HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THÜR8DAY, AUGUST .4), 1928 1 T.C.SWNLL LEGION BEACH HC SHOW OREGON GOODS NIC NEXT SUNDA tí The first annual picnic of the Hood I Biver Post, American Legion, Grand I Army. Women's Relief t’orps, Spanish- American War veterans and Women'a , Auxiliary1'will be held next Bunday at Koberg’s beach. The event had been ’ scheduled for last Bunday but was imetponed because of the drowning of > the 10-year old son of Hfev. and Mrs. W. H. Boddy. The committee in charge of the , event, including Don Metigns, Fred U. Bell and Banks Mortimer, is ar­ ranging to take care of the largest iNWcb party ever wltueaaed In Hood River coniiQr. if the weather is good. Ottiivrs of the department of Oregon will be present and delegations of legionnaires are expected from all mid­ Columbia towns. , JI CKCHASS y n I % Mb' 4 y _ iuw / J ] : ...JK * T~ T r 380 » *< * F. O.B.DCTRffilT bi 41 ■ ¿V V T. O. Bmkh, whoto Champion Shoe Shop Is located In the RlchsrrdH liulld- ing. Mr. Smith spent two years with his wife motoring through various parts of the cuuntry. When he reached Hood River he decided to re-enter his profession. Tbe lews lion and th«* spirit of tbe people, he says, pleased him. And in the comparatively brief per­ iod of hie stay here. Mr. Smith says, he has become imbued with the spirit of Oregon manufacturer« to produc«- g«««is that are eecoad to none. "Last week,” says Mr. Smith, “I was in Portland and made a thorough in­ spection of tbe Huntington Itublier Milla. I found that they were <*<]iial to the best and superior to inost other makvs. We saw the Wela*r Tanning Company’s plant. It nmk«*s tlie beet U|iper letter on earth. We «*Hp«*eially recommend th«*»e—and other Oregon products—if backed by service as these two are. Within the near future Mr. Smith will have on display an exhibition sent out hy the Huntington Rubber Co. The concern lias had 12 large ex­ hibit tHiards made, «ml one of these will be placed in the window of th«* Champion Shoe store. It will show tbe raw product, stages of mannfa«*- ture and the finished material. Mr. Smith is especially eager to have the school children of the city see tills, in order that they may gain tlie edu- cathi t ii t vu l ur ti nt i t n trrl es.----- — All children bringing in shoes for halfsohs at the Champion Shop will nwelve a toy balloon. Tlie balloon« are available now. Mr. Smith has sp«‘nt 49 years ns a slioeiuaker. He »ays he lawomes more (*nthuslastic every day over the p«jssl- bilities of Or«*gon sl><«*tiuiker's sup-' plies. He d«*clares tliat they should be more widely exploited ami atwe*r. We handle rubber heels and soles' expertly at onr shop. We absolutely guarantee satisfaction In every detail. We also guarante«* that onr way, in point of service, is the cheapest obtainable.” r~~--------- to ; i < t *. e ♦ 5ft’ZZ Lower Hauling Costs 1 >. atPAHOn T I lino nrraifiíní are open to every line of business \ because of the present price on x the Ford One-ton Truci This \ dependable form of motor de- \ livety is in general use where- ' ever hauling atlow cost and good i speed is essential. \ Original installation in your ser- V vice costs so little and the sub* \ uent saving in delivery cost is \ sequent so A _ ___ L, L. great that further delay in ■ putting a Ford One-ton Truck to \ work is needless extravagance. List your order at once—a small V down payment—convenient, easy ? terms. . \ \ N Some of the Jantzen Bathing Wlio Will Be There We wish to announce'that we have become affiliated with R. P. LOOMIS & CO. OF NEW YORK CITY who have made a specialty of selling Northwestern Box Fruit at PRIVATE SALE for the past twenty years. We are now in a strong position to handle fruit to your advantage and to co-operate with you in the financ­ ing and harvesting of your crop, both domestic and export sizes. HOOD RIVER FRUIT COMPANY Canning Time is Here FOR PEACHES AND TOMATOES L eave your orders with us “ Yours .for Sendee ” Vincent & Shank “The Home of Quality Groceries ' The legionnaires, according to Mr. Mietzgus, plan on turning the beach into a miniature Couey Island. Con­ cessions will be operated and fissl and drink will Is- made available for all. The Janfsen Knitting Co., of Portlami. the head of which formerly lived hi Hood River, has promise«! to seud soine of their bathing girls here for stunt Rwimming and diVing. Tile fee­ ture of the event will la* the selection by tlie local Ix*gion Post of a repro­ sentative, at the annual state conven­ tion at Seaside, of a liatliing lieaut.v. J. H. Kola-rg, owner of the ta-ach, is adding a number of improvements. A boom ia being st ret clu'd across a shal­ low stretch of water, in order to pro­ vide a snf<> place for the smallest chil­ dren. The legionnaires will provide jitney trans]Mirtation for all whb do not own automobil<>s. Th«* automobiles will leave from tbe Kresse drug store «irner. ASS’N PACK SCHOOL BEGINS NEXT WEEK The nnnual packing school of the Apple Grower. Association, which will •«“gin next Tuesday, is expected to draw students from all nild4>>luuibia points.' Meml«*in of valley orchardist families have been asked to send as many as possible to the school. While ordinary lalsir has been plentiful the past several years, a scarcity of pack­ ers has confronted growers during the harvest- The packer shortage, it ia said, can be largely overcome if the families of growers will learn the art. Ihiring each afternoon while the school is in progress members of the Inspection staff of the AssoriatkuwwlU give free demonstrations of packing and grading, and a general discussion will be participated in. LOOP ROAD BONDS BRING TOP PRICES Hood River county Mount Hood Ixiop bonds in a block of >00,000, sold Friday to the Lumberman's Trust Co>, of Portland, on a bid of >101.00 and accrued Interest at five per «■¿nt, ap­ proached closely the Oregon record for highway bonds made by the sale of >100,000 of the' Ixiop Issue some months ago to Blythe 4 Witter Co., who paid a slightly higher premium with interest at 4% per cent. Repre­ sentatives of 10 bond houses were present and participated In the spirit­ ed bid«l*ig. The first >150.000 Mock of the Ixxip Highway Imnds sold for 6 per cent. The balance of >40,000 will not have to tie sold. The county voted the >350,000 issue in June, 1921. 1,000 BOXES PEARS BEING PACKED DAILY « Genuine Ford parte et Fran* Co.'*. U è - HE value of your ear next year Is almost entirely dependent on the lubrication you rive It this yean. We who are nearer tbe car burinees tnan you, can sea that more easily. Whatever you drive, it's worth the best lubrication. W o seH slid iwauMBria wi Winy , JU! FeiiMyban^TK. tor Oils and Greasea. We aoB them boc&noe our patrons demand it—we reco«n—--■* because the motor de­ mands it T Wa know Waverly to be troleum only. We am you an oD that 100% paraffine. market writ* e MT. HOOD MOTOR CO.—CHEVROLET MOTOR CARS some better this season Gian last, ac­ cording to P. F. Clark, who returned I Robert Taxwell, wlio has one of the A notable mdtion picture will lie Saturday from a visit of eastern dis- largest tracts of commercial peaches shown tomorrow and Saturday at the tributing centers following the annual in this section of the inld-Columliia, is Rialto theatre. '“Down to the Sea in convention of the InterniitlonHl Apple now harvesting Charlottes, a .favorite Ships.** It is a story of the voyage of Shippers Association at Detroit. variety for table use and canning, that a whaling ship. While a dramatic Mr. ('lark says that the industrial (average 10 oun<*ea in weight. Mr.Tax- story Is woven throughout that will aection of the thrited~~8tates is hum-1 welt Saturday exhibited a box of the of Itself demand a keen following of ming with activity. Na*luumploymeiit fruit at the First Natioual Bank which the picture, the wenes caught by the exists .and the demand for heavy was declared one of lite finest boxes of motion cameras are sensational. Oue quantities of fruit in’ sections | peaches ever shown here, scene shows a 99-toa 4 owii to the Ken In Ships" is a mo­ farm products and lack of ready nel, expecUt clone to 1,000 boxe« from tion picture epic of the whaler's life, money. ' , tile season's liar vest. its reels represent untold hasarda Mr. Clark says that the' Hood River Bartlett pear tonnage, which will lie ahlppwl under refrigeration be«*anse of tlie low prices offered by cs liners, has all l«*en sold. The pear market start­ l'd low but lias shown constant im­ provement. Mr. Clark stated that the Aas<«-ia- tion last Monday open««! a new sales office in Chicago with C. M. Furry, for­ merly In charge of an office at Omaha. t ... ......____ _ ________ _____ Nebr., in charge. The apple concern has closed its independent New York city office as well as that at Omaha. In New York the firm of Simon, Hbut- tieworth 4 French wiib handle distri­ bution for that metropolis, the New England states and European export. MALTI Ws guáranlos nitri hoe preri cleaaing and pal ring service osdtoMM. Ttetetera Spaulding's Tailor Shep RELIABLE CLE H - M HOUR SKRVIC* 1*5 Oak Street Phu Oppo.it« Mt. HooX Avn r ' ......... 1 Money In The Pocket Of Orchardists ■ 1 - - --- - ------- --------- -------------------- ----------------------- ;---------- B : : FINS, FI RS AND FEATHERS M 144144 I I 4 M I « 1 + 41 I I I I > J. H. Fredrlcy says that deer have never been scarcer in this county than this season, (hampers who have re­ cently visited the luxuriant meadows on the east fork of Hood river, say that no sign of deer «-an be found there and it is rare that signs of the animals have l«>en noted in the Ixist I«kc re­ gion. Mr. Fredrlcy says he thinks the blasting on road work iu the actions lias frightend the deer to more re­ mote plaies. Nd h«*al hunter lias killed a deer this season. E. IL Moller Saturday displayed to friends a preserved scorpion. three inches long, killed while Invading his Oak Grove home. Several of the huge insects have teen killd recently at the Moller home. Mr. Moller thinks they live in oak stuni|*s at one end of the house. The stump« were not molested when excavations wete made for the residence. “I think we'll have to renew excava­ tions and get the stumps out," say* the Oak Grove orchardist. 'b The heavy demand for salmon has resulted in a prafitnble season for Hoyd Wright. Columbia river fisher­ man. Mr. Wright, stated Friday that he had been taking from 290 to 250 ponnds dnlly from his trips. “As soon as the o|s*n season begins again. September 10,”he said, “we ex­ pect to get several tons «tally.” The Hood River Gnn Club has re­ sumed* Sunday shooting, its members getting in training for tbe phtHiaant season. J. II. Young. 8. J. Moore and Dr. L. R. Alexander spent n night and day last week fishing on the headwaters of the Rast Fork of Hood river. The men motored into the East Fork region over the new Ixiop Highway. "While we didn't have the finest lot of luck fishing." said Mr. Moore. “we certainly enjoyed the journey. We bad supper and breakfast at the Shotwell Construction camp and what appetiz­ ing food those cook camps serve." With Inspector W. 3. A. Baker in charge, the Apple Growers Association Monday began packing the 1923 crop of Bartlett pears, an estimated ton­ nage of 35 cars. The fruit ia Ur vested snd hauled at once to refriger­ ated cold storage rooms. It is pre- cooled before packing begins, The vn- tire Bartlett tonnage will be shipped to eastern markets, having already been sold. Eight packers and five sorters *re Go to John Calandra for expert bob- engaged on the pear pack. Mr. Baker • bing and shampooing of misses and chil­ Ctimates that an average of 1.000 dren« hair, wo make a specialty of xes per day will he put out this each work, and our «bop is character­ week. Next week he expects to in­ ised by our courteous trcsUnOot. Shop crease the pack to 1.500 boxes per day. at First and Oak Streets. a£3tf * What Will That New Car Be Worth Next Year ? CLARK SEES BETTER APPLE PROSPECTS ROBT TAZWELL HAS GREAT DRAMA H BEAUTIFUL PEACHES TOMORROW, SATURDAY Apple marketing prospects seem Girls BARTOL-MANSFIELD MOTOR CO. To the Fruit Growers of Hood River District In an 1 Hood Hiver there 1« no great- T for Oregon made guide than er boooter _____ In these days of low apple prices, growers must of ne cessity find measures for cutting 4bwn the cost of harvest and packing. That was our aim when we devised our new gravity grader system. And we guarantee that we can save you the entire cost of our Grader in 60 full operating days, through elimina­ tion of labor costs and increased output, if you will use the CARR GRAVITY GRADER We will let you have a 10 days’ trial of our machine. It will convince you of the facts of our guarantee-THBBE IS ABSOLUTELY NO PUNCTURING OF FRUIT WITH ▲ CARR Gravity GRADER. (Dealer* Wanted Some territory still open) David B. Carr & Co., Inc Manufacturers of Economy Packing House Equipment 6939 Powell Valley Road • • Portland, Ore.