I to » % HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1923 1 1 1 > > 1 11111 .................. i BRIEF LOCAL MENTION j C- B. Sullivan, of■ Oregon City, has WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS arrived here and la now a member of ; the stttlT of the Keir drug store. The Women's Club voted that a »♦M i l 14 I I I I I l I i i i i i i. t i |4 A B. Shelley was elected master of - committee be appointed to confer with H. L. Haalirouck, optometrist. the Masonic lodge at The Dalles last a committee from tbe Tuesday Lunch Genuine Ford parts at Frans Co.’s, tf week. Club on tbe matter of acquiring prop­ Latest Millinery at reduced rate a Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Busse left last erty for a city auto park. The follow­ ' Mies A. Ray, with M. H. 8. d27 week for Kansas City, Mo., for a visit ing were cboeen: Mrs. Huelat, Mrs. Ingalls and Mrs. Schaffner. Shampooing and marcelling Friday with relatives and friends. Mra. MeClaiu gave an Interesting and Saturday at Mt. Hood hotel. Any Mr. and Mrs. IV. B. Small and chil­ review of the book, "The Rising Tide evening by appointment. Tel. 5936. tf dren were here from Portland for the of Color” by Lathrope Stoddard. Now is the time to think of Anti- holidays with Mrs. Small's parents. The next businem meeting will be Freeze for your automobile. See the Mr. aixl Mrs. 8. E. Bart mem. held January 2. ¿Columbia Service Station. n22ti R. A. Collins, of Dee Flat, and C. H. A special meeting was called for Washing needy done at home, rough- < MNtner are tin* hiteat radio fan«, H. Wednesday evening, January 9, at 8 dry preferred. Work called for ami de­ B. Read, of the Radio Shop, having p. m. Mr. Cartesian of Portland will just made the installations. livered Phone 2071. n22tf present a program and allow ruga to The third of a series of winter danc­ illustrate hia lecture on Ulterior dec­ Dr. Thurston Imrnwuy was here for Christmas with Ilia pureuts, Mr. ami es. Is-lng given by the Masonic lodge. oration and oriental ruga. Friends Will be held at the Columbia Gorge are welcome at this meeting and the Mrs. W. F. Laraway. hotel tonight. usual guest fee will not be charged. Mr* Sherman J. Frank was at Cen­ Miss Grai-e Edgington was here terville. Wash., last week visiting her Oregonian Annual ExpioMa Valley from Hu- University of Oregon to father, L. O'Brien. spend the holidays with her parents, The American Legion Post, attracted Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Cramer spent the by the articles on the scenic environs Christmas holidays with relatives nt Dr. ami Mrs. J«-sse Edgington. Miss Helen Hershner has arrived of Mount Hood, lias joined the Hood Umatilla. Orrle Campla-ll Is seriously ill at the from Whitman college to sis-nd the River Chamber of Commerce in an ap- Cottage hospital suffering from a mas- holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. I,. la-al to local people to order extensive­ Hershner. ly of the New Year's annual of the 4 to id operation. Pure Thread Silk Hose, Pure Thread Silk Hose, Pure Thead Silk Hose, Of course she’s proud of ’em, Misses Marion Butler and Ruth Hill Oregonian and forward them to east­ Rev. 11. A. Hutchinson was here Extra Stretch Rib Lisle Mock SeaYn, Mercerized Mock Seam, Mercerized ern friends and relatives. The legion- who wouldn't be- Full fash­ are home from Mills College, Califor ­ with his small sons from Parkdale nia. to s|H-ml tin- holidays with home nairea, who for the past three years Top, does not bind or Lisle Top, Heel, Toe and Lisle top, ’ h$els and foot, ioned Pure Silk Hose, 20 Monday. , have held an annual climbing party of folks. run, black and colors. Sole, black and brown. 20-in. silk leg, blk, colors - Alexander B. Brooke has left to Mount Hood, express an appreciation in. silk leg, black, colors Nels E. N'l-lsen. Oregon Lumber Co. of the big metropolitan daily's efforts sfM-nd the winter at Ills old home in otticial at Dee, was here Saturday with Box of $ pair >5.00 Box of 3 pair >3.00 Box of 3 pair >4.50 » Tacoma, Wash. toward popularizing the mountain. Box of 3 pair >6.0Q Mrs. Nelson on a Christmas shopping “We are indebted to the Oregonian,” J. II. Gerdes fireseiited his daugh­ tour. said Kent Shoemaker, “for R b co­ ters with a handsome Christmas pres­ Harry W. Farrell ]>ald a fine of $5 operation witli ua in lirlnging our rec-, ent, a 4-door Ford sedan. to City Judge Howe last week. Traffic reational activity to the general pub­ Mr. and Mrs. Jofln Inglis, of Vnlsctz. Officer Morrison arrested him for an lic. The articles of the annual should are Christmas guests nt the home of alleged too fast pace on Caacade ave. prove (Compare the quality, looks, fit, wear and price with any Hose shown you by Peddlers; we’ll leave it to you.) of much value to thia section Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Ilowe. E. E. Bosworth, of the firm of Whit­ in calling attention to our great scenic WE ARE HAPPY TO HAVE BEEN ABLE TO ADD HOLEPROOF TO OUR LIST OF NATIONALLY KNOWN, NATIONANLY ADVERTISED LINES Walter Shay, wlm Ims been in the comb. Piepenbrink A Co., of Portland, asset.” hospital recovering from an ofM-ration, was at Parkdale Saturday night, when Tile Chamber of Commerce last is able again to Is* out. lie delivered an address on “The In­ week forwarded a letter to all of ita memliers, urging them to forward cop­ C. It. Bone lias returned from come Tax ami the Producer.” Silk and Wool Marshfield, where be sold a carload of Boys* and Girls' Mr. ami Mrs. Kenneth Lanuette, ies of the big annual. The local Ore­ apples. whose wedding occurred in Portland, gonian agent, L. R. Gano, lias been given headquarters at the cliamlier Bennett Brothers have just sold the sja'iit tin ir honeymoon last week at HOOD RIVER* OREGON city water department u new Dodge tlie Columbia Gorge hotel. William rooms, and all orders coming into tbe Black or Brown commercial car. I*. Allyn was la's! man at the wedding. organization are turned over to him Medium or Heavy at once. _________________ Mr. and Mrs John G. Odell and Fred Bigelow, of Carlton, Wash., $1.65 35c « 5Oc was here last week visiting old time family, of Tlie Dalles, and Mrs. W. Answer Filed in Apple Suit school friends, R. B. and L. H. Bennett. Holmes, of Dayton, Wash., s|ient Ernest C. Smith, attorney for P. L. Eves scientifically examined bv IL L. Christmas witli Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tompkins, orchardist whom tbe Apple Haabrouck, Optom e at Heilbronnr Anderson at their new lionu* here. Growers As»oclation two weeks before Bldg. fSU My. ami Mrs. David T. Marlor and sued for enforcement of membership The Baptist Church ami. Gt-orge Finley, are here from contract, Thursday filed an answer to Shoes Shined? See H. B. Wilson at ' The Baptist church will have ita STAGE AND SCREEN Smith’s Champion Shoe Shop. All Portland. Bpending the htdldays with the complaint, in which he denied that Chrlatiima program Sunday night, fol­ kinds di shoes taken care of. nltf Mrs. Marlor's pa rents. Mr. an«l Mr». the sale« agem y is a eoojieratlve or­ lowing Christmas instead of preceding 8. F. Blythe. ganization under the Oregon laws. Barcl iy Corsets are made to measure. Donald Bennett, who is now with The answer admitted that Mr. Tomp­ it, IJiat Sunday night's services was Mrs. C. S. Jones, Coraetiere, 810 Park The queens of Simin made their own the hands of the Sunday schiMil, the Standard Oil Co, at Vancouver, kins in 1914 had entered into a mem­ in ’’Ave. Phone 2294. o4tf hair-pills! bership agreement with the Associa­ which rendered a splendid program T Is not only customary but It Is It ash., was here for a holiday visit In the days of 'The SiMiiish Dancer,” We pay caeh for your old furniture or tion. It declared, however, that at to an audience that filled the auditor make a liberal allowance on new goods. witli Ids parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. that time he owned only 10 acres of lum. The program for Sunday night l’ola Negri's new Paramount picture a great pleasure to us Io wish Cali Hackett 8111, Kelly Broa. Co. Fur­ Bennett. printed elsewhere in this issue of the produced by Herbert Brenoii. «picens Jutlge CasUier. staU- cummander, orchard. In 1017 lie moved to the city paper. ¡Sunday school at 10 a—m.- made their own hair plus. When our friends and customers niture Exchange. * m!7tf and purchased the Hood River Pro­ Preachhtg service at 11 a. m. Subject Kathlyn Williams,, who plays the role Rev. and Mrs. Sykes and dnugliter and S. F. Blythe, member of the ex­ duce Exchange. HAPPY NEW YEAR.” of Queen Isabelle, hunts for a hair pin were up from Portland for tlie holi­ ecutive Isaird of tlie Oregon depart­ The answer nllegc« that Mr. Tomji- ef sermon, "Tidings of Great Joy.' on the ment, Grand Army, were in Portland io elalMirate elaborati dressing ______ ______ table __ in ___ Iler Evening, at 7.30, a program ill the days for a visit witli tlieir daughter, last We thank you ? for the part kins purchased later 55 acres of other week on official busim-ss. lM*d cl Immlx-r, ___ slie finds the "makings.'' Mrs, James ^'ilson, ami family. orchards, in order to utilize the fruit handa of the choir, with a short ser­ Save Fuel — By stopping cracks a- in his own ImHinesH. It la claimed mon on "Which Shall Be to All Peo­ but she has the manual labor to do you have taken In making our Dr. W. Donald Nickels«n was up roil ml windows and doors with Nu-Met- ple.” Tlie serimui in the morning shall herself. from Portland to spend tlie Christinus al Weatherstrip which wm can easily tiiat lie shipped his fruit from theae bring forth the foundation of tlie work business a success and we anticipate Inquiry ou till« point revealed the holidays with ills parents, Senator ami put on yourself. See Emry Lumber A ranches with the* full knowledge* of of Christ, laid in His first coming. fact that a well furnished dre-weing . • the New Year will be a prosperous one Mrs. J. R. Nickelson. table in the days when the atory of Company. s20tf the association. In October of this year, according The sermon at night will show the ————— Fuel for all of us. 11. 8. Braakman does painting, paper to the answer, Mr. Tompkins, in order accomplishment through Christ’s sec­ 'The S| miii I h I i Dancer” takes piece, hanging and decorating. Have your that lie might bundle all of his fruit. ond coming. Junior B. Y. I*. U. at 4 held atMiut KN) articles for use in the Thanking you for the patronage you Imuse enameled inside and outside with SHHigne*d his memliership contract to [g m. Intermediate B. Y. P. U. at 5 30 toilette. Among them was a large cube of ordinary cork into wtih'h wln-s a guarantee for six years. Tel. 2404, Mrs. Helen Overturf. The answer p. in. in the prayer meeting risini. of all sorts, sizes and h-ngths were have given us, Braakman's Hardware, Paint and Wall «■lainis tiiat such asslgniiient wan mirde* Subject. 'The Word of God.” Ix-nder, stuck like pins in a cushion. Jane Carson. Senior B. Y. P. U. ut paper, Smith Building, a5tf at the instance of the tuesia-iation. These wires were used as hair plus 6.30 in the main auditorium. Vrnyer Rev. W. N. Byars was in The Daih-s We remain, nM*eting Wednesday at 7.45 p. in. You by great ladies of the day. A wirt* Bessie Arnold Released last Friday to see an old Willamette the size and length required was se ­ are all cordially invited to these ser Yours very, truly, university classmate, Bernard Ramsey, Resale Arnold,-- 49 year old woman, lected and twisted into the sha|Mi C. R. Delcpine, Pastor. attorney of Madras, wlm is ill at The arrested last week at the Instance of vices. t which would ls*st secure a corner in Dalles hospital, recovering from an |M>atal authorities, who alleged misuse IS NEAR the elaborate head drees of the period. Asbury M. E. Church operation for apix-ndicitis. of the mails in a matrimonial adver­ Precious metals were used In the. mak­ Mr. and Mrs. Crawford C. Lemmon, tising scheme, was released Thursday Last Sunday evening the largest ing of the wire. By Wm. W. Esseltyn, her own recognizance. Postal and crowd of the present conference year Many of the ornaments which adorn and a good time to open a of Medford, where Mr. Ia-nunon is on manager of the affairs pf Sgotiel A city authorities opened- 36 letters in enjoyed the splendid musical program the dressing table in "The H|>anlsh Manager Day, arrived Saturday witli their little the lock box held in the woman's rendered by the choir. Home came In Dancer" are antiques. When ___ antiques daughter. Barbara, to six-lid the holi­ nnme. They found no money. Five from Odell and Mosier. Monday even­ of the period could not I m * found, days here witli relatives. of the lette’rt. however, were from mar­ ing the Sunday schiMil presented their articles were made from earefully Mr. iyi«l Mrs. Itols-rt Howes, of Seat­ ried men from yarious parts of the Christmas pageant to an appreciative «irawn held In January. mended for the pastorate of the valley stars in the cast. er, Miss Prudence Hpight. tlieir leaving lias aroused general re­ Radiola V Grandest church, and one or more men were Announcements und Offering. grets. Notice! W. O. W. Wirk thrct dry recommended. Mule Quartet: "O Come All Ye Most This Is Harding Memorial Week Mrs. Susie I. “Lynn received word -January 3, 1924, at 8 p. m.. there cdl Rodiotnm Edw. ii« ilMum, Faithful,” Messrs. Tomlinson, John­ Complete Christmas Eve tiiat her brother. David will Is* an open meeting (Installation Fidlowing the proclamation by Gov ­ T. J. Miller, son. Olmsted mid Hackett. twh«*, and A. B.verlee, and wife had reached the of officers) of Hood River Camp No. ernor Pierce* naming this week as W. T. Furry. Hol«: "O Little Town of Bethle­ and United States en route home on fur­ 770 of the W. O. W. All members, Committee. Harding Memorial Week. full plans hem,” Scott, Miss Alh-e Carson. lough from Bolenge, Beige Congo. Expensive 014XJO their families and friends, are cordial­ for the Oregon cani|Milgn were an ­ Anthem: "Behold. I Bring Yon South Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Byerlee ly Invited. Big feed, good crowd, and Anna Eleanor Cash nounced bw B. F. Mulkey, state chair­ Good Tidings." Lynes, Choir. Scenic have been at Bolenge three years and a good time assured all. man. Solo: "Star of Bethlehem,” G. II. Production contemplate returning after a year's Anna Eleanor, the nine-montlia-old W. C. Kurts. Of the national quota of 83,, Johnson. furlough. They traveled from Eng­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cash, W. Giblxms, Human Sermon. land on the 8. 8. Is-viathan. succumbed to measles last Thursday. Which, it is hoped, will I m * rained by F. Ames. «I27J3 Hyinu Anthem: “ Dear Idttle Strang ­ organizations headed by the governor Eyes Funeral services were held at the er." Choir. Elden I^Burton Haddock home of the grandfiarents. Mr. and of each state as honorary chairman, Many to Attend State Meeting Ever Benediction. Mrs. James B. Cash. Saturday. inter­ Oregon's share Is 850.000. There has Funeral services will be held at the Vesper. President Child«, Secretary Allyn ment following at Idlewilde cemetery. been no assign mi nt of county quotas, Beheld Anderson chapel today for Elden Ix*- and the most of the directora of the but Portland will endeavor to account Bnrten Haddock, aged 11 years, who local Chamber of Commerce will attend Rev. Chas. W. Johnson, pastor of the for HO per cent of this sum. Isenberg and Thcrnton Win Praise dhsl Christmas night at the home of the flftli annual meeting of the Ortftio Christian church, officiated. 4 'The $3,ody of the IR-montha-oId non of the place of the present temporary have won lilgli praise for their enter­ Two brothers and three sisters survive. Royal Arch Chapter Elects / ** * Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Zwvlgert wan resting place of President Harding; tainments/ The men gave a perfor­ Interment will occur st Idlewilde mance last night instead of tonight, Sold and installed by Officers of the Hood River Chapter. shipped here from lx* Angele«, arriv­ secondly, a shrine will be made of the tn order to prevent a conflict with cemetery. ___ _________ ___ Royal Arch Masons, were elected Fri­ ing lent Saturday night. Interment, old Harding homestead at Marlon— “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” BIO PARAOK AT NOON day night as follows: Glenn B. following service* at the Anderson the Income from government bonds be­ Many Children at Rialto Matinee THE RADIO SHOP OF HOOD RIVER T1 m * veteran show men have won aO-PKOPLK-30 Marsh, high priest; A. F. Howes, king; chapel Monday, occurred at Ildewilde ing used to keep up the Harding resi­ the confidence of the public and Tlie Rialto theatre entertained at a the If. B. Read, Prop. cemetery. dence, just as Mount Vernon is now complimentary matinee Christmas Tom Fisher, scribe; William Irwin, merchants whose wares they are ad ­ DDIPCC Malin««-. We .Bd Me ke|»t up In Virginia; third, a chair of vertising. Sal«« Represcnlativ« for R«dio Corporation rnluLJ F. venina: Me. »Sc .nd tl.M morning for the city's children. Little captain of host; E. O. Blanchar. treas­ of America for two year« Doss dost blow in around your win­ statesmanship and Diplomacy along urer; and W. M. Post, secretary. In ­ Misses Norma and lera J*"n’ and doors? Stop it with Nu- Metal the same lines advocated by our late See this xef in our window, alto tern of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ji;_Kotetad; stallation followed Immediately after dows Trnnka, Bags, Snitcaaea. Large Ba- Weatherstrip which you can put on president will be established In a tbe wonderful Atwater-Kent sett. were h<*teasea. and presented many the election. Kelly yourself. Emry Lumber A Fuel Com­ prominent university and Harding's sort ment, reasonably priced. loaded Christmas tree For Spi re) I a Coradle— Mrs. Fred Howe presents from a Bros. Co Genuine Ford parte at Frana Co.'a. if pany. «2011 Ideals perpetuated in thia way. 618 Cascade Avenue. Tel. 8464. (Siti Genuine Ford parts at Franz Co.tí HAPPŸ NEW YEAR ! Begin The New Year In The Right Way Buy And Wear Hole Proof Hosiery and you will have your hosiery problem happily solved. This Is The Kind of Hose We Have All Been Looking For. Silk Hose That Wears-Looks Good and Fits rfiaEOZg Better-At a Price Within Reason HOLE PROOF HOSIERY IS THE CORRECT ANSWER Buy Holeproof Hosiery By The Box. You Pay Less And Get More Than Any Other Can Offer Holeproof Hose Holeproof Hose HL! THE NEW YEAR TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. MONTHLY ACCOUNT The Star Grocery IVe wish you A Prosperous New Year! PERIGO & SON R adiola V with a Loudspeaker “Thurs.,Dec.27 STETSON’S Cabin Radiola 30 on the stage. ■I SCHOOLED ACTORS ACTRESSES