HOOD RIVER GLACIER, TflURSDAY, DECEMBERI28, 1922 GAME ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING .COMMERCIAL CLUB ROOMS' Wednesday, January 3 8:00 P. M. Full attendance desired. Election of Officers. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED. BRING YOUR OWN SMOKES. Established SG9 n8P AS we approach this year's end look forward to ward the beginning of the New Year, it is our wish for the orchardists of Hood River that they may in re trospective mood feel a satis faction in a realization that they have done their part in producing a portion of the nation's finest apple tonnage. May we tell Hood River or chardists that they should face the coming apple season with a spirit of confidence. The care they expend on their fruit trees deserves and will win ultimate success. To growers who are our patrons, we wish to express our thanks. To all growers we express the hope that we may become better acquain ted. We may, with pardon able pride, we think, point to the stability of our fruit sales organization. Our or ganization is based on the best business principles and integrity extending over a period of many decades. It is our hope to become a con stant, honored and respected factor in the orcharding in dustry of the Northwest. We wish you a Happy New Year. SGOBEL & DAY By J. Arthur Riggs and Paul McKercher. Winter Car Comfort Is Possible Even though the wind may whistle from the East or snow flurries, mixed with drenching rains, may fall steadily. If you have top troubles, just pay a visit to our top shop. We guarantee to make you satisfied. WARREN AUTO TOP SHOP BATTERIES for your Car $17.45 and Up Investigate and save money Willard Service Station MAX L. MOORE 9 OAK STREET Telephone 1122 PARTS PLAYED BY WOMAN IN POLITICS (The following jg the first install ii , B P81 recently read by M A. u. Lewis before the White Salrr ra mon k iy me jcar lo-w a woman a tire stnoea place in this country differed vijr materially irom the position al ioiea to man, but with her entrance into the industrial world, and now of appearance in politics, the duties of citizenship as regards sex, are not Let us consider the status of women before that time. For the wife and moineriner entire time and interest centered in the home, for the unit of the nation was the family and the care of the family was largely the woman's ouuir. n,acn lamiiy produced the bulk vi n own iooa, clothes and often its own lurniture. Educational and relie lous instruction was Dart of the daily program and even the amusements were home made. It has been said by a writer of that period that "Each home was a small solar system of which the mother was the life giving nun. v i . r or women wno were iorcea to gain a iivennooa mere were but seven occu pations open to them. These consisted of teaching, needle work, keeping boarders, working in cotton mills, at book binding and typesetting and household service. Looking backward from our present vantage ground we iDinK oi these women as Jiving in an extremely narrow and stunted environ ment, and yet it was homes and mothers like theee that produced the sturdy and far seeing pioneers who blazed the trail for the great America or today, before 1840 then, America may be said to have been a hand made nation, but with the discovery of steam as a propelling power a great change was inaugurated and she be came a machine made nation an iron and coal and steam made nation whose chief motive power was in her indus nes. bwitt moving trains opened up our vast western territories Tor ex ploitation; steamboats plied up and down the rivers and factories sprang up everwyhere. What was the effect of this great change upon the women? The first thing it did was to drag them from the home. Gradually the occupa tions which had been performed in the home, the spinning and clothes mak ing, and much of the washing and the baking began to be done on the whole sale plan outside. With the opening of innumerable factories there was a great demand for unskilled labor and women were pressed into the service The seven original occupations in creased and multiplied into thousands, so that now it is no longer surprising to learn in the morning paper that a woman has been given a license as i marine engineer. With the appoint ment of police women in the cities, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the traffic of the business world. It must be noted as a fact, hqwever, that women as a class did not willingly or eagerlv leave their hemes to fare forth in the industrial world. Women were then as they are now and always will he. more interested ana more con pprnpH over home and family than in anvthine' lees in the world. The fact m thev came forth with dragging and reluctant feet, troubled and afraid, but the vast industrial stream had caught them and they had to swim with the tide or sink. Conservative preachers of that day admonished them from ihpir milnits. fathers scolded and mothers wept, but their daughters went out into the world just the same as youth always will. That was the transitive neriod of women in indus- trv. Rinea then thev have established themselves in the economic life of the n.tinn' thev have become experienced, resourceful and alert. They have made good, in a word. J This transitive period in industry by women is again being enacted, this time in the field of politics, and even as the women entered the industrial world not as aggressors or usurpers, but because they were needed in the great industrial march of the country, so now they are entering the field of politics in response to a clarion call of need, and after years of struggle on the part of its promoters, headed by such women as Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Motfc and Carrie Chapman Catt, the banner of political sex equal ity has been nailed to the American masthead and just two years ago Con gress passed the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which read as fol lows: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be de nied or abridged by the U. S. or any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." And thus the 25,000.000 women voters of the United States are no longer to be classed with children, criminals and idiots, but are subject to the same reg ulations regarding the franchise aa are applied to men. .... i To some reactionaries, both male and female, it would almost seem as though the millenium had come, lo prove that it has not, however, let us consider what the women may do and what the women have done with the un.. n.inrr thA two vears in wbicn they have been able to use it. tor the women who were actively engaged in seeking the vote it is to be hoped that they have learned enough of the reeds of the peoole in general and of the masses in particular, so that they rn.y be able to use the ballot intelligently and to some purpose, Bnd it may be that some of the energies heretofore directed in the cause of suffrage may be used in the labor movement. Not so long ago many suffrage wcrkera be "ved I that the chief ills afflicting hu manity were the gross inequalities of women. These adjusted they believed, with women having voice in govern ment, wars would be avoided, social evils remedied and the world a better place to live in. but after campaigning in cities, small towns and rural dis tricts, she begins to see that just "Votes for Women" may not amount to mur h. but the votes of women cast intelligently in the ttruggle against the present cruel economic order may make considerable difference. Perhaps she has worked for suffrage in mill town Here is one with a population of 14.000 and aaia "e town. The weaun, nowevrr, band of score of families, while the vast majority of the people who work to produce this wealth live in poverty and dirt. , . Sometimes the majority who. fccoid ing to our Declaration cf Independ ence should have some say as to how their town ihculd be run. have pro tested mildlv against insufficient wages ,nd unsanitary bousing, but ugly things have been !one to them by those in authority and they have re lapsed into sullen endurarce. she enters the beme of a mill band and offers the overworked mother of seven a leaflet on "Better Babies," but the poor iworr.an lncrgnanuy "V hat she couia -- : tK- rr.r .le. for the toi le. I :.l7.btah.t EeV: L inf rm my even the so-called Americanization work among foreigner! should begin Dy paying these people wages that will allow, them to cultivate American ways? Perhaps, too, the suffrage worker has learned something of the problems of her rural sister who arises at 4 o'clock in order to care for six children, four hired men, 10 cowa and m cnickens, all with her two hands. lerhans in campaienincr in the south the suffrage worker is brought face to race witn the grave problem or gross injustice and crueltv to the neerro. She is told that it is all right to talk of surtrage for white women, but the negro women must be kept from the ballot the same as negro men. She may even have witnessed the horrors of a lynching, and she realizes that votes for women on the ground of democracy is a farce if that democracy is denied to the sister American with a dark skin. Thus it is quite likely that many former suffrage workers will plunge deeply into thefeconomic move ment and there are doubtless many op portunities for service along that line, But what of the great rank and file of women, the class that you and I be long to, not one of us perhaps who had any hand in winning the ballot or were especially anxious in procuring it, but who as conscientious citizens are will ing to do our duty along political lines if the occasion demands it. In order to do our part in helping men to bring about a better order of things and to put a conscience in politics, it is nec essary for us to inform ourselves on some of the fundamentals of good cit izenship. Thus we need education, and education along practical lines. We must be taught the A, B, C of local politics which touch directly the wel fare of our homes and our children's lives. Neither voting nor politics is complicated when .they become famil iar ground. Just as you become an efficient housekeeper by just mastering the simplest of household duties, so you can become a useful citizen by just learning how to use your ballot at pri maries and regular elections without mistakes. Perhaps we have been prone to think of politics as something vague or remote, but this is not true if we begin, not at the top but at the bot tom, and when we have concerned our selves not with presidential elections or inter-allied conferences, but with such humdrum subjects as clean streets, good schools, pure milk and water supplies, decent environment and respectable pleasures for the young, and when we have put into practical demonstration these primer lessons in our own home communities, then we may begin to think of gradu ating into a higher class : we may be gin to reach out to the wider vision of the nation, which is after all only the home community writ large. In forecasting women's future devel opment in the field of politics, a prom inent writer has tabulated it thus: 1. Women will not become less wo manly, less maternal by engaging in politics, and the reason is that wo man 8 deepest interest, ner eternal goal, the welfare of the human race, remains and always will remain un changed. By entering into politics she dues not change her goal hut only makes it more attainable by the power of the ballot. 2. Women will not save America politically in five or ten or twenty years, and it is untair to judge or tceir influence over a Drier term or years. 3. Their greatest influence in the next few years will be in local and municipal affairs; the reason being that such affairs touch most closely the home. 4. Women will combine with the better class of men in driving out the machines. 5. In party organization women influence in the future will tend to make these organizations more open minded to the will of the majority. Thus the power of bosses, male and female, will wane. 6. There will be no "Woman s Bloc" and any Woman a Party which divides along purely sex lines will not have a political success. 7. Legislation which concerns useir with the welfare of the race can al ways rely upon the strong support of the women. There is no subject which will appeal more to the women of this nation than the subject oi child wel fare. Let me quote a few atatistics from a recent address of Secretary of Labor Davis. He informs us that there are approximately 250,000 in fants who die every year from pre ventable causes. Half a million chil dren who are called defective or delin quent are growing up almost totally neglected. A million and a nan Doys and girls of school age doomed to toil n mine and mill and factory," and of the 30,000,000 American schoolchildren not one in ten is gaining in our public schools an education that will fit them for the places they must occupy in life. You may ask what can women do to remedy these evils and 1 answer: Everything. First of all they can cre ate public sentiment against injustice of this sort, and secondly, they can organize their own sex to demand leg islation which will remedy iu mere are innumerable instance of the suc cess of women in forcing moral issues, but let me cite one of the most notable . t n i o i l ones. I reier to ine reoeai oneppara Towner Maternity Act. There existed among certain of the politicians at Al bany, New York, a bitter opposition to making the federal act effective in the state. The women were atrongly in favor of it, however, and thus 20 pow erful women s organizations sought to enforce its adoption. In former times women could only have coaxed and begged and plead for its adoption, while the wily politician would smile nduleently and in nine cases out of ten pay no attention to their requests, but with 2,000.000 voters back of it the case was different and a state measure, called the Davenport Bill, was passed. Senator Davenport him self gave the entire credit to the women who brought before the people the great need for maternal and infant care. And thus the planning of tbia great forward march of women in politics it .1 1 Si A up to me leaaera. li us nope inai they w ill be real standard bearers, un selfish, large visioned and unafraid. We shall be happy indeed if the Amer ican women cf tomorrow can take as their motto these words of Franklin K. Lane, who in writing of the American nirittaid: "We believe in ourselves and we believe in our kind, and believe n something not ourselves that makes for righteousness slowly, stomblingly but aa the centuries grow, surely. In summing up briefly some or the big problems of today in which women may do much by ber moral influence to aid America and thus the whole world. might mention then, child welfare work, the continuance of prohibition. the abolishing of race prejudice, a fairer social and industrial order and last bet not least, aid every way possi ble in abolishing forever that terrible form of legalized murder called war. In attempting to do our tart in the political field of tomorrow it would be well for us as individuals to adopt a pledge similar to the following on which was read at a woman's political netting a short time ago. It reads thus: "Believirg in government by ill do my self about public queeiionn, we pnncipita wnu policies cf political partita ani the qualifications of candidates for public office. 2. To vote according to my conscience in every election, primary or final at which 1 am entitled to vote. 3. To obey the law even when I am not in sympathy with all its provisions, 4. To support by all fair means the policies that I approve of. 6. To re spect the right oi other to uphold con victions that may anrer rrom rny own. 6. To regard my citizenship as a sacred trust. If the majority of 25,000.000 women voters were to take and keep even such a simple pledge aa this, we should not only be ideal citizens but we should come near the "Kingdom of Heaven upon Earth. Let ua not, however, be discouraged if .the task seems be yond us or if we feel that our individ ual influence for good ta so limited it is hardly worth the effort, and though we may ran in accomplishing all that we might wish for, let ua take comfort in the words of that sweet New England poet, b. JJicKinson, when she said: "If I can keep one heart from breaking, i Biiau not, nve in vain; If 1 can ease one soul J.he aching, Or cool one pain ; Or lift one fainting robin Into its nest again, I shall not live in vain." Huge Icicles Form In Tunnel As the result of a peculiar phenom enon at MitcheHs Point tunnel oil the Columbia Itlver Highway, it was nec essary for Highway Supervisor Nick- eisen to aeiid a crew or men last week to the big bore and remove giaut ici cles from the roof. Mr. Nickelsen feared that the huge particles of Ice, resulting from water seeping down through the porous basalt, might fall as the thuw progressed, causing dam age to a pausing motorist. Some of the icicles, hanging seven and eight feet long, were 1?0 inches in diameter at the base. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE In the. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood Itlver. II. Harvey, Plaintiff, vs. Gilford 1). Woodworth, Uoso Woodworth, George E. l'ineo and Amanda W. Pineo, Defendants. Uy virtue of a writ of execution In foreclosure, to me issued and directed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Hood Itlver County, Oregon, on the 22nd day of December, 1022, in a cer tain stilt wherein H. Harvey is plain tiff, and Gilford D. Woodworth, Kose Woodworth, George E. Pineo and Amanda W. Pineo are defendants, wherein said plaintiff recovered judg ment on the 25th day of November, 1022, against the defendant, Hose Woodworth, for the sum of $1,2!U).(H), with interest thereon at the rate of eight ier cent per annum from De cember 22, 1918; for 3!122.73 with in terest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from August 24, 1021 ; for $200.00 attorney's fees, and for $37.90 costs and dlsoursenients. I am commanded as Sheriff to make sale of the projKTty therein and hereinafter described to satisfy said Judgment; wherefore, Notice is hereby given, that I will, at the hour of. 10 o'clock In the fore noon on the 27th day of January, A. I). 1023, at the East front door of the County Court House in the City of Hood Itlver, County of Hood Itlver, Oregon, sell at public auvtlon to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property, situated in Hood Hirer County, Oregon, to-wit: The South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section l17In Township 1 South, of Konge 10 East of the Will amette Meridian. Together with the tenements, hered itaments and oppurtenan-es thereunto In-longing, or so much thereof as it may be found ueeessury to sell in or der to satisfy said judgment In full, with accruing costs. Suld proiierty will be sold as aforesaid subject to continuation and redemption as pro vided by law. Dated December 22nd, 1022. THOS. F. JOHNSON, Sheriff of Hood Itlver County, Oregon. (12S-J25 Real Raisin Bread Order from your grocer or your bake shop now. Old-fashioned, full-fruittJ raisin bread with at least eight luscious raisins to the slice the kind you like. To get the best, In which the raisin flavor permeates' the loaf, ask for bread that's made with s Sun -Maid Seeded Raisins the best raislnt for bread, aod all home cooking uses. "SAVE A DAY" NIGHT SERVICE Effective ttooernber 27, IVSi Portland to Hood River and Way Points Lv. PORTLAND Mon., Wed. and Fri. evetiings 11 :30 p. m. Berths ready at 9 :00 p. m. Ar. HOOD RIVER 8:00 a m. Lv. THE DALLES Wed., Fri. and Sunday 7 a. m. Lower Berth, 90o. Uppr Berth, 00c. Rate Room, 1.50 The Harkins Transportation Co. JACK BACLEY. Aet. Hood River Portland Itoat Landing Alder t. Dock Thone 4M3 Rrd. 634 FINEST LEATHER SUITCASES Handbags of All Descriptions. No finer lot waa ever shown in Hood River- They were ordered for Christmas trade, but were late in arriving. Some excellent buys in fine leather puttee. WM. WEBER wit vt- 'j ui-.y - .:i m i r m I to (kmthiMcGlion fcrlMoter imtmmi Your motor will start readily and operate flexibly, in winter, if you use an oil that stays fluid at low temperatures. The battery troubles, worn bear ings and scored cylinders, experi enced in winter, are simply evidence that the motor is bound with con gealed oil and deprived cf lubrica tion. Zerolene Stays Fluid in Winter Zerolene No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5, which are good cold test oils, move freely in winter with the action of the motor. They give a continuous flow of lubricant of the proper "oil iness" to the pistons, connecting rods and crank-case shaft bearings, and save batteries. For safe cold weather lubrication, consult the Zerolene Chart at ga rages and service stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) appy New Year! WE WISH YOU ALL A PROSPEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR, AND MAY YOU RECEIVE ALL THE BLESSINGS YOU SO RICHLY DESERVE CONSOLIDATED MERCANTILE CO. HOOD RIVER ODELL .A a- it. " v T this time of the year, our tho't3 l A 1 1 A . 1 J turn rjacK lo our inuuua tiuu customers who havo played their part in our Business in making it a Success. Therefore wo uso this space in thanking our. Customers and wishing our friend3 and customers a Bright and Prosperous Now Year. ; j r - TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Phone 4121. . DUMBER BILL, Mgr. St Mary's Catholic Charch. Daily Mif, 7 a. ra.; Monday, Sand 0.'M a. m.; On firt Jvtnday, only one Mm, at S a. m. ; firt Iriday. Ma?t at a. m. ; h'stnrday at 9 a. m., inftruction f-r the children. Umra.1 O-mmunkm Dsy, firt S'lndsy; Comaiunion day f.jr cliilJrrn, third tuoday. I'arkdaie Charch Mwi and Com munion Service at 10 a. m. each First Mind v. iranciccan Fathers, Tel. 31J2 TfJ Seventh Street, SL Marl's Episcopal ChsrcJi Services will be held every SuD-lay eveninir at 7 -.Vti o'clock, Kev. Mr. u Ui! ctiiciating. Sunday School will be LelJ as usual. Asbury M. L Church Minister, Gabriel Sykes. Epwortt League at 6 3f. Topic. "Partnership With Christ." Helen Goodpasture, leader. Sermon at 7 30. Book cf F.evelatiorm, "The Partiea in the World Conflict." The Glacier ofT.ce carries butter paper 0