The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 28, 1922, Image 6

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    . HOOD ItlVElt GLACIER. TnOligDAY,' SEPTEMBER 28; 1922
Jacob Kanzler, judge of the court
of domestic relations of Multnomah
county, will be the speaker st the Sun
day Evening Club at its first meeting
of the season r.ext Sunday evening at
The court of domestic relations is
one of the most forward looking social
movements in America. It is an at
tempt to bring fine human sympathy
as well as judicial acumen into those
cases that involve the welfare of fam
ilies and especially of children. The
iiidca is chosen for his human under
standing rather than any technical
qualifications. The court in Portland
has been operating for about three
years with conspicuous success." It is
1 safa to sav that no man Bees more
clearly the drift of American Bocial
1 life than the men who preside over
these courts of domestic relations,
i Judge Kanzler will speak of his exper
lences m his court.
The Sunday Evening Club is an
tivity of Riverside church and meets
the first and third Sunday evenings of
each month during the winter. A
choir of vounir teonle under the direc
tion of Mrs. C. H. Henney will be
organized to lead the singing.
The pastor in addition to preashing
every Sunday morning at 11 o clock
will hereafter preach the second Sun
day evening cf each month at 7.30.
Mrs. Scobee Has Peculiar Accident
Mrs. E. L. Scobee. department offic
1 er of the Oregon Woman's Relief
Corps, .was the victim of a unique but
painful experience while on a journey
to Tillamook and other coast points to
s inspect corps. The journey was made
in the Scobee automobile, Mayor Sco-
i bee driving. Mrs. Scobee. occupying
i the tonneau. arose to reach for some-
. thing that, had fallen from the robe
rack on the front seat. She pressed
against one of the rear door latches,
- and the door dropped open. A sudden
lurch of the car caused Mrs. Scobee to
sit down violently, and instead of
striking the rear cushion she fell back
ward out of the car.
Mayor Scobee was astonished, on
looking around to discover his wife
missing. He quickly backed up the
machine and found his wife unconscious
on the highway. While no bones were
broken, Mrs. Scobee suffered for some
days from the shock of the peculiar
accident. ,
The Hood River valley apple har
vest is now in full swing. Numerous
growers.Iwho startetiflast week in the
Lower Valley to pick their Newtowns,
will finish picking this week, but the
main harvest will not be at its height
until next week. Weather conditions
have been ideal for maturing apples.
Coldnight s and brilliantly sunny days
have prevailed. Frosts prevailed on
higher altitudes as early as the latter
Dart of last week and red varieties
have colored nicely.
Last week more help was registering
at the Association's free employment
airencv than could be placed by Mrs
J. W. Inealls. in charge. Growers this
week are takintr all help available.
Many transients last week, unable to
secure work, passed on to other dis
There is now a tendency on the part
of'irrowers to lower estimates on the
racked tonnage of the valley consider
ably. While shippers the first tw
weeks of September were prone to
pake the season's yield around 3,000
cars, more than last year, wey now
sav that the fruit has not sized ec
cording to expectations, and that toe
tonnage from present appearances wil
not reach the tonnage of 2,800 cars of
last season. Growers are reporting
heavy worm damage.
"I find, says U K. cone, who be
can picking his Newtowns last week.
"that many of the apples have a sen
ous sun tan."
Shipments of apples up to last week
end had not exceeded li cars. A total
of 37 car loans of pears had rolled.
III i ' ....'.r.M II
The Baptist tTiurch
Next Sunday will be rally day for
the young people. Delegations from
The Dalles and Portland will be on
hand. The main speaker will be Dr,
G. H. Young, of Portland. The meet
ings will begin at 6.M p. m. and will
continue, with an intermission of an
hour for refreshments until 9 p. m.
The full program is found in another
place in the paper. Sunday school at
10 a, m. Preaching service at 11 a. m.
Subject of sermon, "The Fact of the
Resurrection." The Junior B. Y. P.
U. will meet with the Senior in their
rally. The evening service will be in
charge of the Senior li. Y. P. U. rally.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m.
If you want to know the Bible, go
where it is taught and believed.
Lerov Childs and Gordon G. Brown
have started elaborate tests for deter-
minincr the keeping duality of d'Aniod
pears picked during various stages of
maturity. Fruit just starting to ripen.
that medium ripe and fully matured
d'Anjous will be stored, both in refrig
erated rooms and - in piania mereiv
with ventilation. J
The experiment station men last
winter conducted 'experiments which
tended to show that growers of the
Northwest have been picking their
d'Anjous too early. The fruit picked
after it had matured last fall kept per
fectly, while the pears 'harvested early
in the season shriveled and were taste
Christian Church
The meetings are growing in power
and reBults. with 78 responding to the
invitation, 65 additions to the church
and 13 volunteers for life serviced
Evangelist Cole is a strong preacher of
the Gospel, fearless and fair and yet
always proving himself a courteous
Christian man. Mrs.' Cole has few
equals as a song leader and her aweet
solos are reaching the people. Services
every night this weeK at yju. me
closing day will be the Lordsday with
three great services and a basket din
ner in the basement. ' Rally Day in the
Bible school at 9.45 a. m. lhe slogan
is 500 in attendance and a worthy offer
ing, iio tine or tne ouu ana neip win
25 for Christ that day.
J. C II anna, Tastor.
if 1.0 WWLW W
During' the" Month c of October
We Offer to' Our Customers
1 Asbary M. L Church
- Minister, Gabriel Sykes.
Beginning October 1 services at the
Asbury M. E. church swill be - as fol
lows : Sunday school at 10 a. m. Pub
lic worship at 11 a m. and 7.30 p. m,
Epworth League at 6 30 p. m. Next
Sunday evening the pastor will begin
course of sermons on I he book of I
Revelation in the Light of Modern Re
search, to be continued the first and I
third Sunday evenings of each month.
All other Sunday evenings the Men's
Club and the Epworth League' will be
responsible for the program.
Wednesday evenings,, beginning Oc
tober 4 at. 7.30, will be devoted to lec
tures on "The Worker and Hia Bible,"
II. Carrier, piano tuner. Phone
" 4fC,L ' "WS, WEDNESDAY, Hi fl
Mew of Social Workers Who Deal With
. Runaways and Other Types
r After oob mu,Bvmw,
HB U rtw ef UM CJIri Wfc
Cowm f itm City m ur-
pained ounfi aremaa b$a
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mofMM e atteniiinf iM fclmslva;1
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Mt h4 Cntaet With fir I m to
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Round No. 3 of
Mother, Father,
Son and Daughter.
Monday and Tuesday
The WcrEtzer
THOR Electric
i Washing Machine
; washes everything from I the
finest - laees to tthe - grimiest
overalls without any rubbing.
It does the week's laundry m
1 half the time required for hand
rubbing and rinsing. .'The)
THOR is scientifically icon-.
structed, solidly made, and is
j equipped with a G. E.1 Motor J
1 on the market 15 years. Over : ;
750,000 in use. Guaranteed
for one year by the Hurley'Ma
chine -Company, a $10,000,000
concern. We believe an in
vestment in a THOR . Electric
; Washer will pay for itself many
times over ' m the saving in
laundry bills, clothes and
3 THOr Mddels
to choos from
" The THOR No 32
. An all metal machine with the
wonderful new luminoid metal
cylinder that washes faster and
better than any other machine
on the i market, t Far.' superior
to any other machine made.
Our latest model.
The THOR k No. ' 25
Swinging' Wringer Model, a
strong,- durable machine that
will last a lifetime ow-mdst
popular seller. . .
The THOR No. 25
Stationary Wringer Machine
hundreds of thousands in use
today giving satisfaction after
years of use. : ' . y . ;
AS LOW AS $110.00
Please Remember This
The THOR Electric i Washing Machine will be sold at these LOWER" PRICES and SPECIAL
TERMS -during OCTOBER ONLY. A payment of $5.00:down . puts the THOR in. your
home the balance you can pay in. small monthly payments and then clean linen,' easy wash
days, money saved satisfaation for a lifetime. Don't delay come in today with $5.00 and
we will deliver either one of the three models at once.
2 CiZ
n - ' u
y wiiniivj ucu.-uiurs. vioia uana m ine :.uu liaby
The national fall ocbcol tport had its
nrst take-oft here last rriday after
non when the senior class met i
picked team from the rest of th hitrli
school on Gibson field and went down
to defeat 6 to U Neither team acored
tn the first half. but. the neniors made
their touchdown in the third quarter
ana Tailed to kick goal. .In the fourth
quarter the picked team got on it
feet. making two touchdowns and two
goals. . Neal Mc-Ft,- 'VarMty '22, wa
Next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
the first interacholaitic game of the
year will be played on Gibson field
when the Lincoln high school of I'ort
land will meet Coach Keeney'a re
cruits. This it the first practice game
for each team so some good fun is ex
pected. A big crowd will eneouratre
the boys to win.
The high school student body wilJ
give a reception in the auditorium to
the new students and faculty members
Friday evening from a to 11 o clock.
The parents of high school students
are particularly urged to be present.
lhe iuniof high building will be
thrown open to the public Friday even-
ng for inspection from 7.30 to 9.30.
Principal iL B. Hirer and his staff will
be hefts, assisted by some of the pu
pils. There will be a short program
about 8.20 ia the upotairs assembly
hall. Yon are rordially invited to at
tend. Patrons' of the high school ars
asked to visit the new junior high
building before they go to the student
body reception.
Urs. Harriet ElashfielJ, who bas
Wen absent from her classes in junior
high since school began, expects to bf
able to meet them next week. Mrs.
H. G. Cooper has been tbe substitute.
Miss Beatrice Pogue of - tbe Fmrk
Street school was absent from school
Monday on- account of ilirss. Her
lace wss filled by Mrs. H. U. BalL Jones, who bas been janitor st
the h ich school building for the past
several years, bas beea absent front
I work fur tbe past two weeks bcsiue
cf an old wound in his fuot. We sre
bopirg that he will be sble to return
The teschers end pupils of tbe Tark
Street echoo are happv in tbe pos-
piano. It is of tbe
peeially made for
the money cade
by the pupils in their operetta of a
year and a half ago was used to apply
on the purchase price.
I Miss Evelyn Cram. II. R. H. S. '22,
is'taking some post-graduate work and
helping in the office.
1 The contest in . the student body
membership drive closed Tuesday noon
when Treasurer Edward Hryan an
nounced the winners. The seniors were
first with 100 per cent; juniors second
with over 80 per ent; tophomores
third, and the freshmen fourth. The
seniors will therefore hold the first
class party about Hallowe'en time.
The juniors will give the second party,
and so on.
Band Cheers Hospital Patients
The Knights of Pythias band won
the gratitude of patients at the Cot
tage hocpital Sunday when they visited
iho institution and gave a serenade
concert. The band has made itself
popular throughout the town and val
ley by its participation in patriotic and
civic activities. ?
"The action of the busy members of
the band in devoting some of their
time to cheering our patients was very
considerate' says Miss Josefa Stam
pher, .superintendent of the hospital,
"and everyone connected with our in
stiiution appreciated the concert very
Glacier office makes rubber stamps.
B'ession of a mw pia
Uirr.irutive type eajpw
school us, ivrce ef 1
Appjf Eg
We . will commence receiving:. Monday,. Oct.r9tli.
Van Horn Deliveries, Mason Warehouse :
Factory, Hood River Deliveries :
Hood River Apple Vinegar Xlo.
, ,VII n iwt in i' ' i