e3M:>w''r- * X1 « « sb r % \ » • i • » HOOD RIYER QLACnat THÜB8DAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1923 11 .............. - ISPRWCOMPANY 11000 RIVER HI BOY It takes a Kvutuckian to grow corn, |' at least* Thomss F. JohniMin so de­ Oft' BEADY TO EXPAND TURNS OUT AIM ciares. Sheriff Johnson wan born and HherMT Has Fiae Cora To most everybody 30 x3/x means usco I VTA turally nsco’s ' could hardly have de­ livered such money’s worth —tire after tire—without making a clean sweep. reared in the Blue Graaa country. he grows apples and pear* chiefly on hi» suburban place juat south of town, he cannot reatat the temptation to show his neighbors bow corn ahould lx* produced. Rberlff Johnson ’ " has a tract of corn that ha» attracted widespread atten- tion thia Minnmer. He has presented many of tils city friends _ ____ with messes °f green corn. However, the t! ex-Keti tuckian does — not ------ call it - * green corn. He gives his friends' "nsr’iicars." , ■ ■ < f i, It’s been a pretty perform­ ance every time —no two opinions about that. And no two opinions about what tire to get again after a man has once used USCO. > & Friends and aiquaintauoes of F. T. Struck will be glad to know that be has written an important book en­ titled, '•Construction and Repair Work for the Farm.” Mr. Struck graduated at the head of the Class of 1907, the tirst clara to complete the four-year course in the Hood River high school. He graduated from tiie University of Oregon in 1911. and later rectived the Masters' and lkictor of Philosophy de­ grees at Columbia University, New York City. He has been professor of agricultural education at tiie Pennsyl­ vania. State College, and for some years has been araistant director of vocational education for the state of Pennsylvania, with headquarters at tiie State Department of Public In­ struction, Harrisburg. The IsMik la eapertslly planned ns a textbook for vbcatioiial agri cultural students, and for manual training classes. It ,s also a valuable reference IxM.k for farmers and <<>unty agents. The publlshenr Houghton, Mifflin <'«., whose western branch office la in San F’mnclsi'o, have spared no expense in getting out a book that represents the lx*st current practice in text anil ref­ erence Ixxik design. Tiie book con­ tains 392 pages anil 285 illustration», many of which are carefully prewired working drawings. The Mood Biver Spray Co. is ar- While rsnging to «cat an iaeue of stock amounting to $lti.5<«'. the funds to be utilised in au eximnsion of the busi- noas. The stock draws eight per cent and is privileged to siian* up to 12 per cent in the protits of. tiie business. The spray cmuprniy. which is now eugaged in the manufacture of a . bleacdilhg ehemtrut tor houwwtvea, a preparation for killing tiles mid an­ other that kaejM insectx off dairy cow% has for several years been working We pay cash for your old furniture or toward a permanent my roil. While its output of spray materials runs Into make a libera) allowance on new goods. many mrloads each year, tiie manu­ Call Hackett Mil, Kelly Bro*. Co. Fur­ ml7tl facture of this product is only sea­ niture Exchange. sonal. NOTICK OF SHERIFF’S SALE Tiie concern is now also engaged in the manufacture of a chemical used Notice is hereby given, that under in large quantities by hospitals as a and by virtue of an exk-cution and disinfectant. It is nlso mcked in order of sale, dated the 22nd day of small containers for houaeliold use. August, 1923 Issued out of the Circuit ■Court of the State of Oregon,- for the County of Hood 'River, with judgment order and decree attached thereto, u|s>u a decree entered on the 2llth day of August, 1923, in said Court, in a suit wherein the Pacific Loen & In­ vestment Company, Ltd., was Plain­ tiff, and Barbara Vanderbilt, A. M. Youths on excursions around the Cannon, and James Cormack as Ad­ Columbia alougli m'nr Hie outfall ministrator of the Rotate of Omar sewer Tliuraduy night reported un­ Vanderbilt, deceased, were Defend- usual activity on tiie 'part of schools ■nuts, comiannding me to make sale of of carp that feed then*. .Sheriff Jolnv tiie real property hereinafter de­ sou smilingly admit»«! tluit there was scribed, to satisfy the sum of «15,000 a reason. He and deputies at noon principal, with interest thireon from emptied over 21» gnlloux of mixmsliine November 1, 1921, at 8 per cent per liquor token In recent raids. He said annum and the further sum of «110 . tiie cuntraliand was of high ti*st and with interest thereon from June 30, undoubtedly bail a stimulatiug eff«*t 1022, and the further sum of «1214.51, W J KOOkEN NOW__ *_ ______ on tiie fish. with interest thereon at 8 per cent per Judge Himbrotick last week an­ Tlirougliout the day, lifter a liquor annum from November 2, 1922, and nounced the ap|M>intment of W. J. was emptied, pedextriiins paused to tiie further sum of «.'«16.55 with inter­ Kueken, of-Melrose, as county fruit xuiff at tiie grating of tiie storm sewer, est thereon at 8 jier cent per annum inspector, to succeed Ferris M. Green. declaring that the aroma brought back from April 27, 1923, and the further The lutter resigned to' accept a im » h 1- memories of the entruiii'es to barrel sum of «700 as an attorney’s fee here­ tion on the faculty of the Colorado houses. in, together with «19.00 costs and dis­ Agricultural College. bursements and the costs of and upon Mr. Kocken, who was highly recom­ Youth Walks Over Highway the said writ of execution, I have lev­ mended by the Oregon Agricultural ied upon (lie said real property de'- One day lagt w«*k when II. M. Dex­ ecribed In the said decree and order Cxillege, is a graduate of the horticul­ tural department at that institution. ter, memlier of the Apple Growers of Mie; and I will, on the 29th day of He has been engaged in experimenta­ Araociation, was motoring home up September, 1923, at 2 o’clock p. in., at tion work. It is anticipated that the Cascade avenue from an early <-«11 at tiie front door of tiie County Court new appointee will also succeed Mr. one of the storage plants, lie picked up House.of Hood River County, Oregon. Grwn as federal ins|M*etor here. A a well dressed youth walking west. in tiie City of Hood River, offer for large percentage of the fruit shipped The boy stall'd that lie had a ticket to sale and. sell to the highest bidder for from Hood River is ins|>ected by the Portland and that his baggage was cash in hand, all the ....___ ____ _ real _____ property bureau of markets, Certificates of in­ checked through. described in the said judgment order “I liad heard so much about the Co­ spection are forwarded to purchasers. decree of sale situated ill nooil lumbia liiver Highway,” the youth and River County, State of Oregon, to wit : aald, “that I decided I would get off The Northrast Quarter of the South­ hero and walk down most of the way. west Quarter of Keetkm 14, in Town­ If I get tired. I’ll take a bus.” ship 2 North Range 10 Hast Wiliam ette Meridian ; also the following part Prof. HMMierssn Swims Columbia of the Northwest Quartier of the Quarter of Mid Section 14: Prof. L. F. Henderson, who Thurs­ Southeast An approximate 900 ehaln stores In day, August 80. celubraUd his 70th Beginning at the eratqrpf Section 14;. various raclflc Coast cities Were rep­ liirtlMlay, swam across tiie Columbia 'thence south 80 rj>dx to the southwest resented at sessions of a convention river from Koberg Bench last week. corner of the Northwest Quarter of of chain atore owners held at the Prof. Henderson had plnnned to cele­ tiie Soutlieast Quarter; thence east Columbia Gorge Hotel list week. brate Ilia 70tli anniversary hy the feat, 80 rods to the Southeast corner of Managers and owners of cliain stores but a strong wind prevented tin* Mid Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter; thence north 4 rods; then«* were pr<*aeut from numerous Califor­ attempt. west 50 feet more or leas to the «enter nia cities and from all North Pacific ITof. Henderson, formerly h<*ad of of the chiiimel of a stream running states. Among those present were: the department of Isitany at the Uni­ M .B. Rkagg and Rora McIntyre, re­ versity of Idaho, lytis reared ‘ here. through a ravine; thence northerly spectively president and vice president He and hia brother, John Iceland Hen­ along the center of the ehannel of Mid of an organixation of chain store own­ demon; a Tillamm >k attorney, fre­ stream running through said ravine ers in Portland. Ham Selig, who owns quently swam the Columbia in their following the meandering of said channel in a general northerly conn»1 1(8» chain stores in lx* Angeles; John youth. ___ ____ _____ ’ . to the north line of said Northwest Daly, owner of 110 Loe Angeles chain Geninue Ford part* at Frau* Co.’*, tf Quarter of Southeast Quarter. Mid stores,'and A. A. Morrison, who with point of intersect ion of center nie lure that can «>in|iare To R. G. Douglas, the above nani«l said channel and along the north line wit li the mid-Columbia Cascades dis­ defendant. of raid Northwest Quarter of Honth- trict. In the Name of the Htate of Oregon, east Quarter, <12 rods 12<4 feet more Manager Cramer, of the local 20th You are hereby required to ap|x*nr or leas to tiie center of said Section Century store, attended the in«*tings. and answer complnlnt filed against 14 and Hu* place of lx*glnnlng, ivsitaln- Mr. McIntyre, vice president of tiie yon iii the tiie entitled suit on or Ing thirty-six five eighths acres more Portland chain store association, is before the above expiration of six weeks or less; being »11 of said Northwest manager of the 20tli Century stores. from the date of first publication of Quarter of Southeast Quarter except­ this summons, to-wlt; ing tiie 8% acres conveyed by Oscar On or before tiie 27th day of Octo­ Vanderbilt and wife to F. Eggert by ber, 1923; and if you fall so to answer deed dated October 12, 1904, and re­ or otherwise app<*ar herein, for want curdl'd in Book 88, page 347, of the thereof jilaintlff will apply to tin* Records of Deeds of Wasco County, above entltl«! Court for tiie relief in Oregon ; also tiie following part of the raid complaint demanded, to-wlt: Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quar­ For judgment against yon for the ter of said Section 14, to wit: Begin­ Cowrote has tieen poured and crews snm of «770.75, together with her costs are making good headway in the con­ ning at the center of said Section 14. struction of a receiving and distribut­ and dlshuraementa herein Hictirrcd. thence east a km g the south line of the Thin summons is pnbHsh«l in Hood Southwest Quarter of thé Northeast ing warehouse for the Apple Growers Association. The roof will be on tin- River GlK'ier, for six consecutive Quarter. <12 nuis more or less to tiie new building thia week, it is said, and w«-ks In pursuance of an order of the center of channel of a stream of water by October 1 It will be entirely ready Honorable'Fred W. Wilson, Judge, of in a ravine, thence following the cen­ the alxive entitled Court on the 6th ter of raid channel In a northerly for the harvest of apples.^ . Tiie structure, of coacrete and 120x day of fleptember, 1923, date of first courra down said ravine eighty rials »(Ml feet, is located between Columbia pnidleuHon. the 13th day of Hcptrm- to tiie north line of raid Southwest street and Kaliroad avenue, a consid­ her, 1923, date of last publication rthe Quarter of Northeast Quarter, then«* erably higher elevation than the con­ 25th day of Octolier, 1923. west along the north line of Mid MILTON R. KLEPPF.R, cern's storage plants, and the apples Hou 111 west Quarter of Northeast Quar­ will lie segregat«! according to vari a13o25 Attorney for Plaintiff, ter to the northwest corner of said «ties and grades anil forwarded by 1517 Y«>n Building, Portland. Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quar­ conveyors, over Railroad avenue, and Multnomah County, Htate of Oregon. ter, thence south 80 rixis along the a gravity system to the various stor­ west line of mid Southwest Quarter age risims. They can also lie dis of Northeast Quarter to the center of NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE iwitchcd by gravity direct to the cars said Section 14 and place of beginning, In tiie Circuit Court of the State of containing 27.acres more or less and from the new warehouse. Oregon for Hood River Cminty. Is-ing all of said Southwest Quarter of Alexander Ijeroux, Plaintiff, vs. Wal­ Northeast Quarter of Section 14, ex­ Bridge Mortgage Filed ter T. Newell. Anna Newell and Tioi- cepting 13 acres more or less conveyed As an important otep toward the othy Newell, Defendants. by E. L> Smith and wife to F. Eggert construction of an inter-state bridge Notice is hereby given that pursuant by deed dated Decenilier 9, 1890. and ncn*H the Columbia river between to an execution and order of m I c recorded in Book X, page 240, of the H.(»00, dnted August and to me directed, dated August 29th, Oregon; also the following part of the 22, 1923, given by the Oregon-Wash­ 1928, in cause in said court wherein Soutlieast Qsarter of the Northwest ington Bridge Company, a Washing­ Alexander Ia-roiix, plaintiff, recovered Quarter of Mid Section 14; beginning ton corporation, to Paul C. Harper, of judgment against Walter T. Newell at the Southwest Corner of (lie South­ H<*attle, trust«*, has been filed in the mid Anna Newell, of ths above named east Quarter of the Northwest Quar­ county auditor’s office at Goldetidate, defendants, for the sum of «2.500 with ter. running thence east 80 rods to the interest thereon sluce the 25th day of center of said Hectkm 14, thence north Wash. Under the terms of the mortgage May. 1923, at 7 per cent per annum ; 20 rods, thence west to the middle the trust«* holds the projierty mort­ the further sum of «88.80 costa, and ehannel of Hood River, thence in a gaged ip trust for tiie equal pro rata the further sum of «200, attorney'* southwesterly course along Mid mid­ lw*noltt and wenrtty of Hit the holders foes, Which judgment is dated the 28th dle channel to k poiht Oh the south of the txinds secured by the inert gage, day of August. 1923, anti wherein tiie line of Said Northwest Quarter and which number 523, and are to be is­ property hereinafter described was or­ opposite ths place of is'ginnlng, thence sued in denominations of «500 and dered to be sold to Mtlafy said judg- east to the place of beginning, contain­ «1,000, payment of which commences n.<*nt and decree; ing eight acres more or less; contain­ Heptember I, 1926, and ends Hepfem- Therefor«*, I will on Raturday the ing a total of 111% acres more er her 1, 1938. Proviakm is made for the KMli day of September, 1928, St the lew; together with all water rights myment of 7 per cent Interest aeaai- hour of 10.:«» o'clock a. m. on said which were at the time of tiie execu­ minually. ____________ _ date, at tiie front door of the court­ tion of the mortgage herein foreclosed house in the city of Hood River, Ore­ or have since Is-come incident or ap­ Rev. A. E. Maouuaara Passes gon. sell at public nuctioa to the high­ purtenant. to the Mid real property or Members of flt. Mark's Episcopal est bidder for cash in hand, all the any parttbereof; and all rights, priv- rtmreh have received news of the right, title and interest which the de­ ilegi-s and franchis.*» of the Mid mort­ . death of their former rector, Rev. A. fendants, Walter T. Newell and Anna gagors Oscar Vanderl.ilt and Barbara E. McNamara, at a sanitarium at Hot Newell had on the 25th day of May, Vanderbilt to purchase or take water Hprlnga, Ark. Rev. McNamara almost 1922, or have since acquired in and to for use upon said real property or any lost iiia Ufe in a hlicrard in Montana the following described real property: part thereof from the East Fork Irri­ Lots numbered Due (1), Two (3>, gating Company's ditch, as evidenced alwut 15 years age. He «infracted inflammatory rheumatism as a result Eight (8) and Nine (9) of Section by certlOcato for four shares of stock wf the exposure, and dor the past sev­ Twenty-Seven (27) in Township One hi said company held by said mort­ eral yearn had been in a Mnitarluin (1) North of Range Ten (10) East of gagor Oscar Vanderbilt, and all other the Willamette Meridian; excepting water rights or rights to take, nee, or In Arkansan. Rev. McNamara is survived by hi* (he following descrilied parcel con­ to the supply of water at tiie time of widow and a son, A. E. McNamara, Jr. veyed by Alexander Leroux and Le- the execution of Mid mortgage or onle Ijeroux. tils wife, to Hood Biver since owned or possessed by the Mid County by d«*ed dated June 24. 1916. mortgagors or either of them. In any No Substitute Offered and recorded in Volume 11 of Deed» way Incident to or connected with raid Say what you will about druggists at page 3<>7; real property or any part thereof, or offering something “just as good” be­ Beginning at a point 770 feet east of which may or could at thé time of ex­ cause it pays a better profit, the fact the center of Koction 27, Township 1 ecution of raid mortgage or aim-e be still staniis that ninety-nine out of a N. R 10, EWM ; thence south 125 feet; tirad upon raid real property or any hundn*d druggists recommend Cham­ thence eaat 848.48 feet; thence north part thereof; and together with all berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy, 125 feet; thence west 848.48 feet to and singular the tenementa, heredit­ when the tieat remedy for diarrhoea is the point of beginning, containing one aments and appurtenance« thereunto nuked for, and do no tiecauae they sere; liclonglng or in any wise appertaining, Raid property will Is* sold subject to and the rents, issues and profite know from what their customers say redemption. of it, that it can be depend<*d upon. thereof. Dated this 30tl. day of Augimt, 1923. Dated this Both day of AngiM. 1923. THOR. F. JOHNBON, Thoo. F. Johnson Trunke, Bags, Suitcases. Ixirge ss- > Sheriff of Hood River County, Ore­ sortmsnt, reasonably priced. Kelly Rberlff of Hood River County. Ore­ gon, aSOsSO Bros. Co. mlHf gon. s30e27 1:30 IS THE TIMS. OP THE BIG Jf 4 C l Where to buy US.fires vr Trad® Mark V AUTO PARK SERVICE STATION CIRCLE-OVERLAND COMPANY CLIFTON PARK SERVICE STATION |j^*- —4|— IT’S OX ITS O.K. REAL MILK BREAD JUST LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE • .1 ■ I ■■■■«■11 SW ■■ Carlson & Osborn Electric Bakery » 309 OAK STREET IT’S > K. IT’S O.K. REAL BREAD L2 à PICNIC TIME If Its Something For The Lunch Baskeb-We Have It Luncheon Loaf — Minced Ham — Boiled Ham Sardine«—Pickles — Olives — Saratoga Chips Pimento and Chili Cheese—Jellies and Preserve« — Grape Juice —Port O HOLMAN & SAMUEL SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY P hone 1811 GET READY FOR HARVEST m How are your apple racks and wagons ? Maybe you’ll need new ones ? Don’ V t pu put off getting ready. Avoid the last minute rush 1/VII by getting ; in touch with us at once. _____ you with warehouse equipment and get We can supply i your motor truck in the best of condition for the hauling season. DO IT NOW ! HOWELL BROS. FOURTH STREET Tel 2551 THE HOMESTEAD —— Mt. Hood's X«W Rwsort Hotel Located at convenient distance from the snow line and glaciçrs and the excellent fish­ ing pools of the East Fork and tributaries. Powerful Radio set affords constant amuse­ ment. Tel. Parkdale 30X for reservations » Clint Wood. Mgr. ; COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELER Mosier Hotel,’under new management is open again. With the premises entirely refurbished, we will devote our every effort toward the comfort of those who stop with us. It will be our aim so to conduct the Mosier Hotel that You ’ll Want To Coma Again r . MRS. W. F. WILSON, Proprietor B C. C. ANDERSON, Sole Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director -, III OAK STRUT. rsONK«» » 3$ I* The 140 acree-ef this farm have been subdivMfod into «mall tracts, xh. acre to 6 acre«-in sise. 34 p—reels in ^1L These tract» are suitable for truck farmmg, subuibaiihMhes» berHe« and dairying. Similar tract« acrosexClmaomth Road from this farm are bringing » fwice the prices asked at this sale. There is no -—re ■md directly tributary to The Dalles, so these tracts Are bound .to increase in value, v A . ■ ' I ’ Personal Property 11 to be sold at »• Absolute Auction. immediately following the sale of the land. Hare'« your chance to get tome good farm machinery, teak, and a herd of fine miteh cow«, chicken«, turkey«, efc., at your own price. DonVnriu it. " CHAIN STORE MEN HOLD LOCAL MEET •?'.v L YOU ; JUST. .CANT AFF0R® 1 TO MISS THIS SALE Í I M ’ THE FREO B. GiaNNElXjCOMPAIW «.-< LicensetUkaLEslal .Auctioneers è « OWNER'S AGENT Hs 1INIIW ffDFFT —• »* -THE DAI I,K, iW ' «%-; ¡Ea •4 > L. f' ¡H * e' t X/! ». 3 RECEIVING STATION NEARING COMPLETION LE B ¿R1 'M at the RM {j In the whole World there Is no eanteet eo InteuMly rar it I ng, and with morrthrllUngand ipreteru- lar ellmaxra, than the riding of "outlaw" bronchoa by cowboy» and cowgirl«. f Ì . 1 j A I •4 ' I -Î il GET FARES AND PARTICU1 WM. — I These Are Picnic Days 4 We are here to help the housewife pre­ pare for them. During this season we pay especial attention i toward » keeping i our stock full of all the dainties and staples that one may need for a more lengthy camping trip » or motor journey. Just a hint to us and r we will do the Test. FRASIER & SON ■ ijt nr A Place for-Your Convenient Recreation Play a friendly game of Billiards or Pool. The best 1 foods at all hours at our grille. Cigar«, soft drinks «ad- eon fections. o And if you wish, you mavenjoy our bowling alleys none better. Electric Kitchen If R. a. QSOMKSU » » r , V ! í CARP GCTTREAT FROM MOONSHINE Anderson Undertaking Co. A « ! W. J. KOCKEN NEW FRUIT INSPECTOR ¿A- ’#■7'"’iF - ’W'j H. / I I .»J. ■ » •