motorist <3 OPP, STANDARD OIL COMPANY / xä \0 PEARL tRBROSKNK) HEAT AND LIGHT career, following her graduation from the University of Oregon, as an in­ structor in journalism. D RIVER Auto Park Service Station and Grocery Bartol-Mansfield Motor Co BARRETT A Meteoric Success The Willys-Knight Coupe-Sedan has leaped to a pop­ ularity previously unknown among fine closed cars. H. D. Steele Store For it is living proof that complete equipment and luxurious appointments can be combined with faultless mechanical performance at a very reasonable price. MOSIER Having doors both front and rear, the Willys-Knight Coupe-Sedan provides easy entrance and exit for all five passengers without climbing over seats. Carroll’s Garage Belmont Garage iff O u Vilbt-OwUnJ ati-vtrnumnt, in Tfu Saturday E-vning fra CIRCLE-OVERLAND CO Mt. Hood Garage Grange Co-Operative Store Fashion Livery & Garage Hood River Garage OAK GROVE Frank Fenwick ODELL J. F. Volstorff L. A. Chapman’s Gr Consolidated Mer. Co Jake Larson’s CASCADE LOCKS O. R. Becker J, L. Drummond T. Glazier C. F. Knuth Raymond Sprayers. Engines, ranging from 1% to 25 h. j Electric plants. Farm electric automatic pumps Hand and power pumps of all descriptions. Electric washing, machines. L. Slutz 1st St. near Hood River Machine Works PARKDALE R. J. Mclsaac & Co. Parkdale Garage PINE GROVE GOOD 100% PURE American-Maid A. F. Bickford FRESH DAILY AT YOUR GROCERS