AC0Ü8T a, 1&28 ON AHU USCO Users Stick United States Tires are Good Tires $160 Bed Davenport Special for August Grass Furniture Glearout Genuine Inlaid and Print LINOLEUM Buy Now! asawhdH»«ad A.^TTfTiM- fMtirW'JFMiMae Feit Bese Priste, at_____ ,_____ 69/ Six Foot Print linoleum at__ _89/ Twelve-Foot Print Linoleum at—99/ Inlaid Linoleumai _________ 81.37 ~~~ By tbffi uare yard. Whereto buy US.Tires . AUTO PARK SERVICE STATION CLIFTON PARK SERVICE STATION CIRCLE-OVERLAND COMPANY 3 EXPERT LAYING AT A NOMINAL CHARGE K ’r*’ BATH every twelve months? .Unthinka- ble we say. Yet, recent figures secured from the dry cleaning industry by the bu- reau of the census indicate that on the T ' average our suits, coats and other outer apparel is actually cleaned, even less frequently. That cbat or suit ________ you wear —if you could tumble, oleanse, rinse and IS IT ENOUGH? dry it, as the reput­ able Dry Cleaner does, would easily yield a good half pound of dust, soot and grime. This is the amount of “soil” drawn out of the average outer garment in the dry clean- A ONE BATH A YEAR MEYER & KING The City Tailors IS NOT YET DUE Tailorinc of Quality for the Well Dressed Man lit SECOND ST. HOOD RIVER, ORE. the rubber .......... Ft». 31.00, qt». »1.26 Old Styl* it .s Pts. SÒe.qtt. Mo, haUrali. 9130 Acrobat OVERÏAND CO IA.. |PB K 1 LN ■ ^k. i ora II irrll . 1 J . ■'* >