a? ? o nOOD IUVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1922 H elp You Run the bring home the bacon, collar the blue vase, carry the message to Garcia, etc. LITTLE Raisins, full of energy and iron .will put the pep into you that makes win ning plays. Use vim like it in your business, too. One hundred and forty-five calories of en ergizing nutriment in every little five-cent red box that you see. Comes from fruit sugar in practically pre digested form levulose, the scientists call it -so it goes to work almost immediately. Rich in food-iron also. Try these little raisins when you're hungry, lazy, tired or faint. See how they pick you up and set you on your toes. Little Sun-Maids "Between-Meal" Raisins . 5c Everywhere Had Your Iron Today? Delicious Apples for Thanksgiving Gifts Extra Fancy and Fancy Good Sizes PHONE 2192 Catholics Aid Europe's Suffering An appeal was made at St. Mary's Catholic'church Sunday for funds for relief of famine sufferers in Russia, the Near East and other European countries. The local appeal was part of concerted action on the part of all American Catholics to aid in the relief of European and Near East famine sufferers. n) FINAL REDUCED PRICES ! FRESH STOCK FACTORY GUARANTEE 6000 MILE ADJUSTMENT BASIS LOOK AT THE PRICES 10000 MILE CORDS 30 x 3 $ 7.10 30 x 35 7.95 32 x 3 11.50 32 x 4 1325 33 x 4 13.75 34 x 4 1425 BOY AT HOME 32 X 3 32x4 33x4 34x4 $18.75 23.65 24.60 2520 All wilh Free Tube VHERE A GUAR ANTEE MEANS SOMETHING FASHION LIVERY & DRAY CO. Have you paid our candy department a visit ? If not, now is a good time to do so. Box and Bulk Candies of all kinds. Also stuffed dates, layer figs, glace cherries and pineapple. Yours for Service Vincent & Shank "Tlie Home of Quality Groceries ' ' RESERVE WATER SYS TEM IS COMPLETED The municipal water department has just completed the installation of an electric pump at3a newly built reser voir, at a cost of $14,000, which will eliminate thejnear'famine that has oc curred here the past several summers during the seasonjof irrigation of gar dens and lawns. By the construction offa reservoir, which has a capacity of 750,000 gallons, just below an old res ervoir, which hoids 250,000 jrallons, the city is also given'a reserve for fighting fires. The pump, operated by a 50 horsepower motor, will divert water to any section of the city. The supply from the reserve system can be placed in a reservoir in the Heights section of the city and insure a supply of water there for fire fighting in case of inter ruption in service from Tuckers Spring, seven miles southwest of the city. A spring just above the old reservoir. which formerly supplied the lower city with water, has been fully developed and now furnishes a daily flow of 300.- 000 gallons. The water department has also developed a large spring which flows from under the open air auditori um of Chautauqua park, securing 200,- OUO gallons daily. I he work of the water department the past summer has included a thor ough drainage system that eliminates from the storage basins all surface water. Repeated testa have been made of the water of the reserve sys tem, and it has been ascertained that it is pure. In connection with the de velopment of the new spring, the wa ter department has constructed a new permanent stage at the open air the atre. While the new structure is esti mated at a worth of $1,200, it was built at a cost of only $600 through the sal vage of materials that would otherwise have proven worthless. The original estimate of the new improvements was placed at $16,000. The cost was cut. it is said, by effecting the work by hired crews instead of awarding it to contract. W. T. Price, superintendent of the city water department, had charge of planning the work and carry ing it out. HOSPITAL CONCERT DRAWS GOOD CROWD Ticket sales and the crowd present ........ . i indicated that a substantial sum was realized last night when Mary Adel Hayes, noiea opera singer, and com pany were presented at the Rialto the atre under joint auspices of the Men's Brotherhood of Riverside Community and the Asbury Methodist churches. The proceeds of the entertainment were appropriated for a community hospital lund. Ihe community hos pital plan was launched last year and a ucleus oi $5,000 was raised from the ale of an East Side ranch place do- ated by Miss A. M. Spring, of Coron- ado, Calif. Ihe concert plans received endorse ment of the American Legion Post, committee of which'is aiding in the general Hospital plans. OLDENDALE ELEVEN FOOTBALL CHAMPION The Goldendale high school, defeat ing ihe Dalles at Goldendale last Sat urday by a score of 18 to 13, won the mid-Columbia championship. Ihe Hood Kiver high school team ended the sea son at Centerville, defeating the high school there Friday by a score of 18 to 0. ihe local team, which stands third in the league, ended the season with but two defeats, Goldendale and The Dalles having beaten the local aggre gation. Craves Delivers Lecture C. E. Graves, promoter and secre tary of the Oregon Nsture Lovers' Club, delivered an addrees Sunday night at the Asbury Methodist church on ;"The Nature Movement and Its Significance." Mr. Graves, who was formerly prominent in library work in the middle west, declares that many men and women would find the study of their natural surroundings a stimu lating noopy. Mr. Graves outlined the growth of the nature loving organizations of the Pacific Coafct. He told how John Muir had done much in starting it with the sierra ciuo, or California. Mr. Graves, who told of the beauties of Men Park, declared that in his be lief no cove so small in the United States contained a greater variety of rare wild mowers. CHRISTMAS PHOTOS Add to the happiness of your friends by giving them a Christmas portrait of your self. Do it now, get them later. New lines of the latest easel back folders now in. Make your appointment now. DIETZ PHOTO STUDIO ubber Stamps AT THE GLACIER OFFICE The Pheasant OPERA TINC OREGON HOTEL DINING ROOM Food of the highest qual ity, tastefully prepared and served nicely. Eastern and Olympia Oysters (Any Style) Hot Chicken Tamalcs Crab Louis Clubhouse Sandwich Chili Con Carne Baked Apples and Cream Steaks and Chops Our Own Pastry Good CofTee Always The Pheasant Excellent Macadam Anticipated Although blaced nn'i .'ptniiVicrr,?,j four inches of crushed rock on a single track width of the Mount Hood Loop tiignway just south or the Middle Val- lev. has made an pt1lpnf tpmnnmrv road ror upper Vallev folk. The rock has not cut through although a fairly heavy tonnage of apples has been hsuled over it. C. C. Seeley, resi tent engineer of the Mate Mignway Department, ex presses the opinion that when the PlVht inoh.4 (II twlr rlvt (nr mi. der.sorfacing eontractfjalready let, are piacea mai uie.secuon will Decome one of the belt macadam roads in the state. Cars Ditched on Slippery Cnnes Excessive speed around curves and hasty application of brakes resulted over the week end in five automobiles being ditched on the Columbia Kiver Highway between fcere and Caacade Locks. Traffic officers declare that the road is in no wise dangerous, if drivers wiKtake curves slowly and use their brakes with care. A number of motnrsts hare suggest ed that the slippery surface of the black top rsvirg should be sanded. BOARD MEMBERS TO BE AT INSTITUTE The annual Hnnri Riva rWmtv Teachers' Institute scheduled to con vene for a three-day session at the r " J HhVVtWIIlK UP V1 casts made by George Axtelle.Ipresi dent of the countv tearherm' nvwa- tion, bids fair to create more general interest man any ever held. One of the three round table discussions will be devoted to deliberation hv arhnnl booards. Flans have- been advanced for establishing a union high school district, composed of all the county south of Odell, and Dr. V. R. Abra ham.cbairman of the city school board, who will lead a discussion on this sub ject, is expected to urge a campaign to create sentiment for such a union dis trict, Mrs.: E. J. Nicholson, of the Frank ton school district, will talk on stand ardization of teachers' qualifications and salaries. W. L, Mason, of the Upper Valley district, will deliver an address. J. 11. Mohr, of the Pine Grove district, will preside at the ses sions of boards. Round tables will be maintained for discussions of grade and high ichool teachers. Monday afternoon Dr. McKlnley, of Reed College will deliver an address on "Effective Citizenship." P. F. E. BoHds Hoase The Pacific Fruit Exnreoa hn 4nf completed a $2,500 heater house, which. accoruing 10 superintendent M. R. Whitehead, will greatly facilitate the handlinc of ancles here during tha rvirf weather. The house will accomodate 600 charcoal heaters and two tons of sacked charcoal. Christmas cards at the Glacier office. Wood Creaks Thurr.b m TT.. V CV , j ty traffic officer, jut Saturday learned fl-tt m rrilnr . IV.,k s . --.Ill from his motorrjcle on the highway four weeks ago. The Injury was air- rravated in another fall Arm;ttice my. hen Mr. Wood turted fcimelf from his ira-hine in or.ler to prevent eirikirg a r mmn noy r.n i ec&.Je avenue pain lcarre so etre that he visited a ""rf - - b.-wvw.'bl aa L A . i. - t a ' m r 1923 CITY TAX BUDGET Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the City Tax Budget Committee of thCity of Hood River, on November 13, 1922,, there was proposed and adopted an estimate of the money to be expended by the City during the year 1923, which estimate, together with the report of the present condition of department funds, is as follows: EurtHst G. Beetle? Will -C7n a cri r.f rriri.rt ;,. mm;r,:s at the Baptist church rext surcay. Mien rrUres tore ep the fpi'ituil l.fe of the con-imur.ity. We rt3 tfc t-r :rg'ar,l the ewperatien cf ererjt!v i very rrorti rf-;1-d to rrale twh eCwta as i accessfol a they GENERAL FUND B$$M Police Department City Marshal 1500.00 Night Marshal 1200.00 Traffic Officers 225 00 Extra Police 497.50 Incidentals Firb Department; Fire Engineer and Janitor Night Engineer and Fire Marshal Fire Fighting Service 605. 75 Equipment 29.96 Fire Hose Fire Chief 300.00 Fire Marshall Auxiliary Fire Trtick Recordeb's Office Salary 800.00 Supplies and Audit 302.35 City Treasurer 360.00 City Attorney- 900.00 Electrical Inspector, etc. 900.00 City Engineer' 418.60 Health Officer 443. 00 Building Supplies, etc. 1715.7! Fuel Street and Bridge Lights 16C0.73 Traffic and Signal Lights Parks 2350.00 Park Caretaker 250.00 Taxes 144 30 Insurance 109.10 Improvement Bonds and Interest 236.57 Street Assessment Oak Street Library 2200.00 Interest on Warrants 331.82 Care of Garbage 120.00 Emergency Fund , 2573.34 Transfer to Road Fund Deficit January 1st 7481.73 Expense IMl 1500.00 1200.00 950.00 501.40 1750;00 658.00 566.19 396.51 1(50.00 300.00 Amount Expended Entl meted Estimated Allowod lo Hoy. I, m Eip..M.Dc. KxplMJ 1922 1500.00 1250.00 250.00 1500.00 1200.00 1000.00 200.00 1200.00 1200.00 1000.00 200.00 1440.00 500.00 400.00 100.00 600.00 93.87 30.00 100.00 2100.00 1537.50 300.00 1860.00 720.00 893.00 250.00 1500.00 720.00 534.98 10O.00 700.00 717.98 100.00 700.00 750.00 716.15 300.00 250.00 50.00 800.00 Totals Estimated Receipts To be raised by Tax 27814.86 900.00 900 00 750.00 250.00 588.35 300.00 4,10.00 20 00 360.00 360.00 300 00 60.00 600.00 750.00 600.00 100.00 1200.00 1200.00 1000.00 200 00 880.52 200.00 186.00 60.00 431.00 500.00 366.00 70.00 1799.65 1450.00 ( 150.00 50.00 543-00 ,450.00 100.00 1926.91 2500.00 2190.86 620.00 67.80 150.00 91.00 18.00 776.00 600.00 1 656.62 180.00 600.00 201.53 250.00 242.34 700.00 250.00 250.00 451.78 860.00 207.28 750.00 745.31 2700 00 3000.00 3226.60 834 74 1450.00 1070.09 644.13 241.00 420.00 815.00 80.00 9092.73 4200.00 ' 4081.90 200.00 2616.79 7000.00' 10980.04 38496.40 85480.00 ' 37082.52 384Z0O 800.00 1200.00 900.00 450.00 SCO. 00 750.00 800.00 250.00 450.00 200.00 550.00 S'-'OO.OO 120.00 600.00 600.00 250.00 50.00 810.00 2800.00 600.00 4355.00 4000.00 4000.00 421136 STATEMENT GENERAL FUND, NOV. 1, 1922 Receipts Taxes Collected 29798.71 Licenses 1246.17 ' Fines 350.00 Auto Park Fees 1414.00 Library 2633.35 Premium on Bonds 1145.88 Transfers, etc. 103.05 36733.38 3500.00 83238.36 Total Collections Disbursements O. D. Jan, 1, 1922 Salaries Miscellaneous O. D. Nov. 1, 1922 10980.04 11373.48 14729.00 36711.16 371.36 Totals 37082.62 37082.52 ROAD FUND Street Dbpartmknt Street Commissioner's Salarv General Street Work Wages Street Cleaning Equipment and Tools Road Truck Material Road Oil Emergency O. D. January 1 Totals Estimated Receipts To be Raised by Tax Water Department Operating Water Bupt.'a salary City Recorder's salary.. Fuel expense Lights, etc. expense.. Car expense Office supplies & audit Office Help Distribution Material .. Distribution Labor .... Conduit Material Conduit Labor Emergency Inspection Bond Interest Insurance Extensions Material .. Extensions, Labor .... Extensions, Emergency .. 1920 191 AllrtWA.1 K I ponded to Et. Eipenas Eat1mtd ij-u la-i Auoweu oct. ai. ltwa Nov. ui ia. ijp.mi 1922 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 1250.00 250.00 600.00 2518.74 2157.96 2700.00 2049.21 320.00 2100.00 690 00 840.00 700 0 735.00 100.00 850 00 898.58 902,00 1272.00 622.49 60.00 500 00 1200.00 . 150.00 450.00 864.47 210.00 1000.00 505.70 600 00 19H.97 217.51 600.00 149.60 600.00 1348.38 450.82 384.80 2402.96 2535.87 6000 00 8401.94 8982.15' 7072.00: 8947.57 930.00 10500.00 4500.00 6000.00 - 1920 1921 Allowed. Oct. 31, 1922 Nov. 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00 1000.00 780.00 900.00 800.00 750.00 141.42 3.40 27.80 171.60 254.00 245.C3 419.84 400.00 J00.13 359.27 81.37 200.00 220.00 90.00 665.82 964.31 750.00 729.61 875.75 1305.C5 1450.06 1054.00 63.74 459.75 376.60 407.26 341.66 823.C4 ' 417.71 300.00 396.10 200.00 250.80 6450.00 6480.00 6490.00 6490.00 43.37 2776.50 1360.52 9560.00 7734.42 671.80 701.33 1350.00 4370.08 24.61 1918.75 35.67 fl5118.49 117240.93 121533.37 $23165.02 Budget and Expsnt-v 1922 200.00 150.0 60.00 40.00 30.09 30.00 60.04 200.09 76.00 43.37 Est'd. lee 1923 1200.00 900.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 180.00 750.00 1400.00 200.00 600.00 300.00 300.00 4600.00 43.37 8200.00 3900.00 1000.00 J868.37 J24273.37 STATEMENT LIGHT AND WATER FUND, NOVEMBER 1, 1922 Receipts, Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1922 3302.85 Receipts, Water Rents .. 16740.46 Commercial Water ... 128.96 Taps Sc Connections 767.4 Transfers 632.43 Total receipts .... 121472.39 Disbursements, Salaries 1750.00 n Operating 3784.83 Bond Interest .... 6490.00 H Extensions 12140.17 O. D., Nov. 1, 1922.. 16S2 63 23165.12 231CS.02 BOND FUNDS r Water Bond Sinking Fund Cash cm hand Jan. 1, 1922 and invested ,. Taxes received Earnings on Investment.. Disbursements - Paid 10 year Bonds Cash on hand and invest ed, Nov. 1, 122 Totals City HaU Bond Sinking Fund Cash on hasd, Jan. 1. 122 Taxes received RECAPITULATION ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED BY CITY TAX FOR 1923 General Fund $33233.36 Road Fund , 6000,00. City Hall Bond end Sinking Fund 2850.00 City Hall Bond Interest Fund 2700.00 Total J447S3.3 STATEMENT OF ROAD FUND TO NOVEMBER 1, 1022 Receipts Taxes received Licenses Kale of Teams Sale of Feed Total I3608.S7 279.40 275.00 63.(1 J12153 36DOO.00 29631.40 65C31.40 Disbursements O. D. Jan. 1, 1922 f2nS5.57 6DrC4.70 Street Com'rs salary.. 1250.00 44M.06 Gen. Street Work, ages 2043.21 6214.64 Street Cleaning , 73o.t Equipment 4b Tools .... 6J2.49 Road Tracks 1203.00 Material 605.73 Oil for Streets 149. O. U. Nov. 1, 1922 6;631.49 IS947.57 $4731.29 1150.00 3414.69 4764.69 Amount set aside each year 2S50.O0 Paid budget of estimates --i:i come np for final d.'souujslon and adopts tl (h regular meet ing of the Common Council on December 4th, 1922. at trfclch time aay taxpayer or person Interested may appear and preaeat bis objection to such proposed expenditures. .... H. I HOWE. . . ...... , ; . City Recorder. C R. Delepine, Taster.