The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 21, 1922, Image 9

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    HOOD RIVER GLACIER, ffltliisDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1022
Hill III 11114.1111111,44
ah winter cats half price. Monner's
Get your Christmas tree from the
nuiguin ureennouBe,
Cleaning, Pressing
Meyer & Brazaau.
ForSpirellaCoreets Mrs.Fred Howe
613 Cascade Avenue. Tel. 2104. j2ltf ''
Films developed and printed prompt
ly, a 4-iiuur service. Ueitz Studio, tf
tor good cleaning call Meyer & Bra-
zeau. ruone run. 0i2tf
Whipped cream? Use SURE WHIP
and be sure. Your grocer has it. jy27tf
Get your Christmas tree fiom the
neignis ureennouse.
Art L. Vincent and Earl H. Shank
were in Portland Sunday on business.
Capt. Wilbur was in Portland Mon
day on irrigation business.
Mrs. George Nelson' and little'daugh
ter left recently for Riverside," Calif.,
to spend the winter with relatives.
Rev. R. A. Hutchinson was down
from Parkdale Tuesday on a BhoDDintr
tour. vv
Any one wishing good home for small
child, the youngster having the benefit
of careful rearing call Odell 11x2. d28
Dr. N. Plyler, Chiropractic and Elec
tric treatments. Rooms 23-24-25 Heil
bronner bldg., tele. 1833, Hood River.
Before- you buy an automobile you
should see the new Studebaker at the
Cameron Motor Co. m4tf
Highest quality coal is cheapest. Utah
King Coal is clean, hard and highest in
heat. Emry Lumber & Fuel Co. tf
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Foreman and
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Davenport were in
Portland the first of the week.
William Weber was in Portland the
first of the week on business and visit
ing friends.
Mrs. Edward A. Vannet left Tuesday
for a visit with Portland relatives and
Miss Vernon Shoemaker is helping
the postoffice force during, the Christ
mas rusn.
Go to the Culp Plan store for your
tires. You will get the best quality
ana save money.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Kimball have
left for New York City to spend the
holidays with relatives and friends.
Culp Flan Christmas presents. 30x3
Cords 17.25. 36x0 $45. All others the
same reduction. d28
Come jn and see the new Buick 1923
models. Sixes, $1425; Fours, J1075.
Hood River Garage.
II. 8. Braakman does painting, paper
ing and decorating. Smith Bldg. Phone
4204. m2tf
Special prices on Utah King Coal di
rect from the car. Phone 2181. Emry
Lumber and fuel Co. el tf
J. Arthur Rigga was a Portland bus
iness visitor the latter part of last
F. E. Samson will spend the Christ
mas holidays at home with relatives in
hU?- uI'L'8 ut"ned a broken bone in
nis right hand last week in a basket
ball scrimmage at tLe high school.
Mr. H. S. Braakman will go to Se-
pena Uingtmss holidays with
Pt i T. 1'lagler has been ca"ed to
t ortland to serve on the federal grand
O . i
oay a wun nowers. We will have
tnem on sale at th nn,0; tnr
I Qhlr8i.Nat,Iln1 fiank 8nd l Vincent
...., o. ueignis ureenhouse.
V V-,Fike' who has been in charge
li i . . des,k,at th Columbia Gorge
il .' 1 Ior ortland to spend
uv W 111 LCI .
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Casey and Mr,
nu irs u. u Casey and families
passed through the city Satuiday on
i,a, iu loruana oy automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gardiner, who
have been living on Taylor street, will
l?e Iatter Part f the week for
roruana to make their home.
ine stores of Hood River will be
open on Saturday night only. Thev
win not opn any other night before
me nnstmaa vacation.
W. L. Clak has returned from the
wmamette Valley where he was en
gagea with the state highway depart-
Mrs. Glendora Blakeley, who is now
wun use state Nursing Association,
wu nere isbi week visiting Miss Eliz
abeth Campbell.
Mrs. warren Gibbs, of the Upper
jancy, ih recoveung at the t-ottage
hoapical from an oneratinn for nnnn-
- . r..
Christmas sale of furs, hats, blouses,
tiBiiuaercilieiS. UaDV'S JSomlnir" srnmn.
eu goods, ami stamnoil 1 nm'lipnn aula
imiow caaiiB, nigntgowns, etc. All win
ter hats at half price. Monner's. d21
b. J. Moore and familv left TupsHhv
for Portland. While Mr. Moore re
turned the next dav Mrs. Monra anH
daughter will remain in the city until
after New Year's.
At the Asburv Methodist church at Sunday evening a Christmas can
tata, entitled "A Visit to the Home of
Santa Claus," will be given by the
primary pupils of the Sunday school.
a cnriscmas tree will tollow the pro
gram. All are invited.
Do not worry about being late with
your Christmas shopping. Our green
house will be open all day Christmas.
We have roses, carnations, cyclamen,
violets and primroses. Heights Green
house. Tel. 3393.
Many U. S. VICTORY notes were
called for payment on December 15th.
January 1st. If you hold any of these
why not reinvest your funds in Pa
cific Power & Light Company Pre
ferred stock at 7 per cent?
Buy Benioff's genuine guaranteed furs
from us. Foxes, chokers, capes and coats.
When you buy furs bearing Benioff's
guarantee you know they are genuine
and of best quality for the prire. Why
take chances with imitation furs when
you can buy the genuine here at unbeat
able prices. Eee us before you buy furs.
Yes, we accept furs for remodeling. Es
timates gladly given. Monner's. d21
The election of officers of the Royal
Neighbors 'will be held Friday even
ing. Mrs. Ida Hamblin, state super
visor, of Portland, wijl be present.
All members are urged to be present.
Judge Derby was in Portland Mon
day on business, luesday he was in
Prineville on business of the irrigation
interests in central Oregon which be
represents as attorney.
Mies Hazel Wiederr, popular senior
student ol the University of Washing
ton, spent Thanksgiving holidays at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
F. Wieden.
Hand made table scarfs, doilies, pillow
slips, silk camisoles, etc. for Xmas Kilts,
Don't forget our Xuias sale of hats,
blouses, furs, handkerchiefs and stamped
goods. Monuer a. uzl
Now is the time to equip your ehoes
with rubbers. We have a full supply of
all kinds and are expert in attaching the
same. Satisfaction guaranteed. Smith's
Champion Shoe Shop. 109 2nd St. ol9lf
Lot's of wise people have taken ad
vantage oi the uuip flan reduction on
tires. Come and get your Christmas
presents. The time is short now. d2H
Go to Calandra's Barber Shop, 1st and
Oak for prompt and courteous treatment.
special attention paid to Ladies sham
nooing, massaging and children's hair
cutting. jll
Mrs. P. A. Tollman, who has been ill
with pneumonia, accompanied by her
daughter. Mrs. 11. Kyllow, left Satur
day for Mollala, where she will make
her borne with her daughter.
F. D. McCully, a millerof Joseph,
wno is a cousin ot J. v. McCully.
owner or Mestledyn, an East Side
orhcard place, was here last week on
After a visit of two years in New
York, Mrs. W. A. Langille and chil
dren have returned to Portland. Mr.
Langille has left to join them there for
the winter.
Robert, small son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. H. Rose, of the Upper Valley, sus
tained a broken arm one day last week
while sliding down bannisters of a
school stairway. The joungster was
brought to Hood River for treatment.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cos-
man, at their borne at ban Luis Obispo,
Calif., Monday, December 11, an 11
pound son. Mrs. Cosman, formerly
Miss Mildred Huxley and niece of Mrs.
E. H. Hartwig, is well known here.
The Apple Blossom Cafe has been
handsomely decorated for the holiday
season. Mr. and Mrs. foreman, who
operate this popular place, have also
laid in a stock or super extra choco
lates for the holiday demand.
The ladies of St. Mary's Altar Soci
ety wish to express their hearty
thanks to the L. A. Franz Co. for
many courtesies and the use of the
store building for their successful ba
zaar baturday.
J. W. Perigo. who left recently for
Oklahoma for a visit with a daughter.
wrote his son, R. B. Perigo. that the
temperature dropped from 70 to 30 de
grees a few day a, after he arrived.
Mr. Perigo will visit bis old home at
Shelbyville, Ind., before returning
225 JKZ
1 Gift Store
Our reliable stock of useful Xmas Gifts has been a rock of refuge
during all the years. This year we are in better shape than ever
to care for your last minute requirements and have added extra
sales people, and will endeavor to give you a service that will
appeal to you from every standpoint.
Our intelligent sales force will cheerfully offer suggestions and try
in every way to make your Christmas shopping a pleasure to you
and a credit to us.
Store will be open
Saturday night
Early shopping
Roy U. Veach. son of Mrs. S. A.
Vearh, his friends will be glad to
learn, was recently promoted to a con-
Huctorship by the Great Northern R.
K. Co. He and his family are at
Great Falls, Mont.
Say it with flowers. We will have
them on sale at the music store oppos
ite First National Bank and at Vincent
& Shank's. Heights Greenhouse.
Special sale at Laraway's on quadru
ple plated silverware Rogers, Commun
ity, Alvin and Rock lord. All the stand
ard makes will be sold at substantial
reductions for 80 days to reduce stock.
Do not worry about being late with
your Christmas shopping. Our green
house will be open ail day Christmas.
We have roses, carnations, cyclamen,
violets and primroses. Heights Green
house. Tel. 8393.
H. S. Braakman made a!formal plea
to the city council to secure that body's
action toward preventing the feeding
of pigeons by employes of the Llectric
Kitchen. He declared that reeding the
pigeons there caused them, after they
bad gorged themselves to fly to the
protected eaves on the west side of the
building occupied by him where they
uttered up the sidewalk and caused
general nuisance.
Mayor bcobee suggested to Mr.
Braakman that the complaint be re
Terred to the Pigeon committee of the
Christmas Comes On Monday You Have Three More Days
Our Stock Is So Conveniently Arranged You Can See What You Want At A Glance.
Each Article Is Marked Plainly, and You Will Be Really Surprised at How Low They Are.
French Kid Dress
Gloves, $2.75
Wash Kid Street
Gloves, $1.98
Double Silk Dress
Gloves, $1.75-
Dovelex Gauntlet
Gloves, $2.48
16 Button Black Silk
Gloves, $1.98
Heavy All Silk Hose
Rib Top Silk Hose
Lisle Top Silk Hose
Silk and Wool Hose
Wool Heather Hose
All Silk Knit Caps,
$1.85 to $2.98
Wool and Silk Knit
Caps, 75 to $1.48
Silk Trim Wool Sacques
$2.95 and $3.68
Infant's Knit Sets
Infant's Knit Bootee3
35 to $1.00
We've never heard any one refuse to accept a Pendleton Indian Robe for a Xmas Gift
Handkerc'fs arc a sure hit, everyone uses them Felt Comfy Slippers for AH Sizes of Feet
We have a wonderful assortment, in white and colors. The little feet like these warm cosy slippers as well as
Dainty Linen and Mull for the Ladies, single or by the box. the older feet do, and they come in such pretty colors that
.. - tt ji u- f r ok o,.t, every one is pleased with them.
Emb'd Corner or Plain White Handkerchiefs, 5c to 85c each
Dainty Handk'fs, in Xmas Boxes, colors and all white, box 48c up Children's Felt Slippers, in all sizes 95 up
Children's Handk'fs, single or in boxes, colors and white Felt Slippers for Ladies, 98c to 2.50; for men, 1.45 to 2.50
iUl Silk Knit 4-in-Hands lE For the Small Boys, t I ; Baby Louis Heel. 8.50
f W 75and85 . IS p. lh Vi I3 ' f I Black PatentOne Strap
V A Men's Handkerchiefs ftQ Big Boys School Shoes S Brown Suede Quarter,
10 to 85 each p. p "5 , r ' X Low Heel, $4.95
1 Mpn's Kid Dress X Big Boys' High Cuts - I sTf
1 Gloves $2.95 J 2ito5i. $4.95 f J I Black Kid, 1 or 2 Strap
( Men's Heather Half JP LA Children's Dress Shoes J j Low Heel, Plain or
V iLse 49to90 95 to $2.95 fcL. , i Cap Toe, 4.45 to 5.50
Jantzen and Tom Wye Woo! Knit Sport Coats, Office Coats and House Coats, For Men and Young Men
Make the most acceptable and satisfactory Gift for any and I everv Man, Young Man Boy or Girl.
Then for outdoor wear or athletic games, we have the Heavy All Wool Jantzen Shaker Knit Slipon or Coat Style.
Tom Wye you buy satisiaction ior every one concerneu ana you iua ttmc
When you buy a Jantzen or a
Hand Tooled Leather Fitted Bags
Canteens and Vanity Cases, in the
new, rich color combinations, new
designs and the new shapes,
$1.68 to $7.45
Canteens and Bags for the Girls
In All Leather and Leather and Silk,
fitted with small purse and mirror,
just like Mother's,
Bargain Basement Specials
Choice Gift Box Stationery 68
Fjbcj Weare Motor & Waste Baskets 89
Fresh Eaa4 Kade Chocolates, $1 box 89
i-gal. Glass Jars Hard Candies . $1.43
Cannot Wmkle
iwi Ljj'BUJSLi' II - IT " ''UMMmW "' uwagaa
For Men ad Yocij Men
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hira
sawa, Friday, December 15, a son.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Cruik
shank, Saturday, December 16, a son.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hu
kari Friday, December 8, a son.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Cameron Sunday, December 10, a
daughter. '
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Frsnk Sperb
at the Cottage hospital, rriday, De
cember 8, a daughter.
George Foe has become known as the
pigeon man. The birds know him, and
when he steps forth from the Electric
Kitchen they may be seen flying from
the cornices of every building in sight.
The Barrett Parent-Teacher Associa
tion will give a party Friday, Decern
ber 29, at Rock ford hall. The eighth
grade, all Barrett high school students
and the high school laculty are in
vited. Games and dancing.
Fhilip Koberg came near losing an
eye Monday when a twig penetrated
the corner of the eyeball. Jibe piece
of wood broke off and it was'necessary
for Mr. Koberg to visit the city and
have it extracted. While the wound
was very painful, it is not thought the
right of the eye will be affected.
The annual election meeting of the
Red Cross chapter will be held at the
Commercial Club rooms on the evening
or January 3, beginning at 7.3U o cluck.
All holding memberships are eligible
to vote, and it is urged that everyone
interested in the work of the chapter
be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Youngberg.
of McMinnville, who are on their hon-
moon trip, have been here visiting
and Mrs. J. W. Ingalis. Mrs.
Youngberg was formerly Mies Lucy
Freeman, a nurse for a number of
years at the Cottage hospital. They
will make their home at McMinnville,
where Mr. Youngberg owns ranching
and stock interests.
Dr. W. D. Nickefcen, son of Senator
And Mrs. J. R. Nickelsen, who has
been in Russia with the relief expedi
tion of the American Red Croso, Mon
day wired bis parents that he was
leaving for Hood Kiver Lto spend the
holidays. Dr. Nickelsen, who was en
gaged in special skin disease work in
New York hoepitals before going
abroad, is being accompanied by a po
lice dog which he purchased in Bel
gium, lhe puppy win be a Christmas
resent to his twin brothers, agea 8,
ed and Ned.
Fark Grange will hold its next social
meeting Wednesday, December 27, in
Kockford hall, lhe evenings enter
tainment will be in charge of the pres
ent lecturer and a newly elected lec
turer. Among other good numbers on
the program will be a talk by Mrs.
Wm. Munroe on her recent European
trip. Dancing will be in charge of
Mrs. John btranahan. Mrs. ICalph
Hinrirhs will be in charge of cards and
other games. Refreshments. Ar
rangements are being made to heat
the hall comfortably. Lome early as
the meeting will begin at 8 o'clock
BttoOMA iTtl
Our Assortments are Big.
Our Prices are Reasonable.
Come in and see.
Fresh Fancy Jelly Beans, special, per lb. 18c
French Mixed, lb 30c
Satin Finish, Hard Mixed, lb . 25c
Nut Taffy, Jelly Strings, Pl'n Chocolates, lb. 30c
Finest Chocolate Creams and Nougats, lb... ...60c
Boxes and Boxes Fancy Chocolates, 35c to $2.00
Bordo Fancy Stuffed Dates,
Stuffed with ground Nuts, per lb..
Finest Large Cluster Raisins.
Large Juicy Pressed Figs.
VanDyck's, per box $1.25, $3.00, $6.00
El Sidelos, per box $2.25, $3.00, $4.50
Chancellors, per box $3.00, $6.00
Tokedas, per box $1.00, $1.50
Optimos, per box $3.00
And many other good brands.
Wt Wm j)ou mi g filmy Cfm'gtmag
The Star Grocery Perigo & Son
The wedding of Joseph Horn, great
war veteran and son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fhilip Horn and Miss Ethel May Mc-
Cloud. daughter of Mrs. May McCloud.
of Foreet Grove, occurred Sunday at
the study of Rev. W. 11. Boddy, pastor
of Riverside Community church, who
officiated. Donald McCloud, brother
of the bride, was best man, and the
bride was accompanied by Miss Helen
Bros i.
Mr. and Mrs. Horn, who will make
their borne in the Oak Grove district.
where be is associated with brothers in
operating a lumber manuracturing
plant, left at once following the wed
ding for Fortland on a honeymoon trip,
The wedding of Roy Mitchell and
Mrs. Maggie Vanarsdale occurred Sun
day at the home of Fatrick Gallagher,
on Eugene street. Rev. J. C lianna.
pantor of the rirst Christian church.
officiating. A wedding dinner followed
the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell
are making their borne in the Bart-
mesa apartments.
Bakers Offer Bread Donation
Hood River bakers are philanthropic
and public spirited. E. C Kroll. of
tha ilood River Bakery, lart week
offered to give the Welfare Committee
150 loaves of bread for ate in Oedirg
needy families. Carlson & Osborn,
who have purchased the Bradley Bak
ery, otTerd to join in contributions for
needy families. They assured Mr. Bell
that they would aid him at any time he
called on them for support of the poor.
Riverside Church
A cornrsd-Fhip of worship anJ service.
Knndiy school 9 45 a in.
Morninf worship 11 a. m.
Yoang (oples m-tin p. tn.
undy Kvenini club-7-45, 1ft and 3rd
Snn-Uyt Novnnlr to Mrch inclusive.
Iid"k Bitne Lecture TLnrfeJay even
ir g at 7;:W.
Other meetings iul ject to jecial announcement.
- 4
auu a
3V -,v
' S -'4' :J
"Your Druggist"
Phone your orders
Phone 1262
Warrant Oat for Alleged Speeder
Justice of the Peace Onthank issued
a warrsnt yesterday for the arrest of
Leo Comini. of The Dalles, charged
with reckless driving on the Columbia
River Highway between here and Ho
lier, lie was aliened cy l nine urocer
Murray to have rammed the car of
Miss Clara Rose, of Mosicr, oft the
highway while tiaveling at a high rate
of speed. The warrant was forwarded
to Wasco county authorities.
CoDDdl, R. S. M, ElectJ
Officers of tbe Council of Royal and
Sekft Masters were elected Tuesday
night as follows : W. F. Laraway. il
lustrious matter; A. F. Howes, deputy
matter: J. K. Carson, principal con
ductor of work ; E. O. Bianchar, treas
urer, and A. Canfield, secretary.
Robber tainps for aj j le boies
Glicier office.
Genuine ford Parts at Franz Co.
at the I Compete line bow in stock tor in-
Jitact delivery. d7Zl
Ford Dealers' Good Fellows Club
Ford dealers of all parts of the coun
try have formed a Good Fellows' Club.
In the larger centers the Ford crganiz
ations have pledged themselves to act
in cases of everv emergency. The
Bartol Manfield Co. oflers to trans
port and forward any gifts that may
be donated by Hood River folk.
Reduced Rail Fares
The O.-W. R. & N. Co. announces
that fares for the Christmas holiday
period will be reduced to a fare and a
half to all points where the regular
fare is $30 or less. Ticket sales dstes
are : December 22, 23. 24. 25. 23. SO
and 31 and January 1. January 3 is
the last date on which return ticket
will be honored.
I will not be r-yKnibie for any debts
contracted by wile,
A. W horlow.
Lucinda Whnrli