HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1924 M ee«» 111111 i + m 111 1 h STAGE AND SCREEN i a » m 11 1 1 1 11111111 1 it Marie Prevost. Raymond Griffith, Clarence Badger and Alice Lake, all were comedians once. Iliat was in the old days at the Seunett studio. They were reunited In the filming of one of the greatest mystery dramas of the year. "Red Lights.” which la the Goldwyn screen version of tlie stage play, “The Rear Car.” Clarence Badger, who directed “Red Lights.” which is coming to the Ri­ alto theatre tomorrow and Saturday, directed comedies on the Bennett lot at the time Marie Prevost and Alice Lake were members of the famous bathing brigade. Raymond Griffith waa a Keystone cop, and later wrote comedies for the company. He was recently signed under a long term con­ tract with the Goldwyn company. a In “The Enemies of Women;” Cos­ mopolitan Product ions’ new su|>er- feature, which comes to tlie Rialto TTheatre Hunday. Monday and Tuesday, the public will have the opportunity to see on the screen what are said to be the most striking scenes ever made of the world-famous resort, Monte Carlo. In the imputar romane«* by Vicente Blasco Ibanez, Monte Carlo and its reuowned Casino play a prom­ inent part. For this reason Cosmo-1 politan Productions sent the entire company making the picture to the resort to get the last touch in atmos­ phere. It was not until Ibanez him­ self had arranged matters witli the authorities at the Casino, however, that “shots” of it could be made. Tlie resultant scenes of Monte Carlo witli its Casino and beautiful terrace are said to be the most perfect in de that has ever been photographed. Monte Carlo, which is situated Monaco, the smallest princi|Mility the world, is tielleved tty many to the nuist picturesque spot along tl^e lieautiful Riviera. The scenery is in­ comparable for its beauty, including steep mountain heights, winding roada and a gorgeous view of the Mediter­ ranean which Monte Carlo overlooks. Despite its natural lieauty, however, Monte Carlo owes most of its fame to the fickle wheel of chance. The daily exchange of fortunes is the larg­ est in any place in the world, und anyone may ”1ry his luck”There ex­ cept the natives of Monaco, who are forbidden to play. The town of Monte Carlo itself was founded in 115ft and the Casino has bee». utilized as a gaming resort since its foundation in 1H61, at which time it was lensed for SO years to a Francois Blanc. latter its control passed to a joint stock company, which now operates it and which has obtained an extension of its concessions to 1047. “There are more girts serving soup in Ix>a Angeles restaurants, who came to the movie capital to act. than there aro actresses in pictures,” says Al Christie, prominent comedy producer. “Literally thousands of these girls come West expecting to make their fortunes in the pictures, and are now working Isdiind counters, in restau­ rants, packing fruit in season and do­ ing other tasks for which they are more fitted.” Christie has taken the movie-mad maid who imagines she will Is* a sec ond Pickford as the subject for his latest comedy, "Hazel From Holly­ wood,” which satirizes movies In gen­ eral. This new Educationnl-Chrlstle comedy will be slatwu at the Rialto theatre Wednesday and Thursday. I i One morning last week the sky was unclouded except for a heavy cloud over the high point just northeast of White Salmon. The rising sun paint­ ed the clouds a magnificent pink. With a deep blue sky overhead, the 'purple of the wooded slope to the west and the sunlight -streaming in the gorge of the Columbia to th«- east, a picture of rare yplendor was pre­ sented. Blue Diamonds Will Play Manager Cecil Lafferty announces that the Blue Diamonds, a basketball team formed by young men of the city, many of them formerly collegiate and high achool stars, will meet Tlie Çoy- otes, a team of Goldendale. at the high school auditorium next Saturday night. The local team defeated the Mosier town team 44)—ft. Other games scheduled by the organization are as follows: The winners of a series of games among the Portland basketball association, February 1ft: White Salm­ on. February 8; Stevenson. February 1, and Columbia University, of Port­ land, February 19. Ferry Service Resumed Ferry service between here and White Salmon was rrtunncd Tuesday, shore ice having been broken and \the river having shown a rise of about a foot. During the cold weather the Co­ lumbia dropped below zero, and power ferry boats were unable to make tlie Hood River landing at the low stage. The break up of ice oil the upper river filled the current here with many Cash on hand. Jan. 1, 1923 « 4871.41 Taxes ooMocted to July 1, 1M3 ................ ................ 2187.00 Cash on hand and invested, Judy 1, I»» .......................$7088.41 Street Commissioner Street Foreman General Street Work Street Cleaning ... Equipment and Toots Road Trucks Material Road Oil Erne rgency Over Draft Total Estimated 1500.00 $ 1500.00 2618.74 690.00 898.58 2457.69 840 00 902.00 864.47 196.97 1348.38 384.80 210.90 217.51 450.82 2402.96 8 8401.94 8981.8$ $412.60 750.00 - 1490.09 420 68 623 33 509.34 70 18 62.18 $ 1600.00 ■X. 2472. IF 870.00 572.49 1348.46 505.70 149.60 5621 79 1991.42 $13240.23 $ «319.72 $ «00.00 8 187.00 OD760.00 «09.91 429.32 OD123.33 OD 59.34 429.22 447.82 OD 3630.37 300 00 760.06 1800.00 650.00 76.00 275,00 429.22 127.62 500.00 4000.00 OD82459.77 I 8907.04 2100.00 850.00 500 00 450 00 500.00 500 00 $ 5500.00 Receipt* 8 60000 1600 00 2500.00 850.00 500.00 450.00 500.00 OvO.00 500.00 4000.00 «11900.00 5500.00 To ‘be raieed by Tax $ 6400.00 Statement Road Fund to July 1st,. 1923. Receipts— Taxes Collected ................... Licenses Transfers ........................... « 1963.72 175.00 4000.00 Total COUections $ «318.72 Disbursements— O. D. Jan. 1, 1923 ............. 3 5621.79 412.50 Street Commissioner ........ Street Foreman ................ 750.00 General Street Work ... 1490.09 Street Cleaning ................. 420.68 509.34 Road Trucks ..................... 623.33 Equipment and Tools ... Material 70.18 Road Oil 52.18 O.I). July I 3630 37 8 9949.09 8 9949.09 Total I Amount to be set aside each year ............... mount of Interest on Olty Hall Bonds to be raised by taxes ............................... » 1850.M 8 8700.00 RECAPITULATION Estimated amounts to be raised by City Tax for 1924 General Fund ..... ...... J «34950.00 Road Fund ............................... 6400.00 Water Bond Sinking Fund I 1200.00 City Hall Bond Sinking Fund ........................... ... 1850.00 City Hall Bond Interest ., 2700.00 Total to be raised by Tax. .«47100.00 Said budget of estimates will come up for final discussion ___ adoption at the regular meeting of the Common Council on February 4th, 1924, at which time any taxpayer or person interested may pear and present his abjection to such proposed expenditures. H. L. HOWE, City Recorder. DR. THRANE URGES GREATER OPTIMISM RIALTO Frlday.Starday, Jas. 18 asd M THE GREAT MYSTEIY NELOMANA To offset the feeling of ¡M«slmlsm that seems to crop out on occasions, as he sal<|, Dr. Thrane.' chairman at the meeting of the Tuesday Lunch club Tuesday, recounted the develop­ ment of the Hood River valley in the past 10 years, t He declared that the ALSO record showed that the fruit district was in better condition than other sec­ News, Topics, Fables tions. He abowt*d bow the savings de­ posits of the two banks had increased Prices, 34c and Me from $86,000 10 years ago to $720,000 Friday Matinee, lfc at the close of 1923. The commercial deposits showed an Increase of $000,- 000 to an approximate $2,000,000. While the checking accounts have San., Mon. and Tots., J ib . 20-21*22 shown a slight fluctuation frqm time to time, Dr. Thrane said, the savings deposits have made a consistent and' steady increase. Dr. Thrane advised a greater di­ versification of fruits and that or- < . WITH ehardists have more dairy herds and flocks of chickens. He declared that Lionel Barryanrt ul Aina an advisory committee of experts along various lines should be appoint­ One of our greatest offerings ed for the county to aid ranchers in their work. AUBO Dr. Thrane also cited as signs of A SCENIC MASTERPIECE prosperity here the number of auto­ mobiles, one to every four of popula­ Special Music on the Wurlitaer tion in Hood River valley. He also stated that the records showed - that Price», 30c and 50c the valley had between 400 and 600 Bargain Matinee Toe«., 10 aid 35c radio seta. Van W. Gladden was elected secre­ CONTINUOUS SUNDAY 2 TO MP. N. tary of the club, succeeding R. £. Scott, who resigned. Mrs. L. R. Alexander, who was ac­ Wednesday-Thursday, J m . 23*24 companied on the piano by MJ m Opal Walker, was encored when she ren* The greatest story of the Ken­ dered a group of vocal solos. “RED LIGHTS Receipt Taxes Received Licenses Fine« Renta, Transfers Auto Park Collections ... Library «15874.69 519.00 336.00 50731 194.25 489.50 476.09 818395.84 Total Collections Disbursements— O. D. Jan. 1, 1923 ............ 8 2934.03 ■2470.12 Police Dept ............... ... 2739.12 Fire Dept. ...,..................... 1690.35 Salaries ............................. 5256.98 Miscellaneous ..................... 1834.54 Lights ................ ............ 1100.00 Library ........ .................. 4000.00 Transfer to Road Fund . O. D„ July 1, 1923 ............ 8 3429.30 $22025.14 822035.14 “Enemies of Women” tucky hills ever screened Resumption of service by the Hood River-White Salmon ferry lsiats was Wtdcenie by the Heed Hi ver y ♦’reatn- ery, which, while the Columbia river was frozen over, had i*eeti receiving cream from patrons in Klickitat and Skamania counties by way of Port­ land. Some of the dairymen, whose cream has to make the 1.T0 mile jour­ ney, can look from the White Salmon country onto the local plant. A horse, drawing a light wagon, was driven down the Third street hill by the Paris Fair one day last week when the frost and ice made the sur­ face like glass. He proved n good skater. Setting his feet he slid gracefully to the bottom, without fall­ ing once. A crowd cheered at the accomplishment of the unique feat. CITY HALL- BOND SINKtl GENERAL It is a recognized fact that the great majority of the really successful stage and screen stars have started their careers as children. Tills lieing the case, young Joey Depew, who lias attracted so much attention by his work in “Tlie Steadfast Heart.” com­ ing to the Rialto theatre next Wednes­ day and Thursday, is on his way to the coveted position of stnr. Joey, although only 11 years of age. is a screen ' veteran, having started work before the camera five years ago. His first work was at the old World Btudios in Fort Ix*e, the Hollywood of the east. There the youngster learned that tlie first requisite of a successful player is to act natural. At the present time this is young Depew's .chief asset as he appears on tlie screen like the real boy he is. K Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the City Tax Budget Committee of the City of Hood River, on November 17, 1923, there was proposed and adopted«an estimate of the money to be expended by the City during the year 1924, which eetimate, together with the report of the present condition of department funds, is as follows $90,000 SINKIN » Police Department 8 1500.00 City Marshal . 1200.00 Night Marshal 285.00 Traffic Officers 497.60 Extra Police .. Incidentals Fire Department— Fire Engineer ... Assistant Fire Engineer 665.75 Fire Fighting Service , 29.9« Equipment Fire Hose . 300.00 Fire Chief . Fire Marshal Auxiliary Eire Fund— Incidentals ........................... Office Expense- 900.00 Recorder’s Salary ............... 360.00 Treasurer’s Salary ... ..... 600.00 eny Attorneys Salary .... City Attorney, Special Serv 306.00 fee ....................................... 302.36 Supplies and Audit .............. 131850 Engineering, Inspection 443 00 Health Officer ..................... Supplies, Better Building 1715.71 ment Fuel Streets & Bridges (Lights) 1660.73 Traffic Lights, Signals .. 2350.00 Parks 250.00 Park, Caretaker ............. 144.80 Taxes ................................... 109.10 Insurance ............................... Improvements, Bonds, Inter­ 236.57 ............. est Street Assessments 2200.00 Library 331.32 Interest on Warrant« .......... 120.00 Care of Garbage ................... Emergency Fund ................. 2573.34 Transfer to Road FXind ., Paving ............................... Deficit, Jan. 1st ................... 7481.73 Total Estimated ................. Receipts «27814.8« $ 1500.00 1200.00 960.00 501.40 $ 1500.00 1200.00 1200.00 500.00 123.87 1750.00 658.00 56619 396.51 160.00 300.00 1920.00 1143.00 534.96 717.98 716.15 300.00 . 8 $ 750.00 «00.00 561.00 404.26 54-63 750.00 600.00 879.00 195.75 45.37 8 1500 00 1200 00 1440 00 «00 00 100.00 930.00 750.00 415.46 289.66 1860.00 1500 00 700.00 70000 930.00 760.00 285.00 410.44 930.00 750.00 375.00 410.44 150.00 150.00 MW. 00 300.00 1200.00 150.00 150.00 1200.00 IvO.OO 150.00 1200.00 $ 750.00 600 00 lOQO.OO ' 600.00 54.63 $ 1500.00 1200.00 2000.00 1000.00 100.00 1920 00 1500.00 700.00 100.00 360.00 300.00 300.00 1200 00 250.00 54.00 I 900.00 360.00 ”800.00 900.00 380.00 «80.00 450.00 180.00 300.00 900 00 360 00 «0000 460.00 180.00 «00.00 450.00 180.00 800.00 900.00 160.00 TO0.00 588.35 2080.52 431.00 450.00 1438.00 438.00 72.40 330.50 189.86 150.00 450.00 550.00 450.00 150.00 276.57 219.50 260 05 420 00 219.50 -380.00 160.00 450.00 300.00 450 00 1799.65 543.00 1986.91 «7.80 778.00 180.00 20153 700.00 800.00 466.62 3710.8« 109.00 B68.82 600.00 242.00 250.00 68.57 628.56 176549 78.65 155.11 283.00 116.04 101.57 200.00 550.00 8200.00 120.00 600.00 600 00 250 00 250 00. 14413 21.45 1446.00 4136 344.89 217.00 183.9« 116.04 150.00 250.00 1861 92 41.36 485.00 400.00 133 M 116.04 200.00 550.00 8800 00 120.00 3500.00 800.00 200.00 200.00 451.78 261.62 745.81 1100 00 100.20 240 00 2848.61 4000.00 210.00 68.38 68.38 810.00 2700.00 834.74 241.00 9092.73 207.28 750.00 3286.40 1450.00 395.00 4381.90 2800.00 500 00 480 00 4000.00 4000.00 1700.00 399.80 84000 1151.39 1700.00 450.00 240 00 1500.00 4000.00 2500.00 600.00 480.00 4000.00 4000.00 3000.00 8 2614.79 $ 8984.03 814198 83 «20086.22 «39950 00 « 6000 00 “The Steadfast Heart* With Mtftierite Cesrtent aai Nary AMn Also “HAZEL FROM HOLLYWOOD" A Oritiie csarijr featari« Dant; Prices, 10c sad 35c COUNTRY STORE THURSDAY Genuine Ford parts at Frans Co.’s, U a K?" ( . «32419.81 $35072.90 i h‘-t To be Raised by Tax .. «1909111 $36733 3« .lu, $34950.00 Free scientifically examined by H. L. road line at Bingen was completely nual statement is prepared so that its policy for the ensuing year may be Hasbrouck, Optometrist Heilbronner decided upon cable, which will be installed early the coming spring. At Odell and Parkdale additions have l>een made to the switch boards and many existing lines have been re­ built with new poles. At Hood River new 100-pair cable was run between the office and Cas­ cade avenue, and new 25-pair cable from the office south to Pine street and west to Twelfth. This Increased our facilities so that our patrons msy be served to better advsnta«j in these neighborhoods. New 26-pair cable was run frtftn the bridge south at the east end of town with a long span of 740 feet across Hood river and con­ necting with the East Bide road. This did away with the old line along rhe Mt. Hood R. R. track, which has been a big source of annoyance while the Ixxtp road was being constructed and due to repeated washouts. The new board of directors did not elect officers or take up any new busi­ ness, preferring to watt until the an Idle Acres Yield No 4213.8« 0.-W. TELEPHONE CO. rebuilt. At Goldendale, Wash., very little was done but we have on hand SHOWS PROGRESS a work carload of poles and «1.000 worth of At the annual stockholders’ meeting of the Oregon-Washington Telephone Company held January 14, the follow­ ing directors were elected: C. Deth- man, C. E. Coppie, E. O. Blanchar, W. L. Marshall and J. E. Smithson. The following is taken from President Bmlthson's annual report: During the past year the following additions and replacements have been made: A new switchlmard was in­ stalled at the White Salmon office, the old txaird being retired as worthless, having been in operation 1ft years. The new board la the latest type mag net« board and is equipped with two operators’ positions and has a capac­ ity of 200 lines. It cost $1.300 in­ stalled. Approximately 400 febt of 50- pair cable was put up at White Salm­ on to take the place of 25-pair cable and 400 more feet of new 25 pelr cable were added. Tbe existing pole liue between White Salmon and the rail- Park Grange Vesper Services Rev. W. II. Roddy, of the Riverside Community church of Hood River, will hold the fifth of a series of month­ ly vesper services at the Park grange hall Sunday. January 27, at 8 o'clock. Note the date, for all those who have attended these meetings will assure you that they are well worth while. The Laurnell Market "Nothing but the Best** SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY Vi > a,».JI. is auuunu “nr, oecauac UKfW about 142 sticks of 1 J«' x 8' of Pacific Stumping to 50-pound case. You will get one-half more sticks each dollar spent for explosives for land-clearing when buy Pacific Stumping. It has the same strength as o standard stumping powders. There is no danger freezing, nor does Pacific Stumping cause headache handling. Let us supply you with explosives this year. We cany large stocks of du Pont dynamites for all r'eeting pur] on the farm. Tell us your job and well tell you the more per dollar Hood River Spray Co., Hood River R. J. Mclsaac & Co., Parkdale. Byrkett Powder Go., White Salmon, Wash. NON-HEADACHE (fill T) > NON-FREEZINQ Strictly Fresh Hood River Ranch Eggs, per doz. 36c Fancy Standard Bacon, 25c per lb. Pure White Kettle Rendered Lard, 17Mic per lb. Our Watchword: Quality and Service with a Smile STUMPING POWDER A Northwest Product Pacific E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO.. ING POR IT. AND. ORR.