-when you can 3UNT the raisins—at least eight big, plump, tender fruit-meats to the C Five Tears 4ed one of the wires against a 0000-volt power transmission line. The shock felled Mr. Dick, who, on arising, clutched the dragging wire again. The second shock rendered him unconscious, and electrical experts consider his escape from death miraculous. □ □ Da W U*! ™ ESSAY CONTEST WIN- • NERS ARE ANNOUNCED The Ford car is backed by the World’s strongest Automobile Organization. This is important in these days of keen compe­ tition when business failures, are common. in r Value CIRCLE-OVERLAND CO DBtVB AN OVBBLAND AND BBALIZB THB D1FFBRBNCB Standard Ford prices protect you op all repair work. BARTOL-MANSFIELD MOTOR CO You can make better cake, pies and other pastry with pore materials than with inferior materials. Pare Pure extracts, spices and baking powder cost a little more than inferior extracts and spices. The pure goods go further than the inferior goods and give you much better satisfaction. Good flour with our pure extracts, spices and baking powder give you a long start toward a su ccessful result • You can get them at this store at very reasonable prices. Phone us or call and let us tell you about them. Consolidated D RIVER r