The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 14, 1922, Image 2

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Wpmh Stor (Blarfer
AKTHUR D. MOE. Publisher.
Subscription, 82.00 Per Year.
Display advertising, per lnob, 25 cents flrst
ime and 20 cents for Mine adv. again.
Local reading notices, 10 cents per line first
Insertion, 5 cents per line same reader again.
Classified Ads. 25 cents for one insertion, 6
liDes or less; 10 cents for each additional Inser
tion ol saiue ad.
W hen su bscri berg dosi re a change I n add ress
this office should be notified promptly, and a
week before if possible. Always give old ad
dress as well as the new. AIko, Hood Kiver
subscribers should notify Ihinoiflce at once
when changing their address from one rural
route to another, or Irom city delivery to
country delivery, or vice versa. If yon do not
get your paper prompt ly, notify ns by mall or
telephone and the matter will be lu ventilated
Within a year or two wo will be wit
nesdin? the Dassaee through the Hood
River Valley of sightseeing tiusea
loaded with tourists from FoitJend. on
the WAV to the very snowbanks of
Mount Hood. It is likely that buses
will make the loon ttip up the Colum
bia River Highway and back down the
Sandy. The Columbia Stages Corpor
ation has already placed an order for
$180,000 worth of new buses. Mu!tno
man countv has provided funds for
completion of a stretch of the High
way up through Clackamas. In Hood
River county the road is already grad
ed, it will be surfaced before another
winter season, and the forestry unit,
too, will have been completed.
It Is with keen interest that we note
a decision of the Hood River County
Pomona Grange to refuse in the fu
ture to offer to local newspapers copies
of resolutions and other formal records
for publication. This action will result
in mucn curiea treasure, now does
th Grange expect to function in af
fecting public sentiment on matters of
county-wide importance if it permits
no other citizen or set of citizens to
learn of its action through the press?
It seems to us that the Grange is "cut
ting off its no?e to spite its face."
We note that it is charged that news
papers have garbled communications
in the past. It sometimes happens
that newspapers, for lack of space, cut
down lengthy communications. It may
be that The Glacier in the past , has
been guilty of such cutting. It may
be that we have omitted paragraphs
that the authors considered more im
portant than those left for publication.
Grange communications and resolu
tions are usually rather long. Perhaps
they have to be, in order comprehen
sively to convey the meaning intended
We regret that the Grange has seen
fit to function in the future indepen
dently of the newspapers. The organ
ization cannot have the influence it
should have on affairs of the communi
ty without a wide dissemination of its
actions. We know of no better medi
um for this than the newspapers. As
for The Glacier, it gladly offers its col
umns for publication of communica
tions from the Grange. It may be
that some communications may carry
matter that we will not wish to print.
They should not. If they do, we will
not hesitate in informing the Grange
at once. If a communication must be
pruned, we will he glad to have its
authors take this responsibility instead
of ourselves.
The Grange and the Hood River
rewspapersought to act together for
the benefit of Hood River county. No
doubt they will not always agree. The
Glacier reserves the light to disagree
with the Grange or any other organiza
tion. We will not endeavor, however,
to suppress or color the expression of
Grange opinion and will set forth our
own sentiments in our editorial column.
Indeed, when the Grangers comn to
think over this matter of withholding
communications and resolutions, we
believe they will quielky reconsider.
We hope they do for their good as well
as our own.
If some adequate means could be
nrovided for clearing the Highway of
snow and keeping its surface free
from ice we might witness a winter
time traffic as heavy as any of the
spring or tummer months. The Co
lumbia gorge is certainly as beautiful
now as at any reason. If motorists
could see the grandeur of the gorge in
comfort and with a feeling of safety,
we might soon behold winter visitors
e thouFiBnrla.
Astoria has won the admiration of
the citizens of every sister town in
Oregon. Indeed, the nation can point
with pride to this oldest city of Ore
gon. Astorians possess the spirit of
Oregonians and Americans. Such re
buffs as the conflagration of last week
but strengthens them. Astoria has
just one need now. She must blot out i
factional strife, and then her triumph
over disaster will be all the quicker.
Watch the fires. There is much dan
ger of overheating stoves and other
heating apparatus this kind of weath
er, it is not a pleasant time to nave
jour home hum. Be careful and avoid
such a contingency.
Youth doesn't mind this weather at
all. The coasting was never better,
and the frozen surface of Columbia
sloughs offers welcome recreation.
Variety is the spice of life. It al
ways keens our winter weather from
becoming monotonous.
Plenty of snow and moderately low
temperatures mean better apple crops
next year.
Hood River people
With Apples."
should "Say It
Help the Salvation Army.
(From the Oregon Voter.)
Legislation aimed at occupation of
agricultural land by Japanese
Th Pomona Grange is to be congrat
ulated on having brought J. N. Teal
here to deliver his addrees appertaining
to waterwavs development. The Hood
River Traffic Association, Commercial
Club and individual apple shippers
have been made to realize fully the
value of the river this season. But we
have used it only in extreme modera
tion to what should be possible. We
should be able to liabter our apples
direct from local wharves to ocean go
ing steamers at Portland's terminal
docks. All the Inland Empire could
pour its heavy tonnage of farm pro
ducts djwn the river in barges.
The project of development, with its
attendant development of electric en
ergy, is a big one. As Mr. Teal says,
it takes vision to comprehend it. It is
a federal problem in the final analysis.
Even to initiate a plan, the ultimate
realization of which will take many
years, requires the cooperation of all
citizens of alt communities along the
liver, intercommunity cooperation arid
interstate working together. All Hood
River w ill readily join in the campaign
launched by the Pomona Grarge.
We are going to make this corrn ert.
although tomorrow the editor may get
a licking. We want to state a few
simple facta about C. A. Pell, Hood
River's greatest good fellow. Other
towns have their good angt-U of por,r
kiddies and unfortunates. Portland
has its Bill Strandborg, and Hood Riv
er has its Charlie Pell. This ir-n't
meant as flattery but as a simple
statement if fact, Many of the hours
cf Mr. Bell every week cf the year are
spent in helping some unfortunate fel
low teirg. You will find him now de
vising ways and means or making the
Chrifctrr.a holiday Irithter for those
vho may be depress! from various
reasons. He is or.e cf the backers of
the proposed cir.rr. unity .mat
tree and a leader of the Welfare c m
rcitite. Truly, Charlie Bell bus a big h"ft
Joo'girg fr m a favorable ni.tinwr.t,
expressed in many quarters, the ug
reftion as revived ty The Clarier for
the holding cf jury teiona cf circuit
court at the new city hall, is pcpJsr.
It merely awsi't a further crj.Jai, -tion
of si-rtirr.ciit for seme dtfii.ite ac
tion to b liken in the sy of a; f-ral-
jrg to the ray government to r. ctt the
courty court, cut through formal
a ad red tape and ar p,y b reer. tn
public affairs.
land by Japanese is cer
tain to furnixb ftne of the live issues of
the 1923 leKislatjure. The fact that the
Ku Klux Klan, the American Legion,
Governor-elect Pierce and numerous
individual members of the legislature
have all declared in favor of such leg
islation makes it likely that it will be
enacted. In substance, the legislation
would be similar to that already on the
statute hooka of California and Wash
Considerable prestige has been given
the movement by recent court decision
Ihe constitutionality of important pro
visions or the California law has been
upheld by lower courts and is pending
on appeal. Ibis week the United
States Supreme Court ruled that under
the federal naturalization law, Japan
ese could not be classified as members
of the white race or of Afiican de
scent, and hence were ineligible to
citizenship via the naturalization route.
As both the California and Washington
laws, as well as the bills heretofore
considered in Oregon, forbid ownership
or leasing of lands by aliens ineligible
for citzenship, the supreme court has
cleared up one of the principal consti
tutional points involved.
Three times the anti-Japanese land
bill was nearly enacted in Oregon. It
was presented in the legislature twice,
and in each instance the Portland
Chamber of Commerce made such an
impressive showing against it that it
failed cf passage. The first time, it
was killed without coming to a vote in
the house of its origin. The second
time it pBssed the bouse by a large
majority and failed of passage in the
senate by a close margin. One cf the
reasons Senator Banks, of Portland,
was defeated for renomination was be
cause he had the courage to lead the
fight against the bill on the floor of the
fenate. He felt the Portland Chamber
of Commerce was right, and Buffered
the comw-juencea politically, as both
the Ku Klux Klan and the service
men's political organizations were
against him fur this reason.
The third tin e the measure came up
was whin the American Legion spon
sored it as an initiative bill, the Lc
gion tned to obtain enough signatures
to get it on the ballot, but as it em
ployed no paid circulators ita petition
I aued. Juch is the usual fate of peti
t'.ons fionsored by organizations which
ddain to employ the professional sig
nature hounds, there is no question
nut what the measure would have been
enacted by a heavy majority had it
been placed uton the ballot.
In California, the question is a burn
ing lMue, due to tt.e large Japanese
population in that state. Washington
r a fair-sized Japanese colony, so
it is quite a live iscue there, in Ore'
Ron, me Japanese population is to
'trail as to make the prt blem a neglig
ible ore in except in one or two neigh
borhooda. In the Hood River Valley
the Japanese have saved the straw ber
ry c, r tu. rciallv : in fact, have built it
up until carload shipments of straw-
hemes bring a large annual income to
the valley. Yet the presence cf these
Capt. Wilbur admits that the prob
lem is one which should be adjusted by
the federal government, primarily by
treaty negotiation and then with legis
lation, but he has lost patience with
the federal government. Nearly ten
years ago Capt. Wilbur, then a mem
ber of the state senate, prepared a bill
very much along the line of what later
was enacted in Camornia ana wash'
ington, but in deference to represents
tions made in behalf of the Wilson ad
ministration he reluctantly withheld it
What Capt. Wilbur fears is that the
nation at large and the authorities at
Washington will not appreciate until
too late the acuteneHS of the problem
as it presents itself in neighborhoods
invaded by the thrifty, intelligent Jap
anese. Unless the Pacific Coast states
persist in their enactments and en
forcements the situation may drag
along, he fears, until the Japanese
gain such a hold nn those neighbor
hoods that a genuine race problem will
be presented, a problem which might
lead to local conflict and the most sen
ous international consequences, lie
feels he is pursuing the course that is
moat certain to avert the very war
that would be invited were the Japan
ese permitted to strengthen their hold
to the point that mob action would be
taken against them. The fact that
Capt. Wilbur takes such a far-sighted
view of the whole question makes him
formidable protagonist. Most of
those who support this legislation do
so simply from motives for racial an
tipathy and without regard to ultimate
consequences. Usually it is the class
that prates against war which is loud
est in its shouting for legislation which
insults a friendly nation. Such is es
pecially true in this instance, barring
a few thoughtful leaders. The mass
of Oregon people, like those of Cali
fornia and Washington, will support
anti-Japanese land legislation with
that peculiarly savage joy which from
the dawn or time has animated racial
conflict. They give little or no consid
eration to the fact that the Japanese
are a proud and spirited people of high
culture and sensitive honor, who are
no likely to remain pacific under wan
ton insult.
The United States has a treaty- with
Japan which pledges our country to
extend to Japanese nationals the same
treatment accorded to the nationals of
any other country. Whether legisla
tion aimed at Japanese and applying
only to members of the yellow race
will be declared unconstitutional on
the ground of conflict with the exist
ing treaty is a question which as yet
has not" been decided by the U. S. Su
preme Court. Should that court rule
that the treaty has been violated, the
anti laws of the three Pacfiic Coast
states would be mere scraps of paper,
and the entire question left to the
treaty-making powers for adjustment
Revision of the treaty is now pending.
and it is hoped some accommodation
can be reached that will be acceptable
to a friendly nation while protecting
the Pacific Coast states from develop
ment of a racial problem that sooner
or later wlil lead to irritation, mob
violence and war.
The question facing the Oregon Leg
islature this winter is whether it is
advisable for Oregon to place herself
in the company of Washington and Cal
ifornia as states which enact discrim
inatory legislation which cannot be en
forced until treaty rights have been
determined by our own courts and re
adjusted by our own country with a
nation which has the same interest we
have in avoiding irritation, conflict and
war. It is not a light or frivolous
question, and it is to be hoped the Ore
gon legislature will not permit itself
to be stampeded into hasty action.
Retailers of 9 TTh VThWeZ TFT 'A' IT
Evetv. one iriaic? jr.
W V l
The Store
of Biggest
r jv .yii
5, .
.v V-t--: ::: -- K ' ,
::..Vr.V-A.. .W : XSf
1 7 a turn n a ti
1 JS
Copyright 1921 Hart chafTner & Mar
4h f
The wedding of Miss Lela Maude
Tompkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
11. lompkinrf, of Udell, and Jesse
Harold Hail, eon of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hail, of Carson. Wash., oc
curred Thursday afternoon at the study
of Riverside Community church, Rev.
W. H. Boddy officiating. Mr. and Mrs. i
Hail left to spend their honeymoon on
a visit to the home of the bridegroom's
Worthwhile Gifts
For small each outlay. Hoosier Kit
chen Cabinet, White Sewing Maehiue,
Cheney Phonographs, Maytag Washing
Machine, iasy terms ot payment. K.
A. Franz Co. d7-21
Oregon City Make
All Pure Virgih Wool
A gift that will last. We have some
wonderful values in this line.
Ladies' Suits, Coats,
Dresses and Aprons
, Furs, Scarfs and Knitted
Shirt Waists, Blouses, Collars
and Collar Sets
and separate pieces
You'll find a suitable gift for all
at this store.
Bring the children to our Toy
Department if you wish to see
their eyes sparkle, Hundreds of
desirable, instructive, useful and
amusing articles to please the.
young, the middle aged and old.
Dolls, Doll Beds, Doll Buggies,
Teddy Bears and Stuffed Animals
of every kind. Sleds, Wagons,
Coasters, Automobiles, , Erector
Sets, Tinker Toys, Game Boards,
Games, Stationery, Trains, Steam
Engines, Toy Dishes, Dining
Sets, Chairs, Rockers, Mechani
cal Toys, Ranges and hundreds
of other things that will bring
joy and gladness to the children.
Such gifts as he would choose
for himself.
You can't go wrong with a gift
of slippers whether it be for
father, brother, mother or sister.
Men's Slippers with leather or
padded soles, with felt or leather
Boys' Felt 'Slippers with pad
ded soles. A joy to every boy.
Women's Slippers. ribbon
trimmed, with soft padded soles;
Colors rose, brown, light and dark
blue, cafe and orchid.
Children's slippers r i b b o n
trimmed with soft padded soles,
warm comfortable and pretty.
A hand bag carefully selected
will prove a most acceptable gift.
It would be difficult to choose anv
article that would be more use
ful. We have a wonderful show
ing in leather, beaded and velvet
styles. High class merchandise
at lowest-in-the-city prices.
Stamped Pieces
Of every description in our Art
Department. Infants' Coats,
Dresses and Hoods, and him.
dreds of other articles.
" One of the finest assortments
ever brought -to the city. Shirts
of Imported Broadcloth a most
beautiful shirt at a reasonable
price. Pongee silk, silk stripes,
Bedford cord, woven Madras and
Percale, some with collars at
tached, others with collars, of
same material, and some wth
band collars.
We also have a splendid line
of Oregon Flannel Shirts. Shirts
that are made right: keep you
warm; neat.
TIES of every description.
lustrous crochet weaves in two
and three tone and heather cross
stripes. Beautiful patterns.
initial, in neat boxes or separate.
SPORT COATS-Thermo and
Tom Wye Knitted Sport Coats
are ideal for gifts. We have a
splendid lot in all sizes. '
We are showing a wonderful
line in All Silk, Silk and Wool,
and Wool and Lisle Hosiery for
Ladies. Gifts that make most
appropriate and appreciated
for Ladies and Children
A new shipment just in. A
more appreciated gift would be
hard to find.
Make this Store your headquarters, you are always welcomR
For Sale Barrett DiBtrlot. one acre. B room
hoiixe, funilwhed, out tmildlngx, never fallini?
wen, modern ctilcKen noune acooiiioiinttn
am, eHotriolty. Addresn K. L. Durstow. 4lu
n. is. itiin su, fortiHud, ore. j.vanr
Genuine Ford Parts at Franz Co.
For KHleFtr and nine 16-1n. ml 4-ft. wood.
delivered anywhere within two lullea or Hood
tuver. K. IteRUrexard.. tel. Udell auu. nillltf
Complete line
stant delivery.
now in
stock lor ln-
for Hale Irv onk wood, nlso for sulei
cow. Walter Wei la, ptioue 4723.
For Kale Heveral choice lota at ilinl earh.
Call Htrl Htranahan, phone 121. dlltf
For Hale Good lota for sale In all parts of
the city, price right. A. W. Onloauk A Co. alltl
For Sale Boc and d' Ad ton Dear trees. T. J.
Miller, pboue 5t33. nSUlf
For Hale Ata lUrealn s modern residence.
two blocka from center of bUHlnexg dint riot, 12
rooms, including four iarce oedrooniH. larae
double alltlna" room, kitchen pantry, lame
closets, bathroom and enclosed porcb. Eqnlp-
peo with nirnaceana uaa couvenieul enrrnce.
uan w.J. (saner.
For H1e-1 5-year old mare. 1 milch cow. 1
nruer, rresn anon, 1 ran. a nioa. old. 1 H-iuoa.
old pla, flul'lymoth Kock chickens, 1 turkey
lieu, 1 Hharple tubular cream separator and
ouier articles, u. II. Kllnger, Methodist Jjine,
KUlllfl 4. 014
For Rent Furnished
81S Htate SU
housekeeping rooms,
For Sale One et sled runners for back. In
gooa conaiuon. ft.uu. rhoue&TTD. dl
For Kent Furnished honsekeeDine rooms.
1115 Sherman Ave., phone 27al. dl4tf
For Hale Tnrk evs. live or dressed
Fenwlck, phone Sfn.l.
Call W
For Kale Nssh tourlnir ra'
" rj iinurr, iviv nioaei, kimmi nnlsli, price nht
11. r. j. oitveraroop, ruone ofir
Fo Hale No. 5 l nderwood typewriter
saiulard keyboard, latest attach menu, l'houe
industrious Japanese hat alarmed mt
of the vaiiey ref iJenti ith the dread
that unlets chtrcked tht Japanese will
Uke the r.tire valley, i !e orchards
and al. Ca L George 1L Wiilur. cf
Hcd Kiver. a t ii retr in arti-Ja: arise
lar agitation, haa been ejected head
of tie Afiiericai LeeSon in Oren.
While he is a th upttful and reason
able mart cf fire intellect, bth moral
rurrxfe and cor.Mrvative inatinct, his
rcriTirticr.i on this fubjct are rrmund
ed in jetri of etwiy of the bole i r h
km in a broad s at ell at in its lo-
' fl a? 1 i. cation, 11 elevation to the
! Kt4 tn I I -. m A t. . t
Ul I a real one that ca.- rot te
'quittlj I cried.
For Rent Modern bouse wild earaire. one
oi on 1 in ner rosa. writ Mrs John
tvaney.x'.' B. Ulh al., Portland, Or. dll
Fornale 1 hree-inch Mitchell waeon with
- t new tires, new boxing and skeins; aiso
n hi fiHi ueavy worn nsrnnwi romplete.
r. a. 1 irang, tua. R, puone ul'A'. di
ror iwie ab Allen touting car, new tires all
artmno. .n-or in ird eomlition. cheap.
tan Oitell .AI or write S--ott Maeklin, ihxui
mver, ria. i. al
roraie w acres , mile from itia town of
noon rviver on iituy; tkeiaeen 2. ml and
,! rro or nr mm onk w,-t Price fi it
wrma. r. M. Miles. fai Mckar Bid-.. Port-
iaua, ure piioue Kroadway an
forJ-sle-Piano. located In the vlclnitv f
tioo.i Kiver. hincily flue uual tv In i-if.T!
eoiiciiiion, isrite reduction la price and terms
as litt! as f;o per month, for particaiars i line music IX., Astoria, Ore, d.l
fr ! or TradrOverland 4. l.rll Model
ovewisutea ana In Al condition, new coll,
generator and d I'trlhuior. .New cord tires all
a-ouna noi ruu w miles. Vmik at Cuin I'liin, ifi itu . n:Mf
ror Kiie Ireed Inrkeys. (all tklell 71. to
rof !aie in tloifl lilvr ..r.w.m hnnwitt,
t.meiii, tinMlern. op to dale, four kts arid
Hn.-r.lnrMirorrftil. ail iMeil lit.
Forhsle To ranch lioro-a. wetet t almit
"' ii; also tinnier and otctiarl wfin
Hi arfi cheap. r win tru.-iA 1. .. k. i 1
"'tu.'U, ll.
F,ir v'e Team of bor, ri w'erinr
' I't' t. u Tail ( mi. v.
ouih .it Oak (.trove More. Tel. ' 1,11
f or H.te-f oil trock. a (aaotine Wood uw
.) for b.n. I hone 4 j, oif
H'-e I ' Trapnestr-d Kd. Kmi. Ii
up to 2" evr r year; flfirk ntf.f, s
1 -s-aer.,., I. vi to r W each. Huv now and
save tiioiii) . ki , h a. le la, ptiue txieii -s
: , o; n
' or Sale a 1 , t m tiepohiic trnek la cood
rnin.iif .f c-.n j 1. 1 with at -pie rack, or
w;. tk a s 1 to. car as psrt pav.
I baa. ririirk, Lj le, V ayU... P. O. tool i.i. l.4
For Kent Hmall nnfurnlshed bnnealow.
sullable for two persona. 1U Hull Ht, Can be
seen afteruoona only. d!4
For Kent Huhject to sale, house at 604 12th.
St. W rite W. O. Alfred, Merced, cal. fl
For Rent Rooms close in, with or without
meals. 614 Cascade ave., phone 3t54. nlutf
A message of Good Cheer to all Food Buyers. The 20th Century
is better equipped this Holiday Season than ever before to pro
vide Best Food Stuffs at Better Prices.
Saturday and Monday Specials
For Rent A
piano. Call Mrs. (ieo.
II. Mc-oXtt
For Rent Furnished room,
phone l,;;i.
05 Htate street,
For Rent-Three rooms furnished
housekeeping. Til Columbia HI.
for Until I
For Rent Two famished rooms and a sleep
ing porch with heat and bath. Mrs. J. F-ditlne-
ioii. l none 37S. nititr
w anted By January, a 4 or ( room house.
nnfurnlshed. Call for D. It. Keeder at phone
mi. an
Wanted To rut wrl by the cord, l-in. pn
rred. Have drsar saw. Write A. A. Mil
strom, HihmI River. Ore. j4
Wanted A home for eood work
their keep thla winter. TeLtKleli V7.
team for
Wanted Wood ticut hv contract. I bave
the Yxt-l equipment in ihe valley. Write and
I will rail. Lewis H. Knapp, Koula 3, Hoi
l.Va, Hood River, Ore. ulClf
Wanted To bar ronrnsed ruinlture. stove
and mifs. Cash or new souds to exchantte
F A. Frans Co. a-i'if
lwt-(n Hatnrdar nteht. a male Ma'tese
rsi. not quite a mn bul iarce for Its see, three
while pas. btr white stst under chin and
most ol under part cf body while, Tel n !
New Pack Shrimp White Figs
w" . iw. uc lz oz. jars
Sterling Strawberry or Raspberry Preserves, 13 oz. jar, 29c
Plain Sugar Mixed, lb. 18c
5 lbs. 85c
Canned Milk, any
sort, 10c
Royal Baking Powder
large can 40c
20th CENTURY COFFEE-A little fmsW-A i;tti Wfn.A
little cheaper That's the story. Pound 32c.
Currants, New Pack Fancy Black Figs Raisins, bulk seedless
twice cleaned, 22' pound 20c pound 15c
n0, n Waj?ut3i New Filberts, Soft Shell Almonds and
Brazils. Our own 20th Century Mixture, pound 25c.
Calif oia Soft Shell Valnuts Asparagus Tips Large White Asparagus, tall
lb. 3oc, 5 lbs. $1.60 tall cans 25c cans, Del Monte Brand, 38c
White Mountain or Fletchers'
Broken Mixed, lb. 20c
5 lbs. 95c
Grated Pineapple, No.
cans, 10c
Table Raisins
pkg. 25c
Oest's Orange Marmalade
12 oz. lars 22c
Extra Creams, lb. 25
- 5 lbs. $1.20
Cube or Pulverized Sugar
pound 10c
Pure Honey, pint
jars, 29c
Preferred Stock Tomatoes, Solid Pack
and Vine Ripened, 2 cans 35c
Fancy Dry Onions, sack $1.85
Patent Flour, 49 lb. sack, $1.89
Standard Corn, Beans. Peas or Toma
toes, quality good, 2 cans 25c
Sweet Potatoes, 6 pounds 21c
For Service "Cblcona Jan" Retir'd
Fnre Bred Ur.erpsev bu.l. Itit winner Pa-
tfle International Livestock Fipostiion this
fit T . n . 1 lust iMr I rar.rvk hl
iriradow Brook F arm. Oak tjrove, tel. &... tf
Ixwt Tfrtofe-she!l vciaaea. Finder r':
leave al UiacieT ct?ic. dll
1-01 A pneae cntain'T f monev (.! neju
audsy rsncn. Finder piw-nw rail t'.Jl Hr re-
ard. F.iwood Hoke. dtl
Wood g)n R. !. -elc.r H. H. Cn n
li!e;tiod.n Lane, ,.e. r liam tt tNchool. da
To bov vr.or hom tu Portland, see H F
len li. He.mont taj. I'booe reaidence Ta.
CANE SUGAR-12 pounds for $1.00, Limit one lot to
a customer
bur Mrs. Uffioe, Tator tr. a.? f