The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 28, 1922, Image 4

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    rt r r t iTrrr ri it rx-n ntiniin v lirrinrnif D OQ 1 ftOO
tlKJKJU 111 Y Jill U-L.AU1.TjIV. J- lliiuijmt u, -
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Start the New Year Right
Select all your Hardware and Furniture Supplies here. Make this
store YOUR store for the coming: year. You are always wel
come whether you purchase or just come in to look.
It's Time To Think
Our big new stock of Pruning
loois are ready;
Clyde Pruners.
Bastian Pruners.
Hand Pruning Shears.
Pruning; Saws.
Extra Blades.
Builders' Hardware
Malthoid Roofing,
Deadening Felt,
and supplies of every kind.
Our Furniture
is complete with everything for the
home. This week we are suggest
ing some good bargains :
2 in. Continuous Post,
1 in.
1 in.
Simmons' Mattresses:
45 lb. All Cotton Mattresses,
Rolled Edge, Art Tick,
Simmons' Springs, $6.50
Simmons' Bed Outfit.
Bed Spring and Mattress,
Special, this week,
Sunset All-Feather Pillows
White Rose Quality, $5.00 each
Keep Your Stock
in good' condition.
We are offering
Olympic Scratch
Olympic Egg Mash
Sifted Cracked Corn
Molassine Dairy
and all kinds of
Feed Dept., 3rd and State St.
Seventeen Guaranteed
Sold Last Week.
Bring your range troubles to us.
We have an expert range man at
your service.
It is our wish that all of our good
friends of Hood Itiver may attain
their desires and aspirations next
year. It is our hope to be able to aid
vou in cainlnc the most of interest
and pleasure from life. And that in
why we suggest that you take time to
give a little study to radio.
Any evening of the year, if you
wish, you may be entertained or in
structed bv concerts, addresses from
any point of the county by way of the
Come in any time and listen in at
our plant. You are always welcome.
II. li. KKAU
Tel. 1234 308 Cascade Avenue
r Winter Driving use
Always Pays
to Trade at
XY ffidS. uOt, he
HardwareFurniture Feed
Always Pays
to Trade at
Riverside Church
A comradeship of woruliip and service.
Kunday school 9 :45 a in.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Young peoples meeting 7 p. m.
Sunday Evening: club-7:45, 1st and 3rd
Buildups November to March inclusive.
Midweek Bible Lecture Thursday even
ing at 7:30.
Other meetings subject to special announcement.
St. Mark's Women Donate $100
The Women's Auxiliary of St.
Mark's Episcopal church is the first of
the eastern Oregon diocese to make
u contribution to the National Epis
copal cumpaign. The local women
Hindu their appropriation as a result
of the recent visit here of Kt. Itev.
W. 1 Remington, newly elected
bishop of the diocese.
Members of the force of the I'aclftY:
Telephone Company had charge of a
community Christmas tree at Arling
ton. The phone employes telephoned
to Frank It. Howard, local superin
tendent of the company, seeking a
giant fir tree. Gilbert Edington and
Frank Clemmons secured a tree from
the homestead place of F. It. Absten
on the Columbia Itiver Highway, for
warding it Thursday.
Sec this wonderful car and let us demonstrate it.
Mechanical Service and Complete Stock of Parts.
. Ariiesicanljlaid
According to Earl Franz, of the
Hood Itiver Garage, all previous rec
ords ror mommy registrations were
shattered in November by the Uulck
in California, as the official registra
tion of automobiles shows that 1,202
Kulck cars were registered by owners,
placing tne Uulck third in the list.
the Ford and Chevrolet being the only
automobiles which showed .a larger
This year has been a banner one for
the liuick throughout the entire na
f ion, as sales have been such that the
immense factory at Flint, Mich., has
been unable to keep pace with the
steadily increasing demand for Buick
cars, according to C. S. Howard, nres
blent of the Howard Automobile Co.,
wno lias just returned from an ex
tended visit in the automotive district
as well os the Atlantic seaboard.
"The phenomenal success and pop
ularity or the Uulck in California is
not purely local," said Mr. Howard,
'Ihe same condition exists every
where. The new 11)23 line of Buick
cars virtually took the country by
storm and since August 1, when the
nrst models were shown to the pub
lie, tin re has been the keenest demand
for both open and closed Uuicks.
"The sport models originally mnde
a most fuvorable impression and when
the sport touring and other attractive
sedans, coupes and open cars which
grace the line of 14 cars manufac
tured this season by the Buick Motor
Company were introduced, the motor
ing public everywhere fell in love
with them. The result has leen that
the capacity of the liuick plant has
been inadequate to turn out cars fast
enough to supply the demand, esiKj-
clally closed car models.
"Since Novernlier 1, when we were
able to get sufficient freight cars in
which to transjKirt the cars from the
factory to the Pacific coast, twelve
solid tralnloads f liuicke have leen
shipped to the distributing centers of
the Howard Automobile Company. In
this way we have in a measure been
able to satisfy the desire of the ioo
ple who have placed their orders for
(From the Enterprise)
Very few apples were frozen in the
Lyle district according to a report or
C. E. Arthur, who has been shipping
a large quantity of fruit from that
section this year. Most of the fruit
had been well cared for in frostproof
warehouses, warmed by heaters, and
the loss from the extreme zero
weather, reduced to a minimum.
L. W. Wood has the contract for
logging for the Laurel Box and Lum
ber Company at Laurel and will get
out 2,000,000 feet of logs by the first
of March. He will also continue log
ging for that company all of next
year. Mr. Wood has also received
the contract for hauling the lumber
from the mill to the railroad.
At a meeting of the game commis
sion of the state of Washington at
tended last week by local commis
sioner, D. II. Sorter, at Bellingham,
Wash., the following changes were
recommended :
First A tag law for killing deer,
which provides that each deer be tag
ged with a license tag when killed.
Second The maintenance of public
shooting grounds for ducks, and re
striction of the number of private
shooting grounds.
The state fish hatcheries have been
kenlarged to twice therr original capac
ity and Klickitat county has the
promise of not less than seven hun
dred and fifty thousand fish for this
season consisting of silverside, moun
tain, brook, rainbow and cutthroat
trout, also a liberal supply of China
pheasant eggs.
While Wenatchee, Yakima and
Hood Itiver enjoy a rate on ship
ment sof apples to Seattle destined
for exportation to the Orient of 2S'a
cents per hundred pounds, while
White Salmon and Underwood are
being discriminated against by being
forced to pay a rate of 40 cents.
This is a matter of importance to
every grower in these districts, for
we need an even break with Hood
Itiver and other districts if we are
to ship Into the markets of the world,
says Paul McKercher, Sgobel & Day
C. W. McCullagh, of the Portland
office of Sgobel & Day, recently sold
a large block of Newtown apples for
the Star Fruit Company in the Phil
lipine Islands. Such sales are of
much importance to this district, par
ticularly In a year of dull markets
like tliis, when it is desirable to se
cure as wide a distribution as possi
ble. But unless growers and shippers
join with the strenuous efforts Sgobel
& Day are making to secure a rate for
this territory on a par with compet
ing districts, we will be unable to
sell our fruit in Oriental markets in
the future, because buyers will not
pay the higher freight imposed upon
us by the carriers.
Growers and shippers should write
to the S. P. and S. and also to the
North Pacific Coast Freight Bureau
requesting that White Salmon, Un
derwood and Lyle be permitted to
enjoy the same rate as apples from
Hood Itiver and other competing ter
ritory and do so without delay.
mm mwm
- ' tfe
W4Cto ':m
W Vot
Zerolene good cold. l !v" 1
teat oiU now freely ' jm.. jJ
nit lubrirata par- 11 Ja ff
fedlyin zero weather J J(tf"T TTIj.T II
T-proted the bear. JST ff I Ol
iagt - increue tha fl A ItT.
power and flexibility &J0. JW 1 j IT f
Chamberlain's Cough Keiuedy
the Molher'8 Favorite
The soothinsr and healinir DroDertiei
of Chamberlain'i Coueh Remedy, its
pleasant taste and prompt and effec-
uh vuA.a uaiv IIIOUD 1 L a IttVUI IC WILD
people everywhere. It is especially
prized by mothers of vouns: children
for colds, croup and whooping cough,
as it always affords Quick relief and is
free from opium and other harmful
Notice by Publication
In the Circuit Court of Hood River
County, Oregon.
In the matter of the Detition of the
tsoara 01 Directors or Dee Irrigation
District for the juJicial examination
and judgment of the Circuit Court as
to the regularity and legality of cer
tain proceedings relating to the organ
ization ot said District, and to the is
suance of its bonds.
To the Dee Irrigation District, to
all Freeholders, Legal Voters and As
sessment Payers within said District.
and to all other persons interested in
said District:
In the Name of the State of Oregon :
You and each ot you are hereby noti
fied that the Board of Directors of Dee
Irrigation District bas, by its petition
bled with the Clerk of this Court, com
menced proceedings in said Court pray
ing for the judicial examination and
judgment of said Court as to the regu
larity and legality of each
.9 K
New Year
Many Apples Go to Charity
Ild Itiver orchnrdists aided the
Salvation Army in brightening Christ
mas in needy Portland homes. A
hundred boxes of apples were for
warded to the Army throtieh the Ap
ple Growers Association Friday. The
Hood River Traffic Assinlation for
warded larue quantities of apples to
the Portland Welfare committee and
to Astoria fur Christinas distribution.
Ljkman's Brother Dead
Citr Marshal Hart searched in vain
Saturday for Fred Lyckman, whose
brother dropix-d dead at Kels, Wash.
Mr. Hart was notified by an under
taker in Kels. While the missing
man has recently re--ived mail at
the bnl iwistoffiiv, iio1hIv in the city
knew hi in.
I m i A rvttt it in
healthy action of the TJ. Ki.
Whrn You Ire ( oattipated
To injure a
bowels and correct disorders of the
liver, take two of Chamberlain's Tab
lets immediately after supper. They
of th
ir.g. that often accompanies constipation.
and every
of the acts and proceedings of the
original petitioners for said District.
of the County Court of Hood River
County, Oregon, and of the Board of
Directors of said District, taken and
had in connection with the organiza
tion of said District, and the authoriz
ation and issuance of its bonds in the
maximum amount of S65.000.00. and
any other matter or proceeding affect
ing the legality or validity of said Dis
trict or cf its said bonds, that all of
the same may be approved and con
firmed and that said District and its
said bonds may be adjudged and de
creed to be legal and valid.
lou are required to appear and an
swer rsid petition, or otherwise plead
to the same, and contest the validity
of said proceeding or of any of the
acts or things therein enumerated btj
lore me expiraiion 01 ten oays after
the full publication of this notice, to
wit. On or before January 21, 1923:
and if you fail so to do, for want
thereof, said petitioners will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for in
A Happy New Year
to every one
If you need some fuel to keep the home fire
burning and to make the kiddies comfortable jusl
Telephone 4111
Notice is served upon you bv
publication thereof once a week for
three successive weeks, pursuant to
the Order of the Judge of this Circuit
not only cause gentle movement dated icembr
her-Tt.tVSi,pit!r3f i' tb firBt PuWi"tKn hereof is on De
s, but banish that dull, stupid feel- (.p,, 2L ,
Pefore you buy an automobile yon
ilio'iM ee the new Mudebakers at the
Given under my band and the f al
of the Circuit Couit this December 21.
(Seal) Kent Shoemaker.
We Want Spitzenbergs:
The movement of apples in Portland has not been so
pjeat in years, but the Dollar is the selling point
Our selling charge is 15.7. Ship to
Sheridan Fruit & Produce Co.
211 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon.
at j Cameron Motor Co. mill
d21jll Clerk of Circuit fWf