The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 28, 1922, Image 2

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    flOOD ItlVEIt GLACIER, TnUltDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1922
Stor (Blartcr
ARTHUR O. MOE. PubHabar.
Subscription, 2.00 Per Tear.
For tbe post week the Glacier office
lias boon upset by the installation of
a uew standard Mergcnthaler Linotype
machine. The disruption, attendant
on the rearrangement of equipment
and the placing of the new typesetting
machine, will result in a Bomewhat
more limited issue cf The Glacier than
has been our annual custom at the
New Year's season. We are emerging
from the chaos, however, and expect
to move off next week with renewed
acceleration, made possible by the ad
ditional equipment.
On next Monday, January 1, Joe 1).
Thomlson and Roger W. Moe will be
come associated with the hitter's
father, A. D. Moe, in the ownership of
The Glacier. The former will on that
date complete his twelfth year of serv
ice with the paper. Young Mr. Moe
has been born and bred ia the news
paper game. Excfpt for several years
aa publisher of tho Mosier Bulletin, in
war service and in outside business
following, he has been connected with
the publication. The elder Mr. Moe
will remain the principal owner of the
In the future as in the past, The
Glacier will continue a progressive
yet conservative policy, bending its ef
forts for a bigger, better Hood Itiver
Valley-. Each owner and each mem
ber of the force extends wishes for a
Happy New Year for the people of the
Valley. We thank you for past sup
port and good will. We aim to play a
keener, more eager, purposeful part in
the upbuilding of co-operative, commu
nity endeavor in every line of Hood
Itiver Valley activity.
The wedding of Miss France Moe
and Oral Edwin Palmateer was sol
emnized at 2 p. m. Sunday at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Moe, Rev. W. II. Boddy
ofnciating. Only nieiiilers of the two
families and close friends were pres
ent. Mis Helen Brosl was maid of
honor and Roger Blackmail was Mr.
l'almateer's best man. Mr. and Mrs.
Palmateer left at onee for Salem,
where they will mnke their home, Mr.
Palmateer being engaged in business
Both Mr. and Mrs. Palmateer were
formerly students at the Oregon Ag
ricultural College. ' The former's
father is superintendent of the Silver
Falls Lumber Co. at Salem. He and
Mrs. Palmateer were here for their
son's wedding. A sister of Mr. Palma
teer, Miss Winnie Palmateer, of Port
land, was also here, other out-of-town
guests were: Mrs. Marie Hum
fold, of Corvallis, and Mrs. Genevieve
Canfleld and Miss Mildred Canfield, of
The bride has grown to young wom
anhood in Hood River. Through her
demure and sweet disposition she won
the admiration and resjieet of all with
tvhoni she came in contact. Many are
the sincere wishes that go forth from
Hood River folk for a life marked
with great happiness for her and Mr.
Palmas, the principal seaport of those
islands. The Marines expected to; find
canaries hopping all over tbe it-lands,
waiting for salt to be sprinkled on
their tails. Disillusionment came with
their first visit ashore. The islands
got their name from Ctinii, the Latin
name for dog, and the Marines say
there are fewer canaries in the Canar
ies than there are snakes in Ireland.
Relatives and sweethearts of the sea
soldiers who were promised a shipment,
of feathered songsters at an early
date, will now have to wait until the
Marines have an opportunity to visit a
bird store in the United States. A-ny
Marine on the Pittsburgh is ready to
sell a canary cage for a song.
The officer sof the Hood River
County Game Protective Association,
J. II. Fredrlcy, president, and Alva L.
Day, secretary, have been distributing
large quantities of cracked corn anil
wheat throughout orchard districts
for China 'pheasants. Many orchard
Ists, they report, have been feeding
Mocks of the turds.
"With the liberality in feeding the
birds prevailing," said Mr. Fredicy,
"we do not believe any of them will
be lost as a result r the cold and
Missionary Alliance
Sunday school 9.45 a.m., H. C. Deitz,
Biipt. Preaching service, 11 a.m. Young
People's service, 6 30 p. nr., R. C. Sam
uel, pres. Evangelistic service, 7.30 p.
m. Prayer meeting every Thursday at
7.30 p.m. W. P. Kirk, Pastor, tel. 3003.
Although it occurred on August 24
at Taeoma, Dr. Weyer, pastor of the
First PrcKhyteriun Church, officiating,
the friends and relatives of Mr. and
Mrs. William Sylvester, the latter
formerly Miss Lulu Prnther, did not
learn of their wedding until it was
anr.ounced at a party alst Saturday
uiglit at tlie liome of the brides par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Prather,
In the Barrett district. The bride was
formerly a teacher In the city schools
here. Mr. Sylvester, who is associated
with the Hood River Fruit Company,
was formerly an Oderi orchardlst. He
has been a member of the Multnomah
Club In Portland for II years.
For B8le Dry 4 ft. oak wood.
B. W. Ferry.
Call Odell 304,
For Sale Buggy and work barnesa. both
1 ni utile and double. Or will trade for cow or
auyllilutf 1 cuu use. Tel. Odell 115. A. K.
Smith. d28lf
For Sale Hens-las O.A.C. white leghorns
one year ma laying- u you want something
good see me at once, J. Delbler, cor. Alameda
Way and Barren road. J4
For 8ale-60 acres of laud In Post Canvon.
120U cords of fir and oak wood. Price 130 per
acre, r, n. miner, pnoue D.;i. JU
For Sale A second band
and wringer. Tel. 1HM. M.
L. Kmry,
The year 1922 has been one of
marked activity in Hood River Val
ley. Although there has been little
ostentation, the expenditures in this
county for good ronds, power develop
ment and general new building work
was the largest of any year in the
history of the Valley except for the
years the Columbia River Highway
waa being pushed through. Mercan
tile establishments have been made to
feel the effects of the large scope ac
tivity. The benefits that have accrued
will last through until far into the
next year.
Orchardists have worked on a solid
basis the past year, taking tho best of
care of their fruit area . The expendi
ture in high class spray rigs has
reached large sums. Growers are en
tering the season of 1923 with their
fruit acreage In the best of condition.
The wedding of Clair J. Smith, of
Clearfield, Pa., and Jliltlu Ly
' barger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Lybarger, was solemnized Wednesday
of last week at the study of Rev.
W. II. Boddy, pastor of Riverside Com
munity church, who officiated. The
bride Is a popular Hood River girl.
Mr. Smith, who recently enme here, is
a member of the force of the Hood
River News.
For Hale 820 acres of wheat land, 16 miles
south of Council, Wahh. fit) per acre. This
is nairseeded to winter wheat and a lease on
adloinlDg two sections may be arranged for. I
of which 400 acres Is seeded. (Jood buildings
ana nne wen. wouiu consider Hood Kiver
valley land In exchange. A. W, Berkley, tel.
ma. Hood Hlver. d28
Retailers of TTh A TTTi TTrO TIT A IT ITT.
to Wear
The Store
of Biggest
or ml Oregon City All Pure Virgin Wool i
KXXau Mackinaws for Boys at f.yO
Here's -a real bargain in a coat that will
keep them warm and dry. A Mackinaw is
the most economical coat you can buy for
a boy.
They will stand the rough wear, keep
them warm and dry and look well. Colors,
mostly dark red plaid. A real bargain. Don't
miss it.
Men's Wool Pants
Here is a good buy while they last. Men's
straight leg Army and Khaki Pants. New ones.
You'll get more real' comfort and wear out of a
pair of these than any kind that we know of. Not
all sizes but a bargain for you that can go Q
get a fit. - While they last
Oregon City Wool
Shirts for Men
All sizes and assorted colors. A dandy as
sortment of these splendid shirts bought at a
bargain and we are offering them to you away
under their real value. Now is a good time
to secure a good warm shirt at a great saving.
Let us show you.
Visit our Infants' Wear Department, 2nd Floor, for vour Infant's
Wearables. Everything: from a safety pin to a complete wardrobe
33 S3
For Sale .Sidney place near Fir.
C. D. Nlckelaen.
Hnap. Hte
McCiiislon Schink
The wedding of Dewey McCniston
nnd Miss Clara Sihuck was solemn
ized Monday at 2 p. m. at the home of
the hride's parents linOuk Grove, Rev.
Kirk, pustor of the- Christian
nnd Missionary Alinnce, officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. McCniston will make
their home in the Ouk Grove district.
By January 1, 1924, the Valley
Trunk of the Mount Hood Loop High
way will have been surfuced all . the
way through. That gives us some
thing to look forward to for the win
ing year.
We would advise that the sinking
fund for the Loop Highway bond issue
be left in the budget for the coming
year. The money must be raised
sooner or later. When you are in
debt, the best course to pursue is one
that means the certain retirement of
the indebtedness as soon as possible.
We suggest that members of the
Commercial, whose dues are delin
quent, start the New Year right by
paying up. We huppon to know that
the Club is in need of funds to meet
various bills. It will please Secretary
Crew mightily if this modest little sug
gestion of ours brings in some real
This past few days have Ix'cn com
forting to ronl Oregonians. All of us
are thankful that the precipitation
Friday and .Saturday, December 20
aim .hi. ine nig raramount bhimt-
speclal "Manslaughter," directed by
Cecil 11. Do Mille. The cast includes
Thomas Meighan, Beatrice Joy, Lois
Wilson. Also concluding episode of
'HulKilo Hill," News Topics' and Fa
bles. Matinee, 10c and .'5k;. Evening,
30c and 5()e.
Sunday, December 31. The Gold
wyn production, "The Dust Flower;"
also l'uthe News and Review.
Monday and Tuesday, January 1
and 2. A big sis-cinl New Year's pro
gram. The Rialto presents Belie Dan
iels, James Kirkwood, Anna Q. Nils
sen and Raymond Ilatton in "Pink
Gods," 'adapted from the novel "I'ink
Gods and
of the worlds urea test diamond fields
Thrills to your hearts' content and
some of the greatest color photography
ever shown. Also the Gumps in car
toons and Larry Semen in a two-reel
laugh riot, "School Days," one of our
best attractions. I'sual prh-os will
The Rialto will run continuously on
New Year's Day from 2 till 10 p.' m.
Wednesday and Thursday. January
3 nnd 4. De Luxe feature films pre
sents an all-star cast in n dandy west
ern drama, "The Sage Brush Trail."
Also "Midst Raging Tigers," another
epiosde of "Miracles of the Jungle,"
and a two-reel Century coined v, "The
Radio Hound."
Kor Bale-The Leading Varieties of Apple,
J'eacli, Pear, Plum and (Jlieny lreen, one and
two yra. old, F. A. Maaaee, tel. Udell 14U. dltl
beautiful Plana For Hale In the vicinity ol
iiimmi mver, ai turge saving in price ana on
lerniK a. little a ten dollars a month to save
ex (x-iine. Mut sell quickly. Write today to I
wine mumi: to., Aujri ure. ju
For Hale Pure bred Rhode Island Red henii
I and pullet. Pnone d2S I
ror Baie or rraae a good mllcb cow,
young and will rrrxhen noon. Gives 6 gals.
wneu iru. n in iraiie lor nortte we itftiinu De.
tween laou and lfxu. L,. K. Koberts, Kd. 2. dW
For Kale Dry oak wood, also for aale a fresh
cow. waiter weiia, puone ills. j4
For Sale He vera 1 choice Iota at 1100 each.
Call Bert Htranaiiau, phone 1201. dlltf
ror Halo Nash tourlnu car. 7-niui8enrr.
6 cylinder, 181U model, good flnlnh, price right.
a. r. j.Bievercropp, t'lione 4,ti. auif
For Sals or Trade Overland 4, toil Model
overhauled and In At conillilrui nw vii.
generator and distributor. New cord Urea al'
a-ouud, not run 60 allien. Call at Culp Plan
own c, 1U9 flu Ob. noUtr
For Sale In Hood River, 5-room bouse with
basement, modern, up to dot, four Iota and
garage, for Mle or rent. Call Odell Hi, nlutf
Kor Hale Two ranch horses, vtivhi ilmni
1000 and I UK); also harness and orchard wagon
Will sell cheap, or wilt trade for wood. J.L.
jouusou, tei. nju
ForHale-Iord track, a gasoline wood saw.
Phone 1032
n Q n 7 rasa r n ee
n n r
m Y
Csislhi and Csirry
Phone 1032
Friday, December 29 Saturday, December 30 Tuesday January 2
for Hale .ewl' Trapnested Reds. Records
up io ) eicus per year: nock avnraira
Cockerels, fi .50 to 17.50 each. Buy now and
' umurjr. naipu n, lwis, pnoue Udell W8
For Sale liarrett District, nna lira nmnn, Di-mons," by Cynthia w'.iP.Z
j Kit-ui I'm KriiMiinir Ullium ein-iriciiy. Address k. L. H.rutow ih, I
n. c. jui.u ou. roritaud, ore. jyiHt
For Hale-Kir and pine Ifi-ln. and 4 rt.,
... ii.cini ii).iii.r wuuin iwo milHs of Hood
diver. Beauregard., tel. Odell sou. ml9tr
ror naie uooo lots ror sale In all parts ol
the city, prices right. A. W.Outiiank &Co. aUtl
ror naie nose and d'AuJou pear trees. T. .1.
For Hale-At a Bargain a modern residence
i uhk'is ironi center ol bu
rooms. Including fouf large
Crown Brand Flour $7.55
White River Brand $7.50
Pickett's Hard Wheat $7.00
Olympic Pancake Flour
No. 10 bag 68
Kerr's or Spenrv's Pancake
Flour, 68
Eastern Buckwheat Flour
Guaranteed pure, 68
Mother's OatB, round package
per package 25
Fischer's Rolled Oats
No. 10 bag .48
Yellow or White Corn Meal
No. 10 bag 29
Cream of Wheat, pkg. 22
Post Toasties or Kellogg's
Corn Flakes, pkg. 9
Standard Corn, Satisfaction
. Guaranteed, 5 cans 57
Standard String Beans
5 cans 57
Standard Tomatoes
per can 12
Utana Peas, per can 1 2
" Climax Macaroni or Noodles
5 packages for 25
National Biscuit Co's. Soda
Crackers, 15 lb. by the box
of from 3 to 8 lbs each
Graham Crackers by the box
per pound 17
Ginger Snaps, 3 pounds 50n
Assorted Cookies, pkg. 5
Galvanized Wash Tubs
No. 0 55, No. 1 65
No. 2 75, No. 3 85
MJB Coffee, 1 lb. can 39
3 1b. can $1.12, 51b. $1,85
Diamond W Coffee. 1 lb. 34
3 1b. can $l.U2, 51b. $1,67
Royal Club Coffee, lb. can 38
3 lb. can $1.11, 5 lb. 1.81
Tea, Green, Black or Gun
powder, 2 lbs. 75
No. 10 Light Karo 73
No. 10 Dark Karo 62
Liberty Bell Syrup
1 gal. $1.25
Omar Salmon, Medium Red
1 lb. can 1 5
Sweet Potatoes, No. 2 can
2 for 35 .
Blue Rose Rice, 4 lbs. 27
California White Navy Beans
4 pounds 27
Red and Pink Beans
4 pounds 27
Curve Cut Macaroni
4 pounds 27
Van Camps' Pork and Beans
3 smalls 25, 2 medium 25
1 large for 20
Kippered Herring, 9 oz. can
3 for 50c
Gold Bar Pineapple
2 cans for 45
Swift's Premium Ham
30 pound
Camel or Lucky Strike
Cigarettes, 4 pkgs. 55
We reserve the right not to
sell to any merchant.
ol business district, li
larue bedrooms. Inmv
siltlnir room, kitchen nnmrv
. .,,,,,.xmii aim rui-ioseu orch. Klflllp-
i' ii 7,. , ' , " uu UR couveuieui garage.
n.,.,r, until
Vi'hs not in the form of snow,
never would Lave boon able to
St. Mark's Cantata I'lrastng
A musical iiKnnt d-iilitin the
Christmas story whs presented at 8t.
Mark's Episcopal church Sunday af
ternoon at a special Christ inns service
which was attended by cbililr"n of the
Sunday school nnd their parents. Miss
Alice- Mi-Curdy took the part of the
Vlrjcln Mary, while Ferris M. Croen
impersonated Joseph. Appropriately
Karls'd in skins and f'.:rs, S. M. Hunks,
F. J. Hutchinson, Thomas I'lajiler ai.d
Holt Hutchinson appeared as the shep
herds. Among the sinius parts were
those of the three kind's, who were rep
resented by S. G. Oxixirrow, Thomas
Kislier and Scott F. Aitken. A stable
and rude manger formed the back
ground for the picture. The pageant,
which afforded a vivid portrayal of
me Biuie htory, was planned and pre
en ted tindf r the direction of Mrs
Thomas Flagler.
Coming Friday nnd Saturday, Jan
uary 5 and . .lack Holt in n brand
new screen version of "The l'arson of
1'anamint," entitled "While Satan
Look ! Look ! Look ! Look 1 Tues
day, January 0. "Iiriiinlnfr Cp Fath
er" on his vacation direct from a suc
cessful run in the Fast. All new and
all different. Watch for date of re-
wrvod sent sale, l'opular prices.
Vera Kolstad on the Itialto Wur
litzer daily.
Kor Kent H room hotiHekeepIng apartment
ij outi man Ave. U!(
Kor Hint Two nlre room, for Hunt house
Kor Trade- Kor Kord
teHiri and bariietw. K.J,
Hiver, Ore.
automobile, a Debt
Uuuip, box Zdl, Hood
ruruiMiea i on land Apartment - for rent . for
IX w-k beicliiiuuu January 8. Three rK)in
two bed, In exoliiHtve UeHt nlde dlnlrtct S-O
montb. Apply box K, Tbe U lacier. aju
Kor Kent Kurnlabed housekeeping rooms
I'4i6 Hbertuaa Ave., phone XH, dHtf
For Rent- Kooint rirwe In, with or without
meala. tilt t'aKcade ive, plione nltllf
IYee Shavings
rlaner shavings for IsMlding, Instiht-
tloii or imv other ptiritose may N ob
tained at the new plant
of the F.mrv LiiiuIht & Fuel Coninanv.
several eoiieertis are tisinjj these sne-
tvssfully as fuel but the bit; planer dt
velopos a surplus which the public Is
invited to use.
For Kent A
Muliin, urut
piano Call Mrs. t.eo.
H. Me-oJi.if
For Kent-Three room furnUlied
liouM'kwplnK. Til Columbia su
for light
Kor Kent Two furnlahed rmm, nd a uli-en-li)g
pirch with heat and batb. Mrs. J. t 'dging
ton. i'lioue3T-J. nbtf
Ml I I I H II I I I I I It I I I I I M I
Riverside Pageant Inspiring
The pageant Riven to a larre aud
ience et Klvcrside church .Sa:,'irii!iy
evening was inspiring. Mrs. Ifc I
Murphy read from "Tlie Search f
the Shepherds," and Mrs. Frank Gil
lert five sfnirs. Twelve tableaux
were pr.-sented. The t-bnreh was
darkened and the panti'mir.!'8 were
ptven in a glow or a -i-iJij-nr. iieni-l-ers
of Suielay shd tles.-s parti'l
pated wilh musical numU'ts.
ft 4
1 1 1 n ii ii 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 t
First Church cf Chrbt, Sc'eniist
Servicei will be Ie!d in Chnrcb
Euildice, Pth r.J Fnpene, Sunday, 11 :0o
a. rn. SoLject: Chriftian Science.
Wednesday service, 8 p. m.
Tbe reading room is open daily from S
to 5 p. m.. io the Church.
Seventh Day Adventlst Cfcarch
Comer 15th and C street!
Sabbath school Saturday 10 a. rn.
Preaching ferv ice 11.15 a, m. Prayer
meeting. Wednesday 7.4o p.
sr welcome.
m. All
Almost ai many electric fana were
being nsed in Hood River business
houees during the teriod cf cold
weather as will be found in mid-aum-nicr
ttrrid days. Merchants found the
fat s UHeful in keeping the air cf their
establishrianta circulating and thus
equalizing tbe heat in all portions of
large store rooms. It has aUo been
found that large rooms may be kept
betUr heated if the current from an
electric fan ia turned directly on steam
raditators. The efficiency of steam
heating plants, it ia declared, it
doubled by the aid of the electric fana.
Experiments, too, have proven here
during the cold weather that an elec
tric tan and a small headlight type
electric heater may be combined and
the terrperatu.-e of a fairly large room
kef t corr for table. The fan is placed
a few fett in front of tbe heater, its
current cr air blow ing on the red hot
coils and securing a rtitiiation of the
Canaries are scarcer than hea"
teeth in tbe Canary Islands, according
to the V. h. of the cuier
Pittsburgh, after a recent visit to Laa
Wanted Vonng girl winU light booe
keeptuglodo. Phone ITSi.
Wanted Hv ex nrrlrnwit nn-i.ini.i
tioh on ranch, kefi-rrno-a. Phone .Vvy or
write l arl U hmllh, Kt. 2, box 74. 11. K. d jt
Wanted To rent for a few nionthi a piano
no children lu family Tel. No. Albert U
at Kaon, w mate ru J4
Wanted A mother wan la unfurnished.
Iiiihl tioawkeeplng room In North went pHrt
of town, where owner will rare for tw0 email
children during day while mother la away at
Wanted-Tlmber on Mnnipage plan for cord
wood. K. K. Harper, Ini rrout fU, H.iod
Hirer. j4
Wanted ood freh row. Avalon Karm
thermae J K rank, llu'iie e. d.'itf'j
M anted Io cut wood by the enrd. 16-ln pre.
ferred. Hare drag aw. U rile A. A. llnl
iroin, HimkI River. Ore, i
Wanted A home for eoid work
their keep U.l muter. 1 rL Odell 7.
W anted-To boy yoor ned fm nlnire. tov
and rng. U or .ew gixxlt In exchange
fc. A. Krani Co. tint
For Service "Cbieona Jrvo'' Riurd
I'nre Hred bnwowr bii.l. I'r're winner la
t fie International Uvexlork t.iptwition thla
r ear and lt year. t Drti,ie
neauuw rrout r ami. oak urove, lei. if
The Pheasant
Food of the highest qual
ity, tastefully prepared
and served nicely.
Eastern and Olympia Oysters
(Any Style)
Hot Chicken Tamales
Crab Louis
Clubhouse Sandwich
Chili Con Came
Daked Apples and Cream
Steaks and Chops
Our Own Pastry
Good Coflfee Always
The Pheasant
8tart the New
savings row.
you will never
Year by saving the small sums. Watch your
Try our plan a year. We confidently predict
go oack to tne old way. Cash and Carrv will
help on the way to Comfortable Competence.
Saturday and Tuesday
Crystal White Soap, G bars for 25c Luna Soap, 10 bars 35c; 7 bars 25c
Royal Baking Powder, large 12 oz can 40c; 2 lb. can $1.19; 5 lb. can $2.29
5 bars P. & G. White Soap and 3 bars Creme Oil for 49c
New Pack Shrimp
can, 1 5c
: Campbell's Tomato Soup
can, lOc
Preferred Stock Telephone
Peas, can 20c
Asparagus, Del Monte
Brand, large square cans
white asparagus, ea. 38c
Camel Dates
package, 15c
Honey, Pure Extract
pint' jars, 29c
Pride of America
cut String Beans
can, 18c; 2 for 35c
Heinz Ripe Olives
can, 13c
Codfish, New Pack
Queen Olives, Good Size
pint jars, 29c
Pineapple, Hawaiian Chief
or Mission Brand
flat cans, 1 Oc
Fruit Salad
medium size cans, 25c
Com, Teas, Beans or Tomatoes-all good Standard Quality, 2 cans for 25c
Cocoanuts, Full of Milk,
each lOc
Golden West
Oranges, large and sweet
150 and 176 size,
doz. 35c
Calif. Soft Shell Walnuts,
pound 30c
Carry-All Bags
each 5 c
3 for 25c
20th CENTURY COFFEE-Our roaster is going all the time-of course "there's
a reason.
!xt Kiiiii3r mro-Dinf between Creamery
and Hitii. i-ne I gal. milk ran markeil
.Meawlnaj hrork Farm' anil one t fa I. rail
not marked, t toiler L'ir rail Job n A. HlUro.
Tel. .Vu4.
Ixt Vonr.f Ub.t'ld kxf-h euilie-ro-ard.
UMifj olarler offii-e.
To boy j-onr borne in lv.ri.an1. H P.
Alin. H Mt nnn fit pt. rtione reeiUeix'r Ta
b. ur. wffloe, labvtr rfeC. aj;
Hon Found- I h'g j-earltri. fin brand, vt.
atN-ol lfxi ( iihit rail and pj ( ilm.
r and tirrp. or will be au.d. J. J. Waiie'.
ruliea aoaib ul M'Mier. Jit
Tt-Sa l In triform merrbanw and other that j
I will ri biMM be rmirie trwr dr'ia ron- ;
lrot-d by my w . U "v. N-ra Matanta. hn
on ftuMT, l--i, n t 1 efi tny brd and j
taiard t mid Una aia daj.of lwr-nirrr.
J4 i.lwalaiaola. I
round, 3vic; o pounds. SI. GO-
DEL MONTE TOMATOES-Solid pack, large No. 2; cans, 2 for 35c
Really no use to look for a better place,
and so conveniently located