HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1922 ODELL Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills of Salem motored bere Saturday to spend the tveek-ecd and Christmas Day at th home of tbi-ir . son, 'Waldo O. Mills. They returned home Tuesday. Mary Elden, the bary daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. W. o. Mills, was ten months' old at this time and thta was Mrs. Mills senior tenth visit here since the baby's arrival. Misa Greta Teague, of Portland, is home for the week enjoying a Christ mas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Teague. Mr. and Mr3. A. B. Shelley of The Dalles wtih their daunter, Marguer ite, and sons, Lawrence and Troy, ispent Christmas here with the lioyeds mid Shellejs. Mr. J. II. Eggert and son, Louis, of Itond, Elmer Egbert, of Portland, and Fred Fagert, of Hood River, were din ner gaests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ehrck, Christmas Day. Mr. and . Mis. Duane Wieden of Portland were prevented from coming here for Christmas by the seirotis ill ness of their small son who is suffer ing from an attack of pneumonia. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fergu son last Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock when Mary Alice Honors became the bride of Mr. J. Thurlo Tompkins. Jtev. AV. S. Gleiser read the ceremony. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Dorothy Ilasklns, bridesmaid and Mr. Horace Gillcerson best man. Only relatives and immediate friends witnessed the ceremony. Preceding the ceremony Mrs. A. II. Ferguson sang "i ijove xou uruiy." miss Blauche Tucker played the wedding march. Following the ceremony refresh ments were served, Mrs. J. E. Fergu son presiding at the bride's table. Misses Martha Ferguson, Blanche Tucker and Lois Ickes assisted in the dining room. The home was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. ThompKins left on the afternoon train for the home of the bride's parents at Toledo, Oregon. Af ter January 1st, they will be at home in Odell. The bride is teacher of . domestic science and other subjects in the High school, now serving in that capacity for the third year. -The groom has sjciit practically his entire life in Odell and vicinity. They have" the iK'st wishes of many friends. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Johnson have lented their house and have moved into the Dostofflee property which they have leased for a term of years, The Men's Third Annual Banquet will .be held Friday evening at 0:30 o'clock in the church dining room Price 50 cents a plate. The following committees have charge: Publicity, .1. 10. Ferguson; meat and gravy, AVil- lis yheirbon: salads, VUlUam Kemp vegetables. Allison rietcher: bread and butter, Henry Itodamar; pie, An drew Weinhelmer. Head waiter, V. S Gleiser. Everybody welcome. Sunday school at 10 a. m. next Sun day. A special lnvlration is extended to "all pupils lietweei,. the ages of nine and llfteen, as Miss Martha Ferguson will give them some work. At 11 a. in. a New Year's sermon by lie v. W. S It is our wish that all of the people of Hood River may have a HAPPY NEW YEAR HOWELL BROS. FOURTH STREET Tel. 2551 A HAPPY NEW YEAR We have attained the goal on which we set our hearts a year ago. Our new home is ready. We hope that we attain the ends, during 1923, those of making the Hood River Creamery just a little bit better institution every day and every week, on which we have set our hearts. We hope that such result may obtain for all of you in every way, in domestic and business life, during the New Year that each day may be just a little better and the outlook a little brighter than the day precccding. HOOD RIVER CREAMERY Eht tmutmjcr nf tltr (Sramjc (Siwiprrattur Slnrr mm until the rlrrlta in tuwlttug all thrir patrmts a Sramm mtii JJnnuirnma We wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR We have evciythLig for the Christmas dinner. Remember thai, you mil have to order Saturday for two days. Phone us your fists C2rly and we will do the rest. rHONE 2134 Gleiser. Special music. Epworth League at 7 :15 p. in. Watch Night for Myself, My Chapter, My Church. Eve ning sermon at 8 o'clock. Special music. On Christmas Day Thomas A. Boles, proprietor of the Oftell Hotel, started for Fernando, Calif., where he will visit his son, brother and father. Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Stretcher spent part of the week in Portland. The net proceeds of the Operetta on Friday evening amounted to more tha $00. Those in charge wish to express their appreciation of the liberal pat ronaee of the public. On the other hand, those who attended felt that the few hours were well spent. Those carrying parts in the operetta did ex ceptionally well, PINE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Rolert II. Waugh were out from town Kixwding the holiday with relatives and friends. Fred Tooley and family were dow from Kowena spending the holidayi with Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Mason, Mrs Tooley's parents. Robert Freeman and Gerald Jarvis are lip from Benson Polytechnic spend' Ing the holidays with their respective families. Mr. Freeman, who was ac conipanied by Paul JSosey, who joined his family here for the holidays, brought the new Freeman automobile up from Portland. Mixs Barbara Toder, a Lincoln High student in Portland, is here sending the holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Ilerzog. Al. Graff is spending the holiday with friends in Spokane. Joe Cozad, who has been Indisposed with grip the past week is reKirted Nearly 00 neighbors gathered at Grange hall Friday evening in a fare well party for Dr. and Mrs. Thrane and Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Ma Hoy. Mr and Mrs. Malloy will remove this week to their new home on the Stew art Kimball ranch at Summit. Miss Junke is spending a few days in Portland. Alice Andrews Rient Christmas with her narents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Andrews, returning to Portland yes terday. Miss Mary Hawkes, who Is teach lng at Kelso, Wash., is home for the holidays. Henry Lage of Sacramento Is spending the holidays with his broth er, E. E. Lage. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson of Portland sient Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. "Walter Wells. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dragseth were called to Portland Tuesday evening because of the illness of Mrs. Drag- seth's mother, Mrs. Wagner. M. M. Hill Is spending the holidays with his daughter. Miss Ruth, of Mills College, Calif. MOUNT HOOD Mrs. Hazel Gibson and children, Ralph, Louise, Marin and Hazel, left for Los Angeles Frldny to spend the holidays with Mr. Gibson. Jimniie Wishart is here from Arllng- on visiting his mother, Mrs. Ivan Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dimmlck, Mrs Ross Ringer and R. N. Hanna were lood River visitors Thursday. Miss Helen Anhert came home from Monmouth Saturday jo spend Christ mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. aul Aubert. W. T. Wyatt and George Hand were Christinas shoppers at Hood River on Saturday. Jim Dimmlck went to Fossil to sicnd Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis and daughter. Miss Fannie, were over from Parkdnlc to upend Christmas with the J. II. Doggett family. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Sheldrake and sons, Johnnie aud Tommy, and Miss Anclorjr Everson of Parkdale spent Sunday with Mrs. Ida F. Everson and family. School closed here last Tuesday for a two weeks' vacation, with a program aud a Christmas tree, and a treat of candy and nuts by the teachers and oranges by the Mount Hood Sunday school. Oiiite a numlxT from here attended the school program at Parkdale Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Parr and (laugh ter, Wiliun, have gone to Hood River to sicnd the winter. Mr. and Mrs. W .T. Wyntt enter tained the Will Gardner family at Christinas dinner. CENTRAL VALE Dect mlM-r 20, 1022. W. W. Fa widish, of Willow Flat, went to Portland last Friday to siend Hie holidays with his family. A very pleasing program was given at the schoolhonse last Thursday night by the pupils. A large attend ance of parents and patrons were present. So large that it was an evi dence of the need of a community house in our district. When the pro gram was over Santa arrived and distributed the gifts from the, tree. The school lmard contributed bags of candy and nuts enough for every child tin-re and Home to the elders. The teachers gave n holly lx of candy to each pupil, and the teachers each re ceived a fountain jcn from their pu pils. The decorations holly wreaths and crejie taiH-r streamer were very profuse. Miss Gleiser left for her home in Pa louse. Wash., on Friday, and Mrs. Smith for Portland Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chevron entertained friends and relatives from Portland Sunday atid Monday and gave a fam ily Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman of Odell were also present at dinner. O. W. Hoffman spent the holidays with bis sister in Portland. G. A. Hoffman sjn-nt the holidays with Lis sister in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Moss held a family reunion at Mowsacres during the holi days. Miss Oilve came from Port land, Ioyd from Mfdford. Miss Flor ence from IId River, and Miss l?cr- nice (utiie from (rvalli; Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester and children, Peir-n and I ia ii forth, drove up from GoMo arriving in time for dinner Saturday. A woman, visiting a neighlmr one day. did not find anyone at home. The next moraine s!ie culled up to tell jtliem she had ln-cn there. The man of jthe family answered the phone and (said: 0, I mw the tracks around the bouse, but thought the cow had gotten out," evening after a short stay with friends and relatives in Seattle. Mrs. II. G. Whipple had for her week-end guest Mrs. F. Still of The Dalles. Miss Pearl McClure returned to Pendleton after spending a few days with her mother, Mm. Wm. McClure, Henry Densmore of Redmond, for nierly of Mosier, was a business visitor here this week. Miss Alice Shogren, who attends O A. C, is spending her holiday vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shogren. Miss Frances Weller, who attends St. Helens Hull, is spending a couple of weeks at Mayerdale. Frank Proctor returned Saturday from Portland where he has been un der a doctor's care at the U. S. Vet eran Hospital.. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ingstrom, Tuesday, a daughter. Russell Henry of Nortons, Oregon spent a couple of days as guest of Francis Howard here, en route to Al berta, where he will spend the winter, Miss Una Riehlieu left Sunday for Dufur where she will spend Christ mas. Miss Iva Howey left for Corvallis Saturday, where she will spend a week with her parents. Mrs. Buchanan will spend her boll day vacation at The Dalles. Mrs. Mabel. Mathews and children will spend the holidays In Seattle with relatives. Both the Emanuel Church and the Church of Christ had Christinas pro grams Sunday. Mrs. R. S. Covert of Chatfield spent Wednesday at the home of Mrs. JL O Whipple here, where she met her mother, Mrs. Denslinger of Seaside, who will spend Christinas at Chatfield Miss Mildred Nichol, Miss Ida Niel sen and Darrell Evans, who attend the University of Oregon, are home for the holidays. The Y. W. C. A. Minstrels will con tinue their practice Monday and Wed nesday nights under the direction of Miss June Graves until December 28, when they will stage a show at the High School Auditorium. This event is anticipated as the crowning event of the season. Dr. C. A. Macrum left Tuesday for Portland and will join Mrs. Macrum at Eugene where they expect to spend the holidays. Miss Florence Evans and Miss Lou ise Morganson, students of the Pacific University at Forest Grove, are spend ing a couple of weeks at their homes in Mosier. George Forrest returned, to Mosier from Portland Tuesday evening. Mr Forrest is making his home with his sister, Mrs. A. J. Herr. Tuesday visitors to Hood River were Mrs. W. O. Moore, Mrs. Fred Shogren and daughters, Alice and Jeanne. Mrs. S. E. Evans and daughter, Mrs. J. Wilcox, were in Hood River Mon day. Fred Moore was in The Dalles Tues- lay. H. G. Whipple returned home from drtland Sunday and will spend t he holidays with his family. A Christinas dance was given by the Mayerdale Orchestra Saturday night at the Highway Hall. . Beresford Proctor was a Hood River visitor on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clarke were In Hood River Saturday. Ralph Connely returned from Yaki ma this week. Robert Simpson is spending a few days in Portland at the Sliriners cir- us and Christmas festival. Miss Laura Kibble of Vancouver, Wash., Is siicnding the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Proctor Mrs. W. E. Clarke and son, Wheeler, siicnt Friday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Burgland of Portland re visiting their daughter, Mrs. R. G. jarrett. Dr. Sifton of Hood River made a irofcHsional visit here Monday to Mrs. F. A. Allington, who is suffering from- ronchial pneumonia. Mrs. Allington Is much improved at present. The large audience that attended the Mosier school Christmas program little xpected the great treat that was In store for them. Teh pupils and teach rs had for weeks leen plotting and iract icing and the product of their ef forts was wonderful. Each grade had t least one numlxT on the program, which consisted of playlets and Christ mas songs, dances and drills. The lit tie folks in the pajama drill received iiecial applause and the work of the hiirher trades was very pleasing. The igh school portrayed in tableaux the scenes which transpired at the Birth f Christ. The colored light flashed pon these scenes made them beautiful At the close of the evening the presents were taken fronv baskets under two onutlfully decorated trees. Every liild received a gift. A surprise was iven every child by the teachers in rm of a candy-nlled cornucopia. Corner Grocery Club Hernia n Pregge has not given us ny definite Information as to what he is going to do with the two cub liears he is keening under cover. Pregge savs he has named them Johnnie Jones nd his sister Soo, and says they are aid of loaf sugar. Anyone wishing to donate 25 or '.M pounds can send to him by arcel post. W. I Nichols and wife were out in the Oak Grove district to eat goose nd we learned that he almost drove IT the embankment at the Anderson ranch on account of the dangerous condition of this corner. Mrs. Nichols said that was certainly the limit and her husband and road supervisor. The Greenpoint road is about ready or gravel. CO. C. NOTES Quarterly muster and inspection will e held Friday, tomorrow evening at o'clock. All menilxTs of the win- any are urged to In present. MOSIER Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Herr and daugh ter, Margaret JeweL returned Monday SCHOOL NEWS By Kathryn Morrison The Junior Class gave their annual party last Friday. Doeemt-r 13. The Auditorium was tastefully decorated in Christmas color, and alout the usual program was carried out. Wliile dancing was going on in the auditorium, games were N-ing played in the D.mewtie Art deiwrtineut by tlo.s,. that dhl not care to dance. A prvs-'ram was given between nine and ten o'clock, also games were played and punch nerved. After the program the daudng continued until eleven o'clock. World's Largest Chain Department Store Organization , till I iwmm A NATION- WIDE xf Incorporated 371 DEPARTMENT STORES Buying For Our 371 Stores Assures Lowest Prices January Economies For the Whole Family There it no better month in the whole year than January to prove for yourself that the economies your, whole family can enjoy at this store are actually greater than it is possible to find elsewhere. There is unfailing evidence in every department. Prices are not only uniformly low but the quality of our mer chandise is of the kind that assures service over the longer period of time, thus enabling you to get a greater., return out of every dollar expended here. You can ALWAYS go to a J. C Penney Company Store confi dent that you will get a full 100 cents worth for every dollar! The Christmas program of the High School will he given by the Lit erary Society this Friday afternoon, Deeemiier 22, at 1! o clock, to which the public is invited. The Christmas programs in the schools will lie held, early Friday afternoon, in their re spective buildings, for the special de light of the school children. The Christinas vacation as fixed by the school board extends from dis missal Friday, Ieceniler 22, to Tuesday morning, January 2. Miss Beatrice Fogue, of the Park Street school, has been from her classes during the past three weeks because of the serious illness of her mother at Forest Grove. Mrs. H. G. Ball, Mrs. ltoger Moo, Mrs. Effie Green, have been substituting. A student body, meeting was held last Friday morning at which a com mittee was apiHiinted to revise the constitution, and it was voted to send a bouquet of flowers to Miss Phillips, who taught here last year and is now in a snnitorium in Salem. The fol lowing reiMirt of the football season was read by the treasurer, Edwin Bryan : Receipts All games, $1,327.70. October 1, Franklin game, $.10 ; Oc tober 13, Greshani trip, $50; October 20, Stevenson game, $57 ; October 27, Goldendule trip, $40; November Dufur trip, $40; November 11, The Dalles game, $1,020; November i 17, Centerville trip, $40. Total receipts, $1,327.70. Disbursements Team expenses $ 478.40 J Equipment expenses 145.00 Miscellaneous 134.40 Total expenses Paid American Legion Season profit 820.98 I 205.00 295.72 Total $1,327.70 This is the first time that the sea son has returned a pront due, un doubtedly, to the Armistice Duy game. Last year the deficit was over two hundred dollars, and the year before it was even more. The cooking class under Miss Helen Frense has been serving hot 10-cent unches at the High school during the past two weeks to about one hundred pupils daily. These will be resumed after the holidays and continue until about the first of March. To take care of the overflow stu dents in the study hull aliout twenty extra desks will lie placed In the li brary during the holidays. Alleged Moonshiners Out on Bail Melvln and Itoliert Andrews, Cas- nde Locks meat market men, arrested Saturday night by men from the of fices of Sheriff Johnson and City Mar shal Hart, with aliout 30 gallons of moonshine, were released yesterday on $1000 bond each. Morris MaytichL aptured with the Andrews brothers. was released. The trial of the two men will lie held on January 3. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE Iii the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. Caroline W. Watts, Plaintiff, vs. .'lay ton W. Hooker, Bird Mae Hooker, Martha M. Moore and C. F. Randolph, Defendants.. By virtue of a writ of execution In 'oreclosure duly issued by the Clerk f the Circuit Court of Hood River, Oregon, on the 22nd day of Iiereuiticr, 1922, in a certain suit wherein Caro line W. Watts is plaintiff, and Clayton W. Hooker, Bird Mae Hooker, Mar tha M. Moore and C. F. Randolph are defendants, wherein the plaintiff re covered judgment on the 4th day of Deeemiier, 1922, against the said de fendant Martha M. Moore for the sum f $1,000.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from May 22, 1922. and for the suiq of 100.00 as attorney's fees and for 25.73 costs and disbursements, I am commanded as Sheriff to make sale f the property therein described and hereinafter descriliett, to satisfy said uilcment; wherefore. Notice is hereby given, that I will, t the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon on tne - t n day or January, 1923. at the east front door of the 'ounty Court Housn. in the City of Hood River, Hood River County, Ore gon, sell at pulilic auction to tne ighest bidder for cash the following lccriled real proterty, situated in lood River County, Oregon, to-wit: The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest narter of Section 15 In Township 2 North of Range 10 East of the Will- met te Meridian. Topthcr with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appnr tenaiKvs thereunto belonging, or so much thereof as may le no-ssary to satisfy said judgment and accruing costs. Said proju-rty will eb sold sni ject to confirmatioa nd redemption, as providd by law. Dated Docemlier 22nd. 1922. THO.H. F. JOHNSON. Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon. (123 J25 , a ua i-VE r smYcxa Nearly one hundred Fordson Tractors in the Hood Kiver Valley have made the Fordson Tractor the machine of popular favor. Its small investment, its wonderful performance; its economy in main tainanco, backed by an unusual ser vice have made it the universal choice of Hood River ranchers. Do not delay, order now. cnoizz BART0L-MANSF1ELD MOTOR CO., Inc. "The Home of Uunusual Service.' THE NEW YEAR IS almost here and 1922 is fast slipping back into his tory. It is a time of checking up and looking for ward with new' hopes and aspirations. We hope that we have measured up to your desires - as a standard place of business during the past year. It is our de termination to apply all our resources and efforts to give you an ever better service the coming year. May 1923 and each of its passing days bring to all of you a full realization of your desires. - The Hood River Market A. F. DAVENPORT, Prop. Phone 4311 Happy New Year MT. HOOD MEAT CO. Phone 4141. O. C. Hughes, Prop. FOURTH AT OAK THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" IT IS MY HOPE yiIAT the New Year will be a happy one for all of the folk of Hood River. I wish to prosper myself, but by so doing I want to help every one else prosper, realizing that business thus built h respected. H. GROSS Cash and Carry Grocery o