The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 24, 1924, Image 9

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Judge L. N. Blowers, who repre­
sented this county in the legislature
last year, announced Tuesday that he
would not be a candidate for re-elec­
tion. Judge Blowers will leave next
Mbnday with his family on a motor
trip to California.
G. A. Palmiter, master of the Ore­
gon State Grange, and R. E. Scott,
orchardlst-business man. have been
mentioned as posalhle republican can­
didate«. Neither, however, has made
an announcement.
Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the City Tax Budget Committee of the City of Hood
River, on November 17,-1923, there was proposed and adopted an estimate of the money to be expended
by the City during the year 1924, which estimate, together with the report of the present condition of
department funds, is as follows:
Miss Emily Husband returned Mon­
day from Eugene and Portland w-here
she had spent several weeks visiting
Quenton Armstrong went to Port­
land Tuesday.
Mrs. Fannie Piercey and son, T. D..
were in Hood River Tuesday having
dental work done.
E. L. Root, L. O. Root, Ernest Ev­
ans, Ben Veatch and Lee Evans. Jr.,
attended Modern Woodman lodge in
Hood River »Wednesday evening.
E. W. Davldliizer went to Portland
last Wednesday to sja-nd a few days.
The young son of Mr and Mrs. J. F.
, Carroll is improving from his recent
Mrs. Maliel Mathews was sick Inst
Thursday and not able to bo nt school'
on account of a severe cold. Miss
I^ura Yonlsh was substitute teacher/
Guy Duvall has purchase] front G.
B. Kellogg the house on main strrat
and moved In Thursday.
Wheeler Clark left Tuesday for The
Dalles where he is employed in tbe
baggage room of the O.W. R. A N. Co.
Darrell Evans went to The Dalles
Supt. Gronewald spent last Wednes
day visiting the schools.
C. T. Rennett was a visitor in’flood
River Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bailey moved
into the Claire Bailey house last week. I
Mrs. C. A. Brown spent several days I
in The Dalles, returning Monday.
Mrs. E. M. Lelliott went to The
Dalles Monday.
C. T. Bennett and John Carroll at-1
tended I. O. O. F. Encampment at The
Dalles Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bailey went to
The Dalles Sunday to see Mrs. Bail­
ey’s sister, Mrs. Stewart. .
J. O. Beldln, A. C. Holmes. A. J.
Ilerr and F. A. Allington attended I. I
O. O. F. Encampment in Hood River I
Monday evening.
Ben Bellinger went Tuesday to The I
Dalles, where he takes treatments for I
a lame shoulder.
D. D. Allington went to Seattle
Chas. Brooks has purchased from I
his brother, Viret, the property known
as the Gosa place.
E. M. Strauss is confined to his bed
with a bruised foot which lias caused |
him considerable trouble.
E. J. Bailey went to The Dalles Frl-
C. A. Huge and Earl Bailey were
visitors in Portland the latter part ot
last week.
Mias Flora Evans returned borne
from Hood River the first of the week.
Mrs. Piercey and son. T. D., went to
The Dalles Thursday to be with her
daughter, Mrs. Stewart, of Maupin,
who had her tonsils removed.
Herbert Graves played In the Blue
Diamond,basketball team of Hood Riv­
er, against Goldendale, Saturday even­
ing. Those attending the game were
E. L. Root, Elna-r Minton, Roscoe Da-
vidhizer, Forrest Evans and Bert Os­
The Rebekah lodge held their regu­
lar meeting Saturday evening. After
installation of officers the evening was
spent in playing cards.
The basketball game Saturday even­
ing between Parkdale and Mosby Le-
was well attended, several coming
from Parkdale. The score was 22—24
In Parkdale’s favor.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans motored
to Arlington Tuesday.
The regular meeting of the Junior
club of the Girl Reserves was held Sat­
urday. Also Initiation of new mem­
bers: Jean Shogren, Dorothy Bennett
and Mary Evans. Fifteen memlters
were present. Also Miss Libetreau,
of The Dalles. The hostess»« were
Elizabeth 8hogren and Ruth Strauss.
(From The Enterprise)
A large double header fire siren was
purchased Wednesday by the fire de­
partment and is due to arrive in White
Salmon next week. The type pur­
chased is one of the beat on the market
and will cost *3<W Including two alarm
stations. It will be put up on a special
tower and will compare with Hood
A fire ordinance was passed by the
town council at a meeting held Tues­
day night. The ordinance provides for
a fire marshal with power for doing
away with fire risks, etc., in town,
gives power to the volunteer fire de­
partment, etc. Fire Chief McCoy was
present and told the council of the
need of more fire hose.
At a meeting of the Klickitat county
commissioners in Goldendale Wednes­
day of last week the petition of Bingen
for incorporation was accepted and
with the election February 20 officers
will be chosen to serve on the council.
Bingen has more than 300 population,
ths reytUrsd _ number for incorporation.
irt In the Enterprise last
r. k.i)
week was erroneous,
but vsrna
was nhntiotl
to the Enterprise by a. resident of
Bingen just as the paper was going to
press. It seems someone phoned from
Goldendale. thinking it would be a
great joke to give out that the matter
had been indefinitely postponed.
Report« have been received here
from Stevenson. Wash., that the pro­
posed bridge over the Columbia river
below the Cascades, connecting Cas­
cade Locks and Stevenson. mav be
built. Activities of those Interested
in the project, hlch developed to a
climax in 1»22 when a pier was con­
structed on the Oregon shore, have
been stimulated by a petition for a re­
newal of the franchise for a period of
two years.
If the franchise Is secured, it is
stated that negotiations between the
bridge company and a Portland l>ond
house for financing the proposition are
pending. __________
Gsaoine Ford parts at Frans Co.’s.
Street Coptmissioner
Street Foreman ....
General Street Work
Street Cleaning ....
Equipment and Tools
Road Trucks ...............
Road Oil ................. .
Over Draft ...............
Estimated amounts to be
raised by City Tax for 1924
General Fund ............. ,...*34960 0«
Road Fund ............................. «400.00
Water Bond 81nklng rund 1200.00
City Hall Bond Sinking
................................. 1860.00
Ctty Hall Bond Interest ■ • 2700.00
Statement Road Fund to July
Taxes Collected ..................
................. <,•••••
............... '........
Said budget of estimates will come up tor final discussion sod
adoption at the regular meeting of tbe Common Council
______ on February
4th, 1924, at which time any taxpayer or person interested may
pear and present his objection to such proposed expenditures.
Total Collection«
O. D. Jan. 1, 1923
Street Commissioner
Street Foreman ....
General Street Work
Street Gleaning ....
Road Trucks ..........
Equipment and Tools
Road Oil ...................
O.D. July 1, 1923. ...
City Recorder.
Taxes Received .......
Renta, etc......................
Auto Park Collections
Total Collection«
O. D. Jan. 1, 1923 .......
Police Dept.................... ...
Fire Dept............................
................... ..
......................... .
Transfer to Road Fund
O. D., July 1, 1923 .......
Police Department
Cit/ Marshal .......................
Night Marshal .....................
Traffic Officers .................
Extra Police .........................
Fire Department-
Fire Engineer .....................
Assistant Fire Engineer ..
Fife Fighting Service ....
Fire Hose .............................
Fire Chief .............................
Fire Marshall .........................
Auxiliary Fire Fund-
Office Expense—
Recorder’s Salary ..............
Treasurer's Salary ..............
City Attorney's Salary ....
City Attorney,/Special Serv-
tea ' ....................................
Supplies and Audit
Engineering, Inspection
Health Officer ...................
Streets & Bridges (Lights)
Traffic Lights, Signals ..
Park. C
Improvements, Bonds, Inter­
Street Assessment«
Interest on Warrants ...
Care of Garbage ...........
Emergency Fund .........
Transfer to Road Fund
Deficit, Jan. let ...........
healthy plants, by inoculation and by
migration of insects. The grower
should carefully examine plants which
are not normal in appearance. Vigor­
ous, healthy plants when first attacked
may show only a slight decrease in
(By Gordon G. Brown)
vigor during the first season. During
The writer is of the opinion that the following years the disease prog­
considerable acreage will be set to red resses. The old canes tend to wither
111* spring,
J. Several grow- and gradually new cane grown is
raspberries _ this
era have indlcated their Intention of
so doing, The purpose of this abort
article Is to lmpr»«w upon all those
who plan on setting the great import-
ance of aranring vigorous, thrifty,
healthy plants.
Of recent a new disease known as
Mosaic has been observed to do a greet
deal of damage In established raspber­
ry patches. It has been definitely
identified in several patches in and
around Portland. It is also under­
stood to be prevalent in the Puyallup
and Sumner districts. Tbe disease Is
a virus character: that is. the organ­
ism Is so small that invratlgators have
been unable tn Identify it under the
microscope. That the disease exists,
however, is indicated by the fact that
It can be transmitted from diseased to
The Hoo</ River Drug Co., opened
last fall, has Just constructed a com­
modious new kitchen in the rear of
the store and will improve its lunch­
eon service^ a feature of the store’s
fountain. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore,
formerly •residents of Portland, who
have been located in Fresno. Calif.,
have succeeded Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Hansen in charge of the fountain and
luncheon service.
Mr. Moore is a veteran of fountain
service, having been conneHed with
the Hazelwood in Portland before go­
ing to Fresno, where he had charge of
the lnncheon and fountain service of
the store of a large chain drug com­
non - headache
A Pacific Northwatt Product
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