Sure they >y are the best that Kelly-Springfield Keiiy-opnngneia make. maae. They hold the goad and give the wear that made Kelly Fans us. While they last you can buy Jiem for the price of inferior grades. 18.96- 31.15- 34.25- 36.30- 34x4 Cords- 32x41 “ 34x41 33x5 35x5 $36.30- $27 44.30- 32 46.40- 33 56.15- 39 61.00- ,41 Mail orders promptly filled Sunday Only, July 15th DOROTHY PHILLIPS rThe World Ì fl StM»« LUMBER THAT SATISFIES lUILDERS of reputation realize the neces­ sity of quality in lumber for permanent construction, whether it be for dwellings or. commercial buildings. Our materials have stood the test of time in buildings in this and other communities al) over Oregon and Washington. Our long standing reputation and experience are at your service. Tues., July 16-17 Lewis'Great Novel Main By trading with us you teach your Dollars to have more Cents. .__________ , _________ , Zerolene costs less than piost other oils and lubricates better., It follows closely the changing clearances of the moving engine parts; it main­ tains perfect piston seal always— hence the Zerolene-lubricated car averages 5% better gasolene mile- age. Materially yours, L umber B ill , Manager. Phone 4121 — that's our self starter. BARRETT HOOD RIVER MOUNTAIN MAID FRUIT PECTIN JUST THE THING THE HOUSEWIFE HAS ALWAYS LONGED FOR Auto Park Service Station and Grocery Bartol-Mansfield Motor Co Belmont Garage Grange Co-Operative Store Fashion Livery & Garage Follow the series of Articles that will be written by Mr. Rooker and by his aid and the aid of the receipt book included with every bottle of Pectin, you will find yourself in a pleasant new era of Jelly making. J. F. Volstorff PICNIC TIME Vera Kolstad and the Wurlitzer. CASCADE LOCKS If Its Something For The Lunch Basket—We Have It J. L. Drummond T. Glazier HOLMAN & SAMUEL SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY ..P hone 1811 Alarm” ' also Episode No. 13 “THE OREGON TRAIL SPECIAL SPECIALS THIS WEEK Campbell’s Sardines, two for 25 cents. Eversweet Pineapple, No. 2 Cans, 20 cents. Tropicopalm and Lemco Toilet Soap, 6 bars for 20 cents. Try some of the famous Hovden Sardines, packed in wine sauce, the can 20 cents. » MOSIER Carroll’s Garage C. F. Knuth OAK GROVE Frank Fenwick ODELL L. A. Chapman’s Groce Consolidated Mer. Co. Jake Larson’s Garage PARKDALE R. J. Mclsaac & Co. Parkdale Garage PINE GROVE A. F. Bickford