial. Tan Transfer Co. tl* Pbone 3SS2. d27tf Any girl In trouble may commonteste with Wealed — General Motor track will haul Knslgn Ise of tbe Halvatton Army at tbe For Kent— Partly furnished rooms. 1103 anythin» any place, any time. Tel.*24 and White Shield Home, M& Mayfair Ave., Port­ «2711 May Street Mra. C. A. Puddy. JlOlf 14M. L?F. Culp. end, Oregon. ell '24 For Rent—House at OdelL 5 rooms, bot and cold water, batb and garage. Call Parkdale M. Ja24tf 20th CENTURY GROCERY STOH: MO, 30 104 OAK STRFFT For Bale -f r.»om lionas with large battement j— —-eg" * ‘ -------------- e holt Taylor ddrern f r«Mw ng«r Balrk • cylinder car, Hb aurtllgbl. power tire pump w. «4M Tel. 1601, Paul McKer- f hood hive », obe . (UNDER MT. HOOD ANNEX) You are reading this because you want to increase the buying power of your dollar. The 20th Century Stores are always pre­ pared to oo-operate and occordingly offer— SATURDAY. MONDAY AND TUESDAY Special on Sunmaid Raisins, 15 oz. packages, the newest Seeded or Seedless, pkg. 10c Bulk Seedless 3 lbs. 2 Royal Baking Powder 12 oz. cans 40c Cornmeal, kiln dried 9 lb. sacks 32c k Bulk Crackers, fresh per pound 15c Linit Starch—Gives Cotton Goods that Linen Finish, 3 packages 25c Crown Graham Flour, Fine or Coarse, 10 pound sacks 42c 1 ■ Creme Oil Soap 3 bars 22c i Small White Beans 3 lbs. 25c Maraschino Cherries 7 oz. bottle 28c Fancy Sockeye Salmon, Rich Oil, Lass Kin Brand, % pound tins 19c mil For Hale-A young eow, Ju«l freah. . Pbone Baby Chicks for Hale. Tbe kind that lay Odell TM / r2* and pay. Pbone C. D. Wickelten. ~ For Baie^One Clark du la way iracioT disk, SEASONED WOOD FOR SALE one Mllburne wagon gear, two Kimball weed- era. two Aeme weedar«. Call A. W. Peter*, 16 Inch Hlabwood........................................... phone 4672. m6 1« Inch Fir...................................................... HU OO 16 Inch Pole Oak ............................................HIM For Sale-Ivory w lek ar. reveratble gear, ba­ HAY K. HAHPfcK, Phone 5» m« by buggy, lift; alio Ivory wicker bamlnette, ff 80; both tn flrrt elam condition. Will Mil For Hale—Alfalfa bay. cut from open field mgetber for »40. Call Mra. Freocb at 4471. mu and free from spray. Tel. Odell 1*8 or 2M. C. A. Thomwn. R. D. 2, Hood River. J«»4if For Bale— Hatching eggs from extra line parabrad Rhode laland Rede, the kind that lay. M for II. Avalon Farm, Hberman J. Frank. Phone 540*. nilf LADY CORSETS For Sale—Cheap * good stomp puller and UM. A. J. Prsut, Rteveuson, Wash. fll third Mondays each month pupplea reasonable; mother’« pedigree lo*l In Meets fifat and tl have to purchase It by taxes so high CORRECTION Mrs. Clara Colby, M. G. are. Mrs. A. J. Piter. M4 State, tel. 1411. tn Mrs. Nettle Moeea, that some of these same tourists will In our issue of Februa,ry 14, an Im­ For Hale-Bought a pair of l*-butU>p length have no Incentive to linger and buy portant typographical error appeared HOOD RIVER VALLBT HUMANE SOCIETY white kid glove* and found they were half Heed River, Ore. James Biranahan, Frac. tlaa to email. Borne one wearing 6% alee may M « ns . the. Leslie Butler, Traaa. in an article by A. W. Stone, entitled. Mia. Alma have these for • 26. Have never been tried on. call phone i « m . It is true that a good automobile “Views are Given on Cooperation." Mr*. Filer, IM State, phone 1411. fit purk will kgep tourists here and For Hale — Carrots and allalfo hoy. Tel . MSI Tbe said error consisted of substitut­ L. L-Gooeb.________________________ f»l those transients, who linger a ing the year 1028 for the year 1918. For Halo—Belted Hampshire boar, one year days in our midst will swell to a The part of said article affected by old. Phono B. Devi*, 5542. m8 slderable degree the coffers of Mid error should have read as fol­ For Sole or Trade —One good water tank, merchants. Do not get the Idea that lows: oost MOO. now, used 6 mo.. %”ron bands. W111 veil for Ml or trade for a good work boree; or a we are against an automobile perk. May, 1918, the Apple Growers Asso­ good fresh milk cow, up to that value. In­ quire of C. L Gorton, Wyeth, Or*. fM We want one and a good one. But we ciation was organised and for a period believe that we can provide for tbe of ten reara has eOdently and econom­ Forttoto—I B«nn Triptex Spray Outfit com­ plete. good mechanloal oondltion; 1 Olivers entire comfort of our tourists for some ically handled and marketed the fruit 10-in. bottom tractor plow, nearly naw; 1 naw for its 800 to 1000 members. The cost •X) gal. «tarage tank. 473». Wm.w. Foe«, mfl tlate to come by expending a compar­ Of service to Its members for all of its atively small sum on the existing park activities In handling and marketing For Hale- 6K> acre* wheat Waab . «18. per acre. W. and by. If need be, tbe purchase of their fruit and in furnishing them room non*«. 200 acre* nin Ch. balance 2.5 crop oon supplies was substantially leas per box some adjoining property. , Phone 3343. 417 May at. for similar services for the crop sea­ Wo are la thorough accord with the son of 1922 than for the crop season For Ha to—Two pa I lay« and %-lneh cable ICO sentiment expressed by Mr. Smith at of 1918. This result was accomplished teat long. Alvo lrflegg Incubator. Cbaa. Ox- icy, phone MW. 12* the Tuesday Lunch Club. Certainly. by loyal, efficient, collective action for For Sato-40 «era ranch and ranch equip­ Hood River wants the Batchelder th«- common benefit of tl)ow interested. ment; eeat aid«; 1 mile north Odell station; The value of this cooperative effort property, and should have it, not good building.; cloee to church «nd school; to the grower* iteeotnee apparent when part cash, aeay terma Io right partv. A260 to MX) lb«., 4 to 2 yrs. old. all bro»«: some well- We are going, however, to occupy the neers. He has succeeded. The tear- matched block v orchard (earns. Thia staff Is' priced right to sell. O. I). Martin, Sunset Ga­ position of interested observers for 1st will learn of that great migration rage, 3rd and Jeffarson Sts., Tbe Dalles. Ore. the time tmlng. Our only «uggention to Oregon. The restoration of the Phone Main W. IM Old Oregon Trail, now a new trans will be that thoae of the committee of For Bal«—The leading varieties of apple«, continental motor trail, will perpetu­ pear*, cberrle*. plum*, apricot*, prunes and five work slowly, if they would work O. W.—Regular moMlnga tbe flr»t and grape* one and twa years ago. F. Ai Maeaee. ate in modern memory the overland W. third pbone Odell 14«. J«1 tf Tnreday« of «och month at K.ot r. surely- The rocks of haste have ball. Vtolton cordially Invited. By C. O. caused the wrecks of many cooperative jonrney of the pioneers. venture* in the pari. If the committee of five can accom­ plish the *sin he effected, tbe industry will benefit. Thia federation, however. If it would !>e really effective, must control the tonnage of tbe entire northwest. We ' will repeat a comment we have so of­ ten made before—the work of bringing about the federation would be easy. If Washington apple districts had , yerthed that state of district unit co­ operation now prevailing in Hood River. At 1.. terra Is, the next few months. The Glacier will carry communications from various northwestern grower* Who are sincerely interested In tbe co­ operative movement and who have been engaged in the administration of district units for a number of years. A communication, written by A. W. Stone, whose efforts in bringing the Apple Growers Associstion into being are well known appeared in laat week’s paper. I m ERICAN For Sale— Fir «rood, 16-In. and 4-fl. Phone 4888. A. LaChapelle. mySl ’24 Helen Canon. Sec'y. __ ? • * • • You Get More Than A Suit or Overcoat in HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX SPRING CLOTHES Those who attend the Out Door Life Exposition In Portland thia week will know little more about Hood River. The activities of the men who ar­ ranged the display will result ih many visitora here, we predict. The orchardlata with the cows are prosperous orchardlata, if they take the care they ahould of the animals. The Store of Biggest Values Ehman Ripe Olives, New Pack 5 ounce tins, 2 for 23c Wax Paper, 10c size 6 for 25c Ivory Soap, 6 oz. bars 3 for 25c Royal Garden Tea, Latest Pickings, Delicious, Refreshing Japan or Ceylon, % pound package 39c Crystal White Soap 5 bars 23c Jello. »H favors ' 10c each *" 1 I1 Preferred Stock Catsup 16 oz. bottle 25c Flour, All Best Brauds $1.67; Fishers Blend $1.83 per sack Pure Bulk Lard or Bulk Shortening, 3 pounds 50c Singapore Brand Sliced Pineapple, large No. 2% tins 20c Gold Leaf Tomatoes, Solid Pack, No. 2% tins, 2 for 25c c!ub Coffee, 1 lb. tin 43c 3 lb. tin $1.23; 5 lb. $2.05 Sliced Beef, tender meat 2Soz. jar 15c Crisco, 1 lb. 27c; 1% lb. 38c; 3 lb. 75c; 6 lb. $1.43; 9 lb. $2.13 Twentieth Century Coffee; None better at any price, per pound 35c EXTRA SPECIAL—White King Washing Machine Soap, Small size, 2 pkgs. for 25c and 1 bar 9c Mission Olive Soap FREE Large size, each 48c and 2 bars 10c Cocoanut Oil Soap FREE Fete^1 5? tarnation Fancy Navel Oranges Nice Solid Head Lettuce Milk, $4.55 case 216’s 23c; 2/45c 5c each SPECIAL—TUXEDO TOBACCO, 3 TINS FOR 25c 1