The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 12, 1922, Image 9

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    4I111H in m i mni m nn-
tl till Ill 1-1 M 11111 HHH-m
Films developed and printed prompt
ly. A 24-hour service. Deitz Studio, tf
W. H. Davis was up from Portland
last week on business.
24-hour service on cleaning and press
ing. Meyer & Brazeau. Tel. 1014. oliJtf
The Royal Neighbors will hold their
annual dinner f riday at 7 p. m.
Judge Howe was a business visitor
in Portland Monday.
For good cleaning call Meyer & Rra-
zeau. Phone 1014. 012tf
Wanted lo do family washing. Call
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Merton E,
Dakin, Friday, October 6, a girl.
Have you seen the new style (Colon
ial) glasses made at Laraway's?
The Brosius building is being
equipped witn a new root.
D C. Baker was down from Park
dale on business the first of the week.
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing.
Meyer & Brazeau. ol2tf
For Spirel la Corsets Mrs. Fred Howe',
613 Cascade Avenue. Tel. 2104. j2ltf
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Dumbolton
spent a pert of last week visiting
friends in Portland.
II. 8. Braakman does painting, paper
ing and decorating. Smith Bldg. Phone
4204. m2tf
Guy J. Parker was here from the
Upper Valley the first of the week
preparing for his apple harvest.
Born To Mr. and Mis. J no. D,
Squires, of the Heights section, Saur
aay, uciouer t, a uoy.
Come in and see the new Buick 1923
models. Sixes, ? 1 425 ; lours, $1075,
Hood Kiver Oarage.
We operate the only modern Cleaning
Works in liood Kiver, Meyer & Bra
zeau. Phone 1014. ol2tf
Banks and public offices will be
closed today in celebration of Colum
bus Day, a legal holiday.
Dahlia blossoms for all occasions. 50c
and 75c per doz. Kuggles.'llO'J Prospect
Ave. Visitors to garden welcome. e21tf
Laraway has added a new diamond
drill, the best made, which will be
great help in making glasses.
The meeting of the Veteran's Bu
reau today will be held at the rooms of
the Commercial Club.
ueorge strananan nought a new
Dodge Brothers touring car from Ben
nett Brothers this week.
Hood River Box Co., box manufact
uring, Hood Kiver, Oregon. Phone
1342. m4tf
Eyes scientifically examined by II. L
Hasbrouck, Optometrist, lleilbronner
Bldg. 18-ti
Ice Creams, Ices and Drinks. Ice
Cream for parties, dinners and special
occasions, rue 1 lieasant. jeltf
Come in and see the new Buick 1923
models. Sixes, $1425; fours, $1075.
Hood River Garage.
Use a little SURE WHIP in your next
Alayonaise dressing and note the differ
ence. jy27tf
William Weber and Bert Stranahan
were in Portland Sunday to see the
double header baseball game.
W. A. DeLashmutt spent Sunday in
Portland . visiting Mrs. DeLashmutt
and daughter, Miss Wilmett.
Edwin Sonnichsen has left for the
University of Oregon to resume his
Before you buy an automobile you
should see the new Studebaker at the
Cameron Motor Co.
Major Phil H. Carroll was up over
the week end from Portland visiting
Mrs. H. F. Smith and children, of
Mount Hood, were here last week pre
paring for their apple harvest.
Medford Reed is building a home on
State street, just east of the home of
Fielding S. Kelly.
Highest quality coal is cheapest. Utah
King Coal is clean, hard and highest in
heat. Emry Lumber & Fuel Co. tf
Before you buy an automobile yon
should see the new Studebakers at the
Cameron Motor Co. m4tf
For dry box wood phone Emry Lum
ber & Fuel Co. Just right for kindling
and quick fires. ol2tf
' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bell were in The
Dalles last Friday for the rodeo. On
Sunday they motoied to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coventon, of
Portland, have arrived here to spend
the next few months. needed.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shannon and lit
tle daughter were down from Dee last
Ihursday shopping.
For dry box wood phone Emry Lum
ber &r nel co. Just right for kindling
vjuita urea. Ol2tf
Come in and see the new Bujek 1923
modds Sixes, $1425; Fours, $1075
Hood River Garage.
Dr. N. Plvler. Chirnnrflrt n ami Trios.
trie treatments. Rooms 23-24-25 lleil
bronner bldg., tele. 1833. Hood River.
Before you buy an automobile you
slieuld see the new Studebaker at the
Cameron Motor Co. m4tf
Searches of records and reliable ab
stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com
pany, A. W. Onthank. Mrnimwr. Sflfi
Oak Street. Phone 1521. jy20-tf
Come n and see the new Buick 1923
models. Sixes, $1425; Fours, $1075
uoou niver Uarage.
iiood reiver's finest eating place. Ser
vice continuous 6:30 A. M. to 11 P M
the 1 lieasant. ieltf
J. K. bhelton. of Toneka Kan fnr.
meriy owner of East Side ranches, ar
rived the latter Dart of last wepk t.n
can on old city and valley friends.
Ihe Pheasant. Tea Room. Fnnnfain
uoom and Uining Room. A real place
iu rai, vxHiunuous service t:30 A. M
to 11 r. M. iflitf
j ...
Geo. W. Gould, of Portland, came nn
iu epenu me weeK ena with Mrs. liou d
at the home of her parents. Mr. nnH
Mrs. A. W. Kishop.
Mrs. A. G. Lewis. Jr.. and little
son, of White Salmon, have been here
this week visiting Mr. Lewis' parents,
mr. hiiu mrs. A. U. Lewis.
Crop Insurance, covering fruit and sup.
plies, written at 20c for one month, 10c
tor additional, per $100. R. E. Scott
phone 2804, 5071 evenings. e21tf
C. S. Woodruff, a Portland newepa
per man, was here last week arrange
ing to take aerial photographs of the
euy ana valley.
Sanford . Smith, who has been indis
posed at his home on the Heights, was
able to visit down town friends the lat
ter part of last week.
The Pheasant and Oregon Hotel Di
ning Room under same management
Club Breakfasts Business Men's Lunch,
Evening Dinner. Continuous Service,
o:au a. m. tp li i'. m. ieltf
A large and luscious bunch of Tokay
grapes, grown in his "Garden of
Allah," was displayed the pact week
by J. L. Johnson at the Clarke drug
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hershner were
called to Dallas Sunday of last week,
tne occasional the death or the for
mer s grandmother, Mrs. L. W. Lough-
ary. ihey returned Monday.
Election day, November 7. 1122. vote
for S. W. Hepner, independent candi
date for County Assessor.' Equity and
economy. A change in office is desired
by many voters of Hood River County.
(I'aidadv.) n2
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moe left Yester
day by automobile for Roseburg, where
Mr. Moe will represent the Hood River
Commandery at the annual Grand
Commandery meeting.
C. S. Bowe, accompanied by Ed
Hardman, who is here from Roseburg
participating in the apple harvest,
was down from the Upper Valley on
business last week.
The following members of Waucoma
Lodge, Knights of Pythias, went to
Portland the first of the week to at
tend the grand lodge there: T. F.
Johnson, John Baker, Harry Wood, J.
H. Hazlett and L. M. Baldwin.
The Dunning School of Improved Mu
sic htudy. Moudays and lliursiiays
each week. For beginners and advanced
pupils. High School credits. Mrs.
,ubbe, exponent. Studio, Wittenberg
residence, 821 Oak street. oou
Mrs. William Weber has been in
Portland the past week to be with her
son, William Weber, Jr., who has been
very ill as results of infection from
the wound left when a tooth was ex
tracted. Blind Milton, who wrote "Paradise
Lost," said: "Eyesight once lost can
never be forgotten." He meant that
the yearning memory of sweet vision
could not be erased. W. F. Laraway
will fit your eyes.
The kiddies are wending their way
to school and study. What have you
done to have the vision corrected when
there is a deformity? We take great
pleasure in looking after the eyesight
of the children, for we know that to
start them right means much through
out their lives. Laraway will be glad
to tell you whether or not glasets are
Mrs. Maude Van Tuyle, formerly of
Hood River, who now resides at Tilla
mook, and her daughter, Miss Velda
Van Tuyle, motored here the first of
the week to visit friends.
Geo. R. Wilbur, who will represent
the Oregon Deparment, American Le
gion, as commander at the national
convention at New Orleans, left Mon
day on the southern jaunt. Mrs. Wil-
Dur accompanied him.
After over 16 years in his office on
Oak street, A. W. Onthank has moved
to an office in the First National Bank
building formerly occupied by Judge
Glanville. He invites you to call on
him in his new quarters.
John A. and G. W. Surbur, of Coun
cil Bluffs, la., passed through the city
Dy automobile last week. They were
greeted by W. F. Laraway, who noted
their license tag. They found that
iney nau many mutual mends back in
the Hawkeye state.
i I ii . .
marKing me narvest season, many
unusually fine specimens of fruit, nuts
ana vegetables are on display at vari
ous places of the city. Edw. Hawkes.
East Side grower, has displayed at the
l.: v I . : i i, i
r ubi iMuuunai uuriK some very nne
English walnuts. He also showed
Winter Bananas of large size.
Rubber Specialists We are prepared
to equip your shoes with rubber soles
and heels in the most scientific manner.
We use the celebrated Non Skid heel.
made in Portland, and put them on in
5 minutes. J. T. S. Heels: Usco and
Pauco Soles. Guaranteed to give service
Thompson Shoe Shop, 109 2nd St. e28tf
P. F. Chandler, publisher of the
Canyon City Eagle, accompanied by
his wife and son, W. G. Chandler,
passed through here last week return
ing home from a vacation spent in the
Willamette Vallev. They were at Sa
lem for the state fan'.
Lost $5,000, throwing awav vour
old hats. Save this by calling on Jack
Carlisle, practical hatter now located at
hirst and Oak in old Hunt Paint Shop.
Ladies' and gents' velours, beavers.
caps and fur hats cleaned, re-blocked
stiffened, any style and size. If they
are not like new. don't pay for them.
Keep your hat.
The following members of Wauna
Temple, Pythian Sisters, were in Port
land this week for grand lodge ses
sions: Mrs. Florence Rand, grand
lodge officer, Mrs. Alda Baldwin, Mrs.
Margaret Howell, Mrs. May Chindlund
and Mrs. Dee Boyd. Mrs. Chindlund
was the delegate from the local temple.
Prof. Mazanta's dancing school was
opened last Saturday night at the Odd
fellow hall. All of his pupils who at
tended were more than pleased with
the instructions they received. Prof.
Mazanta expects a large attendance.
as he is making every preparation to
make it pleasant for his scholars. The
dance floor is being rewaxed.
The Past Matrons' Club. O. E. S,
will meet next Wednesday afternoon
with Mrs. W. F. Laraway at her home
on Mate street. A lull attendance is
urged. The club follows the custom
of holding monthly meetings at the
homes of members throughout the win
ter season, and a number of pleasant
parties- is anticipated this season.
Edward MacLean, general secretary
of the Oregon Retail Merchants' Asso-
lation, was bere'Iast week visiting lo-
cal merchants and stimulating them to
renewed activity for a closer organiza
tion. Mr. MacLean stated that he and
number of associate officers would
soon begin a tour of all the cities of
the state.
Reliable Goods - Reasonable Prices
Heather Hosiery La Vogue Coats Saxony Sweaters
Ladies' All Wool $1.60 to $2.50 Fur Tmraed Collars Boy$. miks $3 05 tQ $7 90
Children's..... ,. 95c to $1.60 Correct Styles $29.85 to $50.00 Men's ". $5.90 to $9.85
Men's 50c to 95c Sport Coats. $19.85 to $39.85 4-Pockct Coats........$4.90 to $8.50
True-shaped Hosiery None Better Made Coat Sweaters $2.95 to $12 50
Ivanhoe Gloves Cooper's Underwear Napa Tan Shoes
For Particular Ladies ....
Newest Styles 96c to $1.95 "en-f Umons f ad? to 9'85
3 Boys' $1.25 to $2.50 Boys' $3.90 to $6.90
Men's Work Gloves They nt nKe your smn. Men's $550 to $12.60
Canvas, 2 for 25c, Leather . 60c to $2 You will come again, They Keep dry feet.
Girls' Cloaks
and Raincoats
New Neckwear
and Trimmings
A son was born at the Cottage hos-
ital Monday to Mr. and Mrs. P. F.
Clark. Mr. Clark, prominent figure in
Northwestern fruit circles, , having
formerly been sales manager or the
Yakima Fruitgrowers' Association, is
now sales manager of the Apple Grow
ers Association. The mother and boy,
the first child of the popular couple,
are doing fine. Business was sus
pended at the Association office, fol
lowing receipt of the news, while Mr.
Clark treated the force to cigars.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Sunday school at 9.45 every Sunday
morning. Evening services at 7.30 by
Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, until further no
Saturday night at Odd Fellows Hall,
at 7 :31p.m. No class work, you can
start any time. Gentlemen, 6 three
hour lessons, $5. 00, or $1.00 per lesson.
Ladies, 6 three-hour lessonw; $3.0(1, or
75c per lesson. Pkof. Mazanta, Inst.
By winning all three games
the Kelly Olympians Monday
Hood River is resting nicely in
place in the City League in Portland.
Walter Forry and Walter Shay bowled
good games and so did Dad Smith.
House and Goodwin were low on the
team with 532 each. Next week Hood
River willfbowl the strong Toke Point
team. If the boys can take them down
for two out. of three Hood River will
be hard for the rest to overtake as
they are going strong.
Scores were as follows :
Hood River -
Houee - - 171
Shay - - 179
Smith - - 172
Forry - - - 207
Goodwin - - 196
Total - - 925
Keliv Olympian
Banks - -190
- 167
- 203
- 917
Perlee -Hall
won two games irom tne
Pies won
Toke Points and Uncle Joe's
two from the M. A. A. C
When you step out of bed on a crisp, chilly morning, it's
pretty nice to know that you have plenty of dry kindling
for a quick fire. Dry trimmings and ends (no shavings or
sawdust) from our box and sash and door factory, are just
what you need. Try out a load of this good, dry kindling
and you will never be without it.
Phone 2181 Fourth and Cascade
' Major Carroll to Speak
An address on Kussia will be given
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the
Valley Christian church under the aus
pices of the Barrett Parent-Teacher
Association. Major Carroll, who has
just returned from Rursia, where he
was head of the American Relief Ad
ministration, will be speaker.
Mrs. L., O. Meacham, in a group of
songs and L. K. Benton, with violin
selections, will render a program of
Russian music.
A cordial invitation- to attend the
meeting is extended to all.
The Business and Professional Worn
en s Club dinner at the Hotel Oregon
will be held this evening at 6.30 in
stead of Friday evening as first an-
The Sanitary Beauty Parlor is lc
cated upstairs over the Butler Bank.
Kocm 19. Have you tried the Neo
Plastiquel Facial? It is wonderful
The benefit derived is permanent. It
is jutt the thing for building up and
preserving the facial muscles, and is
superior to hand or electric massage,
It prevents sagging and forming of
wrinkles. The change is eo rapid, so
lasting, so'truly magical you will b
delighted. You will look 10 to 15
years younger in a short time as these
preparations act immediately on the
muscles and tissue, restoring and pre'
serving the youthful cjntour of the
fwe. Once a customer, always a cus
Knit Mittens
15 to 50
Knit Goods For The Little Folks
For some reason this is oue of the hardest lines to buy, to find the right
kinds, the besl colors, and the right pieces as well. This season we have
the most complete assortment we have ever shown.
Soft And Warm Knit Woolens To Keep The Little Tots Comfortable
Bootees, Mittens, Gloves, Hose, Sacques, Sweaters, Toques,
Wool Knit Sets consisting of Coat, Leggins, Mittens and Cap, White and Colors.
Knit Bootees
25 to 85
Knit Toques
25 to $2.68
Knit Sacques
89 to $3.95
Knit Sweaters
98 to $4.95
An Early Selection Is Advisable. It Will Be Difficult To Get The Assortment Later On
Knitted and Brushed Wool Scarfs
$3.98 to $9.85
The most attractive, practical and economical of all wraps
for any and all occasions. We have some of the richest com
binations of colors you have ever seen, while fringes, pockets
and belts adtl to their popularity.
New Laces, Ribbons and Trimmings
5c to $2.98
Dainty, narrow crotchet edges, Torchon edges and beading,
Arabian silk lace and insertion. Collar Laces in white and
Arabian,Filet Insertions and Ices, wide silk Fringes. Navy,
Brown, Black and White; Gold and Silver Ribbons, Metallic
Trimming in Pastel Shades.
O'Donnel Shoes For Men And Young Men
Authentic Style Shoes of Dependable Quality, the Best Leathers
Styles are quite distinctive and different, in black or brown Calf.
Last fits the foot that the ordinary shoe cannot fit
and Lasts. The Late Fall
The O'Donnel Combination
Home Journal Patterns
Quarterly Style Books
Are Here
S J ' ii .ii UuL HOOO RvtR- G-l?.-IS
Sheep Lined
Duck Coats
For lien
C. M. Kopp, head of a large Yakima
apple chipping concern, which has i
local branch in'charge of F. E. Olle
man, has jumped into the limelight us
the onion king of America. Mr. Ofle'
man has just received news that Mr.
Kopp, cooperating with the Texas
Farm Bureau and Onion Exchange,
has signed up 55 per cent of the Texas
Bermuda onion crop. The Yakima
commission, man who utilizes his ales
force in the winter months in selling
Northwestern boxed apples and in
other seasons in the onion deal, con
trols the onion output of various sec
tioni of the country.
Mr. Kopp, now considered as the
most important factor in the onion
market in the country, has jurt re
turned from San Antonio to Yakima.
He expects to make his headquarters
in the Texts city after March of next
year in order to engineer eales oi the
Bermudas from there.
Mrs. Ferguson Addresses League
Those present at the Asbury M. E.
church last Sunday evening received a
rare treat in the review of "The Way
farer" as given by Mrs. J. E. Fergu
son, of Udell. Ihe entire recital was
given in clear, concise tones. The
audience waited expectantly for each
new icene. Scarcely a stir broke the
silence. Many hopes were arouced to
tee this great world drama as given at
Seattle. Wash., which bids fair to
rival in popularity "The I'assion
Play," of Oberatnagau.
Mrs. rergupon was ably assisted by
Mrs. F. T. Gilbert, who beautifully
rendered two solos. "Lead Kindly
Light" and "The Holy City." both of
which are used in the original presen
tation of "The Wayfarer." The audi
ence sang, "The Coronation Hvmn" in
closing which is also the final number
of this gieat religious drama as given
at Seattle.
Next Sunday evening, the Enworth
ieue meets from 6.30 to 7.30 n. m.
Subject to be discussed, "The Abund
ant Life." At 7.30 Rev. Sykes will
give a talk on, "The State of Christi
anity in a Roman Province at the Close
of the Second Century, A. D." The
choir will render appropriate music.
Mrs. C. E. Copple Saturday received
from D. Tancred, Kent, Wash., poul
tryman, 100 white leghorn pullets.
Mrs. Copple a year ago created a sen
sation when she purchased a cockerel
from Mr. Tancred, paying $250 for the
bird. The' pullets just bought will be
mated with cockerels from the high
priced fowl bought last year.
"The general impression, I believe,"
says Mrs. Copple, "was that 1 had
been unwise in paying $250 for a single
chicken. In fact I made $500 from
eggs laid by hens mated with the fine
rooster. The poultry business is jnst
like .anything else. If you are going
into it, get the best, and your returns
will be the greatest"
Masonic Dances Planned
At a meeting Tuesday night Ihe
dance committee of the Masonic Lodge
decided to pursue the custom of a ser
ies of dances at the Columbia Gorge
Hotel as initiated last year. The ser
ies will be opened November 2 with a
grand ball. Other tentative dates for
the dances are as follows: November
23, December 14 and 28.
The dance commitee consists of Kent
Shoemaker. Harold Hershner. Van W.
Gladden, James Fenemore and Hayes
Li. Biekrord.
Lumber Company Resumes Work
The Oregon Lumber Co., the logging
camps or which were recently closed
down on the headwaters of the West
Fork of Hood river because of labor
trouble, has resumed work. The old
crew, which was said to have been
filled with I. W. W., demanded the
maximum wages being paid by Pacih'c
Coast logging concerns This element
was entirely cleaned out in the read
justment, and the new crew of loggers
is declared to be composed of sturdy
Bad Check Man Again Cusy
The boldest and most successful bad
check artist ever orerating here,
tourhed merchants for more than $100
ast Saturday night. Department
stores were his especial victims. He
visited each store, cahirg counter
checks signed by Carl Ferry and uav
able to George liroughton, supposedly
his own name. Two checks were
ashed at one store. The man in en
dorsing the checks wrote his street ad
dress, a local street, under his name.
He was never heard cf at the rurr ler.
He has skipped and onVers do rot be
lieve they will ever locate him.
Father Max's Celebration Today
Right Rev. Joseph McGmth. bif-hoD
of the Raker dioceee of the church.
and 20 iriesta of various Noithweftern
cities, will be here today to.attend the
celebration ofjtht JSflieth anniversary
of investment in the rrl-es of the Fran
citosn Order of Rev. Father Maximil
ian Klein, now pastor cf the Catholic
church at Hums. The celebration will
he held at St. Mary's church, where
Fr. Maximilian was pastor for mar.y
Abort 40 at Single Tax Meeting
About 40 were j refent Monday even
ine at Pine Grove Grarge to bear Ihe
rfebate between Willism Kos, afTirtr.a
tive. and R-lft Kuykendail. negative,
on the s irgle tax initiative bill. Urch
ardists, it was said, are now rnore in
terested in ther harvest ttan in tax debates.
Golden Delicious Displayed
The first Golden Delicious apples
ever harvested here were displayed at
the Clarke drug store last-week by
Miss Ressie Henry, who picked the
fruit from young trees on her Willow
Flat place. The apples have the char
acteristic shape of the red Delicious,
and their flavor is very similar. The
new apples, propagated by the Stark
nursery, of Mif souti, however, is of a
beautiful golden color. Growers who
have examined the new fruit think it
may become a popular commercial variety.
Chas. Littler Fined
Charles Littler, after paying a fine
of $35 in the court cf Justice of the
Peace Onthank, was rearrested Mon
day and taken before City Recorder
Howeto answer a charge of disorderly
conduct. The latter assessed a fine of
$15. Littler, who claimed Umatilla as
his home, was alleged to have been
badly intoxicated. When apprehended
he was in the middle of a street curs
irg Hcod Kiver.
Man Sect to Asjlum
A man of middle age who gave his
name as Lewis Pegentine, just ar
rived from Seattle, he said, was com
mitted to the Pendleton insare asylum
Tuesday. Officers took liegenstine
from the river, where ne had waded,
he declared, to prevent avenging spir
its from reaching him and killing him.
The water, he said, protected him
from his enemies.
G. E. Corson, who was formerly in
business here and who now operates
a music store in The Dalles, was here
yesterday looking for a location for a
i rrancn siore. ne DOf 3 10 open a nrst
class store here.
Rickshas Open Another Field
It may not be long before the rick
shas of Japan are transformed into a
form of motor vehicle if the design of
an American automotive engineer con
tinues to take hold of Nippon's fancy
in the fashion it has started out, ac
cording to Firestone export men.
The new motor vehicle is railed the
Jitsuyo, perhaps a Japanese corruption
for jitney, and. it is remarkably small
and simple to operate. So much so
that a coolie can handle the machine
with ease.
There is no steering wheel, but simi
larly with the American electrics is
guided by a handle held in the left
hand. The clutch, brake and gear
shift levers are eliminated, the entire
control being accomplished by one
lever on the right Pushing forward
this handle engages the friction trans
mission. Pulled back one movement it
disengages the friction wheels. Pulled
completely back it applies the brakes.
Pulled over to the outerside of rear
puts the engine in reverse.
The wheel base of the Jitsuyo is but
72 inches and the tread 38 inches. Thus
no garages are necessary, for the ma
chine can be kept in the ordinary rick
sha house or even in a doorway.
The Firestone export representative
reporting on his new arrival in motor
dnm sees another field opened up for
pneumatic tires and tire accessories.
Lost Lake Fund Wanted
In order to join with the United
States Forest Service in building por
tions of the Lost Lake Highway with
out the bounds of the Oregon National
Forest, the county budget board this
year will be asked to include an appro
priation for $4,000. The forestry ser
vice, which is able to join in building
such roads on a 50-50 basis, expended
$4,000 the past year. The county had
but $2,500 available and the remaining
$1,500 was raised by private sub
scription of citizens.
t n:PT OYSTER'3'"
Fresh Eastern Oyfters
are now in season.
Sealshipt Oy&ers
are the finest there are and
are all solid meal.
We have them in bulk and get
them rresh every few day.
makes them go farther.
Order today from
The Star Grocery
"Good Things to Eat"