HOOD1 HgVBB GbAOTBR.'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, IMS Itiver aalfcni here before their new eourm* was ready for play, «Hording to word received here. This special greens fee >111 apply only on week days, ho wk ver, the regular fee of $1 to prevail Sundays and holidays. The Hood River course la now said to be in splendid condition, and the first tournament to he held over It la con­ templated tn the near future. YOU’LL NEVER FORGET Ideal Indian summer weather Sun­ day brought a record large crowd to the Oak Grove golf links of the Hood ^rrJ?TrtP' An »«tlmated hoo vhdted the course, play beginning at 8 o'ctock and ending at tlrllight. A large percentage of the crowd was from Portland. Onhardist. golfers, however, were absent. Fruitgrowers, who were for- tmiate enough to have full cn-ws. took advantage of the weather and pickers sfient the day among the trees. Be­ cause of the absence of orchardlat members, It was necessary to postpone finals In the «dub's first tournament until next Sunday. The second round of the tournament of the Hood River Country Club was oneimh'd last Sunday when th«* field was reduced to eight players. Th«' hardest fought match was that be­ tween DeWitt and Snow. This was I even up at tiie eighteenth hole and De­ Witt in sinking a long putt on the nineteenth won the match. The re­ sults of the other matches were as fol­ lows: Graves defeated Riley; Annala defeated Moller; Mortimer defeated Kavlin ; George Smith defeat«*«! Rabies Epping: House defeated Dr. Jenklna; Peters defaulted to Derby and Childs defaulted to Dr. Murphy. In the drawing for the third round the following matches will tie placed this week, which will narrow the con­ test down to the M>iiii-flnals by Sun­ day: l>r. Murphy vs. House; Mor­ timer vs. Annala; George Smith vs. Graves; Derby vs. DeWitt. Th«* Cours«' was throng«*d with Port­ land players last Sunday and the vis­ itors were al! loud in tlielr praise of the gni'ii fairways and the sporty greens. Prominent among the visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilder, who had hs their guest C h pts In ButlOck-Web- ster, the eleventh ranking golfer Of Rugland. Mr. Wilder Is chairman dt the greeuii committee of the Waverly club and one of the best known golf authorities of the Northw«'at. Captain Hnllock-Wt'bater and Wilder played a hard match Sunday morning at the Waverly Club against Ur. Wlllhia and Ruawell Smith, losing by one hoi/ al­ though Dr. Willing turned in a score four under par. Immediately after thq match th« Wilder party left for Hood River aa Captain Bullock-Web- star bad expressed a desire to see the Hood River coarse. "You have a wonderful lay for a golf links." be remarked to some of the elnb ottciala after coming th Off the course. "It la aa attractive aa anything I have seen out here.” Mr. and Mrs. A. M. (Jannon. of Port­ land, were «m the llnka again for the second time within a week, having as their guaata Dr. Chance and C. M. Patterson. Mr. Cannon’s first round of eighteen hides In the morning waa made in 77, which is the best score that has been turned in since the big ■natch on the opentng day. Seventy-six automobiles were count­ ed at one time Sunday afternoon in the ctub’s parking apace....... COLOSSAL PHOTODRAMA AUTO PARK SERVICE STATION CIRCLB-OVERLAN d COMPANY CLIFTON PAU k SERVICE STAT1ÖN Visit (he Garden and see the choicest of varieties in all their glery;’NBe the wonderful new I0t3 sdHflfrffes Writ the magnificent' ndW • — MIM “Hood River.” Directed by John Griffith IFray RIALTO THEATRE Sun., Mon. Q. Tues. For Sale — New anil old (made up) Highest cash price paid tor your used I Call McClain furniture, stoves and ruga. C" ” '”-!- apple boxes. Hood River Canning Co. s20tf Phone 3531. a20tf at E. A. Frans Co. s20tf 0 /On Your /O Money THE HOOD RIVER SPRAY COMPANY is now offering the balance of an authorized issue of Preferred Stock, carrying guaranteed dividends of 8 per cent, payable semian­ nually, and participating with the Common Stock in additional earnings. THE HOOD RIVER SPRAY COMPANY is one of Hood River’s sound industrial enter­ prises. Its volu me of business has been steadily increasing, and dividends have been regularly paid on that portion of the authorized issue which is already held by a number of local stockholders FOR FURTHER INFORMATION J. W. CRITES OFFICE: OREGON HOTEL BLDG D RIVER -MW We wish to thank the many friends and aocietiea that assisted ns in our trouble and bereavement. Mrs. F. F. Bnrdle. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bnrdle, H. L. Hasbrouek and Family. stripped of reserve, born of dedicated to the cause of saving narcotics. It will thrill you to the Story by C. Gardner Sullivan USUO WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS The first regular meeting of the Hood Iliver Woman's Club for the cal­ endar year was held last Wednesday, when the club voted $25 to the liM'al Red Cross Juianew- Relief Fund. Ten dollars was donated to the W. C. T. U. Farm Home at Corvallis. Mrs. W. H. McClain, president of tiie clnh, gave an address. Mrs. Radic Orr Dunbar, president of the Oregon Federation, was chief speaker of the day. Her address, on the relations of the fltate Federation and local clnlis. was declared Interesting and Instructive. Following the regular business meet­ ing an Informal reception was held In honor of Mrs. Dunbar. The Hood River branch of the American Association of University Women will hold Its first meeting of the seeson Saturday at Mie o'cfeck. The group will meet for lunetoeon nt The principal the Hotel 'Oregon, speaker will be Miss Helen Carson, delegate front flic local branch to the mi f ions I convention held In Fortlatul Inst July. Mhw Cnrsmi will tell of her experiences at the convention and re- l»ort on tiie legleiaflon and business transacted by tiie national body. The miiaical program win be prevented by the music committee. All women who are eligible for mem- Is-rshlp and whose names have not been obtained will be welcome at the luncheon Raturday. At the last meeting of the branch in June enthusiasm was expressed for amateur dramatic work. It was de­ cided that a schiflnrsiilp loan fund could ts'Ht tie raised by a series of amateur thtmfrimls «nd Mrs. I>. L- Murphy was appointed chairman of the dramatic committee. Miss Rather Hettinger in chairman of the study group commltee. Mem- hers an* asked to’ mail questionnaire cards back to the secretary. Mrs. J. F. Hackett, promptly, no a report can* tie made Saturday. Meetings will lie held the first Satur­ day of every month from October to June, at 1 o'clock at Hotel Oregon. Phone ri'servatlons to 3841 by Friday noon. ants. Their main duties are to see that all exits are open, anti all rooms cleared. Tile special duty of Some is to look after those student h wlm are ill or otherwise ithyslcnll.v luindl- capped. At a practice fire drill.held last week the high schrxd was clean'd in 50 seconds. Next week is Fire Prevention week in all communities thrmighout the United States. It will he otmerved in tl»e local schools by special programs, addresses by the tea.-liera or others, and by firs drills at the several schools. . Last Friday afternoon a prncHce football game was held on Gibson Field between the first anil aeeond teams. There were several touch­ downs by the first team but they had to work for them. An announcement of more than or- dinary interest is the lecture by ('buries W. I'addock, the world's cham­ pion sprinter, to tie given in the high school auditorium Tuesday evening. Oetolier 23. Mr. I*addock's subject will lie “The Hpirit of Hportmnsnship." Mr. Paddock Is a fluent Rjieaker and represents the highest type of Amer­ ican eitixenship. He is a student, a writer, a leader of men. and a Ann ('■hristian gotleman. With him, ath­ letic endeavor is a secondary consid­ eration. Character comes first. He is an honor student, a champion col­ legiate debater, and a leading athlete in track work In lioth American and Olympic games. He is presented here under the auspices of the high school student body and it Is expected that the high school auditorium will tie iack<‘d full. PHONE 1032 1032 Special for October 6th & Sth Com Flakes and Post Toasties...... 9c Shredded Wheat Sugar Cured Bacon j Kenton Bacon Backs > Boaton Butts ) 5 daub Edgar Cori# ftrf...* Còffee, 1 lb.œan........ 35c 3 lb. can.................................. >1.00 10 qtWr. BtfcKrt