The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 01, 1923, Image 1

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For Dandruff and Falling Hair
We Recommend
Here Is a message that can well be taken to
heart by the American people:
Eat another apple each day. You will help
brin£ an Jncreased demand for the fruit,
which will prove a boon to the farmer and
bring prosperity to all.
Here at this Bank, the farmer, the business
man and everyone interested In furthering
the prosperity of this section are always,
welcomed. You will find your kind of ser­
vice here.
Rexall “Ninety-Three” Hair Tonic
A Guaranteed Remedy.
Harvest your October Corn crop now!
Rexall Com Solvent
has done wonders for others — why not try it ?
“A purchase here carries that pleasure of satisfaction
Resources over a million
Apples and Livestock
Let a see if we are not all
aiming at the same target.
The man who is going to buy
an Overcoat this week has, we
believe, style in his eyes, qual­
ity in his heart and value in
his head.
He wants to pluck a wonder­
ful coat but he doesn’t want—
to be plucked for a wonderful
Take a look is all we ask.
Vu“'r"« you.,,
We have been asked to contribute
this space to NATIONAL APPLE WEEK,
October 31st to November 7th, and also
STOCK EXPOSITION, Nov. 3rd to 10th.
We are strong for both of these worthy enter­
prises and we hope this year will see the best
observance of APPLE WEEK and the largest at-
tendance of the LIVESTOCK SHOW In the history
of these Important organizations.
In tact If the Apple men and the Livestock
men ever £et their problems all worked out we
will increase our advertising space and cortflne
ourselves to bank publicity.
Gordon Hat
to match
.Member Federal Reserve System
Squibb Week Special Offer
olbre Dral
Nov. 3rd to lOth -
Beginning Saturday, November 3, and continuing
for one week, a
50c Tube of Squibb’s Dental Cream
With Each Dollar Purchase of
Drain Your Land for
Larger Crops
OU wouldn’t t’unk cf making your farm land do
without fertilizer when it is needed. Then, why
should you delay in draining
land,—it will do it
more permanent good than any amount of fertilizer.
Drained land is fertile land. It will increase your
crop yield enormously, enough more to pay fop the
drainage in one season. You will harvest better crops.
You can work your land earlier and easier. Drained
land has a higher value, making drainage your best
______________■______ _
Our Tile Improve with Age
“We Specialize in Nationally Advertised Products
Fountain and Luncheonette Service
Hood River Drug Company
Be careful in selecting your tile; you don’t want to
do the job over again. Our tile are made of concrete
by the Dunn method, Insuring the best that can be
made. They do not disintegrate, but actually improve
with age. Every one is guaranteed.
Emry Lumber & Fuel Co
Oak Street
Phone 1551
Let me quote you prices on reboring
and reflnishing cylinders.
All work guaranteed.
Successor to TUCKER’S GARAGE
Phone 3743
The Sunday Evening Club of
President Green
The other day my small son was talking to me
about aeroplanes, and when he $»ot all through he
said to me, “What s’pose,” which should remind
you when In trouble ot "What s’pose,* ’ ^o to
Shop 12*1
of Albany College
As Special Speaker Sunday, Nov. 4th at 7:30 p. m.
Mr. Albert T. Case will sing
Dr. Wm. H. Boddy preaches Sunday morning 11 o’clock
Rea. 3721
WIV illtl'AW
eaten lij nearly every state In the
Union. Carloads of rich red Arkansas
Blacks, a favorite cooking apple in
every aectiou, urv now Ix-ing forwurded
to dealers below the Mason A Dixon
line, where (heir coloring makes them
tlie most popular fruit at ChriHtmas-
time for the colored gentry.
Reason will reach a record yield, tlie
Passengers To Get Appka—School Chil­ Hood River valley grower 1 h ut pres­
ent giving no worrying attention to the
dren Will Hear Story of
ii|M«thy of the market, due to tbe over­
flow of early varieties at distributing
Johnny Appleseed
centers. The small sized Newtown»
are going iu a steady stream to Europe,
ami tbe larger varieties, the favorite
Hood River launched National Ap- on (lie domestic (rude, are being placed
Hood River county will hold a pe­
pie Week with n Ising
,_ Un­ In storage for late delivery. llmid culiar road bond election next Tues­
til next Wedneaday night every busi­ River Newtowns, emerging from Htor-
ness house, civic aud commercial or­ age criNp and apiietlzing next April, it day, almultaneounly with the referen­
ganisation mid most individual citi­ in anticipated, will be a leader in tlw dum election on the ntate Income tax.
zens will lie engaged in the work of apple marketH of tlie country.
Recently the county court called the
helping to keep tlie district's 2,300,000-
special election, in order that electors
Isix crop polling to consumers.
methodH of growiug nnd hauling ap­ might imihh on au issue of *60XMM) in
A feature of tlie local cidelirution ples. Flach HeaRon grower« lenrn new road bonds. proposing to use *.50,000
is the jiart being played by tlie Wo­ ways of combatting itiHeet im ' h I h , new of the fund in isuistructing a "tnn-i1
man's Club. Tin* president mid vice n.VHtemM of irrigation, fertilization aud tion "between the new interstate bridge
president. res|>ectively of this organ­ cultivation. Improvement in noted each across the Columbia river and the Co­
ization. Mrs. W. H. McClain mid Mrs. HeaRon in the method of preparing tlie lumbia River and Mount Hood Loop
R. B. Perigo. met last Friday with tlie fruit for market. Tlie moat revolu­ highways. It whb further specified
general committee of tlie lis-nl niem- tionary cliauge tlie imHt setiHon la noted that *K*.(MM* would he spent in connect­
I hth of tlie International Apple Slilp- in the Kiilwtitiition of a patM-r treated ing tlie Ixsip Highway with the north
; hth Association mid entered enthusi­ with oil for tlie old 1*0111111011 wrap|M*r. end of the l’lne Grove orchard dis­
astically into tlie pliiiis. Meuilsrs of AppleH, especially those of the yellow trict, connecting a lateral down Whis­
tlie club will meet each through | mish - or green varieties, are subject to ser­ key creek.
euger train of (lie Union l'lieitlc line, ious marring an tlie result of scald that
Scarcely was the general public ap­
passing tlirougli tlie city during the diweliqiM in storage. For u number of prised of tlie call for the bond election,
daytime mid in tlie early evening mid years officials of tlie bureau ot plant when a general sentiment against the
each long distmiee iMiHsenger will Is- patlmlogy of the United States Depart- locution of tbe proposed bridge road
presented with mi apple, accompanied iik ’ ii I <if Agriculture worked on exiM-ri- wan crystallized. The county court,
by a curd of greeting from tlie llood inents with various oiled papers. Lt after conferring with representative
River apple growers.
was announced last summer that oiled citizens from various ¡nirtn of the
Local merchants arc enthusiastic in wraps had passed the experimental county, deckled last week that the best
interests of the community would be
tlieir plans for the cidelirution. mid it stage,
is anticipated that Apple Week dis
Tlie scald is caused, it is said. I»y tlie served if tlie election were called off.
plays will exceed liny ever IxTore mvii action of gases that are exuded frmn However, it was found that notices
Csdoreil plaeardH are being the apples. The oil tn the wrap enuses
already been publislied ami the
placed In all busiuesi* show windows an absorption of the gas. thus eiiiul- ba 1 loin —
*-* 1 Thru “ it • * became
advising Hood River consumers to set listing the defect. Experimental sta­ essary for insuing advices to the elec­
tlie |Hice for tlie nation by buying'fruit tion directors say that the idled wrap torate to go to the {Mills and voto
by tlie box. Merchants are enclosing will materially increase tlie storage against the hondn. It in predli-ted that
in tlieir regular monthly statements life of apples. Newtown growers hen1 the iMind issue will be unanimously
tillers telling of the piir|M>He of Na­ say that it is the biggest I mhiii they voted down, for no sentiment has ap-
tional Apple Week. All local residents have ever received as an aid in profit­ pearvd favorable to the Issue under
existing Hrcuinntances.
are advised to make an Apple Christ­ able dis|M>sition of tlieir tonnnge.
The sentiment of the people, accord­
mas for tlieir eastern friends.
Constant la-tterments. too. are Isdng
Tlie story of Johnny Apple Seed will made in methods of handling the ap­ ing to Wm. 1». Allyn, secr»*tarv of the
Is1 told to all tlie school children of ples after tlieir arrival In warehouses. Chamlier of Commerce, should not lie
the valley. County School Su|ierinteud- Tills season tlie Apple Growers Asso­ taken an an indication that local folk
ent Gilison arranging for distribution ciation expended nearly *30,000 iu eon- are opposed to developing a good high- -
of literature on tills unique apple pio­ striu tion of a new reviving warehouse way connection with the new bridge
neer. II. G. Ball, secretary of tlie Ap­ on a location above its storage rooms now under construction across the
ple City Radio Club, has arranged for mid loading alleys along the O.-W. 11. Columbia. The p<*opie think, however,
nightly addresses from Station Kyi’ A N. tracks. Now daily an axerage of lhat all routes should be thoroughly
12,000 boxes of apples lire moving Investigated before a decision on *
on tlie apple industry.
locntioti in reached. The county has
A aubatautiai tonnage of apples lias through this single risi iving and stor­ time aplenty to. initiate plans for the
iteen amassed for distribution to Port­ age unit. The allies are handled al­ bridge road before the span to com­
land charitable iiistitiitioiis
C. II. most exclusively by gravity anil roller plete. Tlie contract calls for a com­
Ciistner, in cliurge of the supplies com­ conveyors. Three tracks of belts lend pleted bridge by next fall.
mittee, too, will aae that enough apples dowii from the big UMbfoot square re­
MemlierH of the Hood River County
are delivered ito every newwpaix'r of ceiving flisir into tile tliri'e story stor­ Pomona Grange have expressed a sim­
Portland, in order that each employe
ilar opinion. Following the coming
may get his till of Oregon fruit. Port­ after hour these isdts move along with election, after the bond Issue now be­
land commlRsion men are ciMqierntlng
fore the people Is voted down, it is
witli tlie campaign, mid it Is ex|iected One wonders where they will find con- proposed* to gather up the loose ends,
that apple publicity in the Oregon
secure cooperation of the Oregon State
metropolis will exceed that of any for­ tlie downward trip wver the hiHninlng Highway Commission and with the
mer year.
county vourt proceed to Investigate
The Hood River Valley is doing its the begihning of journeys that end in thoroughly all routes before submitting
part in helping to ''Keep the Apple all imrts of the four quarters of the any further bond issue to the public.
iloning." Apple We?r, A natloiinl ob­ globe. •
servance, initiated by the Internation­
al Apple Shippers’ AHRm-latlon, wus
launched yesterday. ‘•Keep tlie AppleH
Rolling,” is tlie slogan of the great or­
ganization of merchants, who handle
tlie fruits of Die North American Lilli-
t inent.
A special train of 10 cars left Chi­
From yesterday morning up to next
II imm I River was left grief-stricken
Wednesday night the Hood River Vili
__ when news spread Saturday night that cago recently/ bearing on each car a
ley's torn! sUIpmenfs of apples will lainmrd. the 12-.vear old soli of Mr. bauner to the etleet that it was on its
reach an approximate 25o carloads or and Mrs. Geo. I. Siix-om, had been wuy to tin* Pacific International Live
INP.IMN* Isixes of tlie luscious i fruit. drowned In the ldg slough just north Stia-k Ensisitlon, at Portland, Novem­
Tile ap|lies will average 100 to the box. of the O.-W. 11. A N. tracks opposite ber 3-10. It contains two cam of Hol­
During Apple. Week tlie premier Ore­ (lie warehouse of tlie Apple Growers st elns and one of Jerseys exhibited at
gon apple district, where for the past' Association. Tlie lad. with several the National Dairy Ex|s>altion at Syr­
month more than 6,(KM* transient liar­ playmates, was playing with an old acuse, N, Y. These cars contain some
vest help, added to thousmidM of mem­ Isiat and ii raft. I xs,mi rd. while alone of tlie finest animals of their breed in
bers of families of orcliiirdlstH, will on the raft, fell into tieep water. The the world. There is a car of Short­
send out to world markets 18,iMM).(MM* other Isiys rushed fh give the alarm, horns and a car of Devon cattle. Two
red mid gold spheres of henltli-giving apprising members of an O.-W. R. A cam of Percheron horses come from
N. switching crew and those employed tlie great Ringmaster farm at Keota,
, Tlie II imm I River Valley oliserves at tlie Association warehouses. Im­ la., and two contain Hackney horses
vApple Week” from early Septeinlier mediately after tlie alarm was sounded and Shetland ponies from the Heil
on into the Christ inns holiday season, Hr. Abraham was on tlie scene and the pony farm of Washington, Ill. The
for tlie entire harvest of the 1923 crop American Legion Post's pulmotor had train unloads at Portland and the Mil­
ina Is will tie prepared for the coming
will yield a total of 2,3(M),0(M) laixes. been rushed from tlie tire station.
Figuring an average of 1(M> apples to
Tlie early arrivals, however, were exposition at once.
Boys' and girls’ clubs are going to
the I mix . the_ commercially packed fruit unable to im-ate the body. Tlie acci­
of tliis district will reach 23O.(MM*,(>< MM* dent occurred shortly after 5 o'clock. the Pacific International this year in
individual ftiqdcs, rnough tn give two It wss after seven when the body was greater uumlsTR than ever. It la 100
royal s|M*citnens to every person of tbe recovered. Citizens gathered from all per cent larger than last year, and last
nation and have a few left over.
points in an endeavor to aid. Only year showed a similar gain over the
Tlie liar vest inoon and the brilliant one Ismt was a vh i la Ide, however, at year before. Last year there were_19
sun of Indian summer days in the tlie slough, anil they had to remain judging teams from the clubs, This
year there are 27. iJtat year there
Hood River Valley look down on helpless on the shore.
seeiieq <if real harvest activity. Hu­
Ix'onard Hlocom was known through­ were 21 pens of hogs of four each for
manity swarms like ants in orchard out the community as one of the tlie feeding contest. This year there
tieldH, around packing houses mid nt brightest mid most lovable children of are 65 pens of four each. IMist year
shipping centers. As sis in as tlie fruit tlie mld-Coluiiibin. He wits gifted as the boys and girls brought 21 fat
lias reached a stage of sufficient matur­ a musician and in drawing. He is steers. This year there will be 60 fat
ity, the owners of apple trees begin a survived, in addition to ids parents, steers entered by club members. There
race to bent natural elements. The by a brother, Kelsey Slocoin. yell lead­ aro 446 animals entered by the club
apples must lie off tlieir native spurs er of tlie high school, and a sister, niemliers tills year. One hundred and
and placed in protected jun king lions Miss Georgiana. Ills grmidimrents. two are from Washington and Idaho.
es before tlie onslaught of the winds Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kelsay. Oregon They will make a great show all by
of tlie fall equinox strike, or before pioneers, now reside at Holtville. Calif. themselves. Added to the grown folks'
some early low temperature slips up
Funeral services were held Monday entries, the exposition will be tremen­
unexpectedly to mar their perfect text­ at Riverside Community church at 1 dous.
Tlie Stock Exposition has finished
ure with nipping frosts. An apple tlint p. in.. Rev. W. 11. Bodily officiating.
is cnnglit by ii windstorm, even though Tlie renin ins were taken over the Its program of days. It Is its follows:
Saturday, November 3 — Children's
it may 1 h > perfect, Ims fallen from Highway by H. K. Bart mess to Port­
grace. Although, had It remained for land for cremation. Boy Scouts at­ Hay, and all school children are ad­
the hnnilH of the pickers, it might have tended In a body, members of the mitted free of charge on that day.
Sunday. November 4 — Chiaffarelll’s
reposed among jwiiigreed fellows, troop acting ns pull bearers.
Im nd of 40 pieces will give two class­
wrapped about with a printed piifier.
ical snered <*oncerts. and the exhibits
Inside n I mix with n lithogrnplied label,
New Ice Machine Running
Wil! Is* In place and can lie viewed.
wdien it became n windfall its lot wiis
Monday. Noveiulwr 5—This has been,
n mong tlie "hoi poiloi” of ajipledotn.
Tlie Apple Growers .Association Sat­
destined for tlie crusher of a cider urday put into commission n now (Ni­ named Fraternal Society and Civic
mill or the whirring imrlng knives of ton refrigeration machine, which will Club Day. mid nil the activities of the
the cannery. For tlie fruit Unit grow­ lie utilized in keeping the 19 cold stor­ exposition start: Horse show in the
ers of tlie Northwest place In tlieir ex­ age rooms along tlie O.-W. 11. Ä N. evening and during the remainder of
tra fancy grades must be |xTf*i-i-t mid tracks at proper temperature, Tlie the week.
Tuesday, November 6—Governors’
above suspicion. Tlie second grade, or new machine In driven with a giant
fancy as ft is generally known to grow­ Pelton water wheel, which develops Day. Four or five governors are ex­
pected. nils Is also Editors' Day.
ers and tlie trade, is almost perfeit. IPO horsepower.
Wednesday, November 7—Farm Bu­
T im . light coloring for tlie red vari'itiea
Tlie cooperative miles agency some
mid some slight marring defect for tlie Hi years ago purchased a power sys­ reau and Grange I)ny. The former or­
goiih'n or grim varieties, muws r ; m -< • tem from the into Jnscpfi A. Wilson, gan izat km kohls a convention la thia
linens to descend to tlie lower grade. i’p until tills year a large portion of city tills day nnd the day following.
Thursday. November 8*—Washington
Apples of the Hood River Valley lire till' power was sold to industrial plants.
now moving out to all parts of tlie Tlie Association in now utilizing the Day. Excursions are expected from
Already cnrgocH have been entire flow of tlie water from a reser­ Puget Hound and other parts of the
hastened by sliip|>erM to-- Seattle to voir on tlie Heights.
Evergreen state.
Friday. November 9 — Oregon Day.
catcli Is.ats bound for Manila. Shang­
Similar excursions are looked for from
hai, Hongkong and other Oriental
Olinger Thwarts Jailbreak
various points In the Willamette val­
jsirts English mid Ainericnn families
of tlie Orient for a number of years .Search by Deputy Sheriff Olinger ley.
Saturday, November 10—Portland
have Ini'll aceustonied to jmmi ! orders Friday night possibly prevented n jail
for the fruit of the tein]ierate zone for delivery here. Olinger grew Mspici- Day.
Christmas holiday feasts.' SliipmeniR ous when three prisoners, II. II. Slew­
of Hood River Newtowns to the far art, H. It. Hurley and II. Urady, nil
Loop Road Traffic Reaches 1,977
eastern ports have been growing ma­ held on ebarge of forging checks, pnr-
State Highway Engineer
terially tlie past few years, according lolned n H|Mw>n mid fork from their
Seeley last week expressed the belief
lunch banket.
to liM'iil apple handlers.
The prisoners lind pried off lsiardR that no secondary highway of the state
At this sesson of the year every rond
leading into II imm I River Is lined witti of a lavatory, under n staircnse and would develop n greater traffic than
ii traffic of motor trucks, nil carrying n had twisted loom* a heavy iron pipe, tlie valley trunk of the Mount Hood
burden of apple (Mixes. From early lined hh n brail' for a Men in pipe. Loop- A canvass of traffic over the
morning until lute at night there Is a The prisoners. In removing the iM.nrdn, highway Wednesday of last week
iiinstmit activity at receiving ware- uncovered heavy Iron Imrn. Officer showed- 1.077 motorcars.
Amos H. Benson, who last week
11on rcs and at loading alleys, where (lie Olinger thinks they then pried off the
fruit I r placed aboard refrigerated pip«1, to lie lined hh n weapon In over­ drove over the 23-mils link, declared
ears to I m * rushed to every part of the powering him when he locked them in it the smoothest macadam road he had
| ever ridden on.
United States. Hood River apples are their evil.
* • T * ‘11KT ^'Z-y