among our following 1 sa Cement WE HANDUB a •MV* They are air cooled and utilise kerosene or distillate. They are powerful and yet extremely economical. They coat far less than the ordinary motor. Call and investigate them. HOWELL BROS. FOURTH STREET Tel 2SS1 Orchard Supplies, WHOLESALE AND with us this season ? WAREHOUSES. IVER VAN HORN JITNEY nT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Phoae: Oddi 4M Time Table No. 35 “•»I*»- À k >K u .... a I sass 9*«......... UM si aa •«••••• •• MM ....... MM »SSra*»» -Tobacco Soft Orini material*. Standard Lumber Co. HORN BROS. TeL 5681. R.F.D.3. *0K AND ART STORE RmWEKIECM