HOOD RIVER GILA All-Wool Suite Smart Pattern*! Attractive Models! stion Invent Wisely BUTLER BANKING COMPANY Young Men! Here’s A Big Opportunity To choose your new clothing from our selected models. They are the choice styles of the season, attractive, pleas­ ing to look at, delightful to wear. Our assortment includes all wool cassimeres in pencil stripes, tartan plaids, checks and herringbones —greys, browns, tans and blues. All remarkably priced at Application of Calyx Spray Important IBy F. M. Green) All grower* should understand that for the control of codling moth the calyx spray la of greatest Importance and therefore no grower should con­ template omitting it from the spray program. So far as the state horticul­ tural law is concerned, spraying for codling moth is Just a* compulsory a* for any other pest oj disease. Suits for all Apples handled from this District—all varieties, grades sizes down to and including 252’s—was The assortment is here and the weather Is just right- returns this Season will be published as soon as completed will be relatively as good. J. G. VOGT "Vs? MOUNT HOOD We cut nothing but the best quality Steer Beef properly cared for and delivered to your door, twice each day—9:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. DAN WUILLE & CO MT. HOOD MEAT CO Phone 4141 FOURTH AT OAK HECK UNGER yers. Engines, ranging from 1*4 to 25 h. p ctric plants. Farm electric automatic pumps. Hand and power-pumps of all descriptions. Electric washing machines. W. L. Slutz