The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 17, 1924, Image 1

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A Day to Think
~ of Tomorrow
Benjamin Franklin was one of the first Ameri­
cans to preach the gospel of Thrift. With far-
seeing eyes he looked into the future and ad­
vocated the setting aside of a portion of today’s
plenty for tomorrow’s need.
Thursday, January 17 th, is
Let us do your Developing and. Finishing
Just a Suit of Clothes
That isn't enough
to be considered
to get the mo s t
for your money.
Style plays a part;
but which in a
broader sense is
only—good indi­
vidual tailoring,
using only pure
woolens as a base.
The cost is far fess
considering the
long life of the
Again we come to January seventeenth,
the birthday of Benjamin Franklin. For
fifty years, on two Continents, social,
scientific and political thought felt the im­
pact of his shrewd and tolerant spirit
Count Mirabeau, in announcing to the
French nation the death of the man
whose name was signed to four of the
most Important documents In American
History—the Declaration of Independence,
the Treaty of Alliance with France, the
Treaty of Peace with Great Britain and the
Federal Constitution,—said :
buys a wonderful
“KLING-KLOCE” double mesh hair
nets, guaranteed perfect. Sale limited
to three to a customer.
Phone 1551 ¿0 Squibb Products & Luncheons
All kinds of
Motor Trouble Shooting
Eledrical and Battery Work a Specialty
Compound—No. 5..
No. 10
Hood River Market
H. B. Leonard, member of- a Mls-
aourl cavalry regiment during the
Civil war, was installed Saturday as
the commander of Cauby Post, Grand
Army of the Republic. Mrs. A. K.
Stranahan was installed as president
of Canby Corps, W. K. C.
Tlie joint Installation of. the two
patriotic . organizations followed an
annual chicken pi<> dinner at the old
K. P. hall. An address was delivered
liv Rev. ('has. W. Johnson, pastor of
the First Christian church.
Other officer» of the Port are: Jas.
R. Cash, senior vice; Jonathan John­
son, junior vice; Sanford Smith, chap­
lain; 8. F. Blythe, adjutant; R. F.
Frasier, quartermaster; G. R. Caet-
ner, officer of the day. and Thomas
Goss, officer of the guard. The post
now has 11) memis-rs. It was organ­
ized in 1882. The maximum lnemiier-
ship reached 50. Six comrades an­
swered the last call during the |Mat
year. They were: Addison McCoy,
T. D. Tweedy, H. C. Rush, J. L. John­
son, W. G. Banks tuid M. F. Jacobs.
Other officers of the Corps were:
Dee Boyd, senior vice; Flora Cudde-
ford, junior vice; Earlecu Meyer, sec­
retary; Ida DeWitt, treasurer; Lida
Bristow, chaplain; Ruth Foss, con­
ductor ; Lottie Daniel, guard; Mrs. N.
44.—MacMillan, assistant conducto r;
Cora Pomeroy, assistant guard; Jo­
sephine Bucklin. Minnie Bower, Tina
Sutherland and Maud. Couuaway,
color bearers; Emma Fengel, instruc­
tress; Elda Burt mess, press corres­
pondent; Iva Scobee, musician.
Mrs. Scobee, the retiriui? president,
was presented with a handsome badge,
Mrs. Bartmess making the speech of
Comrade Courtwright, of Illinois,
who is visiting here, attended the Sat­
urday meeting.
J. 0. Meyer, on the mandolin, ac­
companied by Mrs. Meyer on the
piano, gave several musical selections
tha twvre highly appreciated.
The following biographical data on
Mr. Leonard was prepared for the
Glacier bj 8. F. Blythe.
Herman Bidle Leonard was born at
Columbus, O., August 12, 1844. When
four years old his parents moved to
Jackson county, Iowa. In 1853 he
moved with his parents to Tama coun­
ty, Iowa. His father died in 1855.
Jpne 10, 1865, the widow with six chil­
dren moved to Worth county, Mts-
wagon drawn by pxtn. Here Mr.
Leonard Bred for «1 years, excepting
three years in the army, engaged in
TliS 14th day of Mnrch, 18H2, at the
age of IT, he enlisted in Co. G, 4th
Missouri' cavalry, In which he served
three years and one month. The regl-%
ment was engaged In. active service
throughout the states of Miasonri and’
Arkansas. It fought^ bushwhackers
Pot Rout.
Boiling Beef
Veal Roast .
Whole or Half Hams, skinned
Lard—No. 5 ..............................
A Happy New Year!
Mt. Hood Meat Company
Phone 4141
"“Famous for Quality,
The Volunteer Fire Department, ac­
cording to Fire Marshal Morgan, plans
activity that may eliminate the dan­
ger to children of ,the city on the Co­
lumbia slough, north of town, where
in the paat five months four boys
ranging from 10 to 12 years in age
have been drowned. Mr. Morgan saya
the department proposes a patrol of
the slough and reports on its condition
Plans liave alao Im advanoed for th»
purchase of a diving suit, which will
be~rushed on alarm to the slough in
case of accidents.
Memtiers of the department have
been engaged the past two days with
Deputy State Fire Marshals Stokes
and Gleason in an inspection of busi-
neaa premises. The inspection will be
completed in the near future and rec­
ommendations for the eliminations of
fire hazards made by the deputies.
The state deputies, while here, su­
perintended I lie Installation of fire es­
find trailed the armies of Generals capes on the Cottage hospital.
Price and Shelby back and forth from
the Missouri river to the Imnks of the
Chamber Endorses City Park Plan
Arkansas. At one time It followed
Following a report of Dr. C. II. Jen­
Gen. Price's Confederate army from kins. chairman of a committee that
Jefferson City around to Fort Scott, had lieen appointed to Investigate the
Kans., where Price's army was dis­ purchase by the city of a 37-acre tract
banded. In this campaign the 4th west of town on the Columbia River
Missouri Cavalry battled every day Highway, the Chamber of Commerce
with the Confederates for 14 days. Monday night adopted a resolution in
They captured Gen. Marmaduke in support of the purchase by the city
one of the skirmishes.
council. It is proposed in a resolution
Relie) bush whackers were numer­ adopted by the chamber that the city
ous. A Union soldier was taking des- devise a comprehensive plan for the
perate chances to be out alone on the development of an nutomobile and city
highways and by-ways of the state. park and children's playground.
In 18«3 young Leonard got a fur-
Gordon G. Brown, chairman of the
lougli to go to his home at Grant City. horticultural committee of the cham­
He was on horseback, well armed with ber, reported that his body was
two Colt’s navy pistols. Going he met launching an Investigation, covering
with no Incident worthy of mention, the state for the past 10 years, in au
but returning to his regiment he had endeavor to ascertain prices received
the most thrilling time of his entire, for different fruits in the past 16
enlistment. Fourteen mil« south of years. Mr. Brown declared that Hood
Brunswick, Mo., he called at a large River needs a greater diversification
farm house and asked if he could be of its fruit products. He declared
accommodated for the night. The that a number of Hood River or­
man of the house told him the county chards. because of failure of owners to
was full of rebel bushwhackers and plant fruits adapted to the soil and
that If it was known he gnve a Union location. were a liability rather than
soldier a uight’s lodging they might an asset.
burn his house. Thia man advised
“The Hood River valley,” Mr. Brows
Leonard to go to the next houge where said, “needs more real fanners—men
a widow lived. He went to the house who actually do their work in their
and asked the woman If he could stay orchard»- and ficlda instead of on the
for the night. She replied: “You are street cot-iters?’e.
a Union soldier. I am a rebel, but you
A resolution'hf apreclation of Prof.
can stay and I will see that yon are C. I. Lewis. introduced by Mr. Brown,
not harmed. It there 1» a woman was adopted.
along the Missouri river that can pro­
The following committee, at the in­
tect you it I» I.”
stance of President Childs, was ap­
Next morning the woman refused pointed to endeavor and work out
to take pay for the accommodation, some plan that will prevent tragic oc­
bnt IxMinard threw down a half dollar currences on the Columbia slough:
and departed. He hadn't gone far un­ C. H. Cashier. H. O. Kresse and F. A.
til he met two Confederate officers Olmstead.
Tlie following men were nominated
monnted on fine horses, much better
than Leonard's monnt. One of the for the directorate: R. J. Mclssac,
G. R. Wilbur. F. A. Olmsted, I.-roy
officers spoke and said:
"You are a damned Yankee soldier. Childs, H. O. Kreese, R. E. Scott, A.
Ain’t you afraid to ride alone through F. 8. Steele and B. H. Snow.
THE grange store :