The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 12, 1923, Image 7

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Cool, fresh air
II cans health
Work, play, eat and sleep in cool, airy rooms, prop­
erty ventilated. Only a few cents a day will keep a
fan running in your home. Big returns in health
and comfort
Get a fan
The popularity contest now being
conducted by the Molden, Heelat,
Sather CoM through which two of the
community's must popular young
ladles will go to some popular Oregon
beach at this Arm’s expense, is meeting
with Universal favor and has created
considerable, clean, good natured com­
petition among the many popular
young ladles of this community.
In addition to the two beach trip«,
thia flrm has provided 28 other valu­
able prises, ranging from due-bills i
from *1 up to pearl necklaces and a
full set of table silverware, which can
be seen on display In their windows.
The contest manager says that this I
should provide some real oldfaahioned
fun which be hopes tlie patrons of the >
«tore will enter into to the extent of '
asking for and saving the votes for
some one of the contestants.
A total of 30 young women have
been listed in the interesting context.
They are given numbers, no names be­
ing used in publicity.
Up ’ to last
Thursday evening a canvass of the
votes turned in showed that No. 7,
with 20,860 votes, was in the lead.
Other leaders, in order, were as fol­
lows: No. 15, 17,400; No. 130, 15,050,
and No. 87, 13,135.
P. Allyn, secretary of the Hood
■ha affi»r of Commerce, has just
received a letter from Orpheus C.
Hoots, secretary of the Yakima Com­
mercial Club, who states that the final
work on the new road from this city
to Yakima, abortening the distance by
about 70 miles, will lie completed by
August L when pians call for an ex-
motorist» here from the big
tulated Hood River
on the new
retate bridge ..
to cross
easy terms
Speculation is rife ss to whether the
past week’s record rain would have
occurred If a, fire, set Tuesday of last
week by James Sloan had gained head­
way and spread over the Herman
creek watershed. Sloan, said to have
been a tramp, built a Are in an accum­
ulation of flr and pine needles, and
soon a heavy arnoke was pouring up
lieside the Columbia River Highway
near Wyeth. 1‘aaalng motorista re­
ported it to Chief Hanger Wheeler,
who with Albert Welsendanger and
Supervisor Stanley C. Walters, was
holding a achool for Are guarda at the
Herman creek station. The men re­
sponded at once. They found Sloan
Bitting Idly by, making no move to put
out the Are.
Indeed, the man, when ordered by
the forest officials to extinguish the
Are, piled it up with the dry debris,
only making it wortie, and it was nec­
essary to bring In a' Aeld hose cart and
put it out. The flames would soon
have reached a dead snag, and wind
would undoubtedly have carried the
Are across the Highway. The stage
was all set for a repitltion of the dis­
astrous Herman creek Are of a year
The fvreain official« tough t Sloan
here, where Justice of the Peace Oa-
thank sentenced him to 30 days in jail
and asM-ssed a fine of |50. Sloan was
to stand committed until the line was
Hood Ritter Box Co., box manufac­
turing, Hood River. Oregon. Phone
In the nursery an elec­
tric fan is indispensa­
ble. Baby sleeps well
and wakes refreshed
and happy.
A G.E. “Whiz”fan for $10.22
Standard fans at all prices
......... 18-in.
Pacific Power & Light Co.
Always at Yottr Service"
nW O regon
The Gift
an Elgin Watch
The College of Literature. Science
and the Art« with 22 department«.
The professional school» of Archi­
tecture and Allied Art»— Business
uate Study—Journaiiem— Law-
Medicine—Music—Physical Edu­
For a catalofu» or anf information
Writ» Th» Rfirtrar. UniOartUfi of
Orafon. Fufen». Orejón.
The 4M Ye«r Opeas September 25.1923
Daily Delivery
Beginning July 1 we started
a Daily Delivery Service in the
We can deliver fine, Bound
body Fir, direct from the
woods to you. This eliminates
costly handling and insures
you seasoned wood. Special
prices on two cords or more
Buy now and save this differ,
Our policy of handling grocery mer­
chandise at the lowest possible turnover
cost will be maintained. Those who
have patronized us in the past have
found that it pays to do their shop­
ping at our store. Our volume would
have been greater among city house­
wives, had we been equipped to deliver
the heavier staples. The new service
makes this possible
th. Co l um bia here. He wrote:
“We weae much gratified to note
that the naar bridge project between
Hood River and White Salmon had al­
ready been financed and that work
would start the latter part of thia
month. Naturally we are greatly in­
terested te the success of the enter­
prise; because it will tie an Important
link in the new Mt Adams Highway.”
Mr. Hoots aceomiMinied hi« letter
with the following clipping from the
Yakima Herald:
Glenwood rood booHtera have ■ crew
doing rush work on the completion of
the section of the Mount Adams high­
way leading to the Big Muddy river
crossing, according to information that
reached Yakima yesterday. W. T. Van
Decar, who is keeplug in close touch
with the situation, wild he thinks it
wlU be the lint ¿f August before the
road la open fur travel. The Glenwood
people are completing the road to the
Big Muddy and are constructing the
bridge across that stream.
Yakima has contributed funds for
constructing the grade down Suryey-
ora creek to the Klickitat river, the
bridge across that stream at Soda
Springs ford, and the grade from that
point to the Big Muddy crossing. All
work is completed but the «•onatruction
of the approach to the Big Muddy
bridge. Here there in about 300 feet
of heavy rock work to tie done before
It will be poaaible to crons the stream.
When the county couiiulaalonera
went over the highway a few weeks
ago to Inspect conditions, they found
the road from the Klickitat bridge to
the Big Muddy impassable. They were
obliged to leave their cars and walk
several miles before they reached the
section where the Improvement la to
be made. No work lias been done yet
and it la estimated there will be three
weeks’ work for a good crew before
the Yakima section is open for travel.
Mr. Van Decar estimates the Glen-
wood people have an equal amount to
do before the road Is open for travel
on that end.
Glenwood letters state that they are
fitting up an auto park for the com­
fort Of tourists. A Committee of Com­
mercial Club inemberH of that city with
W, E. Leldl, Jr., to its h«td. 1«. deriv­
ing out the underbrush from the site
selected, and building Dutch ovens,
making park benches and tables and
bridging irrigation ditches. There is
an abundance of good firewood in the
vicinity and the water supply is right
off the Ice, as the stream that supplies
it comes from tbs melt Ing glacier« only
a few miles away. Glenwood will be
the camp supply point and tiuaineos
men there are making preparations to
see that tourists can have anything
they want in the way of food supplies
and garage service. They are plan­
ning, too, to give fihe new highway
plenty of publiettF-u
Offers a Rare
Combination of Elegance and Utility
Into the Studebaker Big-Six fivn-possenger Coupe have gone, without
compromise, the finest design, materials, workmanship and the best of
Studebaker’s 71 years* experience.
Nothing has been left undone to make this big, roomy coupe as fine an
enclosed car as can be built.
Certainly no car performs more brilliantly or is more reliable. None
possesses greater beauty or is move luxuriously comfortable. None is more
enjoyable to drive—and no other make of car is more completely equipped.
You will appreciate the generous roominess of this Big-Six Coupe, its
sterling quality of body and chassis and its wealth of refinements—includ­
ing the large trunk; extra disc wheel complete with tire, tube and tire
cover; handsome nickel-plated bumpers front and rear; courtesy light;
motometer; flower vase; dock; aluminum-bound running boards with
corrugated rubber mats and step Pfids; rear-view mirror, automatic wind­
shield cleaner, glare-proof visor, and many others.
Its low price is due to large volume and to the fact that Studebaker
overhead is shared by three models—all sixes. Then, too, only one
manufacturing profit is included in the Rig-Six price because all vital parts
are manufactured in Studebaker plants.
Studebaker has. been building quality vehicles for more than two
Power in turplus measure to aatufy the matt exacting owner
MODELS AND MUCES-f. o. b. faeftny
r-Fm«Zi7inr*..Mar.F. f ^ sb ^ fir ir. Bep m w. f .
«-ram., nr w. »..»str. F.
Phone 2181
With the new forestry service high­
way now open to ths shores of the
highland body of water, Lost Lake is
becoming the magnet for hundn-ds of
motor parties. Hood River folk enter­
tain visitors with a trip through the
heavily forested area on the lake
branch and lipper Wfit Fork of Hood
river. .The Lost Lake Highway, pen­
trating this heavy timber for four
miles, is one of the most enticing
drives in this section.
The reins of last week, clearing the
atmosphere, made conditions for view­
ing Mount Hood across Lost Lake
ideaL With a calm prevailing Bunday,
the lake mirrored the mountain, which
seemed to tower directly over the
southeast end of the pools. The re­
flections of the snowfields and glacial
ersgs were as distinct as the mountain
An estimated 300 visited Lost Lake
July Fourth, and the streams of the
vicinity were whipped by many an­
glers. The Ashing season, however, it
is said, is a little easiy, and no excep­
tional catches have as yet been re­
__________ _____
As Same Everywhere
The editor of Paisa Akhbar, a na­
tive newspaper of Labors, India, says,
“I have used Chamberlain's Colic and
IMarrboea Remedy many times among
my children and sersaatw for colic and
diarrhoea and always found it effec­
BMs far What
Bids for 35 cords of body flr 4-foot
wood, first growth, and five cords of
sound oak wood are wanted by Bar­
rett school board by September 1. All
bids to be in by July 18. The Board
reserves the right to reject any or all
Bjr order of School BotfnL
Come down to our store. Note the
olean, attractive stocks of highest class
goods. They are appealing —and our
PBI0E8 always appeal
rs j ii .1 *1 < $ -f i
. ’•
You can make better cake, pies and other pastry
with pure materials tnan with inferior materials.
Pure extracts, spices and baking powder cost a
little more than inferior extracts and spices.
The pure goods go further than the inferior goods
and give you much better satisfaction. Good flour
with our pure extracts, spices and baking powder
give you a long start toward a successful result.
You can get them at this store at very reasonable
prices. Phone us or call and let us tell you about them.
Consolidated Mercantile Co
We will soon be equipped to turn
out Automobile Repairs of the high­
est order.
As a materia! evidence of our faith In the
City of Hood River and the constant advance­
ment of Its citizenship and the development of
Industries, we have made a heavy Investment
In a new concrete machine shop.
The new shop will be equipped with the
best machinery on the market.
The new shop wlji soon be completed and
opened for public inspection. We will announce
the exact opening date. It Is our desire then
that all Valley folk give us a call and Inspect
our new plant.
Tel. 2551
Notice for
Telephone 2151
Before Buying Your
Rough or Dressed Lumber
MUI located 5 miles south of Odell, near Loop Highway.
Choose as many of
the things you will need
on your vacation as you
can before you leave.
You will save time
while you are away and
have the satisfaction of
buying them from people
you know.
It always pays to buy
It will pay you to have us figure on your Bill.
Grange Co-operative Store
For Your Vacation
A. C. Wing,
Clerk Diet
cash pries paid lor your used
stovesand rugs. Call McClain
rana Oo.
I czjoeo I
For Baking Day
Mrs. Ferris M. Green last week re­
ceived word that her abler, lira. Cyle
Horcbem, broke the world’« record al­
titude flight for a woman aviator at
Alglnm, Mo., flying to a height of
18,800 feet
Mr. Horcbem, who conducts aviation
schools throughout Missouri, Oklahoma
and Texaa, stated that his wife was in
the air two hours and eight mtantea.
She suffered no ill effects from the
high altitude, he stated. Mrs. Horchem
took up flying as a hobby because of
her husband's interest in It.
Elgin Time is Strain
time” in the hands of
thousands of railroad
men, all over thé world.
Such a present as an
Elgin is a gift of a life­
Mo thing else
___ will
time. > Nothing
ever take its place—it’s
Me gift supreme.
Established in 1U*
m . Nt mm »
W.J. Baker & Co.
Dealers in
Fruit and Farm