The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 07, 1922, Image 9

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'i i n m in II M m in h ,1 h.
All winter hats half price. Monner's.
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing.
Meyer & Brazeau. ol'Jtl
Films developed and printed prompt
ly. A 4-hour aervice. Deitz Studio, tf
For SpirellaCorseta Mrs.Fred Howe
013 cascade Avenue. Tel. 2464. j21tf
A jolly times social will be held at
ABDury M. hi. church tomorrow night.
District Attorney Baker hns Tennv
ered from a painful attack of lumbago,
ITT r i .
. r. onannon ana lumny were
aown irom uee Saturday shopping,
J. R. Edgar was here from Dee Sat
urday on business and shopping.
J. M. Culbertson was a business vis
nor in Portland last week.
n Judge Derby was in Portland and
aaiem last week on business.
vy. h. Mcuain was a business visit
or in rortland luesday.
T) . I I , ...
uciure you uuy an automobile you
should see the new Studebaker at the
uameron Motor (Jo. m4tf
Highest caah price paid lor your used
furniture, stoves and ruga. Call McClain
at E. A. Franz Co. s20tf
II. S. Braakman does painting, paper
ing and decorating. Smith Bldg. l'lione
U4. ro2tf
For dry box wood phone Emry Lum
ber&tnelCo. Juat right for kindling
ana quicK nres. ol2tf
Special prices on Utah King Coal di
rect from the car. Phone 2181. Emry
iumoer ana iuei uo. sltf
Come in and see the new Buick 1923
models. Sixes, $1425; Fours, $1075
Hood River Garage.
Hal Wittenberg was in Portland last
ween visiting his old tillicum, E. A
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Davenport left
, last weeK ior Decatur, ill., to spend
tne winter with relatives and friends.
Walter Walters has purchased i
Hudson coach from the Mount Hood
Motor Co.
Chas. S. Bowe was down from the
Upper Valley the latter part of last
week on business and visiting friends.
The Catholic ladies will hold a ba
Mar and serve lunch at the Franz store
Saturday, December 16.
Highest Quality coal is cheapest. Utah
niuK wai ib i;icnu, naiu mm iiitjiitjBU ill
heat. Emry Lumber & Fuel Co. tf
We operate the only modern Cleaning
works in Hood Jiiver, Meyer & Bra
zeau. Phone 1014. ol2tf
Go to Gulp Plan Store for your tirea.
xou win get tne best quality and save
money. d7
Dr. N. Plyler, Chiropractic and Elec
tric treatments. Rooms 23-24-25 Heil
bronner bldg., tele. 1833, Hood River.
Before you buy an automobile you
should see the new Studebakers at the
Cameron Motor Co. ni4tf
, Hood River Box Co., box manufact
uring, Hood River. Oregon. Phone
1342. m4tf
W. D. Blake and C. S. Bowe re
turned Tuesday from a visit in Port
land. Just received a shipment of beauti
ful coats and dresses. Coats $20 and
up. Monner's. .
Mrs. M. Sue Henderson is reported
to be very ill again at her home on
Paradise Farm.
Searches of records and reliable ab
stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com
pany, A. W. Onthank, Manager, 805
Oak Street. Phone 1521. jy20-tf
Now is the time to equip your shoes
with rubbers. We have a full supply of
ail kinds and are expert in attaching the
same. Satisfaction guaranteed. Smith's
Champion Shoe Shop, 109 2nd St. ol9tf
R. J. Mclsaac motored down from
rarkdaJe luesday to.attend to matters
ui uubiness,
Miss Beryl Clarke SDent the Thanks
giving holidays with friends in Seattle
at tne University of Washington.
Mrs. M. R. Catherwood was down
from Deo Monday shopping and visit
ing irienas.
Mrs. c. P. Sonnicksen spent Thanks
giving at Eugene with her son, and
daughter, students at the U. of O.
Attractive and practical Christmas
guts can be bought at the Pythian Sis
ters' bazaar at the K. of P. hall Satur
day, December 9.
hhorthand and Typewriting. Will take
a limited number of pupila for an even
ing claae, or will give apeed dictation.
Address Shorthand, Mt. Hood Hotel, tf
The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran
church will have a sale of Christmas
needlework and cakes at the Book and
Art Store December 9. d7
Mrs. William Stewart was in Eu
gene over the Thanksgiving holiday to
visit her daughter. Miss Catherine,
U. of O. student.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Meacham have
left for the east to snend the winter.
Iheir home is now occupied bv E. K
Pooley and family.
J. E. Slade and familv have returned
irom tneir orchard place at Husum and
are now domiciled at the State street
home for the winter.
Tom and Helen Slusher, of Dufur,
were here last week the guests o f
their aunt, Mrs. C. N. Clarke, and
Charles Malone, who represents
Portland paper house, and children
motored up the latter part of last
v ee c.
Mr. and Mrs. Allvn Button returned
last week from their honeymoon, lhey
expect to be at home in their new resi
dence on Oak street by January 1.
Rev. Gabriel Svkes was in Portland
last week to visit his daughter. Mrs
Jas. Wilson, ill there at St. Vincent's
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Blythe returned
last rriuay from Portland, where they
had been visiting the family of their
son, hi. w. Blythe,
To make your radiator safe for the
winter let The Highway Auto Co. put
in the right proportion. We charge
only for the alcohol.
J. P. Thomsen. who has been con
hned at home Buttering from injuries
when he fell from a ladder recently,
was able to journey to town Saturday.
W. H. Taft, who has been ill at his
home lor several months, is now con
fined to his bed at the- Cottage hos
The regular clinic and conference for
children below school age will be held
at the public library December 15 from
to 4 p. m.
Visit the Catholic bazaar at the
Franz store December 16. You will find
many nice articles for Christmas gifts.
Home-rooked foods will be nne for the
Sunday dinner.
Christinas sale of hats, blouses, hand
kerchiefs, "Baby's Boudoir" stamped
goods, and stamped luncheon sets, pil
low cases, nightgowns, etc. All winter
hats at half price. Monner's. d21
Special Bale at Laraway's on quadru
ple plated silverwa'e Rogers, Commun
ity, Alvin and Rockford. All the stand
ard makes will be sold at substantial
reductions for 30 days to reduce stock.
A demonstrator will spend three
ays at the Caah and Carry Grocery
store next week showing the points of
jellies and coffees put out by the Dia
mond W Co.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Moore were at
the O.-W. R. & N. station Tuesday to
meet W. J. Furnish, Mrs. Moore's
father, on the way to Pendleton to
undergo treatment at a hospital there, i
' C. E. Arnold, Portland insurance
man who owns a ranch in the White
Salmon section, was here Monday on
Mr. and Mri. C. N. Ravlin have re
turned from a visit of three weeks
with relatives and friends in San Fran
cisco. Dr. C. A. Macrum, president of the
Mosier Fruitgrowers Association, vis
ited in the city Tuesday on the way
home from Portland.
Mrs. George Nelson and little daugh
ter will leave the latter part of the
week for Riverside, Calif., where they
will spend the winter with Mrs. Nel
son's sister.
Cecil Lafferty provided a handsome
show window at the Franz store the
first of the week. He forecast the
season's first fall of the beautiful with
a winter scene that was appealing.
Captain Felix T. Mordecai-Jones and
Captain Guy T. Mordecai-Jones, of
Hunters Hill, Husum. Wash., were
in Seattle to spend .thanksgiving at
the University of Washington.
W. H. Marshall returned through the
city the first of the week to his Dee
home from Portland, where, he Bpent
the Thanksgiving vacation with his
Miss Virginia Catherwood, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Catherwood, of
Dee, spent the latter part of last week
here the euests of Mrs. Campbell and
daughter, Miss Elizabeth Campbell.
Visit the Catholic bazaar at the
Franz store December 16. You will find
many nice articles for Christmas gifts
Home-cooked foods will be fine for the
Sunday dinner.
The Highway Auto Co. has opened a
new barrel of alcohol. Come in and let
us make your radiator safe for the
winter. While here let us tell you
about the 1923 Oldsmobile Four's pull
ing ability.
The Dunning School of fmproved Mu
sic Study. Moudays and inursaays
each week, lor beginners and advanced
pupils. High School credits. Mrs
Lubbe, exponent. Studio, Wittenberg
residence, 821 Oak street. ootf
St Mark's Guild will meet with
Mrs. F. C Wittenberg Friday. It is
the desire of the committee in charge
that all articles made for the bazaar to
be, held at the Commercial Club rooms
December 16 be turned in at this time.
Mrs. C. C. Crew and children, who
spent the summer and fall with her
mother at imperial, bask., returned
home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs.
Crew have leased the Kinsey home on
Cascade avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staats, of Du
fur. the latter the mother of Mrs. C.
N. Clarke, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gill
and children, of Maupin, en route to
Portland to spend the winter, stopped
here for a visit last week. Mrs. Gill
and Mrs. Clarke are sisters.
A bazaar will be held by the Pythian
Sisters at the K. of P. hall Saturday,
December 9, beginning at 11 o clock.
The booths will include fancy work,
aprons, home baking and candy.
Lunch will be served from 11 to 1
Dr. E. L. Scobee shipped to a ranch
near Redmond owned by himself and
A. S. Keir a purebred Guernsey cow
and calf. Dr. Scobee, who breeds
Guernseys on hia central Oregon place
as well as on a ranch near Parkdale,
has a number of registered animals.
Paul M. Blowers last week lostEthe
end of his left thumb. Mr. Blowers
was splitting wood, ine ena oi nis
axe handle struck his coat tail, deflect
ing the blow. The axe landed square
ly on the thumb, severing .the end of
the member cleanly.
Senator J. R. Nickelsen Monday re
ceived a letter from his son, Dr. W. D.
Nickelsen, who spent the past 18
months in Russia with the American
Red Cross in relief work, announcing
In lino with our progressive policy, we have
secured the Hood Kiver agency for the famous
will always prevail
"They're fust a little better"
Holeproof il
ffoepraf Hosiery FRANK A. CRA
his arrival in New York City. Dr.
Nickelsen, who was stationed at Mos
cow and who spent several weeks fol
lowing his leaving Russia attending
prominent clinics at Continental Euro
pean points, expects to reach home by
D. R. Reeder, who is now a member
of the force of the Franz company in
the furniture department, will go to
Portland Sunday to meet Mrs. Keeder,
who has been visiting relatives in Eu
gene. She will continue on to Mon
tana to spend the holidays with rela
tives and friends.
A harvest pageant under auspices of
the Oak urcve Parent-leacber Associ
ation will be given by pupils of the
Oak Grove school Friday evening at 8
o clock. Home made candy and pop
corn will be on sale and a small ad
mission will be charged. The proceeds
will go to a Victrola fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart and lit
tle daughter, Lura, arrived Sunday
morning from Major, Sask., for a visit
with Mr. Stewart's uncle, Dr. J. H.
McVay. and Mrs. McVay. Mr. Stew
art has been engaged for 11 years in
the Canadian province as a wheat rais
er and purchaser of grain. He and his
family are seeking a home location in
a more pleasant climate, he says.
Buy Benioff's genuine guaranteed furs
from us. FoseB, chokers, capes and coats.
When you buy furs bearing Benioff's
guarantee you know they are genuine
and of best quality lor the price. ny
take chances with imitation furs when
you can buy the genuine here at unbeat
able prices. Kee us before you buy fura.
Yes, we accept iurs tor remodeling, in
timates gladly given. Monner's. d2i
Along with the arrival of winter.
Bennett Brothers have this week re
ceived one of Dodge Brothers new all
steel sedans. This all-the-year-round
car is meeting with such favor that
President Frederick J. Haynes of
Dodge Brothers predicts that more
than 50 per cent of their total produc
tion will soon be in all-steel sedans and
coupes. One of the latter cars has al
so been received by Bennett Brothers
this week.
Of Our
The final days of cur Mammoth Sale are drawing near and the prices
for these last 3 days are Cut Still Deeper, as we are determined to
close out completely all our Ladies' Coats, Men's Overcoats and
Rain Coats. Some of the best of these High Quality, Late Style gar
ments are here now. If you get in early you may be lucky enough
to get one of these numbers.
There are juft 5 Ladies' Coats left
The famous "Lanpher" make, the best in the coun
try, the best of tne late Fall styles, the best quality
garments made to retail at $45.00 to CQ7 QC
$50.00. Buy the last 3 days for ifLl.QD
Ladies' All Wool Sport Coats and Sweaters, bright
or dark colors and 2-tone combinations
Outing Gowns for Ladies' or Men
Mens Heavy Flannellette Work Shirts..
Buy Your Christmas Here Now and
Save Both Time and Money
Ladies' Silk Hose .
Fibre Silk Hose
Fine Wool Heather Hose $1.48
Ladies' Real Kid Gloves.$2.48 Wash Kid Gloves $ 1 .98
Warm Knit Gloves, short or gauntlets 27 to $1,49
Ladies' Felt Slippers 9 8 Men's House S!ippfrs.....$1.45
Men's Heather Wool Half Hose 68
Silk Underthirigs for the Ladies, Camisoles, Step-ins, Chemise,
Bloomers, Vests and Gown3, Infants Knit Things, Silk or
Wool Caps. Hoods, Sacques, Slip-ons, Leggins, Teddy Bear
Suits, Mittens.
Handkerchiefs, all kind3 and colors, plain or fancy, single or
boxed, soft cotton or fine linen 4 to 85 each.
Men's and Young Men's Neck Ties, Knitted Silks in solid color
or fancy, also wide end styles 35 to $1.50
Men's Gloves of all kinds, for dress, for warmth, for driving,
or for work, lined and unlined 45 to $4.95
Men's All Wool Overcoats $11.85
There are just 4 Men's All Wool Overcoats and
6 "Raynster" Rain Coats in this lot. Garments
that sold up to $27.50 each. Buy them OU Of
these last three days for tplLOD
Boys' and Girls' Heavy Heather Wool Sport Hose, AQn
have fancy cuff tops, make the finest kind of IegginsilC
Samdman Sleeping Garments, 2 to 10 years $1.00
Men's Good Weight Fleece Lined Union Suits $1.35
The daily specials for the last 3 days are
especially attractive and very
exceptional values.
Thursday, Dec 7 With a purchase of $2.00 or more.
Beautiful Box Gift Stationery
Limit one box to each customer
Friday, Dec 8 With a purchase of $2.00 or more.
Choice Mixed Candies
Sc per lb.
Limit one pound to each customer
Saturday, Dec 9 With a purchase of $2.00 or more.
Granite Enamel Ware
lc each
Limit one piece to a customer
The campaign for the $3,000 quota
ior tne American Ked Uross in this
county is lagging. Mrs. A. S. Keir,
rnairman or committees engaged in
raising the city allotment of $1,500 re
ported yesterday mat only an approxi
mate $750 had been subscribed. There
will be a necessity, it was declared, to
revisit some or the business concerns.
which have made only nominal contri
butions and seek heavier donations.
Members of canvassing committees
report that the real spirit of charity
was met with in homes where people
were less able to give. One committee
visited a humble home, where a tiny
boy, . hearing the appeal for the great
charitable organization, slipped away
to his savings bank and brought forth
his only dime. In another humble
home a small girl gave a 25-cent piece
that she was saving for Christmas
Rev. Boddy, between acts at the Ri
alto Tuesday night, made a short ad
dress, urging citizens to make their
contributions large enough to meet the
needs of the Red Cross.
Funeral services for Mrs. F. L.
Rose, former Mount Hood matron,
aged 30 years, whose death occurred
early Saturday morning, were held
Sunday afternoon from the Anderson
chapel. Rev. R. A. Hutchinson, pas
tor of the Upper Valley United church.
ofliiated. Interment followed at Idle-
wilde cemetery.
Mrs. Kofe is survived by her husband
and two children, one aged 11 and the
other nine years.
The wedding of Harry Sonniksen.
son of Mrs. A. T. Sonniksen, and Miss
Mabel Marriott, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Marriott, occurred Wednes
day of last week, Justice of the 1'eace
Onthank ofiiriating. Uoth are members
of Barrett orchaid district families.
Mr. and Mis. Sonniksen. who will re
side in Hood River, left immediately
for Portland on a honeymoon trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Sonniksen returned
home the latter part of last week.
Tbey were guests Sunday et a dinner
at the home of Mr. Sonnksen's mother.
The ring ceremony was used at the
wedding. The young couple were ac
companied by the bride's mother and
Mr. Sonniksen's sister, Mrs. Ida Wigle.
The wedding of Miss Jessie Vaughn
and Eldred Bernard Reed, of Portland,
occurred Thanksgiving Day at the
home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Will
iam Bailey. Rev. Clarence Swsnder,
pastor of the First Christian church,
of Portland, offiicated. The bride was
accompanied by Mis Beulah King and
Homer Johnson was Mr. Reed's bent
A wedding dinner was served at the
home of the bride's parents Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Vaughn immediately fol
lowing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Reed will make their home in Port.
Friends of Vernon E. Isenberg and
Miss Jeanette Dunn, local young folk,
were surprised to learn of thrir wed
ding at Stevenson, Wach., Tuesday,
November 28. The wedding occurred
at the parsonage of the Congregational
church, the pastor. Rev. R. G. Ilar
butt, officiating.
A Summer Clime
for your
Winter Outing
Like many others at this season of the year
yoo are thinking of a trip to a warmer
California is JuBt the place for your winter
outing. Here the days are flooded with ,
blight warm sunshine. You may enjoy all
outdoor recreations or simply relai and
rent in comfort under sunlit skies.
There are noted golf courses, polo fields,
tennis courts, miles of splendid highways
and countless places of scenic and roman
tic charm.
Go now and take advantage of Excellent
Train Service and Through Sleeping Cars to
San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Now On Sale
For fares, train schedules, Bleeping car res
ervations or descriptive folders, ask local
railroad ticket agents, or write
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
$17,72115 DAMAGES
George Hanby has brought suit
against the Odcll school board for
damages aggregating $17,780.50 be
cause of injuries alleged to have been
received while he was digging a well
in the basement of the grade school
last summer. Mr. Hanby alleges that
the windlasses uced in lowering work
men to the bottom of the well was
poorly constructed ; that its handle
broke, allowing him to drop with such
force that he suffered fractures of both
legs and that one ankle was broken in
eight places.
Mr. Hanby claims that he has sub
mitted to six operations and that his
health is permanently impaired. The
school board has demurred to the com
plaint as not constituting facts for a
cause of action and Judge Wilson haa
been asked to rule on the motion.
Revivnl Meetings at the Baptist Church
If you want to bear a man who
preaches a God who is just as well as
loving, who is holy as well as merci
ful. Come and hear Rentley. Evan
gelist Bentley is perhaps more uncom
promising than some might wish, and
he has bis own ideas of things ; so have
we, but tie believes in tne whole uos
pel and preaches it without making
apologies for any part of it.
He does not believe in a half way
Christianity nor in any endeavor to
serve God and man at the same time
or even alternately. The fact that the
church is well tilled with attentive
listeners proves at least that the peo
ple appreciate this kind of preaching.
Come and hear Bentley. Services every
evening at 7.30.
C R. Delepine, Pastor.
New Crop
are now in and the quality
of our stock is most
Soft-Shell Walnuts
Fancy I. X. L. Almonds
Large Fancy Brazils
New Sicily Filberts
Imported Salted Almonds
New Shelled Walnuts
Salted Shelled Pecans
Fresh Salted Peanuts
Fancy Cluster Raisins
are now ready
The Star Grocery
"Good Things to Eat"
Arch Preserv er Shoes
and Cxfcrds, new stock in
fcrows or t!:cK Kid
Jantzen Sport Coats
for U2ie$ cr Men
The Best of Gifts
hh Vale
with L1LA LEE and NITA NALDI, in
66 PI H H
T 77
Fri. and Sat., Dec. 8th -9th
MATINEES, 10c and 35c.
EVENINGS, 30c and 50c.