The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 15, 1923, Image 1

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As a National Bank
DAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1923
this Institution offers ail ot the
advantages of ample resources,
responsible management and In­
terested personal service —
Next Week Thursd
23 and 24
the cooperation of the National
Government, with all of the spe­
cial privileges that membership
in the Federal Reserve allows.
Klenzo Tooth Paste, Symphony Lawn Stationery, Jonteel
Talcum, Cascade Pound Paper and Envelopes, Hair Nets,
Liggett’s Chocolates, Aspirin Tablets, Face Powders, Face
Creams, Shaving Creams, Hot Water Bottles and hundreds
of other Wonderful Bargains.
We Invite Your Account
The third of a serie« of intercity
It la anticipated tbat.thg next regu­
meetings, sponsored by The Dalles Kl-
lar monthly meeting of the Apple
wanis Club «nd the Tuesday Lunch
Growers Association. to be held Mon-
('tub, of thia city, launched a year ago
Iday night, will draw one ot the largest
for the purpose of creating an tater-
numbers of orchardlsts present fur
county cooperative spirit through ac­
such a seHsinn in a number of years.
quaintance and friendships engendered
A Chief feature of the meeting will is*
by the gatherings, was held at the
u report by a eummittra on the plans
Columbia Gorge Hotel Tuesday even­
recently advanced by William Gnrtit,
ing, when the local club members were
I executive manager of the Western
Fruit Jobbers Association, for assem­
The chief feature of the dinner, at­
bling about $500,000 ft»r carrying <>u
tended by the wives of members of
an advertising campaign to exploit
the two organizations and numerous
boxed applra The cbituuittee is com-
friends, were addresses by Truman
|s>sed of P..F. Clark. A. F. H. Steele,
and Representative Sinnott.
" E. Rhenium, C. King Benton. Tru­ Tile Hood River Valley apple iuiT- Butler
Mr. Butler expatiated on the advan­
man Butler, E. O. Blauchar and F. H. vrat, a« a result of record good wrati­ tages
of the Wasco county capital,
er, is lieing wound up. By the end of while Mr. Hlnuott, us he declared, at­
Mr. Garfit visited here several weeks the week ¡tacking will be fairly well tempted to paint the lily in extoling
ago. He later caHed on shipping ran- ended, ror the past week transient the merlin of the nood River country.
rarna and growers of all Wasldngton harvest hands have been leaving by Both men were at their brat. They
districts. His plans have aroused en­ the hundreds. Hcorra of California grew eloquent and told numerous In­
thusiasm at all points. He pr<qs>ara pickers and ¡airkerw. engaged in local cidents. characterised by wit and hu­
indeed, Mr. Butler revealed
to assras each box of apples one rant fields and pecking plants, are leaving mor.
and the rest of the educational fund for the south to participate in the some of tile «eerets of a spontaneous
youth, concerning his first venture hi to
would be procured from subscrlptlims citrus harvest.
Hince ¡tacking began in. September the Itusiuras world in delivering pa­
from box and spray manufacturers
and paper dealers.
growers Imve been able to pursue their lters, and feasting on doughnuts and
manipulation of cats that had lost
Commercial organizations of Yaki­ harvest without interruption from bad the
at least one of their nine lives, said
ma. Wenatchee and Walla Walla, weather. Picker« were halted only eats
having been delivered to an early
Wash., have taken official eognizaiwe two days by light rains. The fall has day Dalles
of the Garfit plan and have committees
Mr. Butler declared on« of the
actively engaged in studying it. It is
proudest moments of hi« life iK-curred
proposed that all of the committees warehouses without frost damage. No on the day he was made an officer of
from the various fruit centers meet in temiteralure has Iteen low enough to the Portland-The Dalles boat line es­
Yakima December. 10, 11 anil 12. at affect fruit left unexposed in fields.
Hit ipnients tip to the paat week end tablished by The Dalles ciHnens. He
the time of the meeting <if the Wash­
reached a total of approximately 1,200 was purser for nine years on the
ington State Horticultural Bocloty.
steamer Regulator. He expressed a
The plan of William Garfit, secre- rare, a little over a third of the dis­ sincere appreciation of The Dalle«
The Apple
taryof the Western Fruit Jobbers' As­ trict'« entire tonngge.
folk, who, he declared, gave him a
sociation, who was recently here, to Growers Association up to Friday had foundation fur building up a confidence
form an organisation for bringing reralved from growers a total of in husiuess life here through the rec­
about a better merchandising of apples. 1,202,767 boxes and had shipped 570,- ommendations they gave him when he
I ihr made a greater inipreRHion, appar- 370 boxes.
Maximum aliipmeiita will continue and Ills father ratablished their bank
ently, on Yakima and Weuatchee dis
roll from here until the holiday
tjricta than any recent proposal of a co­
operative nature. The Yakima Herald seaaon, it ia expected. The heaviest
last week carried the following story rollings hereafter will be made from
the Mouut Hood line, where ware­
of the visit of Mr. Garfit there:
Lack of salesmanship In the jobbing houses to date have «hipped about a
and retail trade the country over ia the third of the tonnage to be handled.
big hindrance to greater consumption Shippers, however, are eager to get ail
of applra and any scheme for promot­ aigtles off the valley line for fear ot
ing extended use of apples must link a blockade duo to a «now storm or
up personal contact with judicious freshet.
The jobbing trade Is
Embargo«« placed on fresh fruit
merely taking orders instead of em­ shipments destined for New York City
ploying skillful salesmanship in pre­ hy the Erie line and by the Pennsyl­
vailing upon the retailer to liny more vania line on sons* points la retarding
and the retailer also la content to take shipments from her« slightly- The
what orders come to him Instead of Erie embargo is partly due to the
inducing the consumer to buy in larger heavy movement of wine grapee from
California. Apple shippers, however,
This in substance was the <h><lara­ are partly rraponsllile by their heavy
tion of William Garfit, secretary of the loading ot fruit for th« metropolitan
I Western Fruit Jobber«* Aaaoei ition, In market.
I speaking befcre a large aud'enec of
I growers, ahtppors, bankers and buoi-
I ness men that packed the auditorium
I at the Commercial Chib last week.
I Mr. Garfit discussed the apple nitaa-
J. Collier,
I tlon as regards present methods of
I marketing and distribution and de-
I dared tliat aomething had to be done
The Hood River County Tax and
I to increase consumption. He proposed Conservation
Commission will meet at
I that the apple industry of the Nortb-
I west contribute one cent a Imx toward the courthouse next Monday for a
an advertising and sales organisation fonr-day aeries of hearings.
fund to which the jobbing trade would schedule han been announced a« fol­
contribute its «hare, thia fund to be lowa by J. R. Forden. secretary:
Notices of time and ¡dace for hold­
uaed to promote greater consumption
ing the hearing and connlderatkm ot
of apples.
The president of the Commercial the budgets of the various tax levying
Club, who presided at the nns-ting. was boards of Hood River county. A1I will
authorised to apfioint a committee of lie held in the county court room in
five to look into Mr. Garfit'« plan fur­ Hood IUver.
Monday, November 16. at TO a. m.,
ther and to act in conjunction with
In confirmation of a report made to
I like committees from other district« of Union High School District No. 2; the local bodies two weeks ago by Rep­
I the Northwest. Tills eoinmittee will
resentative N. J. Sinnott, after an in­
Monday. November 10. at 1.30 p. m.. terview with the Portland office of the
tie composed of two growers, two sliip-
Dukes Valley Reboot District No. 13: United Htatra Forestry Service, the
pers and one business man.
There are great powdbilltira for ex­ Middle Valley Schisil District No. 0; Hood River Chamber of Commerce
tending the use of apples and while Mt. Hood Schisd District No. R.
and American legion Poet yesterday
Tuesday. November 20, at 10 a. m., received a telegram from Senator
advertising In newspapers and on sign
I boards will figure tn this, especial en>- Parkdale Hchool District No. 6; Dee Charles L. McNary, announcing assur­
I phasis must be placed upon personal School District No. 14.
ance of the Coopers Spur lateral of
Tuesday, NoVeinlsY 20, at 1.30 p. in.. the Mount Hood Loop Highway next
I contact, Mr. Garfit declared. To In*
I crease consumption the jobber must lie
spring. Henator McNary wired the
I induced to use his heat efforts to pass Wyeth Hihisd IM strict No. 15; Pine Hood River organisation« following a
I more apples on to the retailer and in Grove Hchool District-No. 7.
conference with CoL Greeley, chief for­
Wednesday, Novemts r 21, at 10 a. ester. The news brought elation to the
I turn the retailer must be intereetedJn
I selling more applra and the consumer ni.. Oak Grove Heliool District No. 11; local men.
I educated to use more of them. The Barrett Hchool Dlntrict No. 4.
“It’s the moat cheering news the Le­
Wednesday, November 21, at 1.30 p, gion Poet baa ever had,” «aid Kent
campaign is to be «arried along these
I lines.
m., Frankton Hchool Dlntrict No. 2; Shoemaker, chairman of the organiza­
According to Mr. Garfit'a Idea, there V lento Hchool District No, IQ.
tion'« Mount Hood Climb Committee,
would accrue from an aswaament of
Thursday, November 22, at 10 a. m.. which Initiated a campaign for the
one cent a box on the Northwest pro­ Hood • River School District No. 3; «pur lateral three year« ago.
duction a fund of $300.000. To thin Hood River Irrigation IHstrict.
| Wm. P. Allyn, necretary of the
would be added the contributions of the
Thursday. Nov. 22. at 1.30 p. m., Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Shoe­
Jobbing trade, making a total of $501),- Dee Irrigation District: Middle Fork maker expressed their appreciation of
000. A large share of thin would lie Irrigation District; East Fork Irriga­ support of the Portland Chamber of
used in the employment of contact rail tion District.
Commerce and the Oregon Htate Ed­
who will teach the retailer how' to m*ll
Tlie time for the Hood River county itorial Association. The latter body at
apples and the causutnern how to use budget hearing will tie announced its annual convention, held on Mount
Hood at the Legton ramp last July,
Mr. Garfit has already presented tile
adopted a resolution endorsing the
Ulea to the Wenatchee and Hood River
spur project. Its member« since have
districts and found them responsive.
done great service, the local meu say,,
Edwin Hmith, of Wenatchee, a mem­
in crystalling atatewlde sentiment for
ber of the committee ot three Wen at
the spur road which will connect Port­
«•bee «kippers acting for that district,
land and all Oregon with the snowline
waa present at the meeting and made
of the mountain.
a-statenwnt of the position of Wenat­ A father and son program will lie
chee on the proposition.
given Friday evening by Heed River
He «aid that Wenatchee had con­ lodge of Masons. The program will in­
fidence in the ¡irinted word ns a mentis clude patriotic addresses by promi­
of advertising aa shown by the fact nent members of the order and a fea­
that it is on a there-year cam[mign ture will lie musical number« and ad­
supiMirtcd bv W per cent of the acre­ dresses l»y sons as well as fathers. It
age of the district at three cents a box, will he followed by a luncheon.
The Volunteer Fire Dpartment haa
tait it also appreciates the value of per­ This occasion has tieen arranged by
sonal contact. The Wenatchee commit­ dire<1ion of the Grand Master of the launched the sale of tickets for the
tee favored doing aomething yet this state, every lodge In Oregon being ex­ 18th annual ball of the organisation,
season, at least to the extent of mak­ pected to observe father and non week to be held at Pythian Temple Thanks­
ing a demonstration in a number of with a special program of this kind. giving night. L. J. Daniels, in charge
citiea. Hewever, Wenatchee will con­ The
attendance of im*n and boys is ex­ of preparation« for the firemen’« hop,
tinue its "Eat Wenatchee Apples'' cam­
to be evenly divided,’as each say« that the politic in taking a keen
who does not have a son has interest in the event.
The plan proposed by Mr. Garfit whh
City official« are sponsoring the fire­
to borrow someone's else
heartily endorsed by Frsd Eberle, man­
ball and members of the official
ager of the Horticultural Uuiuu, who son for the occasion.
The program, which will start family and their wives will art ns
sakl he saw in it a practical plan Dor
patron« and patronesara Thanksgiving
teaching the consumers to use more promptly at 7.30, 1« under the direc­ night.
«pples. In his opinion the people of tion of a committee which include«
the United Htatra can consume all the Kent Shoemaker. Trnmnn Butler, Dr.
apples that the Northwest can grow II. D. W. Pimm. L. B. Gibsan, George
If ihe value of applra is fully appre­ Gallaway and R. B. Bennett.
The residence and barn of L A.
Brown on the Mount Haod Loop High­
W. L. Bteinweg. president of the
way in the Upper VaUey were burri'd
First National Bank, striK k- the key­
H. Norcgard, Wallown merchant, Saturday. The fire, discovered by Mm.
note of the meeting in declaring that returning home from Portland Bunday Brown, starteli from nome undeter­
personal contact aocoinpRahes vastly with a new tonring rar, traveled at 34 mined ramie in the residence. Mr.
greater rranlta than other meaus em­ miles an hour down Cascade avenue, Brown had gone to Portland to meet
ployed In making sale«. He exprrased according to Traffic Officer Morrison. gnests expected from the east.
the hope that the growers and «¡lippers
Mm. Brown seising ■« few articles
would give careful consideration to the I. Hlioda. a Portland Japanese barber, of clothing, rushed from the burning
matter of Uning up on the plan pre­
eling In exces» of the speed limit. City building and released a pony «tabled
sented by Mr. Garfit.
in the barn.
J. A. Meade, of Beattie, president of Judge Howe fined each |10.
We purchased at the Pacific International Stock Show a
full-blooded Roan Durham Steer that belonged to the Boys
and Girls Club of Union County, Oreland was raised by a
lx>y by ' the name of Kenneth Prather. This animal took first
__ and
i we are going to give away some choice cuts for
Th: lanksgiving.* Watch this space and our display window
for further particulars.
Boiling Meat
Pot Roast__
Sirloin Steak
•T” Bones _
Pork Steak
Veal Steak .....
Veal Stew.... .
Veal Roasts .
. - 22
Leg of Pork....................
Shoulder of Pork
Loin of Pork Roast____
Fresh Side Pork Roast.
Wieners________________ 20
----------- 18
Ring Bologna___________ 15
Regular Hams_ 24 & 28
Fancy Light Bacon_____ 33
half or whole
Cottage Rolls___________ 18
Our Tile Improve with Age
Prompt attention given to mail orders.
Successor to TUCKER’S GARAGE
by the choir of
Rivenide Church, Suday evening at 7:45
the second of the series
‘The Calvary of a Nation
of Seattle
■ i