The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 21, 1922, Image 10

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Wm. Gilkerson is home for the holi
days which he will f pend at the home
of his varents.
Margaret Fletcher came heme to
soend the holidays with ber parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fletcher. Wednes.
day, Thursday and Friday flie taught
the grade school as Miss Ruth Young
apent those days in Hood River taking
the teacher's examination.
Margaret Gould is home from 0. A.
C. for the holidays. Her sister, Mrs.
S. J. Lafferty, is also spending the
holidays at Honiewood, the home of
Mr. ar.d Mrs. E. E. Gould.
Martha Ferguson will be here from
V7. U. Friday, for the holidays at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J,
E. Ferguson.
Mrs. L. D. Boyed went to The Dalles
Thursday of last week for a thort visit
at the home of her daughter. Mrs. A.
B. Shelley. She returned home Friday.
Prepare to attend the Red Ciosa
Christmas Ball to be given for support
of the crinrjled children. Remember
the date. Christmas night, and the
the Pvthinn Temple. Hood Riv
er. The true Christmas spirit will
nprvarie this Horiallalffair. Plan to be
there and help the unfortunate kiddies.
Edna Plog, of 0. A. C., is spending
the holiday vacation at the home of
her mother, Mrs. L. Plog.
Miss Fern Gleiser will go to the
v----- - hi
Let us show you the Kodak
happily solve your gift problem.
that will
It's here.
home of her parents at Palouse, Wash.,
for the holiday vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Loyal K. Rhoades are
now at home in their cozy new bunga
low in Middle Valley.
The men's New Year's banquet will
be held soon. Date and particualrs
win appear in next weeK issue.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. next Sun
day. Offering to be given for the
Christmas treat which will be given
members of the Sunday school. At 11
o'clock Christmas sermon by Rev. W.
S. Gleiser. Special music. At 7.30 p.
m., the Christmas pageant, which is
called the "World's Christmas Mail"
will be given. At this time each Sun
day school class will present an offer
ing of food and clothing suitable for
distribution offering for World's Mis
sionary Work. -
A recent wedding in which residents
of Odell are interested was that of
Miss Lela Tompkins and Harold Hail.
Their many friends extend best wishes.
Miss Mary Rogers will spend the
holiday vacation at Toledo, the home
of her parents.
An operetta entitled, "The Miser's
Dream, will be given under direction
of Mrs. C. H. Henney by grades 4, 5,
6, 7 and 8 of the grammar school in the
high school auditorium, Friday, to
morrow, evening, beginning at 7.45
o'clock. Admission 35 cents. Pro
ceeds for benefit of piano fund.
Principal Davis, of the high school.
will spnd the holidays with his family
at walla walla.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wieden, of Port
land, expect to be here Saturday night
to spend Christmas with home folks,
Hood River lost two out 'of three to
Kelly's Olympians Monday. The first
game was lost by extra good bowling
of the Kellys, but the Ian game was
lost through luck of the Kelly's sucb
as has never been teen in the bowling
game. Hood River lost by 10 pins
only, at that, Sherrell, Forry and
Goodwin made the trip and bowled a
good game.
At the same time Zellerbach took
two out of three from Toke Point and
Uncel's Pies did the same to M. A.
A. C.
In the local Mercantile League we
88W some good bowling last Thursday
night. In the standing of the league
the Apple Growers team is leading
with four games, Mount Hood Motor is
in second place and rranz and Kresse
tied for third and fourth places. Zack
Annala bowled a very nice game last
Xhursday, totaling 663; high for this
season and a score which is very hard
to neat.
.'I M l E
For One Week Ending Next Thursday
Will Deliver Any Phonograph in Stock
Phonographs from $65 to $775
Prices of Plain Pianos
$268, $330, $42o, and up.
Nationally Priced!
nranoea i n me mac
ji ii ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 r b -.-.
C I I I I I I I v -
WhHo QumrrSul fcuburfean Community!
MlkJJ Model Mods! Mudci I
7CO 600 495 $395
CORSON, The Music Man
Temporary Location, STATEN BLDG., Twelfth Street
The first all day meeting of the
grange occurred Tuesday. Dinner was
served at noon- A good program fol
iowea. K. b. Hesse, specialist in
marketing and organization at O. A.
C., spoke on cooperative marketing.
Mr. ana Mrs. juunroe gave reports on
their European trip. Officers were
elected as follows: John Mohr, mas
teri F. C. Dethraan, overseer ; J. G.
Jarvis, steward ; A. A. Mohr, assistant
steward; Mrs. Henry Sieverkropp,
lady's assistant steward: chaplain.
Rev. Kaye; secretary, O. P. Yoder;
treasurer, Will Cochran ; gate keeper,
Henry Sieverkropp: court, Mrs. Ed
Wells, Mrs. J. E. Andrews and Mrs. J
M. Taylor ; trustee, W. Fike.
Mrs. J. G. Jarvis has charge of the
next grange social to be held January
6. hhe will prepare an old fashioned
program and will welcome anyone who
will help with musical numbers or rec
The Aloha Club sent two barrels of
jellies and canned fruit to the Alber-
tina Kerr nursery home in Portland
this week. A large package of mixed
nuts were donated by the Fine Grove
Frank Vannier, Helen Brosi and
Helen Hawkes are home from 0. A. C
for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin Johnson spent
the week end in Hood Kiver with Mrs
Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. U.
Prepare to attend the Red Cross
Christmas Ball to be given for support
of the crippled children. Remember
the date, Christmas night, and the
place, the Pythian Temple, Hood
River. Ihe true Christmas spirit will
pervade this social affair. Plan to be
there and help the unfortunate kiddies.
Misses Evelyn and Ida Turney are
expected to arrive from U. of 0. this
week to spend Christmas with their
sister, Mrs. P. B. Laraway.
Mrs. Hans Lage left today for Port
land to spend the holidays.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cain
last week a daughter.
The Christmas entertainment to be
given by the grange the Sunday school
and the school will be held this even
ing at 8 o clock. A Christmas cantata.
directed by Mrs. C. H. Henney will be
given fcy the school children.
The Aloha Club will be entertained
at a .Christmas party next Wednesday
auernoon py Mrs. f. is. Laraway.
Holiday Greetings
An expresiion of Hearty Appreciation to Patrons
and Friend of Holman & Samuel together with
Every Good Wish for their Happiness, Prosperity
and Good Health throughout 1923.
The Best is The
You s-et the BEST
O. C. Hugh.-, Prop.
Thone 4111.
School closed Tuesday for a two
weeks holiday vacation.
Miss Mabel G. Howard left Tuesday
fur her home at Stanwood, Wash., to
spend the Christmas vacation.
Miss Gladys Aubert is taking the
teachers examinations at Hood River
this week.
Antone R. Boettcher left Tuesday to
pend the Christmas vacation at bis
borne at Richland, Wash.
H. C. Wyatt returned home to Salem
Friday after looking after business in
terests here. He expects to return
soon and commence work on a store
Prepare to attend the Red Cross
Christmas Ball to be given for support
of the crippled chlidren. Remember
the date, Christmas night, and the
place, the Pythian Temple, Hood River.
The true Christmas spirit will pervade
idis social art air. Man to be there and
help the unfortunate kiddies.
Miss Fannie Davis was over Satur
day night from Parkdale, the guest of
her cousin, Mits Frances Doggett.
J. D. Smullin and family have moved
to Parkdale lor Che winter.
Cecil Hickey came up from Hood
Kiver Monday.
George Hand froze his feet one day
lasi ween wnne looking arter his traps,
J. B. Doggett and family spent Sun
uav with the lorn Davis family at
tarkdale. 1
The bazaar and dinner held by the
ladies of the community Friday even
ing retted Ms.
Charles Mcllwraith came home from
Reed College Saturday to spend the
holidays with his parents.
Prepare to attend the Red Cros
Christmas Ball to be given for support
of the crippled children. Remember
the date, Christmas night, and the
place, the Pythian Temple.Hood River.
The true Christmas spirit will pervade
tbis social affair. Plan to be there
and help the unfortunate kiddies.
J. Wilkins walked to Hood River and
back one day last week and found
walking rather painful the next day.
Rev. Hutchinson preached to a very
small audience Sunday afternoon, part
ly owing 10 me iaci mar, his coming
was not advertised sufliciently.
M. Craft. W. Austin and Mrs. I
Rhoades have been under the westher
the past week.
Charley Parnea was elected school
director to fill the unexpired term of
W. Arnes, w ho has gon to Portland,
j The school and Sunday school will
give their Christmas program Fridsy
evening under the supervision of Miss
. Kuth Caudy. teacher. Mrs. Louis
I Rhoades will have charge uf the musi
; cal program.
j Ccnalne Fori Parts at Fraaz Co.
) Cvn.plete line cow in stot k ibr icaot
j delivery. J7-21
With over afoot of snow on the
ground and the mercury playing down
around zero, makes the fireside feel
pretty good. In spite of the bad
weather the school bus is making its
regular trios every day.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Duvall accom
panied by Mrs. Hattie Bailey motored
over to Hood River Wednesday after
Fred Templemeir and nephew, Phil
lip were in The Dalies on business last
J. A. Andrews, who has been here
with his daughter, Mrs. R. D. Cbat
field, for the past summer and fall left
luesday for South Pasadena, Calif.
Mrs. John Hads was in Hood River
luesday afternoon.
Quinton Armstrong was in Hood
River Monday.
The new playground apparatus for
the school. "The Kiddv Slide." has
arrived ana win De installed as soon as
the weather will permit, also a Giant
btnde will be put up.
Mr. Frank who'has been confined to
nis Ded with inflammatory rheumatism,
is arjie 10 do up ana around the house,
Mr. Moblev moved his familv to the
Strauss apartments for the winter.
The school is preparing a Christmas
program to be given at the school
house Friday evening. There will be
no picture show that evening, so let
everybody come out and hear the program.
Geo. Chamberlain. Ben Sellinger and
J. Mathisen were visitors in The Dalles
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Brown and small
son went to Portland Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bailey will leave
the hrst or the week for Ulympia,
Wash., to spend Christmas with Mrs.
Hailey's parents. Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Root returned
Wednesday evening from a business
trip in the southern part of the state,
stopping off at Aloha to visit Mr.
Root's brother, George.
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Burton, who
moved to Redmond, Ore., about a year
ago, are moving to Oklahoma to take
charge of a farm belonging to their
son-in-law, M. Ahern.
Born To Mr. and Mrs Ben Veatch
at The Dalles hospital. Saturday. De
cember 16, a son.
Saturday afternoon shoppers in Hood
River were Mrs. Blanchard and son.
Rarrell Allington, Mrs. Ruscher, J. M.
ilson, Claire Bailey, Mrs. Graves and
son, Edward, and daughter, Miss June,
miss nowey ana Mary winans.
The council met Wednesday r.izht to
settle up all bills and get things in
readiness for the new officers to take
their oath at the first meeting in Janu
ary. The new officers are E A. Race,
mayor : A. C. Graves, clerk : W. E.
Chown, treasurer; J. M. Carroll. C. G.
Nichol, James Higley. James Cherry,
L. W. Davidhizar and William Baker,
Al Behren left Saturday afternoon
for Portland.
C. R. Hage. cousin of Chris and Otto
Hage, returned to his home in Napa
vine. Wash., Friday.
Mrs. Thos. Moe went to Portland
Wm. Romero left Saturday for his
home in Redlands, Calif. While here
Mr. Romero was employed in the Car
roll Garage.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herr and babv
left for Portland to do some shopping
ana will visit in balem be for return
Geo. Forrest left Saturday for Port
land after visiting for the past two
months with bis sister, Mrs. Herr.
The dance given by the high school
Saturday night at Highway hall was
well attended and all report a good
John Beldin is confined to his bed
with "a cold.
Florence Evan came home from For
est Grove Friday evening to spend
Christmas. She was accompanied by
her step-sjgters, Miss Mabel Bennett
and Mrs. Esther Frisk and two chil
Miss Alice Shogren came home Sun
day morning from O. A. C
Have you bought a ticket to the min
strel show? Remember the date, De
cember 8. " Tickets 35 enU and 15
Miss Sherrill came down from The
Dalles Saturday and met with the Girl
Reserves in the Y hut. Th weather
not permitting a full attendance, they
report having a good time.
Thos. Moe was a Dalles visitor Tues
Mark A. Mayer came borne from
Portland Saturday evening.
Mrs. Weller and daughter, Frances.
arrived home from Portland Saturday
Ernet Evans and Clyde Root took a
truck load of apples ever to The Dalles
E. W. Davidhizar. Harry and Pete
Wilson attended the Masonic dance
eiven at the Columbia Gorge Hotel
studay evening. Pet Wilson went
to PortalnJ Sunday to be present Tues
day at the operation on Frar.k Wilson's
throat. .
XL Mart's Episcopal Cfesrch
Services will be held Sundav evening
at 4.30 instead of 5 o'clock. A pageant
will be given for the pupils of the
church school. The celebration cf Holy
Communion will be held at 11 a. m.
Chriitrma day (Monday). Rev. C W.
DuBois will officiate.
Missionary. Alliance
Sen ?av sclool a m , 1L C. IVt.,
snpt. Preaching Mrvi.ip, 11 a.rn. Yonrf
lt- l !f"i wrvice. 6 SJ p. m., R- C !n
ml, r.-. Evanelittsc service, T.SOp.
m. 1'ravrr t nev-ry Thnr lfv at
7.30 p m". W. I kirk, I t -r, U-L 3 ' J.
TLe Glackr office carries butter paper
na it mi r ii ii s a .
u. - Incorporated
For Our
371 Stores
Gift Gloves
To Be Enjoyed 1
Selecting Gloves from our displays is
sure to be a successful experience. She
will be pleased and so will you.
Our assortments include the styles
most in demand and the colors most
wanted. Price
Ivory Manicure Sets
In Convenient Roll Cases
Ever welcome and useful gifts. Sets
range in sizes from 5 to 12 implements.
Handsome leather cases with satin or
brocade lining and artistic borders, and
other cases of cloth and leatherette.
49c to $6.90
$13.00 TON
$13.50 to
ROYAL COAL-"Best in the West"
All ROYAL COAL is handled by modern equipment. A truck
or wagon can be loaded with a ton of coal from coal car and
through our GOAL BUNKERS in an average time of five minutes.
This saving of time in handling ROYAL COAL, makes it possible
for us to give you service and also save you from $1.00 to $1.50
per ton on your Coal cost.
Reduce Your Fuel Cost
ansfer Company