The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 28, 1922, Image 1

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fit!. I VY
a ;
Resources t
Loans and Discounts
United States Bonds and Other
Bank Building and Fixtures
Other Real Estate
Cash and Exchange
Capital Stock
Earned Surplus and Profits
National Currency
Drain Your
-, nliim uffiulwuri I- " "
III Yield in ysgp
YOU wouldn't think of making your farm land do
without fertilizer when it is needed. Then, why
should you delay in draining your land, it will do it
more permanent good than any amount of fertilizer.
Drained land is fertile land. It will increase your
crop yield enormously, enough more to pay for the
drainage in one season. You will harvest better crops.
You can work your land earlier and easier. Drained
land has a higher value, making drainage your best
Our Tile Improve with Age
Be careful in selecting your tile; you don't want to
do the job over again. Our tile are made of concrete
by the Dunn method, insuring the best that can be
made. They do not disintegrate, but actually improve
with age. Every one is guaranteed.
Emry Lumber
of the most beautiful
VV7Q have had the pleasure of
showing this season
Plain backs - Belted bacRs - Sport models
$35.00 - $40.00 - $45.00
Nationally Knozvn
Speed up operations, reduce cost of packing, and improve
appearance of your APPLES by installing
Bristle Brush Cleaner and Polisher
New 1922 model now ready, get yours at once.
R. H. WEBER, Distributor
Phones: 2524. Ode: I 105 Hood River. Oregon
Before yon bar n automobile von Come in and" see the sew Puck V'-l
should see the new StuJebaker at 'the ; mxM. Mte, H2o; oars, 1 "75.
Securities 336,420.71
Land for
Crops 1
& Fuel Co.
A -
Eaftman Kodaks and Films
Our Stock is Always Complete
Kodak Developing and Printing
24-Hour Service
The quality of our developing the tone and finish
of our prints the success we have in brlnin& out
unfavorable exposures prove that
Experts Do Our Kodak Work
Come in and hear the
n i j 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 u n 1 1 1 1 1 1 i
' ' m a m mtm .mi n
Our Ad man was out of copy and wondered
what he would find to say next, when he
opened his morning mail and found a friend had
sent him half a dozen suggestions from which
we have selected the following for this week.
Out of every 1000 people in
Depositors. There are in Denmark 442, m Belgium 387,
in France 346, in England 302 and in Italy 200 out of
every 1000, and yet in the United States we have but 99
Savings Depositors out of every 1000 inhabitants. Almost
500 per cent more in Switzerland.
Some one may be thinking as he reads this, that even so,
he would rather live in this country than in any of those
who have gone farther than we have in saving; feut what
we are thinking is that the 99 who are saving in this coun
try have a decided advantage over the 901 who are not,
and as the proportion of savers increases this country will
be correspondingly a better country to live in.
Member Federal Reserve System
To get the be& and mot
value for your money
Ask for
They are "Nonpareil"
Hood River Machine Wks.
General Automotive Repairing
Welding of all Kinds and .
General Machine Work of all Kinds
new Victorola Records.
n i 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
, . . : i . 1 1 1 1 1 1: i ii ii.i nil . i mi 1 1 1 jP'P
Switzerland, 554 are Savings
LENZ, Props.
J. E. Gratke and C. C. Chapman Discuss
Portland Fair Measure at Pine
Grove Grange Hall
While a debate Monday night of last
week between Senator W. T. Vinton,
of McMinnville, representing Governor
Olcott, and Walter M. Fierce, Demo
cratic gubernatorial nominee, tilled the
Pine Grove Grange hall, a debate last
Monday night on the 1925 Portland
Fair bill, with John E. Gratke uphold
ing the measure and C. C. Chapman
opposing it. drew leas than half a
houseful. The lack of attendance may
be accredited, it is said to the begin
ning of apple harvest and a waning
local interest in the proposed exposi
tion. Mr. Gratke, who has been connected
with the organization in charge of the
fair campaign since its beginning, de
veloped the need for Oregon to adver
tise her latent resources. He cited
that the proponents of the fair origin
ally conceived the idea of exploiting
the state's hyrdo-electric energy, and
later they developed plans for cele
brating the era of motor transporta
tion and the completion of a magnifi
cent highway system in the state. He
briefly outlined the history of the fair
organization and how a number of pub
lic spirited Portland citizens had
brought about a statewide organiza
tion, with citizens who had been on
county Liberty Loan campaigns ap
pointed by the governor to serve on
the committee.
"It was the idea of these citizens,"
declared Mr. Gratke, "to develop a
public movement in Oregon like some
great symphony orchestra."
Mr. Gratke cited the plans for
financing the fair through taxation
made possible by the action of a spe
cial session of the legislature. He
recalled the turn of the tide there, re
sulting he declared by the broadcasting
of inuendoes.
Mr. Gratke declared that Portland
merely wanted the privilege of voting
the 3,000,000 specinl tax, r,ot possible
unless through constitutional amend
ment voted for by the entire Oregon
electorate. The fair will be made
such in the end, he said, that the rest
of the 6tate cannot afford not to join
Critics, Mr. Gratke said, had recent
ly taken a letter of Julius L. Meier,
who headed the exposition organiza
tion, as a bombshell against the ex
posit'on. This letter, he declared,
merely showed that Mr. Meier had
found conditions in Europe at such low
ebb that he considered that the fair
could not be earned out on the im
mense scale originally outlined The
affirmative speaker, however, declared
that unlimited support would be drawn
from the Orient and South America.
Mr. Chapman admitted that the ex
position idea was a beautiful one and
that it had grown like a snowball
rolled down a hill side. He, however,
declared that it was not so appealing
on closer analysis. Mr. Chapman
pointed out that the Lewis and Clark
exposition had caused the people of
Portland to be ho busy that they had
allowed Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane,
Wash., to grow faster than she her
self had Rrown. Los Angeles, he said,
is the fastest growing city on the Pa
cific Coast, and here, he cited, citizens
have carefully guarded against the ex
position idea. Mr. Chapman admitted
the need to advertise, but he urged
that the state be further developed
before so huge a sum be spent on ad
vertising. Mr. Chapman further declared that
all former expositions had been largely
financed bv public subscription, but he
charged that in this instance the Port
land fair promoters have been unwill
ing to invest any of their own funds,
prefering to provide a joy party at the
expense of taxpayers, lie placed a
different interpretation on the letter of
Mr. Meier from that given by Mr.
Gratke. declaring that Mr. Meier saw
the need for some other kind of adver
tising for the state.
Mr. Chapman charged that the Port
land fair will not increase the price of
a box of apples one ceot. He declared
that it will result in increased taxa
tion, and that it will thus automatic
allv make Oregon home buying by in
comine tourists less attractive. He
claimed that Portland is divided on the
fair and that a substantial element of
the business people are sick and tired
of the fair.
"The thing for us to do now," said
Mr. Chapman, "is to attend to busi
ness and forget about a lot of joy
Mr. Chapman declared that the fair
proponents had dodged the query as to
what participation the state would be
called on for until finally the Oregon-
ian had "let the cat out of the bag.
! when it had stated that Oregon would
' naturally have to join in plans before
I any participation by other states could
i be called for.
I "It will cost us at least fl.000,000
i additional taxes." said Mr. Chapman,
j "and this perhaps can be voted by the
j legislature without exceeding the legal
limitation. LSut why not have our
taxes decreased by $.1000.100?"
' Mr. Chapman predicted that the
; laree element of non-taxpaying voters
: in Portland will give the constitutional
amendment a majority there, but he
completed his main speech by an ap
I peal to rural Oregon to help the tax
1 burdened citizens of the metropolis in
freeing themselves of this additional
J Following the main addresses the
members of the work committee of the
grange served ice cream cones during
a 10-minute intermission.
In his rebuttal Mr. Gratke deniec
that the fair proporents were launch
irg a circus or show, but that their
ideas comprehended a gigantic, cold
blooded business proposition for the
whole state. He resented the claim
of Mr. Chapman that Mayor Baker
was out over the state as a eelf-conrt
tuted booster for the fair.
"He has been chosen," said Mr.
Gratke. "as a lesder of this movement
ty a group of prominent Portland men.
Mr. Gratke declared that Mr. Lnan
rrin's arteal for vttes against a!
measures that rail for taxation would
lead the people bat- to an era of retro
gression, wherein they would aranJun
treir converienees of the age and their
rcaanihrent s vttem of highways.
i Mr. Gratke developed the need of
Oregon to "pay more attention to the
tourist crop, a sure crop and one that
never faliea. He charged that an ele- i
ment of Portland citizens of wealth
was opposed to the fair because it bad
already garnered in its portion of
worldly goods and was opposed to tax
ation of any kind.
Mr. Chapman, in his rebuttal de
clared that men opposed to the fair
were largely men who were most ac
tive in the development of the the Port
of Portland. Aa for the tourists, he
declared that the state deserved to
have moref this class of travelers,
and that they were getting them. He
cited that tourist travel for 1922 was
double that of 1921. He urged con
servatism in advertising, declaring
that the state would benefit itself to a
larger extent by more modest expendi
tures for the lectures of Frank Branch
Mr. Chapman declared that every
means of pressure had been brought to
bear to carry the fair bill through the
legislature last year.
A. 1. Mason, who presided at the
meeting, by a question asked of Mr.
Gratke at the close of the meeting, as
certained that the proposed constitu
tional amendments will merely permit
Portland to tax herself tor the spectnc
sum of $3,000,000, a million each year
for three years. 1 hat the money can
be spent only for this specific purpose
and that the provision automatically
ceases when the funds for this specific
purpose are raised.
Paul Wessinger, and L. B. Seeley,
directors 5f the 1905 fair, accompanied
bv Mr. Gratke from Portland. Mr.
Wessinger gave a preliminary talk on
the history of the fair organization 17
years ago.
Fair Awaits Court Action
Pending decision of the suit to deter
mine the validity or initiative pen-
tions, which were to place the 1952 fair
amendment on the November ballot,
the pre-elction campaign for Oregon's
nternational exposition win mam
Such was the action decided upon by
the managing committee of the expos-
tion organization, at a meeting held
Monday afternoon. Opinion was unan-
mous that the issues involved in the
suit, recently hied at Salem, must be
Hefinitly settled before further expend
itures of funds and effort are made.
'Do I understand, asked Mayor
Caker, following the discussion, "that
you are, one ana an, reaay to go on
with our plans when the court holds
that the petitions are valid?" An af
firmative chorus answered him. Com
mitteemen were agreed that Portland
pledged to the carrying out or its
project, and that if the amendment is
legally initiated, in the judicial find-
nc. the campaign for the measure ana
the redemption of civic promises must
go forward with renewed vigor.
Hearing or the suit, wnicn attacKS
the validity of the petitions, claiming
that an insufficient number of legal
signatures were obtained, in that coun
ty clerks did not verity me names Dy
their registration records, is expected
within the next week or ten nays, the
suit will probably be rgued before
Judge Percy Kelly at Salem. John
Gratke. who supervised the circulation
of the petitions and their filings, has
previously declared that tne signatures
were carefully winnowed, and that the
number attached to the petitions as
filed represented legal signatures only,
and was far in excess of the amount
required by law. .
Cassius K. recK, rranK urant ana
deputy of the attorney-general's
office will defend the suit.
While the present obstruction to the
amendment campaign is being attacked
in court, the amendment itself will be
submitted, as required by law, to the
city council for approval. This step,
which is essential to trie placing or. tne
measure on the ballot, indicates the
confident attitutde of the fair com
A committee representing the four
Hood Kiver county granges left for
Portland Monday to etfect definite ar
rangements for a retail fruit store.
The grangers propose to lease a cen
trally located store, and people of
Portland, they declare, will have an
opportunity of purchasing every grade
of Hood Kiver Valley apples. By the
elimination of handling costs, the
grange members declare that they
hope to return a greater price to grow
ers than they secure through regular
channels, and the consumer will be
able to buy apples at lower prices man
prevail in the general retail trade.
Under auspices of the Pine Grove
Grange a debate will bo held next
Monday evemntr at the r.ati Moe
grange hall on the "Compulsory" Ed
iK-Htinn bill. The affirmative speaker,
according to announcement, will be
supplied by the Oregon consistory of
the Scottish Kite Masons, while a reg
ative speaker will be sent here by re
ligious organizations opposing the bill,
the school bill has been injected
as an issue in the gubernatorial con
test, it is expected that the attendance
Monday night will fill the hall.
On the fol!owir,z Monday a debate
will be held cn the single tax measure
the speakers Leing W illiam Ross, of
California, and Robert Kuykendall, cf
i,mn;niT rft Tuesday the Tue-
day Lunch Club will resume monthly
meetings at me ioiumma uuio
Hotel. Dr. M. Ihrane will be chair
man of the first meeting at the tourist
At the meeting of the club Tuesday
at the Pheasant, C. C. Anderson, chair
man, introduced little seven-year old
Dorothy I'otter, child player with the
Macv-Baird Company, a traveling dra
matic conctrn he-e giving a series of
performances, who won the hearts of
the men with her songs, ine nine
girl was erco'ed reptatedly. Joe
Haird ard H. R. Macy were guefts at
the Tuesday luncheon.
F. B. Snvdcr is constructing a con
crete front at t.i Hood Kiver Plumb
ing shop.
O !
Stockholders in Meeting Last Saturday
Take Action Which Will Provide
For New Home
The stockholders of the Hood River
Creamery Saturday afternoon author
ized the directorate to proceed with
the financing of a new home. Mem
bers of the latter body will work out
definite details of their campaign for a
new building immediately. The cream
ery, which is now manufacturing in a
month s time almost as much butter as
was turned out the first year nine
years ago, has already purchased a
lot at the corner of Sixth and Colum
bia streets.
It is proposed to equip the new
building with the most modern appar
atus. Indeed, the creamery has al
ready installed in'ita present quarters,
far too small for the quantity of cream
being received, a 1000-pound capacity
churn and a large refrigerating ma
chine. The new building, too, accord
ing to plans, will be of the most mod
ern type and appealing from a stand
point of architecture.
The Jirectorate has decided to finance
constn i ii n of a new home for the
plant i j ijsue of bonds, which will
bear seven per cent interest and which
will mature in 5, 10 and 15 years. The
new creamery, it is said, will cost
about $20,000. Directors of the organ
ization, who declare that benefits will
accrue by orchardists buying additional
cows for their present herd, are
eagerly backing the project with sub
stantial subscriptions to the bond issue.
The creamery has already proven its
worth to the business men of the city,
and merchants are expected to aid ma
terially in financing the new coopera
tive project.
An attendance in excess of 500 is ex
pected at the annual district conven
tion of Odd Fellows of Hood River,
Wasco, Sherman and Morrow counties
next Monday night. Features of the
program include: Parade, headed by
the Hood Kiver Knights of Pythias
band; selections by the band at the
lodge hall; reading. P. L. Manser;
short entertainment. Beacon Lodge, of
Mosier; address, S. F. Bowman. Grand
Master, I. O. O. F. Lodge, of Oregon:
short entertainment, Kemp Lodge, of
Odell; first degree work, exemplifiQd
by Columbia Lodge, of The Dalles ;
reports by members of each lodge pre
sent. Refreshments will be served by
a committee of the local lodge.
The event is expected to be a red
letter day in local Odd Fellow circles,
and a keen interest is being taken by
all ledges of the county. All Odd Fel
lows of the mid-Columbia are urged to
attend the sessions. The approach of
the convention has, ' it is said, stimu
lated interest in lodge work here.
Last Thursday evening Idlewilde
Lodae conferred the initiatory degree
of Odd Fellowship on three candidates.
After the degree work luncn was
served by the committee.
Second degree will be conierrea
next Thursday.
The Hood River high school will ini
tiate the season a football schedule
Saturday afternoon in a game with the
Lincoln high school, of Portland. Al
though the local school lost a number
of good players, who are expected to
make tneir marie in coiiegiate mmeiu:
this fall, the remaining aggregation is
proving strong in practice, ana lans
are expecting rhampionship work from
them in the Mid-Cclumbia Interschol
astic League.
Players who are showing good form
noware: Pat Slavens, captain, and
John Carson, who play full back posi
tions ; Harry Stuart, Ross Cooper and
S. Corwin, half backs; Cliff Greene,
Dick Ford and Jack Cram, quarter
back ; Glenn Greene, Bun Epping, Bud
Mills, Kay Boardman, ends; Jesse
Hatthorne, Bill Roberts, Russ Scobee,
Russ Wilbur, tackles; Joe Issel, Bob
Wilbur and George Frey. guards, and
Floyd Dixon, Reese Hatthorne, Leon
ard Thomson and Fred Page, centers.
The local school will play its first
mid-Columbia League game here with
Stevenson October 20. October 27 the
ii-hcol will go to Goldendale fr.r a
game. Other games scheduled with
mid-Columbia teams are: November
3, Dufur at Dufur; November 11, The
Dalles here, and November 17, Center
ville at Centerville.
It is anticipated that several other
Karnes will be arranged with Portland
high schools.
President Olmsted anncjnees that
the Commercial Club will hold its ini
tial meeting of the season rext Monday
night when Field Manager Duryea, of
the Oregon State Chamber of Com
merce will be here for an address.
The club will announce its tentative
plans for activities of the coming win
ter. Mr. Olmsted says that definite plans
fur financing the club's activities will
be taken up.
II. C. Deitz Tuesday rece.veJ a tele
gram from tis son-in-law. Leon fctoner,
of Ix)rg Beach, Calif., whs ar.rouncei
that an oil ell on h;s suburban h-rr
in the r-ted Sieml Hill district hai
come in with 2,') barrels per dav.
Mr. Storer, a painter, ar.l bts
purchased their suturtan tract about
two Jears ago. Tbeir bungalow born
was removed to make wsy for the oil
well, which will make thf.r fortune.
Cameron Motor Co.
j Hood Kiver Uarsg;.