The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 17, 1923, Image 9

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Royal Cords Rank First
United States Tires
a re GoodTires
■MS9* mmR
shortage of Royal Cord Clincher Taw I
year. Production b doubled this years
Demand more
than justifies
__ this increased
Whenever you
have a chance to
buy a Clincher
Royal—fuhe it.
Whereto buy USTI res
Auto Park Service Station, Hood River, Ore.
Circle-Overland Co., Hood River, Ore.
Clifton Park Service Station, Hood River, Ore.
Saturday Specials
Prices quoted on No. 1 Steer Beef
Beat Loin Steak.......................
Pot Roast........................................... 15c
Beef Boil.............................
Hamburger......... .............................. 15c
Swift’s Hams......................
10 Lba. Lard............................ ^... $1.45
5 Lbs. Lard..................................... 76c
Phono 4311
To the property owners in and
around Hood River
new one.
Phone 4121 — that’« our self starter.
That Ford owners think well of us is
proven by the greatly increased volume of
Ford Repair Work we are handling.
have added two more competent Ford me-
chanica to our staff this week.
We take pride in showing you around
our shop, explaining our system.
We believe we can prove to you that
your inteoeat ia ours.
Springtime Is Here
L umber B ill , Manager.
r. II
! gto
depends upon popular opinion.
The Hood River Market
Automobile Repair
Thio meat is bought from tho ranch. Killed
In our state inspected slaughter house,
eliminating the middleman’s profit.
n> you ever drive through a stretch of coun-
try where buildings were in poor repair,
k. ji
Have you ever
and remark about it?
thought that this same condition might
exist in every community and that strang­
ers driving through your neighborhood
would make similar remarks concerning
appearances? Then why not build.good substantial
buildings thereby giving pleasure to live in them,
causing contentment and satisfaction to know that
your buildings will be pointed out by neighbors and
strangers aa up to date places, improving your prop­
erty >n look® *nd value, alfio the neighborhood in
which you live.
When you are thinking of re­
pairing or building call at our yard and let us
show you material and quote you prices that will in­
duce you to improve your property. We can show
you pictures in our Plan Books where the addition of
a dormer, a sleeping porch or sun parlor, or a nice
shaded window would add very much to the appear­
ance of the place and make an old place look like a
Mr. and Mrs. David Byerise. who are
engaged In missionary work at Bo-
kage, Belgian Congo, in a recant lat­
ter to Mrs. Busie L Lynn, slater of
Mr. Byerlee, tell interestingly of a
launch trip up the great African water­
way. The party was on a mission
The journey, however, led through
dense jungleland and into some of tbe
best hunting districts of the dark con­
tinent. and tbe missionaries had their
guns ready for the good shooting af­
' Sixth Carsi
forded. Mrs. Byerlee tells of the vil­
lage life of tbe natives, who were
The Highway Auto Co. last week
found carousing at evening partita,
received two carloads of Star automo-,
after drinking highly intoxicating
blleo. eight touring cars and tour road
palm wine. Borne of the Christianised
stem. Thia brings total shipments of
natives, she stated, were guilty of im-
Stars to the local company tor thel
btbtag too freely.------------ —
seaso n to six carloads.
At one village they found a chief, of er halo rah tr
Herbert 8. Field says that tbe 8tor
who had been a Christian, but who bad ability and dffiMcter. Recently he is becoming one of the most popular
been unable to resist temptations on waa elected president of Sigma Delta care of the midColumbia Ito high
being raised to leadership. Tbe chief Chi. He ia assistant editor iff tbe 1924 class construction, beauty and moder­
had amassed the customary harem. Beaver, the college annual and a mem­ ate price makes it popular with those
The man, however, was eager to se­ ber of the O. A. C. Daily Barometer whol desire real automobile value at
cure a teacher for his village and •uttr.
* reasonable figure, he says.
seeiped on the point
giving lip hia
Horticulture waa selected by Bpigbt
wealth, represented by the harem, for aa hia specialty at tbe beginning of hia
tbe source of learning.
junior year. Weik in thia department
“One does not sleep very soundly the includes training in the culture, prun­
The United States CivU Service
first few nights out on an itinerary," ing. spraying, and pest and disease
writes Mrs. Byerlee, “knowing the control aa related to fruit growing. Commission has announced an exam­
forest, which comes up within a few All phases of harvesting, grading, ination to be held at Hood River June
feet of the back door, is Inhabited by packing, shipping and marketing are IS aa a result of which it is epected to
elephants, hippos, pythons and many taken up, In connection with small make certification to fill a contem­
plated vacancy in the position of
more wild creatures."
fruits, tree fruits and nuts. Training
One day the party lunched in tbe in the fundamentals of animal hus­ fourth-class postmaster at Cascade
shade of a giant tree, the sap of which, bandry, dairy husbandry, crop produc­ Locks. The compensation of the post­
exuding in resinous prodigality, is tion, soils, drainage mid irrigation, master at this office was 9990 for thel
gathered by tbe natives and sold for entomology, plant pathology, plant last fiscal year.
varnish making. At one point they vis­ propagation and agricultural chem­
ited a village where wild elephants istry to given tbe first two years. The
Galligan Has First Berries
were so tame as to steal bread out of courses consist of lectures, reference
Gallgan, whose ranch place
the windows of native huto. Tbe men reading, field exercises and laboratory
of the party shot numerous monkeys work. Much stress is placed upon the is in a protected nook in Skamania
county between Underwood and Cooks,
and crocodiles, and the natives held practical phases of the work.
The horticultural wing in agricul­ Wash., Thursday exhibited the mid­
At one village the party had the tural hall, horticultural products build­ Columbia’s first ripe strawberries.
opportunity of witnessing a native ing, tbe greenhouses, extensive orch­ Annually Mr. Galligan begins tbe berry
athletic carnival, chiefly wrestling. A ards and gardens, tbe large campus harvest here. He expects to begin
neighboring village sent down chal­ containing good plant material, an I shipping fruit this wek.
Mr. Galligan will deliver to Perigo
lengers, who announced themselves ammonia-gas cold storage plant, and a
with a chant. The “rooting” of the very good library are at the service A Bon a crate of berries soon.
rival contestants was weird and gro­ of the department. The lal>oratorlee|
are well equipped forgiving instruction I Before you buy an automobile you
“It was hard to leave these kindly in spraying, plant propagation, fruit I should
see tbe new Studebaker at tbs
people,” says Mrs. Byerlee, “whom we packing, vegetable grading and crating I Cameron
Motor Co.
had leered to love in the eight days and systematic pomology. The train-1
we had stayed with them. With our lug Splght la receiving will enable him I
hands tingling with their hearty hand to carry on fruit inspection work, fruit I
clasps and the old song, ‘God Be With growing, horticultural agent work and I
You Till We Meet Again,' ringing in fruit grower's publicity work.
I Notice of Sale for
our ears, our little boat glided quietly
Courses which be could have selected I
out Into mid-stream and We started for a i major In preference to hortlcul-
back home."
Notice la hereby given that, on May
ture include
nclude animal _,^RRRI,,
husbandry, dairy
En route down tbe river Mr. Byerlee husbandry, poultry husbandry, soils, let, 1928, four separate warrants were
fired at and wounded a huge'buffalo, farm management, drainage and irri­ duly and regularly issued by the City
which charged the boat. It was killed gation. farm crops, entomology, plant Recorder of the City of Hood River,
just before reaching the frail craft. ! pathology, bacteriology, agricultural Oregon, to me directed and delivered,
The meat was smoked for later use.
commanding me to forthwith advertise
chemistry and marketing.
Mrs. Byerlee returned with a little
the property hereinafter described
girl aged 12, the promised bride of a
against which assessments for the
native man who wished her to secure I
coat of street improvements within the
a Christian education.
Fifth Street Improvement District, in
Mr. and Mrs. Byerlee expect to leave
the City of Hood River, Oregon, have
on a furlough in November.
heretofore been made and levied, a
particular description of each of which
aaid properties together with ths|
A 'crew of surveyors Saturday began amounts of aaid assessments and the
work of laying
a ___
— out
- » plots - for -
of tiw* perooM to whom
of bungalow cottages, tennis courts, | teased, is as follows;
i itutinni IO OuniliTO unique WWWànff children's ¿>Iay-t One 'Warrant describlni Lot Four
grounds, on the grounds surrounding I (4), Block Nine (9), Second West Ad-
the Columbia Gorge Hotel. Work willldltlon to tbe City of^Hood Rlver, Ore-
The Old Oregon Trail pageant, spon­ follow Immediately aa the extensive —. Assessed to Hood River. Fruit
sored by the Old Oregon Trail Associa­ expansion of the resort hostelry.
irowers Supply Company,
_____ due
tion the entire Northwest la a
The Mg hotel, open for only a week, *289.47 with
interest thereon i at tbe
. .........................
tM*dy, will be held July Fourth, Amer­ has bee* filled with TWttand folk and rate Of 8 pen cent .per annum i since
ica’s Natal Day, at Meacham, a point their guests from out of town. Numer­ June 8, 1922.
at the summit of the Blue Mountains, ous banquets have marked the activ­ One Warrant describing Lot Ten
on the Old Oregon Trail, and the O.- ities st the hostelry thia year. Next (10), Block Two (2), of Blowers'
W. R. A N. railroad, midway between Saturday the members of Group One First Addition to the City of Hood
Pendleton snd La Grande. Official se­ of the Oregon State Bankers' Associa­ River, Oregon. Assessed to Jonathan
lection of the date and site waa made tion will bold a meeting and luncheon L. and Porcine L. Johnson, amount
by the executive committee of the Old at the hotel. C. H. Vaughan, preai­ due *366.27 with Interest thereon at
Oregon Trail Association last week.
dent of the Oregon State Hankers' the rate of 6 per cent per annum since
The pageant, which la expected to Association, who with other local bank­ June 8, 1922.
find a crowd of at the least, 26,000 ers is arranging for the program,
One Warrant describing Lot One
people la attendance, commemorates states that entertainment for the visit- (1), Block “D” of South Waucoma
the 80th anniversary of the crossing ors will include a motor trip through Addition to the City of Hood River,
of the Blue Mountains by the first the valley.
to O. F. Gilbert.
wagon train and celebrates the com­
amount due *236.31, with interest
pletlon of the Old Oregon Trail over
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per
the Blue Mountains, a highway that
annum since June 8, 1922.
ranks second to none in tbe history of
One Warrant describing Lot Four
the world as a homeseeking trait
(4), Bloak “D", South Waucoma Addi­
The site,
a stone throw from Meacty-
tion to tbe City of Hood River, Ore­
ani, is considered ideal. An abundant
gon. Assessed to John Chaplin, amount
supply of pure water, several hundred
due *240.99, with interest thereon at
acres of pasture land suitable for the
Weather conditions have been ideal tbe rate of 6 per cent per annum since
staging of tbe pageant, perking fácil- for the pollenization and setting of June 8, 1922.
ities for both railway and highway apple blooms, according to B. W. Kelly,
Now, therefore, in pursuance of the
vehicles, all are present. Steep bills who since the blossom period has vis­ said warranto for tbe purpose of satis­
form a natural amphitheatre for tbe ited aU sections of tbe valley.
fying the delinquent assessments men­
<> ix-caalon, capable of accommodating
I find that the bloom has been fair­ tioned therein, I will on Saturday, the
60,(XX» persona.
ly regular In all districts,” aays Mr. 2nd day of June, 1928, at the hour of
With the selection of tbe site and Kelly, ' and indications point to a good ten o’clock a. m. of said day, at the
date, the committees have opened tbe average yield thia
front door of the City Hall, in the City
throttle and over 100 busy men are trlct’s tonnage should be about the of Hood River, County of Hood River,
devoting their time in making ready
as that of last year, an approx­ State of Oregon, proceed to sell at pub­
for a diIraina that will go down in imate 2,000 cars of commercial apples.'' lic auction to the highest bidder for
American history as one of the most
C. T. Roberto, West Side orchardlst. cash In hand, ths several tracto or par­
remarkable reproductions of pioneer
reported that the bloom of bi« esis of land above mentioned, or so
neighborhood was showing one of the much thereof as can be sold separately
best sets of years.
to advantage sufficient to pay aaid de­
Paw Paw Tree
linquent assessment, together with the
interest, costs and disbursements pro-
Mrs. N. B. Whalen, who resides with
vided by law, and will continue
her father, J. L. Johnson, Civil war
sale from day to day thereafter until
veteran, now has a large paw paw
said property ia sold, or so much there­
shrub that to blooming. She expects
try to satisfy said
of as may be
to have some matured fruit thia fall.
It is the first bush of tbe spe<4ea ever
Dated at Hood River, Oregon, thia
to bloom here. Tbe Johnson iauiiiv
1st day of May, 1928.
came here from Kentucky.
Whalen has a sisesble grove of young
Marshal of the City of Hood River,
paw paw trees reared from aead sent
out from the Blue Gram country.
Mrs. Whalen haa Iota surrounding
the city home of her father filled with
rare fruits and flowers. She calls it
the Garden of Allah.
Big Ctax* Seat by Mistake
Walter McDougal, West Side orch-
nrdlst, last week ox evening a letter
from a Chicago bank, found a check
for *37,000. No explanatory letter ac­
companied it Examination, too, re­
vealed that tbe check was for a woman.
He telegraphed to Chicago and learned
that a stenographer slipped the check
through a mistake into an envelope
that should have brought a letter to
him. The check waa tn payment of
an insurance policy to an Illinois
widow. Discovery of the check, the
mesaai ige to Mr. McDougal stated.
cleared up a mystery.
Little Jean Parker b Feet
The following unique and meritar-
tone poems are the-production of little
Mise Joan Parker, daughter of fibre.
C. W. Parker, formerly a resident of
the valley. Mrs. Parker and children
now reside in Brooklyn. Joan will
celebrate her eighth birthday.
We have
nic basket.
are calling.
the hamper.
all the varieties of fresh Spring
Let us take charge of your pic­
Fishing trips and motor tours
We can supply everything for
Just call us and our response will be
cheerful and courteous.
Carlson & Osborn
Electric Bakery
Anderson Undertaking Co.
C. C. ANDRBSON. Sole Proprietor
Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director