A* »»»»»»»♦♦I 111111 I H 11 1111 > t BRUF LOCAL MENTION t dance at Pythian teqiple tomorrow MAN SHOT, ROBBED, « ON _ THE _ _ _ _ HIGHWAY night, Friday, February 22. Ford'« orchestra, beautiful decorations and a fine tlme.'J Join the big crowd and be Genuine Ford parts at Frans Co.'s, tf sure of one of the most pleasant even­ ings yoyUurve had in a long time. B. L. Hasbrouck. optometrist. A ?%-pound sort waa born to Mr. With a bullet wound In hia left arm, Ueed Sprayers, re-conditioned and in good running order, at Bennett Broe. m« ■nd Mrs. H. E. Maya, Monday, Febru­ Joe Bellenger, transient, appeared at tlr. and Mrs. L. A. Benuett were ary 11, at Mrs. Nash’s maternity home. the police station Monday morning, If you do not receive your Oregonian seeking aid of officers in apprehending visitors in Portland yesterday. regularly or wish to subscribe for same, a man named Ted. who, he declared, Mrs. E. L. Currey was a visitor in either by carrier or mail, pleaae call ■hot him on the Columbia River high­ Portland Bunday. way about 4.30 and robbed him of |48. Oregonian agent. Phone 2303. f 21 tf According to Bellenger'a Story, ha A. W. Stone motored -to Portland Service of the Pacific Power A IJgtlt Sunday for a bit of golf. Oo. was interrupted for a short time met hts assailant, whose last name he Born—To Mr. and Mrs. K. Morita, cated in Portland, having opened an did not know, Sunday and arranged to Tuesday, February 12, a son. of a tree, lieing trimmed on Twelfth ride in hia automobile to Spokane. Bellenger waa to pay fur gasoline for street, was felled across a feeder line. the Judge Derby was a business visitor Jourm-y. in Portland - last week. We have several tractor plows on “I-ate Sunday night at a filling sta­ Henry W. Steinhäuser, of Parkdale, hand at a real buy. These are plows tion I bought gasoline.” oaiu said Bellenger. “"'•a"' pwwviiiic, iiviK ti^l li *>><>•. ....... —___ k-. L mostly _ ;_ we handled during our Cletrac agency. "pn«l was down last week on business. and tho the man saw ..... my moneys Hood River Garage. f2« small bills. , b"'..„ Just thia side of Wyeth Have you seen Havs aeen tlie the 5- 5-tube tu be radio ____ set at Geo. W. Friday and family, aeconi l we bad a blowout. the Radio “t. After he had _ re- ‘ Shop for ‘ 156.00 “ “? 7 121 panted by G. H. Carrier, have returned placed the tire he suddenly struck me Good reconditioned sprayer«, _ . Har- from California. The Friday family with a wrench, the blow landing on die and Bean. Hood River Garage. «pent the winter on a motor tour of) my neck instead of the back of my f28 the south. bead. Partially stunned I turned to Major Chas. Steinhäuser and family Mr. and Mrs. N. Jack Johnson mo- protect myself when the man drew motored down from Parkdale last tored up from Portland Monday. Mr. hia pistol and shot me. I fell forward week on a shopping tour. Johnson 1« a representative of the and laid still as If dead, and he evi­ The Methodist ladle« will hold one | Acme Paint Co. Wlillc here he via- dently thought he had killed me. He of their bake sales at the Frasier gro- ited tlie loeeding off to the east." Bellenger r descrilied hla bis aasailant assailant as as Nunamaker one of the new warehouse California, the wnter motoring through type Ideal grading machines. where they Ä soutliern a num- | h’igi?Xk 1 ta’*1? m i nim....... m t».............. ... If you can’t stand adversity you ’re not fitted to stand prosperity. Think this over. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TWO BIG Through arrangements with one of the largest distributors in the North­ west the MOLDEN-Hl ELAT-SATHER $1.00 CO. will receive a special shipment of •Ar NEW SPRING DRESSES THIS WEEK DAYS On the basin of statements made by the managing representative at the 4« time these arrangements were con­ duced it h safe to promise the ladies ef this community a Real Surprise in Dress values, so, make a note of the time and come—But, of course, you will want to come to the Dollar Sales r anyway. r Friday and Saturday February 22-23 Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph her of relatives, arrived Imme Sunday. (inmled his aae at with 25 records, $85.00; coat 1175.00. They were accompanied by Mr. andL p rd ear h ¿Zw Phone 1284. 121 I Mrs. W. ? “,‘reeial golf edition of box manufac-1 denee,^property on Sherman avenue. I *he record and name of “ Ted." Bei- Fiber Silk Extra Quality Hood River Box Co., bv* i ___ $1.00 the Salome Sun, "ull say nobody never taring, Hood River, Oregon. . Phone Mr - < >rr is now engaged in the plaster- h'nKer and "Ted” had formerly saw anything like it nowhere. The Socks, 2 for $ 1.00 niltf I *ng and building business in Portland.) wA*rked together at Pe EIl. 1342. Reports from the Out Door Life Ex­ . course is Just“ a little over twenty S. J. Moore Journeyed to Portland Mr- and Mrs. A. L.„Jackson and position, which will close at the public • three (23) miles around and all liaz- $1.25 and $1.38 yesterday to take in the Out Door Life |du|ighter, Miss Adelenia, motoretk to auditorium in Portland today, are to i ards & bunkers are natural—no arti­ Exposition. I i>,...i..,.i . ....... . ... -------- ... Men’s Negligee and Golf Portland Saturday. Mr. Jackson Bald the effect that Hood River county ficial ones needed. Some Eastern * Warner ’s Brassiers scored a big hit. Representatives of Folks ajiends the season here a pur­ w*’‘ t,le ilrHt tln,° ,le hatl evw Mrs. Jesse Edgington is in Eugene Shirts in all white and neat ,*1<> trl*’ on 11 HUn"biny day. the Seattle Open, Air Exposition, pose Just t>> play around it once—and $1.00 viajtlng j her daughter, Misa *Grace 1 Tlie Journey, lie declared, wan a moat which will be held in July, after see- some otliers who have booai here sever­ cluster stripe percales, Edgington. enjoyable one. , ing the local display, declared, accord- al seasons ain't ever got around it yet. C. 8. Reeves was in Portland the $1.50 value, for $1.00 O. Leland Smith, formerly traffic „ C?un,y ,FruU Inspector W. J.| ...» Ing --------- to Geo. I. Sargent, one of the corn- Players are warned to use map« and first of the week to attend the Out of manager of tlie Apple Grower« Asao- K‘*'ken. who also has charge of fed- Curtain Nets, up to $1.45 mitteemen, wiio returned Tuesday NOT to get off the far a ways between » v. 'nimri. zibbv - i , , . > > . — Doors Congress. elation, who recently occupied a aim- ',18Pe<'tloii °f fruit and vegetable I night, that the Portland or Oregon the holes. Coyote and rabbit holes per yard, per yard BPri2*-1 ilnr |«.«itlon in Spokane, ta now lo- 1 “ hipmenta originating here. Tuesday .............................. ............ k — C hain |K, r Q f ( kimill ,. ri ,, ml K, lt DON'T COUNT. Good guides who Men’s Mule Work Gloves snd don t fail to include Dshltas. Bend ,.Hle(1 in P(,rtlanil, havng opened an dted 0,1 Instance of the benefits that well liear the expense of sending it to know the course can Is- obtained at $1.00 for Ruggles Dahlia Catalog. indejiendeiit office for serving shipping a‘‘er“« t° «rowers who make ship- Seattle for the advertising it will tlie BLUE ROCK INNE and caddys 2 pair for $1.00 Good reconditioned «prayers. Bar-1 concernH. I ments that have been certified by fed- bring the state. and horses and canteena. also tents die and Bean. Hood River Garage. A letter Ipt| w received the the first firat of of ‘‘r“!.a?,hJ?rl,leB' Gilbert Edgington and Mark Wey- and camping outfits, can be leased by A was received One Big Lot Women’s and f2S I t .. fw* . i i- Z u. . “ C. J. Gordon, of Parkdale, recently b. (I J gant are in constant attendance at the the week, month or season, provided tlie week hv l>y E. O. H!iin<*htir Blanchar nnnminn- announc- I Men’s $1.50 Lined E. J. Cummins, Underwood orchard Ing that Miss Anna M. Spring, who is shipped two carload« of Burbank po- exposition. Mr. Weygandt explains a deposit is put up and ALL CADDYS Misses’ Imported and Do­ t~ * a San ■__ ____ ________ _ the ______ scenic _ points represented on the AND HORSES LOST ON THE 1st, was a business visitor in the city I now at Palm Spring. Riverside county, tatoea,” «aid Mr. Kocken, “ "to Horsehide Work Gloves Francisco dealer. Tuesday he received | wntour ’ inap of The «mnty. which has COURSE MUST BE PAID FOR.” mestic medium weight the first of the wwk. California, ta recovering from n seri- telegram the tubers were badly a painting of Mount Hood, by I’. ,L. $1.00 It «-an lie gathered from the fore­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Suksdorf, of D in-r'-> r|pniruill|>eration, re­ $1.45 Boys’ Lined Brown on display at the show window of the to any region approximating vicinage Highest cash price paid tor your used covered rapidly and resumed ilia place First National Bank, where it Is lit to the fifth hole, «17 rods, is qualified Kid Gauntlets, also suita­ furniture, stovesand rugs. Call McClain on the Glacier «tuff Monday. to play anywhere. The ninth hole is tracting a wide attention. at E. A. Frans Co. s20ft 65c and 75c Ladies’ Vests in IH'atli Valley and the tenth at Tlie Parkdale stage of tlie Fashion ble for Ladies’ Driving Edison Diamond Dire Phonograph Livery Co., Curly Ruuoeorn, pilot, has A|>ache Peak, the apex of Funeral Two Portland boys who gave the 2 for $1.00 with 25 record«, $86.00; coat 1176.00. been entirely overhauled, and ta now names, Jack White and Jack Vance, Mountain, distance not shown on the Gloves, $1.00 1221 Dodge Brothers Touring Car Phone 1234. 121 appealing in its sheen of new paint the former claiming he was 17 and map. This car baa had remarkably good Players from the eighth to the H. R. Young, representing the adver­ and varnish. TJie stage ta again back the other 15, escai>ed from the city care and shows it. Is equipped with tising department of the Standard Oil on the regular run, and with the Jail Sunday afternoon some time by Hassler shock absorbers, Side-Ray ninth; from the fift<*enth to the six­ Boys’ Fleece Lined Union $3.50 Oil Paintings for Co., was here from Portland yesterday. weather spring like many Upper Vai- mortising a heavy wooden beam spotlight, spare tire, etc. Will give teenth, and thence to the seventeenth, $1.00 ley people lire motoring alsiard it around a liar'.in a partition between are warned by a legend. “Look out for Suits, all sizes Good reconditioned sprayers. Har­ down to the city for visits and to «hop. the main Jail corridor and a room lots of service and satisfaction for a bandits here and always go armed. die and Bean. Hood River Garage. ­ Do not camp here alone at night. $1.00 Mrs. J. K. Carson returned last »»‘»«'d f"r prisoners who might be small up-keep expense. Gall at Reu f28 nid Either go on to Lazy L Ranch, (the "85c Brooms, 2 for week from a visit of 10 day« in Port- » »«■ women. Officers believe the nett Brothers and see thia car. Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Aitken and Mrs. land with friends and relatives. She eleventh hole), or back to Sheep were aided by some local man 8. G. Hutchinson were in Portland spent the moot of the time with lie. R '•«>’ who supplied them with a $1.00 Springs Cabin (hole No. 1 ) for the Misses’ $1.45 Medium Wt, Tum-A-I.um Has Fine Sign Inst week to M*e David Warfield ih «¡«ters, Mrs. Edward Creighton and night. “The Merchant of Venice.” Mr«. Conrad J. Seiberts. She says. I T1>« Vanr hand at a real buy. These are plows what- we handled during our Cletrac agency. Mnrk A. Mayer was in Portland last soever, check for $15 presented by Harry Hood River Garage. f28 Senator I. L. Patterson. state man­ week, when he was one of the first to) Commenting on necessity for doing J. F. Thompson motored down from ager of the Coolidge for President extend greetings to David Warfield, away with tax-exempt iHinds in order Mayers to TTr. M. L. Sanders, a Gold- Parkdale yesterday. He was ae<‘om- campaign, who spent Tuesday here in­ there to give his interpretation of Shy- to encourage the investment and loan­ endalc, Wash.. Methodist minister, for panled by bls brother-in-law. Geo. C. terviewing rural and city Republicans, lock. famed character of “The Mer- ing of capital in productive enterpriae officiating at ills marriage to Miss I xm - h I authorities, who have been in Clark, and Mrs. Clark, who are visit­ declared that he found a strong senti­ chant of Venice.” Mr. Mayer and Mr. and agriculture, E. I), t'haaael, secre- .Jessie M. Mercer, waa returned by the touch with the state highway depart­ Citizens lttffik of Portland with the ment favoralde to Coolidge. ing from Malin. Warfleld have been friends for years. | tary of the Farm Mxirtgnge Bankers notation, *no account.” Mayers and ment, announced Tuesday that steps "Basing my statement on what I The Mosier man has watched the | Association of America, says: Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sonnichsen were his bride, carrying a Multnomah coun­ would I m * taken to prosecute telephone my an- learned in Eugene last week to attend the an-..'- ........... in - — - talks am,;,rJK great actor develop from insignificance “Wealthy Individuals subject to a ty license, aroused Dr. Sanders, who and power concerns In cam* further nual editorial conference and to visit tlve people of Hood JL’. to a character internationally beloved, federal Income tax of 50 per cent to 5« was here In charge of evangelistic mutilation of trees on the rights of «... Patterson, ________ _ “• I think the coun their daughter. Mina Enid, a student said Mr. ....................... . ­ He declares that he knows no man for per cent, are buytng 5 j>er cent, 5>^ per meetings, while the local pastor, Rev. way of state roads is resorted to. ty will go overwhelmingly for Calvin whom he baa a greater admlratlan cent and 6 per cent tax-free securities Tlie threat of prosecution, it was at the University of Oregon. 1. W. N. Byars, filled his pastorate at Within the next few days than David Warfield. _ | now, at par; or at a «very alight ad­ Goldendaie, at 2 a. m. Sunday, Febru­ stated, followed action of the Pacific Supply your Sunday dinner with | citizens plan on effecting a Coolidge vance. A 5 per cent security, tax-ex­ ary 10. Mayers explained that he Telephone Co. in completely denuding pastries, rakes and delicious bread club which will become immediately empt. in the possession of a person re­ made the check larger than the legal wayside forests on the Columbia Iliver St. Mark's I^mp Year Ball from the Methodist ladies' bake sale C URTI 8 BRAND ftctlv®. highway at the west edge of this ceiving an income of a million dollars at Frasier's grocery Saturday. As the guest of S. J. Mmire, Senator The last of a series of dances that a year yields him as much net income fee because of his appreciation of tlie county. ' , accommodation of Dr. Handers. The The following party motored to the I attended the Lunch Club have been given thia winter by St. from California as a taxable security paying an an­ latter gave the check to Mrs. Byars. Deschutes river over the highway Sun-1 mM.ting. Mark's Guild will lie held Friday, Feb­ imal interest rate of 11 per cent. Warren Company Moves Strawberries Records of the county clerk's office day: Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Cramer, Mr. ’ ___------------------ ruary 29. at the Pythian temple. It "For the last five years great diffi­ The Warren Truck Co. hap ltegim and Mrs. Victor Thomsen. Miss Flor- Portland will "be a Leap Year ball. ' With a culty has been experienced In obtain- here revealed that the marriage cer­ ence Hudson and Glenn B. Hunt. Mr- Morden Taken to Porttana tificate was signed by Misses Violet moving 100 tons of barreled straw­ targe committee arranging for the ,|,M I *n< capital tor railroads, for industrial and Velma Mercer, sisters of the bride, berries from Portland, where the fruit We pay cash for your old furniture or G. P. Morden. Mosier orchardtat. I. ",,fH'2 tne ,,rnii viunu »octal | or development purposes, for the reaa- ■as witnesses. Before the party left was purchased by the Hood Iliver make s liberal allowance on new goods, whose winter home is here, was ,ak<‘n ^nt , have *'tra/’^h"J.Yfhaa.t1‘win ,h*' >* ™>”h-v owners of such PINTS Call Hackett 8411, Kelly Bros. Co. Fur- to a Portland hospital over the high- anee. It ta expectedI thatibehall W«»L,plul arp layln(t ,h(.lr WP«|th away the city, Mayers gave a check of |S Canning Co. It was neccssnry for r.he on the Citizens Bank. to.a service sta­ motor truck freight concern to chtfrter nitare Exchange. ml7tf way by ambulance Sunday, in order be crowded with merrymakers at the l«*^ lnTpgtmpnta QUARTS tion, to |>ay for gasoline. It too waa the vehicles of local transfer men to Genuine Ford parta at Franz Co.’s, if that he might undergo an | t|on worm> ant| worse as the returned. „ , for blood transfusion. Mr. Morden. coming event. The second check was get the big tonnage of canned fruit Mrs. Isaac Ford, her many friends hrofl)pr of C. A. Morden, manager of ' ' years go by snd each year the demand signed with the name James Rudell. here. HALF GALLONS Wesley Club Organized fnr government aid will become - will be glad to learn, ta convalescing Oregonian Publishing Co., last The Hood Hirer ___ Canning ___ _ Co., which ____ at the CottageWiospital from an •>pcr- 'nlurB(iHV while coughing, suffered a lias made an interhafionai reputation The Wesley Club has been organized "longer and stronger as capital Is Mion of last week. Mrs. Ford will re hemorrhage In the lower throat. Suc- by Imys of the Asbury Methodist for preserving strawlierrles for use as «*«7 •"•’••W*"- Small —Medium—Large maln at the hospital, however, for an hpnM,rrhages had so weakened church a filler for chocolate bonlx.na. will util­ It has affiliated with “The “More than a billion dollars la now WE8TWARD other week or more. hlm t|1Rt it was necessary early Sun- Pioneers,” a boys' organization of the diverted every year from ize that purchased in Portland for F. W. Woolley, who ta again in the rfay to K,vp a partial blood transfusion YMCA Under direction of Ed and business to tax-free bonds. This No. 23. Halt Lake-Port pass 5.00 a m this purpose. mid-Columbia the representative of at the Cottage hospital. Abbott, who is taking a keen Interest i" • knife that cuts both ways. It de­ No. H. Spokane-Port, puss .. 5.30 a m |cnoizz>| the Massachusetts Life Insurance Co., |aHt reports Mr. Morden was In the work of the boys, a portion of privea Industry of the needed capital No. 25, Chi., Omaha, Kan. % City, Port, pass __ 6.10 a m waa here Saturday calling on friends, lowing considerable improvement. the church's big tenement la being and It shifts heavier taxes upon agri Mr. Woolley 1a again making his head-1 equipped as a gymnasium. culture and business If that leak is No. 1. Walla Walla, Pen­ On Sale at Kresse’s Drug Store dleton. Port, local. .. 3.10 p n> quarters at The Dalles. The board of control appointed from "topped by the passage of the amend- Gun Club to Be Adiva Tickets to the Joint Recital by the organization constats of the follow- ment agriculture and business will No. IT. Chicago, Omaha, The wives of members of Al K oler Portland limited__ 4.0S p m Shrine temple in Portland Saturday 7 Ed. Button, — Secretary of __ the Hood Ing: Rev. W. N. Byars, K. D. Peter- thrive as never before—Pacific Manu- Sheridan Deieplne Doretbea Schoop afternoon will be guests at a theatre| dab, mvb the organization son and W. T. Frasier. fseturer. EASTWARD 1 Violinist Pianist Good Things to Eat party in Portland before the annual planning on an active year. Prac- No. 24. Port.-Salt Lake pass 12.40 a m hall, to be held at the auditorium Sat- J ghoo * wlll begin February 24 'Rebekah Conventiati Near » Presented by the Baptist Ladies No. 2. Portland-Pendleton, urday night. an(J ci„ae April 6. Then the sixirta- Walla Walla local 9.55 a New» of the Golfer» A large delegation from Rebekah When you have windows sod wood- mpn he classified Into three divis- No. 1«. Portland. Omaha, work to bo renovated or other odd jobs, ,ona according to their ability, and lodges from thia county la planning Chicago limited___ 11.30 a Tliari., Fefc. 28A, 8 p. ■., Baptist AaAariu call Ed Jenkins at 2922. He has s pro- pr|w>a will lie arranged for each claas. on a motor caravan to Dufur Thurs­ Phone 8561 caaa guaranteed to remove ink and grease Thp plnb haa i«-giin a campaign for day, February 28, when the annual I There are some famous golf links No. 20, Port.-Omaha, Kan. City, Chicago pass 6.15 p m Probably none of ■tains from rugs- All work guaranteed. npw mpmhera. The charter has been district convention will be held there. |n this country. High School Students Me 121 o{M>ned for a period of six months, so The mid-Columbia district of the fra- them are so widely known as 81. An- No. 12, Port.-Spokane pass 10.06 p m Note : No. 4, . dne at 7.20 p. m„ has Grade Children Me Genuine Ford parte at Frans Co.'s. that the initiation fee of SO will pay temal body is madwup of Hood River drew'« In Hcotland, but destined to be and Wasco counties. still more famous are thoee of Salome. been changed to No. 26, due 6.15 p. m. Do not forget the big W. O. W.|the first year’s dues. HOOD RIVER EXHIBIT MAKES A BIG HIT TUBER INSPECTION PROVES VALUABLE BOYS WANTED FOR AUTO THEFT ESCAPE I THE DALLES, GOAL FOR MANY MASONS SUGGESTION ON THE TAX QUESTION EC® I COOLIDGE CLUB WILL BE FORMED CHECK TO MINISTER FOR WEDDING PHONY rÆlïiufèfel CUTTING OF WAYSIDE TREES TO BE STOPPED RIPE OLIVES The Star Grocery PERIGO & SON