*4 I HOOD RIVER OLAOIB. THURSDAY., AUGUST 16. 1928 J. B. JACKSON GETS FIRST NEW DODGE DODGE B ANNOUNCE Important improvements in the appearance and riding A. comfort of their motor cars B ennett B rothers HOOD RIVER TUM-A-LUMLUMBER CO. If It’s Building Material You Want— We’ve got It. . . Everything from heavy dlnqpnston to lath, shingles, and finish, also lime and cement Come In and let us help you select the right material. A lull line of Sash aiK "Doom. If you don’t see what you want Tell us about It and we will get It tor you. Materially yours, TUM-A-LUM LUMBE1 CO. The Secret of Canning Success dean, Sanitary, Sterilized Euipment Every housewife has learned, for instance, that the biff secret in canninff and preserving is to have clean, sanitary and sterilized equipment. Also she has learned that the ma­ terial of the utensils in which she does the actual cooking of fruits should not interact chemically with the acids in the fruit. She sees, therefore, the scientific reason why enamel ware is particularly adapted to preserving—the smooth sur­ face is easily cleaned after cooking the stickiest of syrups. The Preserving Kettle is of Course the leading item-then you’ll want (Hollanders Rinsing Pans Jelly Glasses Jar Lifters Sauce Pans Ladles Paring Knives Jar Recks Skimmers Long Spoons Family Scales : BoWls Fruit Presses Jar Wrenches Funnels —Jelly Strainers— LUMBER BILL, Mgr. □atUTday o • $ opCCiai Phone 4121 —that’s our self starter. TUM-A-LUM UUMBEB COMPANY To the Fruit Growers of Hood River District 9 We wish to announce that we have become affiliated with R. P. LOOMIS & CO. _______________ fit_______________ NEW YORK CITY who have made a specialty of selling Northwestern Box Fruit at PRIVATE SALE for the past twenty years. Blue Enamelware Sale— Dish Pans, Preserving Kettles, Stew Kettles, Coffee Pots, Pails— Notice-Only a limited number of pieces. So come early; your OQ a choice any article only......... Wvv We want you to visit us. You will find a complete stock of Dependable Values in each department. The Service and Atmosphere, too, will appeal to you. R ior=zo| KELLY BROS. CO Hardward-Fumiture-Feed We are now in a strong position to handle fruit to your advantage and to co-operate with you in the financ­ ing and harvesting of your crop, both domeatic and export HOOD RIVER FRUIT COMPANY PICNIC TIME If Its Something For The Lunch Basket—We Have It Let l)s Supply Your Office Needs Anything from a steel pen ton journal Luncheon Loaf — Minced Ham — Boiled Ham Sardines—Pickles —Olives —Saratoga Chips Pimento and Chili Cheese—Jellies and Preserves Grape Juice - Port O To Mr. Md M«a J. B. JactaMa. of Pine Grove, falls the dtotlaetion of be­ ing the first fiwwrt hi Hood River county of one of the new 1924 model Dodge Brothers touring cars. DeUv- ery wss made, this week by B«*uuett Brothers. l«x*al Dodge dealers. According to the local agents, keen interest has tieen shown in the latest model, which was received about a week ago. “Dozens of people have vlnit«*d our showroom every day sin«.*e the new touring car was receive<,M aaid L. 8. Bennett, “and the only com­ ment necessary on the reception tba new model has received is the state­ ment that our sales for the first w«*ek averaged better than one ear a day.” Marked Improvement In appearance and comfort is apparent in the uew line of Dodge Brothers motor cars, in the production of which the factory has been gathering momentum since July T. Hundr«*ds of dealers are now supplied with display cars of tfce new type, and from every source tne fac­ tory is receiving reports of enthusiastic approval by the public. While the hast«* characteristics of the familiar Dodge Brothers cars of recent days are still present, there ts an air of distinctiveness that surpass­ es all previous efforts of this concern to build a moderately priced car of commendable appearance as well" as «piality. . The wheelbase is a trifle longer, the isxly is lower and the rear springs changed to senii-eliptical type are un­ derslung, and increased from 45 to 55 inches- in length. All the features bo popular with the public to«My are embodied in the de­ sign of the complete line, which in­ cludes a touring car, roadster, coupe, two tyis*s of sedan, and screen side and panel side commercial oars of %- ton capacity. All steel bodies—as first introduced by Dodge Brothers in their open passenger cars several years ago —are now used for all types. Tlie effect of the longer and lower body and longer wheelbase, combined with the new lines and lower seats, is very fine. /According to dealers and others whOxhate driven the pew cars, the Improveinent in riding «¡ualities is no less pronounced than the improve­ ment in general design. Tile reduction in body height lowers the center df gravity an«J thereby reduces Hideaway, while reitound shocks are effectively (llHHliiated by the improved front and rear springs. The car holds the road easily and gracefully anf the Hood Hirer school latard to administer the iodine goitre preventive remedy in the high school and junior high arhool thia year. In the past week Dr. Abraham has received letters from residents of many Northwestern cities asking /or details of the iodine method of ore- venting goitre. W. N. Winter I xmm Suit The Telechronoineter Company <4 America won a complete victory in the anperior court at Seattle last week In its defens«* against the suit, brought by William N. Winter and the I'uget Sound Telephone Company, of Everett, asking judgment for $72.500 and the appointment of a permanent receiver. Mr. winter formerly resided here. Judge Edward <’. Mills, of Walla Walla, sitting temporarily in Seattle, dismissed the complaint, declaring thnt Winter was solely responsible for the conditional which he complained and that the court woOM not permit him to d«*stroy th«* Teleehronvnieter company. Card of Thanks HOLMAN & SAMUEL RE BOOK AND ART STORE SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY HOOD ¡UVEI, OREGON P hone 1811 We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness during the illness and death of otrr father. Harvey C. Hush, also for the beautiful floral offerings. W. M. Rush, Mrs. E. L. Knox. Mrs L. C. Campbell. Haréis Good News For the Men who needs a Royal Cord oyals are the R » only dres in which you get the benefit of the three new V. S. discoveries — Sprayed Rubber— Web Cord and the Flat-Band Method of building a Cord Tire. Made in all sizes 30 x 3)4 and up. United States Tires era Good Tires Where to buy US.lires AUTO PARK SERVICE STATipN CIRCLE-OVERLAND COMPANY CLIFTON PARK SERVICE STATION Enroll Now-ibi* Only and in a short time it will be yours. If you have delayed placing your order because of the'cash outlay necessary—youi need wait no longer, , If you have been depriving your family and yourself of the pleasures and benefits of a car because you felt that you could not afford it—order now and know that it will not work any hardship on you. Use the So plan to ride and be happy, you and your family. Make the first payment of $5 today which will be deposited in a local bank at interest You can add a little each week. Soon the payments, plus the interest paid by the bank, will make the car yours. Come in and learn about this new plan. BARTOL-MANSFIELD MOTOR COMPANY Picnicking fives Summer Pleasant Zestftilness In planning your outinff, do not let thoughts of food preparation worry you. Our shelves and cases are loaded down with picnic goods. Call us and just say, “We’re going picnicking.” We’ll give you our complete list. We know it will at once make available delightful suggestions for the lunch for all the family—from the tiny tots to daddy. X-. SC. ISTTG-G-IXTS Before Buying Your Rough or Dressed Lumber It will pay you to have us figure on your Bill. Mill located 5 miles south of Odell, near Loop Highway. W. I. KIRBY TS. 266 Parkdale. X.F.D. No. 2. Hood Rinr, Onto«