I?:' lifted HOOD 1UVER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1922 VOL. xxxiv No. 20 if IV-8I i i VICTROLA AND RECORDS Kodaks and Cases - Symphony Lawn Stationery ! Johnston & Liggett's Chocolates ' Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens , Eversharp Gold and Silver Pencils - Cigars in Xmas Packages Pyralin Ivory, Purses, Candles, Manicure and Toilet Sets Complete Line of Chriftmas Cards and Folders We carry only Standard and Quality Merchandise ESSE DRUG C Store o AID IS ASKED FROM J. N. TEAL BETTER DOCK FACILITIES WANTED Prominent Exponent of Water Develop ment Here to Address Members' of Pomona Grange THE BUSINESS OF SHOPPING sometimes Just" as tiring as any other business. jz? We want to remind the ladies of Hood .River ot the room provided for their comfort and convenience In the First National Bank. j& Break the strain of the next shopping trip ; with a short rest In this comfortably furnished I quiet room. Remember too,1 that whenever we can assist you with your financial problems, i the courtesy and special attention of our ; officers is at your service. infill ns The First National Bank HOOD RIVER, OREGON y i J Include Yonr Savings In Your Budget Here's something worth thinking about. We are coming up to the first of another year when we all like to turn over a new leaf and forget a lot of mistakes; which is a very proper proceed ure provided we profit by those mistakes. The value of the Budget System in both public and private life is fast receiving the recognition it deserves, and "SPEND WISELY" is a slogan of merit. A 1923 Budget built on "SPEND WISELY" lines should include an item of SAVING. All you need to do is to make up your mind how much you . are determined to save each month, then tell us to charge that amount against your checking account, on a given d,, teach month, and enter it as a deposit in your savings account. ""T The Plan is Perfectly Simple and Simply Perfect 1 BUTLER BANKING COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System This is our fourth season handling KING COAL exclusively and each year has shown a large increase in tonnage. This verdict of the public that highest quality coal is cheapest, is the foundation of our coal business, KING COAL is not cheaper per ton but it IS CHEAPEST PER UNIT OF HEAT. Ll 3 EMRY LUMBER & FUEL CO. -EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING" Phone 2181 Fourth and Cascade I'm Thankful ! 2 4-HOUR SERVICE Shay's SERVICE Shop AT THE FASHION STABLES Shop 1211 Res. 3-1 We ought to know what men like-and we do. Vw ? N ST? ft ..wrr&r 9 mm r v a i I Ladies, It's safe to say that we see four-fifths of the men on your shopping list at least twice a month. We know what he likes-even down to his hose. And if the truth were known, he is secretly thanking us right now for urging you to come here for Christmas gifts. Tomorrow we open another golden opportunity of eight hours. See the windows. Ladies' Hose Men's Slippers Ties-Everything New. J. G. VOGT The Hood River Machine Works announces the in stallation of a Marvel Cylin der Re-boring Machine. Let us figure with you on your cylinder re-boring. Free inspection-satisfacftion guaranteed. HOOD RIVER MACHINE WKS. UNGER & LENZ, Props. Tel. 3173 flood River folk have asked the aid of J. N. Teal, for years one of the Northwest's most ardent promoters of weteiway transportation, in develop ing more adequate facilities for hand ling apple freight from here to Fort land. Mr. Teal, who Wednesday of last week addressed the county Pomona Grange, held a conferenco with apple shippers. It was shown to Mr. Teal while here that an average of 5,000 boxes of ap ples per day for the past several weeks has been moving down over the river. Local apple shippers, however, in or der to avail themselves of this service, were compelled to join with river boat lines and employ a dredge to open a ehannel from mid-stream to the local dock sites. The meeting was reported as follows by Mrs. J. K. Forden : Library hall was filled to capacity to hear J. N. Teal on "Transportation and Waterways." Mr. Teal told that there was great activity on the Colum bia liver during the 80s and early 90s when the railroads were less in evi dence. At the present time, large car goes of freight could be carried on the liver because time is not a ptimary element as in travel. He compared the Columbia and Rhine livers and showed that the com mercial development of Germany has been largely due to the improvement and intelligent use of its rivers as car riers. Sault Ste. Marie canal on the Great Lakes with the St. Lawrence makes a waterway which carries the greatest tonnage in the world. In 1920 79,000,000 tons went by this route and 8.000,000 tons via the Panama canal. The rate is 1.33 mills on heavy freight while other liver rates on all freight is 11J mills. The success of the steel industry is a direct result of this cheap transportation. Swift currents make the up-stream trip too expensive even for empty boat. If the Cascade Locks were building now the heavy current below woud be eliminated. Canalization by means of dams, 20 or 30 miles apart, create rerervoirs for irrigation. 'Elec tric power could be developed which in turn wnud pump the water on the Ixnd. This cheap power would save millions annually in running trains and would change the current of life on our farms and in our homes. The city of Seattle has developed the Skagit river at great expense, for power purposes. The St. Lawrence was developed chiefly for power but for navigation as well. ' A desert of 670,000 acres lies along the' Columbia from Celilo to Priest Kaprns. Ine" fcftiott - rodvoa jack rabbits, coyotes and sage brush. Fifty years from now people will wonder why we allowed this land to remain a desert and the great river to flow idly tu the sea. The federal government is bound to develop navigation, the state wants its land irrigated, and the peo ple want cheaper power than they are getting now. Fifteen thousand people now live and produce wealth in the Yakima country because of irrigation and power development. It is not overproduction but wrong methods of distribution, expensive transportation and burdensome taxes that are the cause of the present un happy plight of the farmer. If we are overproducing we should be driving people from Oregon instead of attract ing them here. The freight rate on wheat shipments from Lewistcn to Portland has in creased 41 per cent since 1913. River transportation to Portland, shipment from there through the Panama canal to Atlantic seaboard and Europe would be of great advantage. Three years ago no apples were shipped through the canal. This year over a million boxes will pass through it. Hood River has the waterway but a closed gateway because of no wharfage facilities. We were reminded that it is easy to allow our rights and privileges to be taken from us. In answer to a ques tion about the price of power, Mr. Teal said that he did not advocate turning water power over to private interests. Our Northwest cities ought ti.have cheap power because of their situation. As a nation we cannot com pete with other nations having cheaper electric power. The great Columbia river basin, ly ing in three states with marvelous pos sibilities for navigation, irrigation and power gives us a hgh motive for en deavor. "Where there is no vision the people perish." We may work, not for ourselves alone, but for future gen erations. TWO ORGANIZATIONS PLAN AMALGAMATION vice president. The financial report of Secretary Crew showed that the club now needed an approximate $625 to pay bills for the rent of quarters and miscellaneous hills. Over $900 of delinquent dues is outstanding. Retiring President Olmsted, who was given a rising vote of thanks by the club members, gave a report show ing that the organization had func tioned in many matters of civic and public importance the past year. One of the most important of its actions was participation with fruit shipping or ganizations in raising funds to secure a dredgefor opening a channel from the mid-stream of the Columbia to lo cal docks, in order that the river might be used to relieve the car shortage tit uation. Retiring members of the club direc torate were t. n. Bfackman, Dr. J. D. Guttcry and AI W. Peters. Hold over members are Leroy Childa, Geo. R. Wilbur, R. J. Mclsaac and F. A. Olmsted. I. R. Acheson and Floyd Arnold were appointed as an auditing commit tee to check over the club's books. Addresses on the impoitance of a traffics department for the Commercial Club were made by P. F. Clark, presi dent of the local traffic association, and C. Leland Smith, manager of the organization. Mr. Clark cited the im portance of such a body in collecting claims and in securing a fair allotment of refrigerator cars. He declared that local growers would lose hundreds of thousands of dollars this season as a result of the car shortage. California, he declared, bad received more than a just portion of "reefers." The club was addressed by J. A. Kroll, new owner of the Hood River Bakery, and W. A. Osburn and W. G. Carlson, who recently purchased the Bradley Bakery. The men asked the cooperation of the commercial organis ation in meeting competition of Port land bakeries. It was estimated that Hood River spends over $60,000 yearly for bread in Portland. It was sug gested that motor trucks delivering bread over the Columbia River High way be taxed by ritv ordinance. Club members pledged their support to the home bakeries, urging the owners to turnout quality products consistently and thus win popularity with the housewives. . Leslie Butler announced that he had received a letter from the Portland Welfare Committee, asking for gifts of apples from local growers to be used as gifts for poor children in Port land. It was suggested that such gifts could he handled through the Hood River Traffic Association, which has agreed to handle the gift (f a carload of apples for the children of Astoria. ASTORIANS TO GETAPPLES HOOD RIVER TO FORWARD CARLOAD Growers to Contribute Fruit for Kiddies' Christmas Business Folk Will Paj Freight Charges STONE TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA MEET A. W. Stone was designated Satur day by the Hood River Traffic Associa tion to represent Hood Kiver Valley at a conference of Northwestern applets fbipperi and deciJuoijs awd ritrus ship ners of California to he htM f.t Parra- Imento, Calif., the Rtu asi month.. The California meeting of fruit shipping interests will be' a fea ture of the annual meeting of the State Fruitgrowers and Fatmers. The need of reforms in transporta tion will be the chief topic of discus sion at the California meeting, Jt is said. COLUMBIA GORGE HOTEL WILL CLOSE Plans are under way for the rehabil itation of the Hood River Commercial Club and its amalgamation with the recently organized Hood River Traffic Association. It is proposed that the manager of the traffic association, which represents practically all of the apple tonnage of the valley, be also the executive secretary of the commer cial organization. Some weeks ago, according to a re port made Monday night by Truman Butler, member of a committer of 10 appointed to devise means for provid ing a paid secretary for the orgniza tion the coming year, this committee became active. It bas since held a number of meetings and has made an inve? tigation of secretarial material. The traffic organization came into be ing after the original commercial plans were originated, and Mr. Cutler de clared that he considered the new plans of combining the work of the t o crzanizations particularly fortun ste. Ihe final adjustments of plans are being worked out by a committee romp-fed cf C. H. Castner and Walter R. Wo; lpert. rf the traffic association, ad F S Kelly and E. O. Blanc-har, of the cinh. At .Mcrdsy night's meeting of the lub new directors were elected as fol-I'-jrt: F. S. Kelly, O. C Hughes and C H. Castiier. Leroy Child, retiring vice president, was elected rreBident for tb er.iuirg year, and F. S. Kelly, The Colombia Gorge Hotel will close for the winter season tomorrow. The last social affair of the year at the tourist hostelry will be a dance by the Masonic lode tcnight. The hotel will reopen around April 15 or May 1 next spring, it was announced. The hotel had a liberal patronage throughout the summer and fall months. Snow on the Highway and winter weather, however, have cut travel to a minimum and the guest list bas been negligible for some weeks. : FIRE ON THURSDAY DESTROYS ASTORIA No Oregon catastrophe has ever so touched Hood River as the Astoria fire, first news of which was received at daybreak Friday by families owning interests at the Clatsop capital. Over 20 local families have relatives in As toria and the local long distance oper ator was kept busy seeking connec tions with points from which authentic information could be secured. This city stands ready to aid Astoria in every way possible. Mayor Scobee Friday night wired Mayor Bremner as follows: "Personally and on behalf of the people cf Hood River 1 wish to extend sincere sympathy over the misfortune that has befallen your fair city. Please know that Hood River is ready to re spond to any call for aid that you may need in this hour of distress." Earlier in the day State Commander Wilbur, of the American Legion, rec ommended to the executive committee that the body spare no expense in aid ing the stricken city. Dr. 1. L. Mur phy, chairman of the local Red Cross Chapter, said Friday night that the chapter awaited instructions from state headquarters. The local chap ter, be said, would respond immediate ly to any call made. Mayor Scoree Tuesday received from Mayer Bremner. of Astoria, a letter of appreciation ofiHood River's olTer of help. "I w ish to t'.ank vou on behalf cf the people of Astoria,' wrote Mayor Bremner. "I am turning over your offer of aid to the relief committee, and they will chI! on you for whatever need may aiise." K. P. BAND BALL ON JANUARY 1 The Krithts of Pyth'as Band will hold its annual ball on New Year's night. Members of the organisation are plainirg to make the occasion a gala one. Tre big Pythian Temple will be attractively decorated, and the New Year i'i be welcomed with a number cf novel sturts, artordirgto L. F. Biazesu, the manager of the band. Judge Hasbrouck Monday wirad the de facto government that apple grow ers of Hood River county wished to present the kiddies cf Astoria with a carload of apples as a Christmas gift. The apples will be forwarded as As toria directs. The apples will bo assembled from growers through the newly organized Hood River Traffic Association, with which is affiliated every cooperative and independent shipping concern of the valley. Citizens of the city will bear the freight charge on the gift apples. "If weather conditions would per mit," said Judge Hasbrouck, "we would also offer a carload of Upper Valley potatoes. Because of the deep snow, however, it would be imposible now to transport the tubers to loading stations." MRS CASTNERTALKS TO LUNCH CLUB Mrs. Chas. II. Castner, worthy grand matron of the grand chapter of the Oregon Order of the Eastern Star, in an interesting address to the Hood River Lunch Club Tueay, told of her recent visit to Washington, where she participated in the triennial interna tionaljconvention of the Eastern Star. The Oregon delegation traveled east in a private Pullman car. Mr. Castner presented the delegates with a box of Hood River's best Delicious apples. At Ontario, the husband of a delegate presented eight China pheasants, which formed the piece de resistance of a dinner. The Oregonians stopped at Denver, and there, Mrs, Ca?tner said, they had their first oppottunity of seeing worn en smoking in public dining rooms. This sight was seen more frequently as the party progressed further east. Mrs. Catner declared that no Amer ican citizen could visit or remain in Washington without a feeling of rever ence, the convention, she stated, was held in the great Scottish Rite Cathed ral there. It was the first time women had ever been allowed to enter the building. Presentation of the flags of different nations, and the playing of the national anthems, she said, was an interesting feature of the session. Mrs. Castner with the Eastern Star delegates visited the great amphithe atre at the tomb of America a Un known Soldier. This white marble construction with its hue simple slab, beneath whih the unknown soldier sleeps, she declared very impressive. . furs.'- Cititner expressed an apprecia tion for tho c.iurtesies shown the Ore gon delgation by j. D. Adam, secre tary of Senator b'cartield. "1 was interested," said Mrs. Cast ner, "in noting Yakima Delicious ap ples offered for sale by push cart ped dlers on Pennsylvania avenue. They charged 25 cents for two of the apples. That seems like a very heavy pricfl in view of the prices that growers are re ceiving. We also had to pay 15 cents each for copies of Portland newspa pers." Mrs. Custner slated that the election of officers of the international fra ternal body and the business of the final day made her think of stories she had heard cf final sessions of the legis lature. "The clock wa". turned back many hours for us," she said, "and at 6 o'clock the next morning men and women delegates of the convention might have been seen at Chillis' res taurants eating their breakfast in their evening clothes. "1 was glad to make this visit to Washington and represent Oregon at the great convention. But I was glad to return, thinking more of Oregon and Hood River than ever before." IS LEGION HEAD Officers of the Hood River Post, American Legion, were elected for the ensuing year last week as follows: E. Banks Mortimer, commander; Berke ley H. Snow, vice-commamW ; W. Ray Lee, adjutant; George Mellon, finance officer; Don Metzgus, chaplain; Dr. H. D. W. Pineo. historian, and Dr. V. Ii. Abraham and C. M. Hurlburt, members of the executive committee. The post at its meeting observed American Education Week. An ad dress was delivered by City School Superintendent A. M. Cannon, urging the legionnaires to take a greater in terest in the primary public school. Geo. R. Wilbur, commander of the Oregon Department, recounted briefly incidents of the national convention at New Orleans. RIVERSIDE MEN TO SERVE DINNER The annual meetirg of Riverside Community church will be he! 1 tomor row riiK'ht when the men of the cor.gre pntion will serve a dinner. The meal will be j-rc psred and served entirely bv rren. F. L. Skir.rer. with a corps of under Cfxiks, will be head chef de cuisir.e. C A. Reed is in charge of general rreparatkins. I. R. Achefon will be head waiter, and Tn;rr,sn But ler ha" been desigrc-d cs chief carver. ; Follow irg the re I as t a'l church offic ers and two members t f the board of trustees will be elected. F.et'.r'.rg members of the bra'd are: Ceo. M. Callaway and Truman Cutler. Music! numbers and vocal soU t will be ten- derel. Ernest C .mith will deliver an address aid Mr. Bodiy will sum cd the work cf the past year and outline plans for the future. Oscar Carl-on. veteran employ cf the stxte tih hMcherv at Ikrrevihe, was killed last Friday rv'ght while er escred in rletrirg a roof. He came ia contact with a fcvh vo!tce iectr; wire and was electrocuted i:.itart'.y. ii i - ill II r J