HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, MAY 17, 192& The Store of Bigg THE APPLE PROSPECT Naturally, the aptde grower, whose returns, even those who topped the I 1922 price, were too low for any com­ fort, is looking ahead tn see what will be tlie outcome of sal«* «*> We want to call your attention to our big line year's crop. From various angles, it would appear that the price for tbe of Boys’ Clothing. We can save you money, give 1923 crop will be far better taan last you the biggest assortment to choose from, and year. * Not -much enemragement is gatued from reports of the crop in satisfy you in every way in our Boys’ Suit Depart­ eastern commercial centers. It ap­ ment We wish to call your particular attention pears that tbe touuage there may be as large oa last Reason.. Furthermore, to our Suits, of all virgin wool material, with two tbC growers of the eastern orchard sections have learned a lesson from pairs of full cut Knicker Pants, made for us by The Columbia Gorge Hotel 1« open the I mix ajiple prtMlucers and are de- The Oregon City Woolen Mills. These are the best • votipg mure exjfenati and energy In th? again, and as a result we will see weekly hundreds of motorists who production of a quality apple. They Clothes for the Boys that you can buy. Made are purchasing spray rigs aud are otherwise would not come here. Port­ Kunaway Found up in the newest styles — they fit right and give fighting disease pests nnd insects that land famlliew, with guests, will always Cecil Morteoen, 13-year old local boy mar the fruit. They are taking a great include in their program of entertain- you a good appearance and wonderful service. luusit a day at the noted hostelry. who disappeared from home Saturday, interoat in their package. was located Tuesday when be wired Grown in Oregon—made in Oregon—and should be Thq general bust uesa condition of Boon the golf course of the Hood River his mother from Baker. The boy, who the nation, however, is greatly im­ Country Club will 1* ready for play. will tie returned home, had made his worn by all the boys in Oregon. proved over lust seAson Business was Scores of Portlanders and their friends way to the eastern Oregon metropolis by walking and riding with touring will increase the limit of their stay nt a low ebb last year. It remained so motorist«. most of the time throughout the peak from a day to q. week or more. Gorge Hotel to Have Dinner Dances of apple marketing. Business is again A series of Saturday evening dinner Emerson Hough is dead. The nation dance« inaugurated at the Columbia booming. Wages are good. The great Most desirable for Ladies’ Undergarments. mass of people the coming fall, from weeiie. Emerson Hough wrote stories Gorge Hotel is tending to bring a closer acquaintanceship among the Comes in all the wanted colors. See our dis­ every indication, will lie in position to that will live. While the passing sex people of mld-Columbla towns and buy apples. Consumption should be apiieal stuff of so hlany of his contem­ Portland. As a result of the easy and play in the piece goods department poraries will be forgotten as quickly i-onvenlent motor travel over the Co­ steady. The Northwestern grower, however, I as read, the historical stories and lumbia River Highway the dances bld must meet the competition of the east-1 novela of this master of letters will be fair to prove among the moat popular social functions of the mld-Columbla —rrn districts by marketing an apple of I preserved. Emerson Hough will be thia season. the highest quality. lie must spray I missed. We need more of his class of as never before to eliminate diseases, I writers. See the new shipment of Laces for Ladies’ IH'sta and insects. He must calculate] Collars. Really this is the finest lot we have seen. to raise a tonnage of perfect fruit, or I The handsomest of packages is none he is doomed. The Northwestern I too good for Koberg's Twentieth Cen­ Something entirely new and practical. Alexander-Hinchman grower has the climate and generail tury Nonpnreil Asisiragus. Mr. Koberg A large number of friends attended conditions in his favor. It is a rare] Is marketing his product under a brand the wedding of Miss Delia Hinchman NEMO, GOSSAKD AND AMERICAN LADY CORSETS thing that the east ever produces a name, all boxes carrying his apiiealing and Dr. Ix-elle Alexander, of Hood bumper yield two years consecutively. I colored lal>el. He grows only the best, River, at the Moreland Presbyterian church, Wednesday evening, April 25. Growers there have frosts, unknown to I and he says that it pays. The bride wore a gown of ivory tlie Northwest, to contend with. The I white satin, with pearl bead trimming Hood River will soon be furnishing eastern grower for a time may con-1 and lace. Her veil was held in place by tiuue to apply costly spray and put I the surrounding world with tlie na- a wreath of orange blossoms and she into his orcharding the expensive I ,l<,n ■ *M'st strawberries the Clark carried white sweet peas and lllies-of- tbe-valley. Miss May Hinchman, sis­ methods that characterise Northwest-1 Seedling. _______________ ter of the bride, was maid of honor and ern production. But we do not believe I —- . nnifflAn iG wore pink silk with a picture hat to match and carried pink sweet peas. it will continue. Without a constant | Little Mary Elixalieth Dunkin was production of high class fruit he can­ flower girl and looked dainty in a dress not afford It. Years when the early of white organdie over pink silk. frosts have killed his fruit he will Roland Burrows was ring bearer and carried the ring on a white satin pil­ grow slack. The Northwestern grow­ low. Martin Alexander, brother of the er, with Ills irrigation systems and bridegroom, was best man. ideal climatic conditions, can count onlvidley guardedI by”the. towering Preceding tbe ceremony Gilbert a steady consumption every year, lie I peaks. Mount Hood and Mount A Charters sang "Because," accompanied EVERY SATURDAY EVENING. can afford to continue the most scien-l"i,I>,‘ah>d to him while on a tout on the lipe organ by Miss Ruth Hein- .CteLv !1<> ■•!*» - PlUSil. IhS. .WU.u m t hmU -pro du c i ng . s pp las.----- lijHViÍFrSmar "Ár march. The ushers were William DANCING FREE TO EVERYBODY. Bowes, Lyle McCoy and Merldeth Price.— The me church cuurvu was wss beautifully decorated with pink carnations, vines Now tiiat formal details have lieen and foliage. The ceremony was sol­ concluded, it behooves citizens of tbe emnised beneath ,* white and pink llood River Valley to renew their en­ wedding bell suspended from the cen­ ter of an arch of green. thusiasm over the Coluuihia Bridget A reception of relatives and intimate We cun have the great interstate span friends was held at the home of the if wo really WHnt it, but it will lie re­ bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Begin Serving Dinners at 6:30 O’clock. quired that we complete our subscrip­ Hinchman, 450 Maiden avenue. Dr. Alexander la a graduate of tion of $75,(100. The valley has not North Pacific Dental College and is really lieen aroused to the benefits of practicing in Hood River, where the the bridge as yet. If everyone will young couple will make their home.— get off his coat and set to work with Oregonian. an earnest ucs* the funds can tie made available in a few days and the an­ TROUT LAKE nouncement can be made that arrange­ (Iiy C. M. Cutting) (From The Enterprise) ment* for the span are final. Then, The results of a few tax payers in The delegate« to the annual conven ­ Four hundred and fifty thouaand indeed, Ilood River will have become tion of the Oregon State Federation of J thia valley attending the meeting of Eastern Brook and Sliverside trout J the board of county commissioners, the real hull of the mid-Coiumbla, oue The legislative bill, enacted at the Women’« Club« will receive an Invita­ were placed rerently in the streams of of tbe most fertile and scenic regions Inst session of the legislature and pro­ tion to participate In the third annual and a meeting of the Trout Ijtke De­ western Klickitat county by Game velopment Association, are alsiut as of all the American continent. viding that no alien who has not ap­ Mount Hood Climb of the I1< hk 1 Ki ver Warden McEwen and Game Commis­ plied for his or her first citizenship American Ix>glon to be held July 14, 15 j follows: sioner Sorter. The fish came from the The meeting was one of the largest Underwood hatchery. Iispsrs can serve as an employe of and 18. Mrs. B. F. Shoemaker, mother state, county, city or other public cor- of Kxit Shoemaker. chairman of the ■ gatlierings of men and women we have Mr. gnd Mrs. Arthur Lewis spent poration, Ims resulted in a rush of sev­ committee arranging for the recrea­ had in tlie valley for some time. the week end in Hood River visiting ers! local public employes to secure tional stunt, now attracting Northwest The objections to the old road pro­ Mr. Lewis' parents. Mrs. Lewis re­ their first [Hiiiers. The pay of aliens interest, will present the invitation. gram have been: Tl:e unnecessary will niitonistically cease, under oper­ Mrs. Shoemaker will also extend a cost of going around the edge of the mained in Hood River on a visit for a ation of the new bill May 23. similar invitation to delegate* to the valley itiHtead of direct through the few days, while Mr. I^ewls returned J. R. Nickelsen, in charge of main­ annual convention of the Department middle of the valley; misunderstand­ Monday morning. C. D. Moore, of White Salmon, who tenance of the Columbia River High­ of Oregon Women', Relief Corp«, who ings as to wbo wonld pay the assess­ way from Cascade Isieks to The will meet soon in tirants Pass. ments on property sold for taxes, and is occupying his fine new residence Dalles, states that he is required to misunderstandings as to the basis of just below the bluff on the North Hank have all of his employes fill out a asaemmeiitH. Attorney Jolin Hall clar­ highway, is to get the full benefit of The Hood River Woman’s Club last natsrulization record or present regis­ week elected officers as follows: Mr«. ified the question by stating it as his the summertime radio entertainments of KQP, the Apple City Radio Club of tration cards. The secretary of state H. McClain, president; Mrs. R. B. opinion that the assessments would be Hood River. and county clerks are required to W. Perigo, first vice; Mrs. L. M. Bentley, levied lamed on apeeial lienefits, not check public payrolls. Architect J. W. Swope, of Baldwin second vice; Mrs. A. 8. Keir, recording on acreage regardless of value«. That Hecretary; Mrs. F. 8. Smith, corres­ fsch aHM-HHinent would be a Hen upon A Swope Construction Co., of Hood ponding secretary, and Mrs. P. L. Man­ each individual piece of land only. River, was here Wednesday to do some ser. treasurer. Delegates to the Med­ That where parties refuse to pay tht4r repair work on tlie Baker A Coe ware­ ford convention were named as fol­ assessment thare wonld be no reassess­ house near tbe depot. The warehouse lows: Mrs. McClain, Mrs. J. E. Fi*r- ment back tqiqn other property within is to be strengthened, as last fall it nearly collapsed. guson, Mrs. B. F. Shoemaker and Mrs. that area. Baaed upon this opinion it was de- The big" steam shovel working on A. O. Lewis; alternates, Mrs. H. G. Certainly those who live in the I elded to draw up a new petition tinder the North Bank highway below town Cooper and Mrs. Smith. the Permanent Highway law to build la progressing at the rate of about 30 Rev. W. n. Boddy, who recently re- a road from the Jones place at the feet per day, and it la reported that It signed the ¡instorate of Riverside Com­ south through the middle of tbe valley wUl reach the old cannery alte, near munity church, to accept a call to the to the western terifiinns as named in the Dock road crossing, July 1. West min later I'resliyteriun church In the old petition, and that the county Seattle, announced las: week that he Graveling of the road bed from Un­ had Me-cred release ftom tlie Seattle Cleo. F. Mackenzie. who ha« been in prosecuting attorney and Attorney derwood to Bingen will then be rushed pastoral'* mid will rea'itw Ills duties charge of the office, has left for New John Hall wore appointed a committee as fast as possible. Mr. Hazelton, of I of two to draw up such jietition. in the al church June i. Underwood, has the contract for the Orleans to join a branch of the Phoe- In connection with this action it was graveling of the road. Re Mr. Boddy is now convalescing uix concern engaged at the Louisiana I understood tluit local material such as from a nx-vnt serions attack of in­ metropolis in the construction of a WANTED fluenza. The demands of the metro- huge steam electric plant. The Phoe­ gravel should lie used largely in the IKilitan church work, he stated, it was nix Utility Co. has nationwide branch­ construction of this road. It is con- feared would be too arduoua liecause es. It la the construction concern for I ceded by k < hh ! authorities that we have of Ills poor health. various electric public utilities. Mr. the beat road Building material possi- Mackensie made many friend« in Hood I4e In our gravel which will make roads superior-to auy water bound lllver who regret hi« de|>arture but macadam. who aped him with wishes of success It i« also understood and agreed to in the south. I by the county commissioners that local representatives should have a voice in determining the prope r specifications • ; The radio program of Station KQP for thia road. is put on this week by Ralph McDon­ Tlie engineer's estimnte for a fin­ ald. who is a charter member in The ished road (of the type he la now Apple City Radio Club and a strong building) from Jones' corner to Skel­ booster for radio, the club and Hood ly's mill is approximately $75,000. River, which was shown by ills talk That includes an estimate of 25 fier over the air at the end of his programs. cent for incrensed cost of labor, en­ Next week's program is to be put on gineering and contingencies. It would by II. O. Ball, who la one of Hood seem as if tills estimate could be ma­ River's pioneers in radio broadcasting terially reduced by a large use of our aud former owner of Station KQP. It own gravel. Is expected that Albert Case will be It is posaible that, owing to no heavy on the program Sunday night with clearing from Skelly's mill west five vocal and other good features. At the, miles, a good gravel road can be built 0 p. m. program Wednesday the Man­ for about |1,8U* a mile: a total of MISCELLANEOUS dolin Sextet, which played for the $82,500 for eoni|det* road Tills would radio a month ago and received so represent a saving of almost $150.000 many compliments, will be featured. to the tax paver* providing we have The Rialto Station KFHB la having intelligent action, united team work 1 a mast similar to that of the Radio and honest n presentation. Shop put on its building that will be The policy as now laid out will not < 140 feet from the ground. It is ex­ bankrupt tlie farmers. will not confis­ pected that thia will more than double cate unimproved land; but will open the results of the station which has up our country to the houieereker and - lieen quite a help in making Hood tourist, and develop our timber hi a , River and its apples well known with­ gradual, hesithy manner Ing prayer with sermon at in its range. The Bunday school la re- BUICK FOR ECONOMY. Rec It at the Auto Show Friday and Saturday. BOYS’ SUITS New Crepe Lingerie NEW SHIPMENT Ladies’ Strap Slippers and Oxfords DINNER DANCES W AM Al klllTllR IS BURIED IT VALLEY OLSON’S ORCHESTRA WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS WHITE SALMON