The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 21, 1922, Image 2

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AfiTHUR U. MOE. PublUher.
Subscription, 82.00 Per Year.
Display advertlHlDK, per inch, 25 cents first
tittM unri 911 MlitM furKamp BdV. HLTHitl.
Uni reading no!ic-, 10 cents per line first
iriKprtlon, ft cents rr line same reaurr anam,
CluHiilflod Ada.-1!5 Ci'uls for one Insertion,
Hues or lens; to cents foreacti additioual Incer.
lion oi same aa.
W hen subscribers desire actianiretn address
Mils orilce aUould be notified promptly, una i
otai-Iz iveUtnt if noKKihlH. aIwhvh eive old ad
tlreMH as well us the new. Also, Hood Klver
stittscnwrs sbonld nmiry lliii ottievo at once
wtmn cbanfflmr their address from one rural
rout to another, or from city delivery to
country delivery, or vice versa, n you uo uui
gel your pmier promptly, notify ns by mail or
tdtepnone ana tne mmutrwin ieiv;uiiiicu
There is not the least doubt of the
extravagance of the people of Oregon
the past several years. City, county
and state went wild in voting up bond
cA indebtedness. When we wanted
highways, new achools, libraries and
what not we went light ahead and
voted the bond or the taxes and built
them. The people themselves placed
tho taxation voke around their own
necks. The' era just passed was one in
which taxes were voted with an en
Now we are just running into an
other era. vVe are swinging the pen
dulum the other way. It is just as
popular now to propose ways and
means of swatting bond issues and
pruning off appropriations to be raised
for taxes as it formerly was to vote
bonds and taxes. But a lot of the
bonded indebtedness will lose its effec
tiveneBS if we fail to maintain the fin
ished product resulting from the ex
penditure of the original fund. In our
seal to be economical, let us go a little
slow. It is as well to go slow in cutting
down expenses as in causing them to
mount. We should at least be temper
ate enoueh not to cut off taxes that
will be needed for the maintenance and
to make effective projects for which
huge sums may have been expended
already. Otherwise our schemes for
economy are reduced twofold to an ab
The availability of three steamers of
the Harkins Transportation Co., in the
opinion of shippers, probably saved
growers of this district a loss in frozen
apples this season. Until the service
was halted by the freeze of a water
system driving hydraulic machinery at
Cascade Locks and the ice in the
Columbia, the river boats had daily
carried cargoes of apples to Portland
terminal docks for export. A total of
125,696 boxes was moved by the water
way. The open river made it possible for
shipping concerns, during the period of
car shortage, to keep their warehouses
open for delivery of apples. Growers
were able to move their, apples from
insecure sheds and packing houses to
the frostproof warehouses and storage
rooms of shippers. Aa a result the
loss in frozen apples heie was negli
gible. The benefits derived from the river
this year should stimulate Hood River
folk to action in joining the Grange
and Mr. Teal in their campaign for
Columbia river improvements.
The county tax budget board will
meet Thursday to set appropriations for
the coming year. Among the items of
expense appears a cum of $4,000 for
the experiment station. The state
pays $5,000 annually.
We have heard to date not. a single
objection to the raising of taxes for
the station. We predict that it will be
adopted with a mere formality next
Thursday. The time has been reached
when Hood River realizes the value of
the experiment station and its admin
istering officials. Mr. Childs and Mr.
Brown have become extremely valu
able to Hood Rivernrcbardists because
of the 10 years of close observation
they have made of local horticultural
conditions. It is fortunate for the val
ley that tLey both have seen fit to
make investments here. The money
spent on their services is an insurance.
The valley could make no better in
vestment. THE BAKERS
TL Glacier welcomes the new bak
ers. They show a spirit that all of us
should greet heartily. It is a spirit
that will win them support in their
business. The local bakers promise to
furnish Hood River housewives with
bread and pastries of a quality that
will sstisfy. They promUe to do this
every d ly. They promise to itll their
product at a reasonable price. In a
word they promise service. They de
rerve the support of Hood River folk.
And we beileve that the baker, if
lhey put into tfTecl their program of
efficiency and service, will soon rote a
steady increase in their business. Hood
River folk will cooperate with home
industry if given a fair opportunity.
Tie Portland Spectator of Saturday
was orie of tho we have ever tten
the Portland weekly itcn jct-t before
the ho'irlaj-s. Its cover illustration, by
Miss Phyllis Muirden, is attractive.
The Christmas nun.ber of the Specta
tor is f.lled from front re to finis
with well written articles on Portland
and Oregon ri.ter prise, industry and
iife in per era!. It cerriea W pages of
Information. Oregcn fr !k sbou'i mix)
it to their eastern friend?.
It is not too late to write a Christ n..s
letter to loved ones, who may 1 far
awty. VVe too often make our letters
as barren of real thought as are the
deert sar ds cf humidity. No Chritt
maj pnsent is more welcome to a
mother than a lorg ktter fnm a child.
Fridav and Saturday, December 22
and 23. Betty Compson in "The Bond
ed Woman," International News, Top
ics of the Day, and Aetop s fables.
Oregon's ereat strides in highw
construction have been due largely
the persistent and unselfish efforts
the State Hichwsy Commission. J.
Yfon. K. A. Booth. W. B. Barratt, a
before them S'mon Benson, all of these
mpn havn criven much of time
effort to the itate of Oregon. As a
ward for their honest endeavors
were charged with misfeasance
cross extravagance by puny news
Ders in the recent gubernatorial cam
oaten. The charges have been proved
false, and it has been shown that these
officials were honest and efficient.
Th mnsr shameful episode of
" I - jij.iu,ihiii ilwBill ., !...!- J 'u- ""j-n'""," 't""b - . ........ . ... "i""
election was this slur cast at the State
Their work in
Highway Commission,
behalf of Orccon has
been bo great
that they
should have state - wide
In the end Astoria will be a finer city
than before thp lire. The new city
of Astoria will be b-iilt right, and some
of its fineness will be interwoven in
the hearts of her citizens, working all
toe-ether in their task of reconstruc
tion. -
It will be a very Merry Christmas
for all the employes of the Hood River
Creamery, for they are looking forward
to an early moving day that will take
them to their new home on Columbia
The old fellows who got out Sunday
and coasted with the kiddies perhaps
were a little sore and stiff the riext
day. Even if they were they felt a lot
younger in spirit.
The Salvation Army carries the
Christmas "Spirit into the dark byways
of life throuehout the year. Give and
let your contribution bear rays of sun
shine throughout the coming year.
The spirit of old John Jacob Astor
must have been pleased with the act of
his descendant. Vincent Astor, who
wired $5,000 for the relief of Astoria.
The Glacier wishes a Merry Christ
mas to all its readers and their friends
and all of its contemporaries and their
readers and friends.
The annual Mount Hood Legion
Climb is getting "kinda" nationalized.
See the recent story in the national
Legion weekly.
Sunday, December 24, Mae McAvoy
in " ine lop or XNew ior. raine
Review and News.
Monday and Tuesday, December 25
and 26, Thomas Meighan in "If Yda
Believe It is So. Felix, the Black
Cat, and another of Pop Tutttle s fa
mous comedies.
Wednesday and Thursday, December
26 and 27, super special attraction,
The Man From Hell's River." "Mir
acles of the Jungles," No. 9, "In the
Hands of the Apes. Century com
edy, "The Fresh Kid."
Coming Special Cecil B. DeMille's
Super Production, "Manslaughter."
Notice to the Public During the in
stallation of a steam heating plant at
the Rialto all shows will be shown at
the Liberty. Watch the papers for
further announcements. We hope to
have the plant installed some time
next week.
Hood River Amusement Co.
War Tax Exemptions
Many organizations entitled to ex
emptions from tax on admissions are
not complying with an important pro-
ision of the revenue law by which
that exemption can be obtained." said
Clyde G. Huntley, collector of internal
revenue, today. In order to secure
this tax exmemption. it is recesary
for the organization desiring the same
to file with this otlice, feveral days in
advance of tho date of the enteitain
inent, an affidavit claiming exemption
nd establishing the right of the bene
ficiary to be relieved from the pay
ment of the tax. "
Failure to make formal application
and receive exemption from payment
f the admission tax in advance of the
ntertainment makes the person or
authority giving the entertainment h-
ble to a penalty of not more than
!fl.000. If this failure is willful, the
offender may be fined $10,000 or im
prisoned for not more than one year, or
Organizations entitled to this ex-
mption upon compliance with the pro-
igion of the revenue law referred to
by Collector Huntley include religious,
charitable and educational societies or
nstitulioi.s, the American Legion, so-
eties for the prevention of cruelty to
hiidren and animals, agricultural fair
associations, and community improve
ment societies, and then only when all
f the p'ocotds of the entertainment
nure to the btntf.t of any one or more
f the organizations enumerated.
New Heating Plant at K'ulto
A new heath, plant at the Rialto
theatre, Manager Kolstad announces,
will te ready U,r opening of the the
atre t ext wt-t-k. Ine new plant will
make it pcstil le to keep the building
cmfortatle in any kind of weather.
Most every di.-tse that bepins to
how, by the howl of pain or the tale
f woe l e it nutmeg liver, or pest-
oute itch, or ueepin' janders I con t
eer w hi.-h, - Vv e can jugulate em be
yond a doubt, bv simply clippin the
t. rfi'.i cut! Ycu mebby have heard of
Mfc'indy Crane, ho was burned with' of. ttr brain. ... So
w hen ife devth ped the craie fer
vers-., we jedged a rt i se would fetch
the hearse . . Iut tiie hxped ith
joy. end hi ll-red fer kraut the min
nit they jerked her tor)ils out!
And ft ccurse you kr.owe-d old
Sandy I.ecc wb ch had the paralysis
in L;a kg.-an' when the old feller
cun.rr.eno-d to t li.t.e seen right off,
it was all in t, s th'okt! And. jut be
fore he iur irtn pout, they cured
him. t v whacfin' t i ton: If out!
The feller t it s fkeered cf a dearth
ofCajs. run (Jjde it by joinin' the
tons. 1 craze . . . He can act down,
an' let 'em rim ct.t bis reck an ret
cp aein - .)- rtw, ty fceek! Lx-charge.
The" Mt. Hood Motor Co., according
tn announcement of H. T. DeWitt. has
taken the agency for the Chevrolet
ThA now Sntierinr model of the car 18
now on display. The company will
an mil v mechanical service and stock a
complete line of parts.
The Radio Shop of Hood River
Wishes You A Merry Christmas
But we suggest that you might
make your household a Christmas pres
ent that would please old and young by
installing a receiving set.
You would then be able to get your
Christmas music and entertainment by
the air from almost any point.
Start your boy out in an inctructive
life with a radio. We have tne parts.
For $25 eoent on these he will be able
to make himself an ideal set. Come
in any time you choose and listen in
with us.
Tel. 1234 ' 308 Cascade Ave.
For Sale-.W acres of laud Iml'oHt Canyon
12U0nrdBof fir and oak wood, i'rlce 130 ler
acre. F, 11. Mil ler, plione 5723. J u
Kor Sale A second hnd wanning machine
and wringer. Tel. 1104. M. L. t.mry. om
Far Hale S"?0 acres ol wheat land. 15 miles
goulh of Council. Wau. M per acre. This
In half Heeded to winter wheat and a leaHO on
adlolniiiir two sectlona may be arranged for,
of whlcli 400 sores 1 weeded. Uood building!)
and flue well. Would couldr Hood Klver
Valley land In exchange. A, W, Beckley, tel.
3343, Hood Klver. d2S
Kor Bale Sidney place near Fir.
C. D. NlckelBeu.
Bnap. Bee
For Bale-Tue Leading Varieties of Apple,
Phh1i. Pear. Plnm and Cheny treeH. one and
two rn. old. F. A. Maasee, tel. Odell 146. d21tf
Beautiful Piano For Bale In the vicinity Of
Hood Klver. at arice saving in price ana on
term aa little as ten dollars month to save
ex pen. MUBt sell quickly, wnievoaayio
C'line Music Co., Astoria Ore. JU
Kor 8le One eood kitchen range and one
new healing stove, new Ivory bedHlead, spring
and inatlrettH, two new Congoleutn rugs, 9x12
and iiilKcellHueoim KiU'iien utensils. Tel. ziui,
evenings between 6:30 and oclock. d21tr
Kor Bale Pure bred Rhode Island Ked bens
and pullets. Pnoue5Ml, d2l
For Hale or Trade A good milch cow.
voting and will freshen soon, ulves ft gals,
when fiecti. Will trade for horse weighing be.
tween 13U0 and 1500. L. K. Huberts, Ud. it. d2H
Kor Hale Hoosier kitchen cabinet, bed,
sprlugs, mattress, oil heater and rocker. 1503
For Hale Pry oak wood, also for sale a fresh
cow. Waiter Wells, phone 4728. J4
For Bale Heveral choice lots at (100 each,
Call Bert Htranatiau, phone 1201. dl4tf .
For Bale One set sled runners for back, In
good condition. (4 00. Phone 577K. d21
For Hale Turkeys, live or dressed.
Fenwick, phone 5504.
Call W.
For Halo Nash touring ca'. 7-passenger,
6 cylinder, 19IU model, good flnlsb, price right.
ii. v. j. meveraropp, ruone itw. aou
For Bale No. 5 Underwood typewriter.
sandard keyboard, latest attachments. Phone
For Hale riano, located 1u the vicinity of
Hood River. Strictly line duality In perfect
condition, large reduction In price and terms
as little as Sio per month, for particulars
write cnue music Co., Astoria, ore. o-u
For Sale or Trade Overland 4, 1W21 Model,
overhauled and In Al condition, new coll,
generator and distributor. New cord tires all
n'ounii, not run MJ miles, can at cuip nan
Btore, KM 4IU Kt. n30lf
Kor Sale- Dressed turkeys. Call Odell 73. n23
For Bale In Hood River. 5-room bouse with
basement, modern, up to date, four lots and
garage, for sale or rent. Call Odell 111. nlOll
Kor Hale Two ranch horses, weight about
lino and Hut); also harness and orchard wagon
Mill sell cheap, or will trade lor wood, j.u
Johnson, tl. 2812. n30
Kor Bale Team of horses, bays weighing
about 2W HI pounds. Call Clias. Havo, mile
south of Oak drove Htore. Tel. n30
Kor Hale Ford track, gasoline wood saw.
f:l0 for botb. Phone i.MU, o2tilf
Kor Hale Lewis' Trapnested Reds. Records
p to 2ti eggs per year; flock aversge, tin.
iickerela, tiW to (7 50 each. Buy now and
save money. Kalpb It, Lewis, phuue Odell VS.
For Bale liarrett District, one sere, ft-room
house, furulshed, out buildings, never falling
wen, modern chK'Ken bouse accomodating
2iW, electricity. Address K. L. Hrstow. 410
N. K. loth 8t., Portland, Ore. Jy27tf
ror naie r ir ana pine ana -it. wood,
delivered anywhere within two miles of Hood
For Hale Good lots for sale In all parts of
thecity, prlfi'S right. A. W. Onlhank A Co. slttl
Bale Hoc and d'AnJon pear trees,
r, phone fx :u i
T. J.
For Hale Ata Hsrgaln a modern resldeuc.
two blocks from center ol bnslne district, 12
rooms. Including four large bedrooms, large
double sitting room, kllchen pantry, Urge
lonet. Dainroom ana enclosed: imicn. iviuip-
ped with furnace and has cuuveuient gnrsge.
Call W. J. Raker. ui.'lll
rill uinnni , ,,niiu n ,.., i,,i-i,v' iriu1 !
six werks Ix-glnnlng January S. Three rooms
iwo ieos, in exclusive m sine aisinci,
mouth. Applv boi K, The Ulacler. din
Kor Kent Furnished apartments. 19 State.
l'hone32l3. d.i
For Rent Or will sell on easy ronnract plan
1 S h.i n ni'xlern honae Including large attic.
Col mi luuor ! x. ah and partly furnished II
so desired. Phone owner eventngs between
S.30 and o'clock. Tel. 2104. d21tf
For Rent Furnished housekeeping rooms.
iyH5 Hherman Ave., phone 2751. dlttf
Kor Rfnt-Hiiblect to sale, house at dot 12th.
BU VV rite W. ti. Alfred, .Merced, Ol. fl
For Rent Rooms close In. wtth or without
meats. 614 Cascade sve., phone 54. Dibit
For Rnt A piano Call Mra. Uo. I!. Mc-
Mulllo. TiiJ. oif
For ltent Furnished room. 8U" Htate streeL
plious l r. 2. c:4
For Rent-Thre wmi furnished for light
houst keeping. 711 Colombia hi. Iiiiif
For Kni Two mrnlshed mnitu and a steep
ing porch with beta aud bath. Mrs. J. hrinng.
ton. 1'bone Si. bli.if
Want-d To hny i (wt of galvanirej Iron
i r pie. S. ' or 1 loch. R,y Main, r hotia
VA snted 1 freh cow. Avalun Farm.
Sherman J Krsuk. I'liow Sm. J:;u
W ant"1 To rot wood by ih cird. ! rr.
ferred. Iie drag ar. Writ A. A. Hlll-
sirom, Hood River, Ore. ji
Wanted A home for rod 'l
tbe.r kp Oils inter, lei. odell 7
T k tm for
B ! If
W ante. To buy your oM mi nltur. iiotis
and f t t h or new g nods ta eirbsnre
A.rrmctio. sJif
x t-Oo Nstnrrtsy mtbt, a ml MHiiw
est. not q a ;te to n rut large ir n s. t r
while n vs. big wtiite spot tindT rh-a in1
mm ol under it of body bile, lei l.'i. ni
tnr tv-m-e t t. lcr.r a Jisw Ret''el
lnrw 1..1 f.nerfMrr ! L I'r-r nn.r fa
fe IniTisa'i-msl Llrl'wk 1. 1 p!' nm l.
mr and lM J ear. l,m-t rTir i
Meadow Krx.k F SJiii, Oak on. ti. .s vi if
Ijn t 1 1 F s de f n IKIn fv.ri
taio'rif Inert tc-a rmr ker si.o visp; J"
of . ari l ti . I r 1r " ar t.. j toi
Retailers of TTS A BITS FA TO?
Everything Xjfl& ITIMXILy ii' JTJX
to Wear
Tho Store
, of Biggest
iaiii.i 1
. We are
CJ prepared tottn
Copyright, 1920, Oregon City Woolen Mills
The kind of Overcoats you will be proud to wear, too!
Jacob's Oregon City Overcoats the ones you've been
reading about m the Saturday tvening rosti
- TKev'ra made of the splendid
all-wool fabrics that havo made
tho Oregon City Woolen Mills
, known from coast to coast.
Snappy new styles belters and
more conservative models. All sizes
for men and young men. Come in
and see them.
1 1 j x..
OVERCOATS Special ?I7.50
Have you seen them? If you haven't, you
should, for this lot contains some wonderful values
in all pure virgin wool Overcoats that just can't be
equalled anywhere. One of these fine Overcoats will
give you service and satisfactory wear. They have
the style, the workmanship and desirable colorings
that will please you. .
This is a special buy that we have just made
and you will miss a genuine Bargain if d1 "7 CA
you pass these up. . Your choice : p 1 1 JU
See Our Window.
A new shipment just in. These are wonderful
values in a good medium weight. The most econom
ical pant you can buy. Either straight leg or lace.
Make your selections now while we have the best run
of sizes.
Oregon City Woolen Shirts for Men
Special values that it will pay you to investigate.
We wish to extend to our many
customers and friends
Phone 1032
Phone 1032
Cash and Carry Grocery
XMAS SPECIALS-Friday and Saturday
One Box 16 oz. Fancy Eating AQi
. Chocolates, each toU
1 Pound Cream Mix Candy..... 25c
2 Pound Cream Mix Candy 28c
We have a big assortment of Xmas
jDandy at Specially Low Prices.
Walnuts, 6 lbs. for , $1.00
Fancy Mixed Nuts, 3 lbs. 50c ; 6 lbs. 95c
One 5 lb. Can Royal Club. Coffee.
5 Big sucks Candy Free
Peanut Butter lb. 20c; 2 lbs. for 35c
Cluster Raisins, per lb 20c
Large Can Sliced Pineapple, 2 cans, 55c
Large Bottle Fancy Catsup, 2 bottles, 45c
Blue Bell Cornflakes, 3 pkgs...... .....25c
This Store wishes all of the Hood River' folk a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We reserve the right not to sell to any merchants.
The Pheasant
Food of the highest qual
ity, tastefully prepared
and served nicely.
Eastern andOlympiaOysters
(Any Style) -
Hot Chicken Tamales
Crab Louis
Clubhouse Sandwich
Chili Con Came
Eaked Apples and Cream
Steaks and Chops
Our Own Pastry
Good Coffee Always
The Pheasant
vt A pnr rontalnlnf tnnnfT Vt near
Hon lay ranch, rinder plraae call ttl hr re
ward. KiirHl !(,..
Wci fitn-Xf R. U Nnrlor H. H. Cntp.
Mr' txxiiM Lao. b-r barrr II Nrlnal.
Tn bnr vur lvm in P"n:an1 w H. P.
A,ln. 11 K f'botif rwidtrocv. Ta
btirO.T'.. yfli, 1bor W"". .ajif
Tl,i U 1o ln'rrn mrrrhrt aoi o!hr that
I mi. i rA W.rcr tw r-po""!? r d.'ta fon
trarr4 t y my .-. Mr iri Miumi. ho
on ShIo'iIkt. I K-r my rd and
buard . i W J U.. J n ti d a f 1 i twr, 1 rtZ,
j J, t- Jaaxauia,
Friday and Saturday Specials
HOW DO YOU DO Wo have just unloaded a very large car
of Fine Navel Oranges, just in time for Xmas and priced in
the usual 20th Century close manner.
LARGE NAVELS, including 12G and 150 sized Oranges, priced
at 38c dozen, 2 doz. for 75c.
GOOD SIZED NAVELS, including 200's, priced at 28c per dozen,
2 dozen for 55c.
Christmas Candy Black or White Figs Lyons' Royal White Cherries
17c to 25c lb. 20c pound 7 ounce bottle 28c
Cranberries, grown in the Camel Dates, Brand Campbells' Tomato
No thvvest, lb. 23c, New Pack, per Soup, per .can
2 lbs. 45c pkg. 15c 10c
WALNUTS-A11 guaranteed 1922 growth-Northwestern Product.
Cracking quality extra good, California Soft Shell, No. 1
Budded Stock, 38c pound Quality, pound 30c
2 lbs. 75c, 5 lbs. $1.85 5 lbs. $1.45
20th CENTURY COFFEE-Just one of the things that make
yonr Xmas Dinner perfect, 33c lb., 2 lbs. 65c.
Sweet Potatoes, very best Olives, Green Spanish Church's Grape Juice
stock, 6 lbs. 25c pt. jars. 29c, qts. 55c pint bottles 28c
Indian Relish, Del Monte Brand Asparagus, Short tips Honey, comb 20c
glass 13c tall cans 25c pint jars 29c
Let's all have a Merry Christmas.