The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 21, 1922, Image 7

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    r .
HOOD RIVER nTiACIER. f iitiiiStUY, DECEMBER 21, 1922
Christmas Gifts Electric;
We suggest
al IV
i j. LLLw
ii 1 H
eadow Lark
Thin it the quality
mark on electricml
Better Coffee
And Right at the Table
Just when you are comfortably settled at the
breakfast table someone wants anothtx cup of
coffee and you have to get up and go to the
kitchen for it. And this never happens just once
during the meal but several times. A
Electric Percolator that makes coffee right at the table,
that keeps the coffee warm after it's made, would save you
many steps every meal, and it will make the kind of coffee
that your family likes the best.
Business is Perc-ing up. Come in and see us.
j More Convenience Outlets Make More Convenient Home
Washing Machine
Built for efficient, long, hard service.
Fully guaranteed.
The MEADOW LARK Washing Machine.
The Royal
Vacuum Cleaner
One of the best constructed and most efficient
The Westinghouse
Waffle Iron
Westinghouse Motors, Irons, Toasters, Percolators, Cosy Glow Heaters,
and Heating Pads.
A complete line of Artistic Lighting Fixtures and Glassware.
We maintain a reliable Motor Repair Department where Rewinding and General Repair Work
on Motors will be given prompt attention.
E. S. COLBY, President
Everything Electrical
W. E. COLBY, Sec'y-Treat.
Come in and see the new Buick 1923
models. Sixes, 11425; Fours, 1025.
Hood River Garage.
Highest cash price paid lor yonr used
furniture, stoves and rugs. Call McClain
at E. A. Franz Co. fOtf
, J J if
M&V. t w f it?-ir
S not complete without a LANG Hot Blast
Range. Constructed to cut fuel costs. Thick
solid top two lids only heat and flames
forced entirely around oven, utilizing every
heat unit. Made of Armco polished iron.
Equipped with hot water coils.
Tbt LANG Pacific Range it becoming tht
most popular rang in tht Test. Its sim
plicity and economy of operation, together
with its appearance art reasons for its in
creasing popularity.
sk Us About Them
Phone 2404
Smith Building
ii i v . -vr
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
Ke have mU fr JtorBS
that yoa will have to order $a orday lor n )
cV your lists early and we will do the rest.
"IThii kind of weather might not iur-
. .. i;K;r. Mnnn Unnti next ium-
mer to many, but nevertheless the
American Legion Mount noou uiuiu
Committee held a very resultful meet
inKS last Friday night when consider
able progress was made on plans for
the third annual climb in July 1923.
With the same committee that has
conducted the two rormer ciimuB ki i
in charge of the arrangements and
with the information and experience
they have gained the comm'ttee is con
fident of a better climb this. Those
who were on the climb last year, or
thn rennrt of the com
mittee showing what provisions were
left, will appreciate mo ic ni.
1. ...a ih tr, ootiniHt the number
CUII1C uaiu J " v
of people that will assemble for meals.
When it is rememDereu ium w vkw"
is being staged without any desire 10
make money but wholly for the em
ployment of those that participate and
for the purpose of advertising Mount
Hood as one 01 uregon a uiudi, ov......
... j, ;n h ppn that the
BUIBtllulio, iv "...
committee is justified this year in re-
auiring everyone wno ex pec 10 w uior
.liv. n i-cirintfr ind make a de-
ivicii with the committee not later
. ... . 1 : tk. Cotnr
a a a u AAm nan u v Drfi'muiiif liiu ljuiius
inaii iicuiict.j f - -
day which will later be set as the time
for leaving Hood River. The commit
tee appreciates the fact that a number
will not be able to know by Wednesday
whether or not mey win u u
. l. : . knoinama Katiirdav. but the
leave men . . 7f". .. -n
committee is of the opinion that it wi
be better to disappoint vnie
1 lu tkoir rMervationa
by Wednesday than it would be to
have a much larger party than expect
j 1 u .hi ti nrnnerlv take
rare of tbem. Last year 87 bad paid
their fee at the lime we yru'D,u"
a . . 1 - ... huvi . iwpr n i it i lucid in i v
250 at camp for something to eat. I he
difference in number was too great to
be properly taken care of and those
' . . t .... n a in .mnla
who made vneir reBerYnun -lufj.n
an-A .nv Urk nf ccommoda-
tion along with the ones that came in
late The corn mil tee is cunuucm m nf anv size Dartv
that wanU to climb the mountain if
opportunity is given mem
the necessarv arrangements and they
1. i - tn mitlce arrantre-
can v u av. -
menu mu k r r
paring for 250;and then have only half
that numoer. ....... . j
mi. - ; 1.. hit rtwided to extend
ina cuuiuu.w. -
the camp one day longer. be exact
date baa not been sei uuw 1- f
some Saturday, Sunday and Monday in
July. This will give a fine opportun
;. . mn Saturday, take a
I IV 10 KCfc III w
. . iv.. o nr. nd emov
,x,me wonderful sliding Sunday, get
used to the ligni air, ana in k
th ton Monaav. it is
planned to vane """
th too Sundav as
heretofore and those that fail the first
day will have an opportunity w vinB
The committee gained much valuable
information on the trip to r-mmer
1 pr the truest of Trurcan
Butler and this information is being
woven into the plana ior mi )--.
The information gained by the com
mittee from the trip around the moun
tain will also be ueed to good advan-
. : .(..nlnir lido trina which Will
be planned to give those taking them a
view of the rugged ice formations on
t, yA ear. mil thrilhrtr slides.
c nance "" . v "
Tbete Uipa.ll not be M strenuous as
the climb to the top and from the ex
pressions of those who made the side
trip last year these are expected to
prove very popular.
The committee received Some mighty
good suggestions on future climbs
from those who made the climb last
year, and they would like ideas from
anybody that might happen to have a
bright one. with the idea that this
is an enterprise the whole community
should be interested in and one that
everybody should feel free to offer
suggestions for. The committee again
went on record as desiring to make the
climb a self supporting piopoHiuun uu
they are desirous of having the moral
support of everyone in the county to
just the extent they think it is deserv-
kia enrAitoinori have been flutr-
gested to help with th? camp fire pro
cram and as soon as definite word can
" m m A. L 4Liiat - n W i Q
be received irom mem men nau.o
n 1 ha nnnnnnpud. and even if no en
tertainment is planned there
J iL ,.aa aw n la T ft
plenty present arounu mo kuih
make thejevening an enjoyable one and
big drawing earn ior me,
Tk. .nmrniitui hna no definite mior-
X VUI1I1II1 "v. -- . -
n ,ka mnr rnnrl but It is to be
hoped that the road constiuction will
1 4r ..ni1rTri elnniT tn make it DOSBi
vv 1 ai cnuuu .w..B - m
ble to drive clear to the camp oy nexi
1 a aa lrnAlvn THri. I.llHL LI119 CUlUJi MM. m
newspaper has the edge on the average
citizen when it comes to expre?sing an
. k.t th ma hi nia naner ne
UU1IIIUI1 IV X vw - . . . .
rpphea manv people. This should be
l In wn nt TlOlt. VPftf WDSn lUO
Stat Editorial Association holds Us
..-1 ...ntinii in Hnnd Kiver.
BI1IIUB1 VWII.sifc.v
They have accepted tne invuatmn 01
IUO LrCKIUil w ...
With the that should be
given. Hood Kiver can entertain mem
r ,u - o. that then will alwavs
remember our city and much publicity
for Mount Hooa snouiu ieuiu
tivrut Rir hna never Deen iouna when there was anything to
rvnt mor thn 'tnn. If evervDoay Will
get behind thia climb we can putfajrec
nrrt rrnwa over me IO U in a Bvjrio
coming to Hood Kiver.
Mt. Hood Legion unmo x-mmuiec,
Kent Shoemaker,
Geo. R. Wilbur,
E. W. Van Horn,
K. L. Foust.
Harold Hershner.
Charles Gumm Leaves for China
Charles Gumm. Chinese reetauran-
teur, who has been here for the past
16 years, left Monday ror a visit at
his old home near Canton. He expects
to be absent for about six months.
Charles states that he would make the
trip to see his aged mother who has
been ill and wishes to see him again
before being gathered unto her ances
tors. He also has a wife and children.
Charles began as kitchen boy at the
Mount Hood Hotel. He became head
cook and several years ago leased the
dining room. Now in addition to the
hotel care, he ana an associate, uea
Sing, own another restaurant, the
Hood Kiver Jare.
Lee returned last week; rrom a visit
of nearly a year at his old home in
China. While away ne ej-penenccu
being captured by pirates, wno neia
1 . MnnBAM 11 r.f4 valioviirl him nf a
Dim ior J annum onu -'--"- -
luro-e nortion of his funds accumulated
through years of saving.
Road Work Not Affected
TV,. M.orri Avr thA mid-Columbia
AUG Uin-fi" v
ka. nf sinnnii wnrlr nn thrt now crade
of the North Bank Highway being cut
irom the connuence 01 mo nunc
Salmon and the Columbia rivers toward
Bingen. A steam shovel crew is worn'
.no ..uiiu nn a nnftinn ciT inn prane ue
iuK v... r. ......
ing cut from solid rock or tne imci.-
itat county canyon or tne river, rre
quent charges of dynamite are exploded
to loosen me dkeii. mu kioimic'
H. L. Hasbrouck. optometrist.
Tableau at Riverside
1- Vilrlrnn nf Riverside
iwem;-u. v....-. -----
Commonitj church Saturday night will
. . T.irnirini' inn lujrv.
kivo :-; ,, - r.
"Search by the anepneroa, wct wm
K hv Mrs. L. L. MurPbV. MISS
r J-nkina will reDresent Mary.
the mother of Christ, in a scene in the
atahla of Bethlehem.
The Sunday school classes will sing
snatches of old time hymts as the tab
leaux proceed.
I h l,nrl8imai ceicuranvu "
gin promptly at 7.30 o'clock.
Dee District to Se3 Bonds
tv. n Irriiration District has re
titioned the county court to meet with
the new 1 v formed
organiration on or before January i
naaa Ml maillr f 1 a IV v All I 1 ua.
proceedings and as to the iasuance of
bonds in the sum 01 w,uw, wbico
be ofed in purchssing the system of
the Dee Power & Irrigation Co., which
owned the old system covering the
orchard section.
TTsn a little SURE WHIP in your next
MayonaiBe dressing and note the differ
ence. iy27tf
m t
K. r,n hnv an aiitnmobile vou
should see the new btudebakers at the
Cameron Motor Co. m4tf
Searches of nwrds and reliable ab
stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com
pany, A. W. Onthank, Manager, S05
Oak EtreeL Tbone 1521. iy20-U
Telephone !
Home owners should look
upon their insurance agent
as a specialist in protec
tionready to be con
sulted at any moment.
In this agency
of the
Hartford Fire
Insurance Com
pany you may find
exactly that sort of
service at your
Make a memo now
to telephone
Hood River, Oregon
Site ntauaijcr uf
(grange GJit-oiirratuw Btoxt
joutfl tutilj tlt tltxlw
in ttiuilM0 all tr palrmta a
tappij txxxh JrttSiipntB
The Hood River Machine
Works announces the in
stallation of a Marvel Cylin
der Re-boring Machine.
Let us figure with you on
your cylinder re-boring.
Free inspedlion-satisfadlion
Tel. 3I7J