HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 Mr. and Mrs Wm. 8h«*cts, of Port- BRIEF local MENTION an«r, s(H'nt the week end here with M" »’ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! ,h_J 4_ h _4 Mrs. Sheets' sister, Mrs. J. R. Nickei- sen and faintly. They expect to move fits c apir.ell?C,’rtet8~Mr’ «red Howe »sin to Arbuckle, Calif., to make their «13 Cascade Avenue. Tel. 2464 ¡21 tf home. J’*’1 Sole"’ ,*e8t «I “ll at Harry Dean, eight-year old son of Tin* A[»ple Growers Ass« s'la tlon Is Smith s. Second st. Mr. and Mis. Hurry Conuaway, is now having two motor trucks equipped and the proud (sisscHsor of a tine bicycle. will launch a unique advertising cam­ <^r aj^le iH)Jt 4ta cmig man made tlie - money for paign ataut the first of (»ctotar. The cler office and hare thinA witen n.*eded his Idke selling fruit during the sum­ tru« ks will <*arry applra ;*and will tie mer vacation. aii'o/ongon Hd" yeu"*’ utilized for displaying the various Mrs. Lulu Rumi Horning and «laugh­ gradra and varieties of apples, < me of ter, Elizais th. Mrs. M. V. Rand, Mrs. tlie cars will start east for a trip .. ........ - Luella Turner Rand and daughter, through Kansas and other middle One of the reasons why Black Bear Uuion Made Overalls Ethel, motored from Portland to at­ western Btates. while the second will are better value is because they use 45 yds. of the best Denim For Rale — New ami old (nia.te ui>) tend th« Pioneer Associating meeting leave f«lr California. W. J. A. Baker, «Site a inemts'r of tlie Association's lns(s*c- in making 1 dozen pair, where other makes use 36 yards. Monday. The Woman's Auxiliary of Riverside tlon staff, Htid C. N„ Clarke; Black Bear Work Shirts are better than others for the same «.iL.1'«“'6 t*ken,1tl,e agency for tne Bar- ehureli will meet Friday at 2.30 p. in. local druggist, will have charge a||C0r'k’1“- • C' i4' I’1"'»" I his closes the year. Officers for next trucks, which will ta out for ataut six reason. Another reason is the way they are made; they don’t year will is* eirated. All are urged to months. They will thoroughly cover V Jo th«* southeast, son 111 west and middle rip; the buttons stay on. Insist on getting value for your For Sale—New and old (made up) conn* nnd (aty memtarship dues and west, according to Sales Malinger 1*. F. fe«*s. x. Site ...... money; don ’t consider price alone. Clark. Mr. mi«l Mrs. H. K. Davenport enter­ The trucks are so equipts'«! that they tained the following Portland guests can ta iqieiied ill three sections on the Black Bear Work Shirts sell for $1.00 and are worth it over the week end i District Attorney gides. Tliey will carry exhibit spaces, Black Bear Overalls sell for $2.00 and really are worth more. and Mrs. Stanley Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. evening by appointment, Tel. 3'43. tf to show viirieti«*s and (lie methods useil House For Sale —Small, live rooms, Little, and Mrs. Wiiiteley. Tliey were in ¡lacking th«* fruit. They will visit mirdern near high school. Call I. E joined for a dancing party at tlie Co­ earlot buyers in all cities and aid tliem liindda Gorge Hotel Saturday evening in conducting canqmigiia for popularlz 1 aft, ofiiee, 4251 ; resitlonce, 32111. o4 by .Mr. and Mrs. Le Taft. ing the Bin«* Diamond brand produet J. D. Smullln, of Mount I..... . WHS Til«* Pythian Sisters next down Smitr' here from White Salmon Sntur- ami Canada. Hlie left for eastern Can­ dn.v shopping. ada over (lie Canadian Pacific. Stop« $4.60 $6.60 (From tin* monthly review of busi­ M. R. t'atherwood. of th«* Oregon will lit* mud«* at Banff, take Louise ness conditions publtahed by the Sun mid nt eastern points, iilong the noted Lumtar < o. ottice at lie«*, was liere Franehwft»' Fislernl Reserve Bank). trmisi'oiitinciitnl line. Miss Wlsslnger Monday «filling oji friends. Deciduous fruit crops of tin* district will visit New York City nnd then go are maturing rapidly, and a large part H. Gross nnd family wer«* in Port­ tn New Orleans. Hhe will return of the crop lias nlreiidy taen marketed. land tl*e (nist week eclebrating Jewish over the Southern Pacific througli Cal­ The condition and forecasted yields of New Year holidays. ifornia. - - the prinei(ial deciduous fruits grown Dr. E. L. Scolwe mid A. S. Keir n..~--- .. Dr. mid Mrs. Geo. W. Stryker, ae- were nt Redmond last week looking compnnied by their son. Jia1 Stryker, hi California changed hut little during •Inly, with tlie exception of tin* grap«* THF house of PERSO na : lifter ranch interests, student, at tin' Annu(s>lis Naval Acad*- crop which suffered considerable «Inm­ E. It. Lafferty and family, who have emy, a|a-nt the week eml here the ag«* from mildew. The exact amount iieen living at Tumalo, have removed ll guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Bell. of tlie loss is not yet ascertainable. to tin* vnIley. Mrs. Stryker ami Mrs. Bell are sisters. In the Pacific Northwest large*yields Mr. mid Mrs. A. W. Isbell havi Young Mr. Stryker, who recently com­ of most fruits are anticipated. Pre- 1H II II 11 94 94 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 >|j liere from Prince Edward Iximid. moved to the Brosius residen««* on pleted a- cruise in water* around the v lolls estiliiiites of the 1923 eommer Mrs. Ferguson Givra Original P FINS, FI RS AND FEATHERS j Hcmiilinavian countries, is now spend­ cinl apple crop in Oregon and Wash­ Oak str«s*t. An interrai Ing feature of the Pio­ Eldin Weldon, ' of Husum, Wasli., ington have Is'cll increased, and tlie , The family of G. I'. Morden has re- ing a furlough with home folks. probabk* yiciiT is 'now placed at 31. n il i I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I | | | | .. rancher, who was liere Monday visiting neer meeting last week was the read­ turm'd from the .Mosier orcluird (dace the H ihx I River <'reiimery, told a gissl ing by Mrs. J. E. Ferguson of original (bushels), compared <*ompared 995,000 (bushels), to their home on Cascade avi'iiu«*. The V. ('. Gorst family, of North bcur story. Tin* day before Mr. Wel- ¡meins. The (amina follow: of 25,992,000 25.(HI2.(MM) boxei boxes WEDDINGS with n of Born To .Mr. mid -Mrs. Robert V. these two states last Bend, possess«-* a big yellow cut whose /2 (Hiund son. • 1 I iw -n« - «1« ”l , TTTl t I I, > >>. .« , 1 - ’ « 1 * _ I t l Il< a. . fmW ♦<♦- ret m*ti- In nne at nirtkhrg Hine. • ' • • jw V -taf crop rrjsirt -fTm-casts .1 1 1 1 1 H Tlie evening shad«*« gather around our At a (Hilly ccreiiioii.v nt !» o’clock a tofiTt r-oinmercint nppiv (irodwthm hoiiBehold. with more th an usual _He saw iLjm.rt of the aiiimata in a Miss Helen Knight entertHiiHs|. a Valley; party of friends at bridge nt her West Tuesday morning, Miss Mary Fisher, of ta.<>31.00<> bushels (taxes) in tlie honor, following an exploit of Sunday. drnw mid heurd u mils«* in «lense un­ Tlie day with its toil and care is daughter of Thomas Fisher. taenme Sid«* liome last Friday evening. For some tim«* (Mist tish have been derbrush on a hillside above a trail United States. The 1922 commercial tli rough; A. W. EMes Realty Company tradea the bride of Perry L. Boardwell, me­ apple crop in the United States totaled diaa|>|M*aring from the tisli |s>nd on (lie lie was negotiating. Thinking some of We turn from our orchard and home Gorst plaix* In a mysterious manner. hia cows were in tlie brush, he de­ «hat you don’t want for what you do chanical suiierintendent of the Rialto 93,270,000 bushels (boxea). ' cares Spray it around your rooms want. Write them. fi<>7 Chamber of theatre. Tlie wedding occurred at. St. Prices obtained for deciduous fruita, At tlie same time Sam. wlio is a niila- cided to crawl througli a tunnel be­ To Mount I local with ita golden hue. Commerce Building, Portland, Or. <>11 Murk's Episcopal church', Rev. Lind­ whether in the fresh fruit market, Idy peaceabk* cat. living in quiet har­ neath tlie thorny growtli mid get ta- and close ,them up—the flies otlicintiug. from canhers, or in the drilli form. mony with tlie family dog. and never liind them. lie duck«*d Ills head and Th«* laat rays of the setting sun Searches of records and reliable ab­ ley II. Miller Mrs. Fred Howard was matron of liav<* ls*en lower than for some years having lss*n known to hunt trouble ¡lushed ills way through the brush. IAnger on field of eternal ice and stracts ma«ie by Oregon Abstract Com­ all die in a very short time. snow, mid Miss Alic«* Rogers was past. Many growers, rather than ac- with Ills feline neightars. Ims at sev­ After advancing for 50 feet under the pany, A. W. Onthank, Manager, 305 honor hrldesiiuiid. Mr. Boardwell wus at- ee]it prevailing prices fur canning and eral times iip(M*iired' with «' di'spentte twisted mid intertwining.boughs he nH<*s returned witli a Given to the world for mt* and for yon. Chamber of Commerce Building, Port- honeymoon for central Oregon (stints. among the gooseberry bushes, Jerk mid I did a back flip in tliat sprayer. At movement of the perishable fruit crops lifnd, Or. oil Out of town visitors here for th«* alsmt tliat time the dog ol|servcd his brush. I do not know Junt how I made We turn from our view, rested from Mr. mid Mrs. C. (’. Casey were down wedding were: Mrs. Edwin (’. Etarly, of, California have ts*en adequate thus (Mil’s trouble und rushed to help, lie. it, hut I fairly cut a swath of thorny care, from their I'jqs'r Valley place lust of Bend, sister of the bride; Mrs. II. L. far tills season. The railroads have too, grablied the mink, and the fish brush through the dense growth.” A resolution in our heart, in His foot­ % pint 50c; 1 pint 75c we«'k making preparations for the Keenan and Mrs. Williams, of The increased their refrigerator ear mid thief found himself susjH'iided in mid­ step« to walk; Mr. Weldon hurried home mid se- icing <*quipnient, larger loads p»*r car a(qile harvest. v I »lilies. To make perfect our apples, our tar ­ 1 quart $1.25 ar«* being < arri«*d. nmt a faster sched­ air, a cat and dog having hold of him, cured li|s rifle. He mad«* a detour to 5 ries our pears, catch tlie Is-iir in the rear, but *h<> had Mrs. B. (J. Davidson nml son. tawis, ule than in previous years Is Is-ing on«* at <*ach end. He must have ta H« hm | River enthusiasts when­ <>f DiiBas, returning frntn n three Miller-Burton maintained both In the movement of very uueomfurtalde, not being by. nu­ tied. He diacuvered that the noiae lie And ever we talk. months' motor trip, were .guests <>f loaded ears eastward and empty curs llin' elastic, nnd tb<* two animals hud thought mad«* by his cows wa* ap­ Norman M+lh-r ami Ixiretta Burton, Mrs. Jennie Hunt over the week end. (iiiTtal without mercy. Filially Hum parently iirodiard by culm scratching of Barrett, were marrhil at tlie imine w«*stwnrd. Th«* railroads serving Cal­ Last Lake Will Chapman and Maurice Kinsey of the bride's parents Sunday evening ifornia re|sirt that when the is'iik of wearied of I i I h latar, having siifiTeri*«! for acorns under fhe^oak tri*es In an have left to enter O. A. <’. Kenneth by Rev. J. B. Lister. Only relatives of the shipping s«‘jison is reached in late Hi-veral wounds in tlie.first encounter, o | m * ii place alsive tlie trail. There's a wonderful lake in our moun­ McClain mid Rufus Sumner luivi* left the bride nnd groom were present. August mid early Hepteintar, they will mid resign«-«! Ills captive to Friend tains gr«*eu. The season's first la'iir for tlie Upper Where tlie moat beautiful reflexions Dog,- who managed to dispatch tills to enter Hie University of Oregon. After the ceremony a delicious supper have approximately 44,475 refrigerator disturber of tlie household. Valley was killed Sunday bp Phil Par ­ may Is* seen — B. W. Vandiver has arrived from was served. We nil wish them a long curs in service. Ill addition to thes«' I’eace now reigns over tlie (Jorst rott. Brillìi, weighing 250 (siuiida. was A mountain covered with ice and snow The Dalles and will speml the next nml happy life in their new liome lit ears owned by the westi-rn roads, it is shot on the ranch (dace of Judge I. L N. home, when* dog and ent rest after the «■stimnted tliat from tl.OUU to 7.rt s|s>rt the (Mist several days ns fine The Empire Players will play a one- A. W. Estes Realty Company “Trades iiuike their liome nt Gates. ment (I i I h h «' iih < iii rang«* from 50,000 to mid numerous strings of handsome w«-ek engagement nt tlie Rialto start­ Tlien com«* to tast take our tarrie« to The Aiqile Grower« AMoclation an- anything anywhere.” Write them to­ mountain trout have Is-en «'aught. The ing Wednesdii.v, OctolsT 19. and finish­ gilt her; <15,000 cars. Will iants-Want land day. «07 Chamber of Commerce Build­ full run of salmon trout Ims tagmi ahnt a Rut come, s«*o tlie rafieetlon* at morn Gravenatein and Winter Banana Tli<* apple movement is steadily near PI kh 'I i I x . Ariz., where he lias won land. of tills city, occurred Wednesday diffenjit Idll eneli evening^ Tlu*y come or lit even ___ _ non* ns a lettuce ntta-r. ta I ht «*- v isi t- rrf first w«*«'k nt thc pnnsinatre of ttajgntn+njr in~vd and the (dues and the (ilea and d'Anjou pear« dratlned Rio de Janeiro. The fruit wa« Ing cans, «nine here from the Bonne ­ report of shipments, those of Friday, First Christian church. Rev. J. C. ing relatives ami friends. this engageiiK'lit is In the nature of a glories of Heaves. ward«*«! an a trial shipment Mr. mid Mrs. C. J. Gordon were Hanna officiating. The young couple showed a total from all states of 51H ville stilt«* tish hnli'her.v Inst week iiik I tcHfi to see if H« hm I River cares for South American metropolis. cars, of which 14 cars moved from engaged In trmis]s>rtlng 7.* i 0.< nni Raiii- dramatic stock to tlie extent of sup- down the latter part of last w«'« k from will make lludr horn«* in Portland. My Trees Oregon. 59 from Washington and 9 taw trout from the new stilt«* hatchery (Hirting n coin(Miny for a W«*ek's en- their Upper Valley liome |ire(siriiig for Wum Prarbra Fine on Dea«l Point creek to various tribu­ gagein«*nt. if this cngagem«*nt is suc­ The trees arounii my house are mine— from Idaho. Martha Alec Visits Celilo the n|i|dc harvest. Contract sales nt-shipping (mints taries of Hood river. Hatchery mid cessful (lie compHny will play II imm I Tile ISinglas fir, the old white pine, tate Crawford peaehra of Ralph Davies was down from Park­ Indians at Celilo Falls gathered nt wer«* made nt recent ¡»rices. Wenat- County Glime Association officili Is de­ The oak sig, sturdy and so straight ; county are of firn* quality thia dale Saturday arranging for his appl<* the riipi«la then* to spenr salmon, held «•h<*e sold Jonathans, extra fancy, me­ clare that the Rainbows propagated nt I River every few Weeks for a week's To nilae it "would a lifetime take. Mr*. Lydia Martell, of Three Mlle harvest sii|i|dies. He says the I (>;s'r n pow wow Holiday when Mr. mid Mrs. dium to large, nt $1.4Us; W. B. Small. ful «lays of lier life. When slie left for planting the tubers tad ween the tarry found mld-l'idumldn climatic condi county in territorial «lays. lie former­ Tlie golden liutterflh** that flit anti heavy apple tonnage to perfect ma­ F. J. McKeown, traveling inspector liome scores of Indian men mid women vines. Although he gave the spuds (ions mlajited to raising foxes of tine ly owned fish wheels below the Cas­ turity. fly for the PiK-ilic Fruit Express, was here accompanied her to the automobile. littl«* care, lie is now harvesting pota­ fur. All eighth silver fox is en route cades of th«* Columbia. Under tli«* clear, blue summer sky. • * > Tuesday making pr«'(iarations for the Is'iiring gifts of salmon, smoked mid toes of n size tliat is attracting Htten- Abner Peeler Invente«! Typewriter Tin* (mople who pass on the road that handling of the senson’s big apple ton­ fresh, mid other offerings. The ton- tion. Mr. Emry has potato«** tliat winds tiy. While publicity re«*ently announced nage. iHiiii of the machine was piled high. weigh In excess of two pounds. The children -who piny or in the shade otherwise, Mrs. A. Whiteman and J. F. Beeatwe of tlie Thor washing ma- lie. I’eeler have (ia(*ers to allow that their eliine s|s « liil sale, th«* I*n«Hle Powes * Snow Falls on Mountains Trunk Delivered at Library Alt on joy God** free*—they are not fath«r. Aimer Peeler, Invented the first Light Co. «dlice will remain o|S'ti until mine; typewriter ever displayed in America. Mrs. Eliza Walt, county librarian, While light showers prevailed curly 1» p. ill. Saturday evening. Septemtar I could not own them, for they are Mr. Pis'ler was an Iowa man. who had Friday on lower levels snow fell ini found a mystery trunk nt the building 29. thine. a gunsmith's shop at Webster. T. I>. Winkley. of Chicago, owner of tlie other day. It contained nn array Mount Hood nml Mount Adams, reach­ of wearing apt. Blmulmr. for a Journey. however, was an old un- clearing tlie smoky atmosphere and Th«* two men were r«*nr«* E"' men. wtio are en rout«* to Isis Angeles Free and Catechumen class meet Their ™ *«n. ■ for the dedication of th«* new Hotel day school gene over the w«s*k eml Their Biltmore. Mr. Koberg's cantaloupes at 9.45. Choir rehearaal Thursday Architectural Paul Hletton. a student at the I . of Hood River, Ore, ’.iave won a Northwestwide reputation evening. Phone, 4121 Sarrica. accompanied them down to Eugene to|hi ASSOCIATION TO SEND OUT TRUCKS Swtet Orr & Co. and Black Bear Brands “Union Made” Work Clothes Are ways Dependable, Are Cut Full Size of Bedt Materials, Made Right Men’s Work Shoes Priced Lower Than Ever This Week FRUIT CROPS ARE REPORTED BETTER Leather Work Gloves 50c to $2.50 Men's Work Socks 15c to 65c Kill Those Flies With FLY-TOX The Star Grocery EMPIRE PLAYERS TO PLAY HOOD RIVER PERIGO & SON If you are an Eskimo you don’t Need our Metal Weather Strip D45 Buick Sampson Truck - -------- J TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY reenter college. for anility. P. Hilgen dort, Pastor. HOOD RIVER GARAGE . _______ _ Denby 2=ton Truck