The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 16, 1922, Image 10

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the Near
end with
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Copple and
daughter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs. S. M.
Dick and eons, Frank and Fred, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holman and son,
Wilbur, were at the stock show last
Mis Mary A. Eolfe, of
East Relief, spent the week
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gould.
ine nrst big basketball game be
tween teachers of the grade school and
board of directors will be an event of
eariy uecember.
The Father and Sonjbanquet will be
heldat 6.45 tomorrow evening in the
timing room or the church. Toastmas
ter, m. u, uaen. a short program
will follow toasts. All fathers and
Bons invited. If you haven't a father
or son adopt one for this occasion. The
juaaies Aid bociety will serve dinner.
bunday school at 10 a. m. next Sun
day. Morning sermon Rev. W. S,
Uleiser, 11 a. m. Epworth League, p. m. This is "Win My Chum"
Week and the subject, "Partnership
v un vnrisi. iome.expecting a good
meeting. Leader, a surprise. Even
ing service 8 p. m. Special music.
Last bunday afternoon about 20
memDer8 or the Epworth League, un
cer leadership of Dorothv Haskins,
visited several homep, sang" and gave
talks, a custom to be kept up at inter
vals me next montn.
Mr. and Mrs.JAl Ruhnke have moved
back to their ranch. Mr. and Mrs.
Alva Sherrill, who have been there
for some years, are on the E. E. House
Gerald Jarvis and Misa McReynolds,
of Portland, spent the week end at the
home of the former's parents, Mr. and
J. G. Jarvis.
I Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dragseth aud
Mina Effie Wagner spent the week end
in Wilsonville.
Roger and Howard Blackman recent
ly motored to Yakima, Walla Walla
and Pendleton.
Miss Elsa Van Goeris and a friend
started to hike irom rortiana ror a
visit with Miss Van Goeris' grand
mother, Mrs. Hans Lage. They were
given.a lift and arrived here Saturday
evening. T.heyIefton foot to return
home Sunday.
The funeral of Wilbur E. Carson, of
Vancouver. Wash., brother of the late
Mrs. William Kennedy, was held in
Pine Grove Monday.
Miss Mary Rolfe spoke at the church
on the Near East Relief last Sunday
morning. The collection amounted to
the weather man repeat last year's
dose, there is the possibility of consid
erable loss. It seems as if the railway
is a never present help in time of need.
The W. L. Mason family has moved
into the Allen house for the winter.
Russell Dowd and Robert Beat car
ried.'off premier honors at the Pacific
International Livestock Exposition
last week in the tri-state potato con
test. Can Upper Valley produce pota
toes? Blue ribbona don t lie.
The community church has a full
schedule for Sunday. The church
school and Forum meets at 10.15. At
11.30 Dr. W. L. Van Nuys will conduct
the service of worship, lie has a mes
sage of great importance. The teach
ers and officers will meet for confer
ence in the church at 2.30. The C. E.
Society will have their devotional
meeting at 7.15. Preaching service at
; . ... i... . . .. . -I
- -iKaaC- -
Ihe Ladies Aid meeting scheduled
for tbejhome of Mrs. E. E. House last
Friday was postponed until Friday of
this week.
h,. tu. House left Saturday for the
east toassist his father in his lecture
Dr. Johnson, of The" Dalles, will oc
cupy the pulpit next Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Edw. HawkeeZvisited
the stock show last week, returning
nume nionuay.
Mrs. Struck Aune, having finished
the apple harvest, left this week for
her homejin Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lage left Tues
day morning for Tacoma to attend the
marriage of Mrs. Luge's brother, Geo.
X. Riddell, of San Diego, Calif., to
Miss Irene Armstrong, of Tacoma. Mr. i
and Mrs. Lage expect to visit Seattle
before returning home.
Mrs. Paul Sosey, of Portland, is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
A great community 'rally is sched
uled lor Saturday. Everyone is urged
to bring a basket and join in the com
nmnity lunrh at noon in the grade
school. Coffee, etc., will be furnished
free. At 1.30 a free movie show will
be given in the Mclsaac hall. It is a
first class comedy. A program of
music and addresses will follow. Col
E. E. Faville, of Portland, will give
the principal address. He is one of
the greatest authorities on rural prob
lema in the Northwest. To miss his ad
dress Saturday is to miss one of the
nnest things ever given in the Upper
Valley. Dr. W. L. van Nuys will also
give a brier address, iruman liutler.
of Hood Kiver, and several local speak
era will contribute to the program. It
will be a big day in Upper Valley.
The Parkdale water system just in
stalled is functioning tine. Local resi
dents are highly pleased with the man
ner in which the enterprise was
handled. We are thinking now about a
lighting system and fire lighting ap
The high school student body wishes
to express its appreciation to all who
contributed to the success of its "Hal
lowe'en Rumpus."
Many local orchardists are somewhat
uneasy about the car shortage. Should
Mrs. Ramsey, of eastern Oregon,
and Mrs. Darnell, of Portland, visited
friends in the valley this week.
Billy Anderson visited friends Sun
B. J. Montgomery went to Portland
on a business trip the last of the week.
C. . Gordon and family have left for
Sacramento, Calif., to see his father,
who is seriously ill.
L. R. Chuinard entertained at din
ner Sunday evening.
Thomas Danby, of Rainier, has been
visiting at the Montgomery home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Austin were Hood
River visitors Monday.
Middle Valley Endeavor met with
Mt. Hood Sunday evening. Sides
were chosen for a contest. Miss Harris
and Miss M. Montgomery being the
The Ladies' Club will meet at Mrs,
L. Macklen'a residence Friday after-
noon, iihev expect to have a bazaar
in the near future.
An Extraordinary Purchase Benefiting You!
The Best is The Cheapest
You get the BEST
O. C. Hughes, Prop.
Phone 4141.
Mrs. and Miss Govette and Mr. and
Mrs. Cornelius, of Hood River, mo
tored out to Mossacres to spend the
day Sunday.
Velma Fawbush is back at,' school
Mr. Martin, of Hillsboro. who has
been working in the apples in the Up
per Valley with his family, has rented
the Frank Gilkerson house. He is
working for Geo. Ogden. clearine land
andwill send his children to Central
Vale school.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheppard are
going down to Corvallis this week end.
to be present (at Homecoming and the
Dig game between U. A. C. and u.
of O.
Mrs. Borire. of Centralis. 111., is vis
iting with her daughter-in-law. Mrs.
Oscar Cameron.
Mrs. SumnerJCaroeron, of Hood Riv
er, spent Tuesday at the Cameron
Miss Maud Leinincer and Mini
Gladys Roberts went to Portland last
Thursday. Miss Leininger has a posi
tion as stenographer and Miss Roberts
will enter high school.
Placing an order for 10,000 of these
handsome coats for the patrons of our
371 busy stores, secured a price conces
sion that gives a saving to you of truly
remarkable proportions.
Searches of records and reliable ab
stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com
pany, A. W. Onthank. Manager, 805
Oak Street. Phone 1521. iv20-tf
Before you buy an automobile von
should see the new fctudebakers at the
Cameron Motor Co. m4tf
These Coats are the latest models, em
bracing the newest ideas such as the low
, belt, side effects, wide sleeves, high col
lars, throw collars, as well as the more
conservative styles.
Materials are satiny Velours and Bolivias.
The dominating trimming features are
large buttons, embroidery, stitching,
buckles and fur collars. In brown, navy,
reindeer and sorrento.
Sizes for Women, 36 to 44, and for Misses, 16 and 18 and Truly
Remarkable Values for All.
Members of the Hood River Volun
teer Fire Department have already be
gun preparations for the 18th annual
dance, to be held Thanksgiving even
ing at the KmVhts of Pvthiaa hall.
The affair will be thelcity's next large
social event. The fire department is
composed of active young business men
of the city. It is one of the county's
most popular organizations.
The committee in charge of the
dance la composed of Corbett Alexan
der, Glenn Hunt and E. E. Goodrich.
Cost of repair to bridges on the
North BankJHighway between Steven
son and the Clarke county line which
were broken down by a motor truck
carrying a large donkey engine,
reached $1,000, according to Supervisor
Hall. Practically every bridge on the
roaa was damaged, it is said,
Imported direct from China, this
interesting water plant, the Chine 'e
Lyncoe, is one of the four known vari
eties. They develop and bloom in five
or six weeks and are especially desir
able for Christmas. Three colors, red,
white and pink. Bulbs in prime condi
tion now at 20 cents each at
Grand Jury Work Light
The new grand jury, drawn Monday
when Judge Wilson convened circuit
court, adjourned after finding' one
indictment. County books were found
in good shape. Members of the jury
were: John Stranahan, foreman; W.
B. Cunningham, Paul Aubert, J. T.
Downing, H. J. Chevron, E. H. - Green
and M. H. Craft. The jury will be
called in March to pass on criminal
matters before the convening of circuit
court men.
$13.00 per Ton
Youf 11 Like It
$13.50 per Ton
Quality Eastern Shell
I j A J
fe. i ; i
2 A-l Quality Chicken Feed
Tb(fTl H) F3 PRR
IP qPoq30) CWT.
Best in Quality Best in Service
Know what it is to enjoy "ROYAL" Service. It means promptness and courtesy.
SERVICE in the Coal and SERVICE in Delivery.