o nOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922 M ake this store your store Complete Stocks Quality Goods Fair Prices Courteous Service ARDWARE FUR F1TK HOUSE FURNISHINGS, DISHES, TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. Our House Furnishing Department offers many useful articles Brooms, at 45c Bissell's Carpet Sweepers $4.50 Wood Baskets, Steel, 65c Coal Buckets, 80c Clothes Hampers Extra Large $3.85 Everything in Dishes See our stock you'll be pleased Empty Fir Kegs 5 to 50 gal. sizes. Parafined inside Just the thing for cider. PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW. Furniture Department SPECIAL this week: Large Size Davenport Soft Spring Seat and Back 1 Extra Large Rocker 1 Extra Large Chair All three pieces covered in good grade Tapestry. . Three Pieces CU 1 O O Specially Priced P A See Our Windows. Many New Patterns in RUGS AND LINOLEUM at new low prices. See our stock before buying. KELLY BROS. CO i . . v:".-. Universal Ranges and Heaters Come in and see the new Buick 1923 models. Sixes, $142o; Fours, $1025. Hood Kiver Garage. Special prices on Utah King Coal di rect from the car. Thone 2181. EnM Lumber and fuel Co. sltf No More Tread Separation It can't occur with SEIBERLING Cords because tread and side wall are made in one piece of tough, wear-resisting tread stock. YES. WE SELL THEM AT HOOD RIVER GARAGE '-'You will see them everywhere: SEIBERLING CORDS Pickers Like These Bags Our Portland Picking Bags have a soft flap next the body. The shoulder (traps fasten in front, so the picker drops and dosen't throw the apples in to the sack. They are adjustable to hold any quantity. Bennett Brothers, exclusive agents. Just recieved a shipment of the very newest in Fall blouHes. Monner's. s28 for MODERN CRAflKCASE CLEANING SERVICE Calol Fluthtnc Oil for f. thorough clrminf nd Zerolent lor correct refilling, makt th ideal combinatioa lor better engine performance. At dealer who display the aiga. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) ? Why Consign Your Fruit : You can get cash in full here. We are making :,up cars of Winter Nellis pears. v .Warehouses Hood River-Odell. ! CZIOEZZ &f)c C. M. KOPP CO. i ..... r i r- 1 Ptinna 11? " F. U OLLEMA, M?r. U)iumoia vui. The Equinoctial Period is at hand, and the w ise automobile owner is going to be prepared against the rains that always accompany this season of mid-Autumn. If your Top is leaky don't worry just pilot your car down to SEVENTH AND COLUMBIA STS. and the WARREN ALTO TOP SHOP WILL DO THE REST! FUNERAL SERVICES OF E. E. DOANE SUNDAY Funeral services for E. E. Doane, West Side orchardist, who died Satur day at the Cottage hospital, were held Sunday afternoon from the Anderson chaDel. Rev. Gabriel Sykea otticiatine. Interment followed at ldlewilde ceme tery. Mr. Doane, native of New York state and 61 years old, was stricken suddenly last week. His death was so sudden that but few of his close friends and neighbors knew of it. and the news brought a distinct shock to the community. Mr. Doane and his family came here 12 years a?o. Survivors are: His widow and the following children : Mrs. H. W. Whitely, of Dee; Mrs. Myrl McCallister, and Dorothy and Jack, all of Hood.Kiver. Clyde Pattee Buried Here The bodv of Clvde Pattee. need 35 years, who died beptemDer u at the hnmp nf hi nnrcntd. Mr. and Mrs, 1) G. Pattee, of Hillsboro, was brought here ror interment at jaiewnae ceme tery. Mr. Pattee, who has been ill for several years, was born in Klickitat county, Washington, April 25, 1887. He graduated from the Hood River high school in 1908 and from th Uni versity of Oregon, where he majored in electrical engineering, in 1914. Mr. Pattee was married in 1917 to Miss Edith Baker at Eugene. He was formerlv in charee of the Prosser. Wash., plant of the Pacific Power & Light Co. In addition to his parents and wife, Mr. Pattee is survived by a sister, Miss Maude Pattee. MACY-BAIRD CO. RETURNS FOR PLAYS The Macy-Baird Co.," with 15 play ers, has arrived for a repertoire of old time plays at a tent at the corner of Sixth and Cascade aveiue. The com pany, here last year, won considerable popularity among citizens for their clean, wholesome shows. The company has about 50 plays which they can give on a moment's notice. Carnival Men Go Free Justice of the Peace Onthank Tues day dismisfed criminal proceedings against E. S. Hansen and B. E. Wood, carnival owners, charged with obtain ing money under false pretenses. Ac cording to allegations the men gave checks that were protested. Judge Onthank stated that the testimony showed that the men, after giving the checks, had offered to make them good, having expressed the fear at the time that their balance might not be suffici ent to cover them. The show men were arrestedjandjreturned from Tygh Valley, where they were present lor a fair. Cramer Succeeds Cannon A. D. Cannon, who established the Twentieth Century branch grocery store here, has been transferred to the Sellwood store, Portland. He has been succeeded by Duncan Cramer, former Umatilla young man, who came here over a year ago to join the J. C. Pen ney Company force. Mr. Hanna Moore, or Portland, and Calvin Lvin- ger, local young man, are now em ployed at the Twentieth Century store. Mr. Cannon made many Iriends while located here and bis leaving is re gretted. Mr. Cramer is a popular young man and is being widely con gratulated on his promotion. Coming to THE DALLES Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the past eleven years. DOES NOT OPERATE 8. Y. P. U. to Have Special Meeting A special meeting of the Baptist young people will he held at me church Sunday. The program wlil be as follows : 2.30 to 3 p. m., song and prayer ser vice; 3 to 4, round table conference, Dr. G. H. Young, of Portland, leader; to 4 15, songs; 4.15 to 4 45, addreFS by Mr. Bugue, of The Dalles, on B. Y. U. extension work; .n to b, re freshments and social hour; 6 to 7, convention talk by Dr. Young: 7 to 8, B. Y. P. U. regular service; 8 to P, address by Dr. Young. Grange Store Gnwing The Grange store, according to Man ager MacMillan. is making a steady growth. Although not yet six months old, the ttore is now doing the business of a well established firm. Its aver age daily and weekly volume of husi ress is about double that during its first month. The store sold a record quantity of goods Saturday, many ap- pleTerowers having visited here pre paring for the harvest. Constitution Day Observed Hood court Attorneys of The Dalles and River met at the Wasco county bouse laEt Thursday afternoon to ob serve Constitution Day. Local coun selors present were John Baker and Geo. R. Wilbur. At noon Thursday Judge Wilson delivered an address on the Constitution before the Kiwanis Club at The Dalles. AT THE THEATRES THE RIALTO and 30, pecil release, "Old Kentucky Home." The big racing scenes in this picture were actually taken at the Latonia tracks. Also Aesop'a Fables and Topics of the Day. Sunday, October 1, Gladys Brock well, Stuart Holmes, Mahlon Hamilton and Edna Murphy in "Paid Back." Also Pathe Review and International News. Monday and Tuesday, October 2 and 3, the greatest human interest photo drama ever produced, "Why Girls Leave Home." with Anna Q. Nillson and an all-star cast. Also Round No. 3 of "The Leather Pusher." Wednesday and Thursday. October 4 and 5, Viola Dara in "The l ive Dollar Bahy." Also Episode No.ll tf "The Timber Queen." Vera Kolst&d and the Wur litter daily Matinee every day, 2 p. m. THE LIBERTY Friday and Saturday, September 23; and 3i, Pete Morrison in "Headin' ! North." AIo Episode No. 5 of "In j the Days of Buffalo BilL" Sunday, October 1, Frsrk Msyo in j "Tracked to Earth." Also a two-reel comedy. j Dorothy Wissirger at the piano. Come jn and see the new Rsi'uk 1f23 modei. mih, tn2j; Fours, 11075. Will be at DALLES HOTEL Monday and Tuesday October 2nd and 3rd Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. TWO DAYS ONLY. No Charge for Consultation. Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate in medicine and is licensed by the state of Oregon. IJe .visits professionally the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip free consultation, except the expense of treatment when desired. According to his method of treat ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. If vou have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any bet ter, do not fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease are very often the cause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that consulta tion on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accompan ied by their husbands. Address: 336 Boston Block, Minne apolis, Minn. 8l4e28 SPECIAL r.-T j& w JiF jp m APICTURE YOU Will remember m Long after others m also Leather Pushers and Movie Chats at &e Rialto Mon. Apt 0 1 Tues. vU. U KX O USUAL PRICES 1920 Dodge Touring: For Sale Driven on pavement only, had extra good care and is an exceptionally good buy. BENNETT BROTHERS Portland Steamers DAILY SERVICE Lv. Hool Hivcr 8.M a. m. daily, t-XK-pt Saturday. Lv. Portland, 7.15 a. ni daily, except Saturday. Fare to Portland, $1.00 I'aily Service ToTtand to Astoria. The Karkins Transportation Co. JACK BAf.LEY. Acent. f $ A truck tire is a whole lot different from a pneumatic tire. One is solid; the other hollow. One goes slow; the other fast. In one, rubber is the cushion; in the other, air. But Kelly-Springfield Solid Tired and Pneu matic Tires have one thing in common and thatf is the greatest thing a tire can have They both have MILEAGE Highway Auto Co. Cor. Oak & 5th Sts. W Gr 1 11 I1 it! P L T "!" 111 V " ir-1- '" ' " a HIS STORE caters to all classes of people, and we solicit your business whether you are a granger or not. Our prices are the same to all, and your children receive the same courteous treatment as your self. If you cannot shop your self give the little girl or boy your list and send them here, we guarantee satisfaction. Grange Co-operative Store Telephone 2151 Apple Storage We have a limited amount of frost-proof apple storage to offer. You need the money. We can save you on packing. . New Warehouses at Hood River and Odell. HOOD RIVER-ODELL WAREHOUSE CO. Phone 3242 The very best of all Creamery products butter can be found at the Hood River Creamery. We handle only the very best, and our sanitary arrangements are perfect and thoroughly up-to-date. Give us a call and leave your order for us to supply you regularly. HOOD RIVER CREAMERY i-' 1 IS . in. wtSaiw READY FOR APPLE HARVEST We wisi to call yoar attention to tie following full lines at our store: Swift's Bacon, Hams and Lard Del Monte Canned Goods Ileinz's Full Line Hills Bros., Folger's and MJB Coffee We have a full line of gloves for apple pickers L. H. HUGGINSrho2i34 H l Uood River Garage.