LUNCHCLUB HEARS EXCELLENTMUSIC Tbt STAR r Motor Continental red seal » The STAR Car ($584.00 here) has a Continental Ibd Seal motor. i Continental’s builders are the largest and the most highly specialized motor builders in the industry JThc Continental Red Seal is their highest grade motor.' * The Yellow Taxi Co. of Chicago, the biggest raxirafe builders in the world, whose famous yellow cafes arc do­ ing hard taxi duty in every big city in the country, have found that the Continental Red Seal motor stands up under the terrific poundingpf taxicab work so staunchly that they have adopted it as standard equipment. Twenty-one famous makes of cars (averagecost $2060 each) have also adopted the Continental Red Seal motor. T I Yet the STAR Car is $584— here ✓ Corner OaK and Fifth ! Hood River, Or«. One of tlie most plrasing features of the liamptet for the State Editorial Aflaociation was the presentation by the Hood River Woman's Giuli of rar- flngc bouquets to the wives of-editors. A h th<* guests punned through to the banquet room little Miss Dorothea Franz presented euch visiting woman With on<* of the lieautiful luiuquets. Mrs. W. II. Met!lain and Mrs. R. B. PerIgo, resiM*crtvely president and vice ¡president of the club, had charge of club's decoratimi committ<*e, headed the presantatio The bouquets were made by the by Mrs. N. II. MacMillan. Cooperation to bo Discussed A committee of apple nnd p<-nr grow­ ers of Hknniania and Klic kitat county frnlt sections baa called a mas» meet­ ing at White Salmon for next Satur­ day evening when plan« for affiliation with the North west wide coo|M>ratlve movement, recently lnunchetl by the Portland Chamber of Commerce, will la* dtewussed. It ifl anticipated. It la snltl, that the Walking*'1» inid-Colttm- bia growers will show a heavy strength' fof the new movement. Genuine Ford parta at Frans Co.’s. if i’ik lotonst P.P.&L LAUNCHES SAFETY MOVEMENT Hig'hway Auto Company EDITORS’ WIVES RECEIVE BOUQUETS V A ?■ • ’ An interesting musical program was given at the Tuesday I.iuich Club by Mias Kathrine Finley, of Chicago, here visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs, 8. E. Bartineas. klrs W. B. Small and Mra. A. Wi Barkley. With Mrs. Beck­ ley nceempanylng on the irtano and Mia« Finley playing a violin obltgafo, Mr«. Bamli. Win*«- home la In I'urtlMd, rendered «oaai aaiectione. Miss Finley is a viulintat of high merit, and her selections, Mr«. Beckley accompany- tag, ware grantly appreciated. * Other guentH at the club iwetiug were: M jn . Mary C. Maraliall, Mm. 8. E. Bartmera, Mrs Sarah Finley, of Chicago, *»<* Manter Robby Small. Mrs. Finley 1« Mr*. Hart owes' censin. Hhe and her daughter will spend the summer in Oregon. The launch Club, on motion of Dr. M. Thrawa, aadorm-d tin* suggwdion of J. W. Crites that, th rough the eonpera- tio« of Fred H. Beil, of the Volunteer Fin* Departaaeatt. and W. A. tangllle. member of the United States Forestry Service, plans be mad«* f«»r u volunteer organisation here to aid in suppression of forest Ara«. It was proposed that the volunteers should meet at the city lire h«-a4 Shelby Fight Fatal Hhelby was fatal to the competence of others than those reported in the pram. While driving down the Colam Ida River Highway on a call the other day. Dr. J. W. Rifton overtook a foot­ man, who seemed weary. He gave the man a lift. Dr. Rifton’s journey, how­ ever, was short, and he expressed re­ gret that he was unable to carry the ]M*deHtrian further. “Oh, well,” replied the man, ‘event little IdCbfrom Hhelby Mips.” - then began « a story of «misfortune, r ' He theh which, apparently, according to Hr. Sifton, bad the ear marks of sincerity. He had lost his automobile and |5,00tl at the Dempsey-GIbboos light. Thursday evening the employes of the Tactile Tower A Light Company held a meeting In the company office to discuss accident prevention and safety methods. Twenty-four employes of the local district, the power plant, and the cenatrartlon department were present with «. I. Drennan, travelling InspocUir, who !■ tin- company's repre­ sentative on the Northwest Committee of the National Rffet.v Council. Other visitors were R. M Freeman, meter Huperviflor, and T*. A. McArthur, vice president and general isniumer, who, arriving on a late truiu on other busl- nega, appeared unexpectedly at the meeting in time to contribute to the diseuafrions. Safety methods of operating the company'« properties were discussed, past accident! were relnted, itnd meth oda of preventing their n-currence were explained. Subject! brought up Included the «witching of high tension linen at Hu* power plant for ihie crew« to work safely on them, the haudling of varioiHi pieces of electrical piece« of electrical apparatus, driving of auto­ mobile«, care of tiHilw, Are prevention, and Anally aU those pnwent were in­ structed la th« Shaeffer prune pressure method of resuscitation from electric shock. Those rammenthig on the sub­ jects proposed were Messrs. Drennan, Know. Day, Hhhui, Foreman. Agee. Hcbnddt, Kin* and Housh. After the dose of the business of the meeting ice cream and cook U- h were served. Berkeley Snow, district mauager, -ini commenting on the meeting, stated that it was a .most enthusiastic one. and. in fact, that it is not difficult to arouse Intereat in this important com­ pany activity xnongst nil the em- |... ployea. Any „ a 'eroeut with the broad humanitarian aspect to it that Is em­ braced in "Safety First" work ifl read­ ily grasped and encouraged by every­ one who cornea In conta<*t With It. Mr. Snow believes the contiiraed and per­ sistent advertising of thee'safety ffrst idea to the workers in all trtdustries. to the man in the street, to the woman tn the home, and tb the chlldrnn in the school will event imlly create a state of mind In all the people tending to sub- eoasciouflly govern banian nature so as to materially decrease the present enormous accident toll in the United States. ________ , WIYE AST CLUB The next trip of the Wiyrast Club wfll I m * a thn-c-day camping trip from July 2» to 31. Starting from the Hotel Oregon at 6 o’ciosk on the morning of Sunday, July 20, an auto truck will take the member« .of the imrty to Ixx*f l«ke. Here a pack train will take charge of the packs and transport them to Wahtnin Lake, a distance of approximately 10 miles. The biker» will fUUow the same trail, arriving In plenty of time to pitch ramp that same nlfht. The next day will be spent In ramp at Wahtum Lake, with side trips to the nearby mountains or fishing for thorn* who wish at either Wahtum latke or Eagle Creek. Tuesday the re­ turn to Hood River will be made over the Eagle Creek trail to the Columbia River Highway. Thia is a 14-miie trail, ail on a down grade, passing through wonderful scenery. An auto I truck will transport the party to Heod River. The puck train will turn liack at Wahtum take, in order to save the . expense of a trip to Engie Creek-and back. Since the provisions, with ttle exception of enough for a lnnrh Tnes- i day noon, will all be consumed hy Tuesdwy morning, members of tin* party wtll onlj- haye to pack th?ir bed­ ding nnd personal effects down the Eagle Creek trail, and since this is nil down grade, it should not be difficult. Members must provide their own meals anti camping eqnlpmen*, tho«gh It is advlsnld«* to for* groups, Wtoera- ever possible, for the purpose of econ­ omising on cooking utensils. Pavka I should not weigh aver 80 pounds per j pernon. and an extra chargB will be made for overweight. It la not pos­ sible to state the exact co«t of U h - trip, until it is dednttely known how many ]M*opie Intend to make it, but it 1 ia probable that it will be to-tbe neigh­ borhood of for tra««pstraiten and p««klng. AIR pavkiu*. Aik registrai registrations, ««compan- ied by led l»y a preliminary doponit of >3, must I be m * in tne »«• hand« bands < of the secretary C. E. Graves, route 3, phoue M>os, not later than Wednesday evening, July 26. Thin is ners are romindeQ that registra­ tions for the Eden Park camping trip with the Mazamna, August 12 th 10. must be in the hands of the Maxaimts, Room 332 Chamber of Comtncrce Bldg.. Portland, not later than July 20, Ac­ companied by a preliminary deposit of th«- week, or |S for leas than a -4. HfcST&s. Regular services at li o’rtsck. Af­ ter the services the annual congrega Hun nnd Atmday school picnic will he held at John Rath’s ranch. The day school and t'atechui P. Ililgendorf, » n ? * mehra MILEAGE CITY GF HOOD RIVER Auto Park Service Station and Grocery Bartoi-Mansfield Motor Co < BARRETT H. D. Steele Store MÛSIE& Carroll’s Garage* Belmont Garage Columbia Gorge Hotel Garage Grange Co-Operative Store Fashion* Livery & Garage River Garage Mt Hood Gawe Mt. Hood Cash Stort AMi GH0ME Frank Fenwick The Tire Shop ODELL J. F. Volstorff L. A. ChapmanZsG Consolidated Mer. Co. CASCADE LOCKS 0. TL Becker J. L.JDrummond T. Glazier Cl F. Knuth • t A. W. Meyer Jake Larson's Garage PARKDALE R. J. Mclsaac & Co. Parkdale Garage PINE GROVÈ A~F. Bickf