The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 28, 1922, Image 1

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ill '1jf.f)1)l$1r (Ifrr SJffr 1f flir : '
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No. 31
Make 1923 Count
NEW YEAR filled with vast oppor
tunity lies ahead. Everybody has
an equal chance to realize ambitions.
cV".. 1 -1 T-.1!!
fj..i Y " i" iiTiii
3 Determine now to have a substantial surplus
by December 31, 1923. A bank account reg
ularly added to will make your dream a reality.
3 You'll find it a pleasure to bank here. Open
an account today even if your account is small.
The First National Bank
It's Midnight
Phone 2181 Fourth and Cascade
Right up to the last trick
of the old year . . we're
When are we ever going
to stop talking Value ?
When every man In the
County is so well fixed
with the world's goods
that he won't look for
ward to a new year with
the hopeful resolution to lay up a little more
money than he saved during the old.
Now for these last days of 1922, we are showing
VALUES and how to start the New Year right by
spending right.
Thankful !
Shay's SERVICE Shop
Shop 1201
The whistles'are blow
ing. The bells are ring
ing out the old and in
the new year ! What a
thrill all experience at
the beginning of the new
year it is always an in
centive to work harder,
live better and to strive
to accomplish more.
"A modern home of
your own for the new
year" is THE ideal 1923
Ret. J721
WE HEREBY RESOLVE to be ready through
out 1923 to serve you cheerfully, hoping
that pleasant reciprocal relation will innure to
the benefit ot the people of Hood River and
Come in and hear the latest 1923 New Year's Records.
NEW YEAR'S DAY comes to us with a
significance all Its own.
: There Is In all of us what someone
' 1
. WW
has called the cross pull, that Is to say
a proneness to do wron& and a desire
to do right.
With each recurrence of the New Year we
repent and are truly sorry for our sins, and with
commendable zeal we turn over the new leaf fully
committed to a life of better deeds for the coming
twelve months.
It may be helpful
program to know that we will have the "Happy
and Prosperous New Year" our friends are Ash
ing for us In exactly the ratio In which we curb
that PRONENESS to do wrong and follow that
DESIRE to do right.
Member Federal
V-"'T is our hope that the New Year will
JL deal kindly with the people of Hood
River, our neighbors and friends.
We wish that all of you may attain your
hopes and ambitions, and that your work
will be fruitful. May healthful, happy hard
work be the lot of all of us
UR thoughts go
friends who have aided us in mak
ing our business a success. May
the coming year bring to each and
every one much happiness and prosperity.
Phone 1811
Wishing You A Happy New Year
And announcing a full stock of all kinds cf office
supplies to nil your every want when yoa get ready
for re stocking your desks next week.
i1Tiiiiiiiil.if.1v......uiliiiiiitiifUili;lIln;,.uil1.;pP m
1923 !
In keeping to the new
Reserve System
out In gratitude to our'
Pioneer Builder Recalls Early Highway
ConstructionMr. Lage Super
visor 18 Years
Newspaper mistaken are not always
unfortunate. The Glacier last week
carried a report that H. F. J. Siever
kropp, pioneer of the East Side orch
ard district, who drove in over the
road in a bobsled drawn by a farm
team,' was the first citizen to travel
the entire distance from Pine Grove to
the city over the new Valley Trunk of
the Mount Hood Loop Highway. It
was an error, an error that resulted in
The first citizen to travel over the
Hood Uiver-Odell unit of the new road
was no other than Hans Lage, pioneer
rancher of Pine Grove. And it was
very fitting that Mr. Lage should have
this honor. For 18 years he was dis
trict road supervisor on the EtfBt Side.
It was very fitting that the news re
port was published. Otherwise, the
public might not have heard of Mr.
Lage's drive down the newly cut grade
Nor would they have had the benefit of
his fund of knowledge on early road
Mr. Lage called at the Glacier office
last week. In his good natured way.
which has become proverbial here, he
announced that be was going to lick
the editor, and then he gave his reas
ons for the chastisement another man
had been given credit for the first trip
in over the highway. The editor didn't
fet a licking but instead a fine story,
his is the way Mr. Lage told it:
"I took my horse and buggy and
drove up the old road to the Wilson
Fike home about four miles from town
and then turned the nag north. This
occurred on December 1. The con
struction crew still remaining on the
grade, clearing up debris, told me i
would be the first to make the trip
clear through.
"As I drove down the magnificent
new road, with its wide cuts and deep
fills, its graceful curves, 1 was made
to think of how magical has been the
development in roau construction in
the past 35 years. 1 recalled in 1885,
when I had charge of cutting the first
grade from the east bank of Hood
river just opposite the village of Hood
River, up over the hill, that the work
of making the entire mile and a half
passable to our heavy wagons, was
only $192.50. Practically all of the
work was volunteered by ranchers.
About 15 years later the orchard sec
tion had become more thickly settled.
Orcharding had been launched as a
mid-Columbia industry, and citizens
felt the need of a better grade to and
from the city. A survey was made up
the east side gorgejof Hood river, and
the new grade was cut, by contract,
for jaou." ......
It is interesting to compare the cost
of the present grade with those of
earlier road building. The unit of the
Loop Highway, which intersects the
Columbia Kiver Highway near where
the original East Side grade began and
extends to the Udell district, a dis
tance of 6.04 mile, was built by the
E. A. Webster Co., at a contract cost
of $114.392 .50. It is a confirmed fact
that the contracting concern lost
money. I he old rast bidn grade was
considered at the time it was built the
first word in highway construction.
'I well remember when the woik
was completed, says judge mowers.
"My father, the late Capt. A. S.
Blowerr, was a member of the Wasco
county board of commissioners, Hood
River county not having been formed.
The citizens rejoiced generally, and
never did they dream then that it
would be necessary to build another
grade up the east side of the Hood
river canyon.
Mr. Lage had chaste of constructing
early roads all the way from Mosier to
the Hood river canyon and as far south
in the Hood River Valley as the Odell
district. With the exception of the
new Loop Highway he built practically
all of the early roads of the now popu
lous district. He recalls how in early
days, when he was supervising the
construction of a bridge over Rock
ereek at Mosier, he had to arise at 6
o'clock, in order to be at the work by
8 o'clock and take charge of the crews.
He invariably arrived home after dark.
'1 received a wage of $2 50 per
day," says Mr. Lage, "and in tho?e
days that was considered a princely
Mr. Lage has resided in the valley
for 47 years. He arrived here on the
morning of March 4, 1876. Six hours
later the late E. L. Smith, one of the
builders of Hood River, and his familv
disembarked from a river boat west of
The new Valley Trunk of the Mount
Hood Loop Highway will not only
elmiinate the old East Side grade. It
will relegate pioneer highways all the
way into the Upper Valley and pas
into the bounds of the Oregon National
Forest, where the Bureau of Public
Roads has already cut about 20 miles
of new grade, five of which have been
surfaced. The old Booth Hill grade, a
bugaboo to travelers in the winter
months even when traffic was by horse-
drawn vehicles exclusively.
Ihe new grade, which is now under
i blanket of snow, was entirely com
peted this summer, except for a few
hundred feet on the East Side, where
construction would have torn up exist
ing county roads during the season of
apple traffic, and about 2.500 feet in
the Upper Valley at the forest bounder-
Accompanied by a full page of sto
riifi otrthe Mount Hood Climb of
(lie lifgion Post Hiil signed l.y all
mcmN-r cf the at!Ts of the two
Hood Kiver papers, tfie following let
ter was sent last wk to all editors
of Oregon :
in tendering our good wihf to our
(Vilowq of Oregon's NewspHiH-r Fra
ternity, we wih to express something
of the pleasant 8M i i'!it iiis that arc
frtir at wo contemplate your visit here
nest July fur the Annual Convent hu
of the Oregon State Editorial Associa
t ion.
We wish to inform yon that we are
joined in our good wiclics to you and
iu our invitation to the convention
next year by all Hooa Kiver citizens,
individually and collectively. The
Chamber of Commerce, the Woman's
Club, the Business and Professional
Women's Club, the Grange, instruct us
to say that they are sincerely glad you
arc coming; that the members of all
of them will outer whole-heartedly
into a welcome to yoa.
Let us introduce our greeters: Miss
May Davidson, of the Hotel Oregon ;
Charles A. and. Mrs. Bell, of the Mt.
Hood Hotel; and Mr, Amos S. Benson,
of the Columbia (Jorge Hotel. They
all say: "Tell the newspaper folk for
us tout we will save the best for
them." AH of us are going to take
an especial pride in having you see the
Columbia Gorge Hotel, the Northwest's
finest tourist hostelry, built by that
father of the Columbia Kiver High'
way, Mr. S. Benson, as a pioneer ven
ture in the development of Oregon's
scenic asset. It is now owned and
managed by his son.
Muyor rerigo ana county judge
Ilasbrouck will extend to you the keys
or the city and county. District At
torney Baker says tell you he will
have the jail locked and the key lost
while you are here.
The most enticing feature of enter
tainment to lie provided for you next
summer will be complimentary particl
pation in the Annual Mount Hood
Climb of the Hood Kiver Post of the
American Legion. The loglonnires
want yon. They inspired the invita
Hon. The enclosed circular wil give
you an idea of what they have In store
for you.
We expect to sec you in July. May
your Christmas be merry and the New
Year marked by good health, remuner
ative, appreciated and purposeful haid
work, and a deluge of advertising and
job work.
The lower floor of the Mt. Hood Ho
tel was crowded to capacity last Sat
urday afternoon when public hearted
men and women of the city and valley
made available a community Christ
mas tree. More tunn sou youngsters
were there to greet Santa Claus Fred
ricy to revel with path other and in
spire their ciders with their implicit
faith of Christmastime. Sincere were
the thanks extended to old Santa
Claus from childish lips, and requests
were made from him that the children
were absolutely Confident would be
fulfilled. Indeed, they were.
The community Christmas tree idea
was initiated a year ago ry John Ba
ker, and then Henri Thiele joined in
Ihe party, erecting a huge tree at the
Columbia Gorge Hotel. This year Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Bell made the Mr.
Hood available. Members of the
Welfare committee, Mrs. I M. Bent-
ey, Mrs. F. C. Wittenberg, Mrs. W. B.
Tweksbury, Mrs. E. L. Seoboe, Miss
May Davidson, joined, with Mr. Ba
ker, and J. II. Fredriey took the lead
among the V alley MtR ana a very
tidy sum poured into the big Jhank
nsh bag he passed around. Miss
Ellstaheth Campbell, City School Sit
lerlutendent Cunnon, County Superin
tendent Gibson, Miss Helen Frease,
Mrs. E. L. Seobee and Leslie Butler all
joined in working for the success of
the party.
The big tree was given by F. K. Ab
sten. It was transKrted from, the
A I ml en place by Gilbert Islington and
Frank Cleminous. Various merchant a
donated toys and dainties for the gift
The illumination of the tree was
made possible by the public spirit of
Max L. Moore. Mr. Moore loaned the
committee all the strings of small
Christmas lights needed. The in
numerable vnri-colored lights in the
green foliage of the fir made a beauti
ful picture.
E. 10. Goodrich and Clint Mooney
tniisporled country children to and
from the tree without charge.
J. O. Ilnnnum, who Was here en
route to his Upper Valley resort, did
valiant service iu aiding with the
decorations of the free.-
A record large crowd was present
Monday night at the Christmas Ked
Cross ball given by Hood Kiver Cbnp
lxnellt of the crippled children of
Hood Kiver. An approximate $300
was netted, and two children of the
valley wilL as a result lie sent to hos
pitals for treatment that ia exacted
to make them Into strong men and
Mrs. F. A. Cram was general chair
man of the dance committee. She
worked indefatigably for its sue-ess.
Scores of meu and women entered
wholeheartedly with her Into the
plans, and support for the big party
was slwwn from every part of the
It Is said flint the county now lias
but three other children who will
come under operation of the Oregon
law, providing for care of crippled
children. Fraternal orders of the city
will. It is declared, interest themselves
in these youngsters with the result
that all will Ik? cared for.
The Knights of Pythins lod?e do
nated the use of its ball for the oc
casion, anl l-orus orcnesira uonaicu
music for the bop.
Hundreds of children of the city
Christmas niominir enjoyed a special
matinee at the Rialto theatre. The
show was given complimentary by lit
tle Mls-s Norma and Vera Jean. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A. S.
Kolstad. The program included a
Mary Pick ford numlier and a Mack
Senni t t comedy.
Aso utin Claim Secured
The onlv brf-nl creditor of Louis
Xaub. New York apple operator, tm
reeently failed for an approximate
$.Vi.(m. was the Apple Growers As
sociation. wLii li has a claim or ip
against Mr. Taub. The
secured by railroad claims that have
been assigned by Mr. Taub.
Citizens of Town aud Valley Dia'i
r aa
Interest in Social Event La! 2 ;
I-" i
Crowd Expected . i s :
The annual New Year's ball of the
Knights of Pythias band, one of the
city's most popular organizations, will
be held at Pythian Temple next Mon
day evening. The musicians are mak
ing elaborate plans. The big hall will
he decorated witli native greenery and
a color scheme of streamers in keeping
with the season.
Since its organization the K. P.
hand has enlivened every public gath
ering with concerts. Citizens of town
and valley hold tho band in high
esteem, and it is anticipated that the
big dance hull wilt lie crowded to
overflowing next Monday evening.
The taxes of Howl Kiver county,
will show no more than neglible in
crease the coming year. In case of
any material application of the prun
ing shears today: when tho animal -
unnuul budget w ill be definitely fixed,
the taxes may iw lowered. City taxes
will be about four mills lower in any
event than the 75 mills of last year.
The city budget shows a two mill de
crease, and a similar Hum will be
clipped from the levy iu School Dis
trict No. 3, comprised of the city
and aurrounding rural area.
In . the tentative budget Ihe state
tax was set at Sfl.r,0OO. County Clerk,
Shoemaker Inst week received a mes
sage from the State Tux Commission,
announcing that the state tax would -le
$80,3-17.34. It was $1)3,875.40 last .
Because of the ravages of the heavy
sleet storm of November, 3121 , the
annual hunlxT cut of Hood Kiver
dropjied off materially the lmst year.
The valley's total cut will reach ap
proximate 18,000,000 feet. The Ore
gon Lumber Company, the mill of
which Is located at Dee, led with 1.1,-'
000,000 feet. The Mt. Hood and Park--
dale plants of the Mt. Hood Milling!
Company cut about .,r00,000 feet and
Horn Bros. Standard MiiiiUt Com
pany, of Oak Grove, turned out about
5O0.(O0 feet.
The heaviest falling oft enme from
a decrease In the cut of the Oregon
Lumber Company, the normal output
of which reaches 21.0O0,(MO feet. Sev
eral mouths time, however, were re
quired the past spring, after the heuvy
accumulation of lee had thawed off,
in replacing bridges, Trestles and a
general reconstruction of a logging
road from Doe to the upier West
Fork of HMid river. The company, is
now iu the finest body of timber it
bus ever manufactured, and the cut of
the coming summer is expected to Iks
up to normal or greater. The most'
of the time of the district is Douglas ,
tlr. A great deal of cedar and hem-,
lock, however, are cut from the sec
An interesting feature of the weekly,
meeting of tho Tuesday Lunch Club at
the Pheasant was violin numltcrs ren
dered by Miss Adalania Jackson, who'
was accompanied by her mother, Mrs.
Albert L. Jacksou. Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson arrived last week from 11am--inolitou,
N. J. While Miss Jacksou .
will return to a young women's semi
nary at Willinmsport, Pa., this week,
her mother will remain here for a
time. Both are skilled musicians.'
Their program Tuesday was highly
appreciated. They will be a decided
acipilsltlon to HimmI Kiver,
K. E. Seolfwas chairman of the
Tuesday meeting. He had endeavored'
to secure from Hood Kiver business
enterprises and individual figures
that would show the volume of money
made in Hood Kiver, expended here
and sent abroad.
Guests at the dub this week were
George Stranahan and Donald Ben
nett. Secretary Sylvester announced
that A. T. Case had Ixhti elected to
Commandery Installs
Following the annual Christmas ob-
scrvanoe at aiasomc nan Christmas
morning, officers of the Hood Kiver
Commandery KnSchts Templar, were
installed as follows; A. G. IewU,
eminent commander; Dr. E. L. ocSfx'e,
generalissimo; O. B. Nye. captain gen
eral; E. O. Bianchsr, treasurer; Frank
K. Howard, secretary; J. K. Carson,
senior warden; C. II. JenVsin, junior
warden; W. Nack, standard bearer;
W. K. Collie, sword bearer; Dr. 11. D.
W. Pineo, warden; Thomas Fisher,
fcntinel. and A. F. Howes, prelate.
The Knights participated in a break
fast in the fraternal lanUet room.
Ilojal Neighbors Elert
Offivrs of ihe liK-al camp of
; Mrs.
Neiclilsirs of America last
fhs-ted of flier as follows :
FlizaN-tb Kodgcrs, past oracle
Fmmil Wolira mot L oracle :
Crump, vice oracle; Emma Jones,
fleeted recorder; Janes Carm-s.
fhHted receiver: Mildred Ilartl
mew, chancellor; Veda lVane. marshal
Karoune Krois, re-elected, inner
tinel; Cara IVmeroy, outer dentin
Drs. J. W. Sifton and H. L. I nimble.
physicians, and Mrs. Louise VoUtroff,
The election was attended by
Ida Hamblin, of Pendleton. saf
per vis bug deputy, who rnve an
dress. A lu:.-l.xn followed the meet