o nOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1922 AKTHUR 0. MOB. Publisher. JOE D. THOM1SON. Editor Subscription, 82.00 Per Year. ADVERTISING RATES. Display sdvortlslnif, per Inch, 25 cent first lme anil au oentg for same adv. ag&ia. Local reading notlceH, 10 rents per line first InHertlon, 6 cents per line same reader again. Classified Ads.-26 wuta for one Insertion, 6 lines or less; 10 cents ."oi each additional Incer. turn of same ad. When subscribers desire a change in address tills oince slxonld be notified promptly, and a week before if possible. Always give old ad flretts as well as the new. Also, flood Klver subscrlbsrs should notify luiofllie at once when changing their address from one rural route to another, or from city delivery to country dellvery.orviee versa. If yon do not get your paper prompt ly, notify us by mall or telephone and the matter will belavestlKStcd Here on the Oregon side ofthe mid Cloumbia we read with interest of th development of the roads and high- wava in Skamania and Klickitat coun ties. Because of our peculiar topog ratihv. the exploitation of Mount Adams and the lake districts of Ska mania county must necesarily be the work of Oregon rather thaji WashJ ington. It's all over now, and no harm was done, but the f re of Tuesday night, set for ridding the city of the old rubbish on Railroad avenue, might have been serious if fire had originated at that time in some other part of the city. Those ordering the fire meant well, but it was a risky task. FOR SALE For Bale Good milk cow. Barber Whop. Inquire atBlalto For Rent-Tb.eee.room furnished cottage, VA mlies out; splendid well: phone MxU. s21tt I For Rent 2 furnished rooms, 1 with sleeping porch, furnace and bath. Tel. tfTH3. For Kent An nnrtpht W. Li. Clark, ttt. 2. Hood 1 piano. Write Mrs. .Iver, Ore. 21 NOTICE TO APPLE GROWERS A BARGAIN IN A ONE TON CHEVROLET TRUCK equipped with electric lights and starter and a aauuy commercial body, top sud sides. This truck has done only ten mouths' service, all on pavement. Original pneumatic tires in good shape. Kntlrejob In flrt-class running con dition. We are In the tire business and have no use for this truck. SToO takes It, part terms if desired. Write or wire Leavens A Howard, Inc., All Couch St.. near Broadway, phone jsroaaway 3.tn, rortiana, ore. Furnished Room To Rent One of best lo cation with furnace beat, electric light and auu uain. Ka oak Hi., phone jiu WANTED Wanted Mao to dig well. 5806. R. Mark ley, tel. For Hale Reliable Orchard team, weight about v.iw lbs. each. Price jaw, wltn harness. A. J. Hagen, Booth Hill, phone Odeil 6x. s28 WELCOME, T. P. AGENTS Traveling Passenger Agents of the nation's great railway systems, we welcome you to the Hood River Valley today. We are modest folk out here and haven't much to say about our cli mate, our products and our scenery. Indeed, we would rather let our visit ors pass comments of praise. We simply remind you that you are in the only Hood River Valley there is. If you have a feeling that it is'something like Paradise, please know that you are not the first to feel like thia. A famed Oregon poet, John Cradlebaugh, once said that Heaven would satisfy him if it were as good as Hood River Valley. We do want you to remember the Hood River Valley after you have re turned to vour posts of duty, and next year when you are routing tourists, recall the appeal of the shimmering snow fields and glaciers of Mount Hood, the row on row of apple trees, the air, filled with spice of the apples and balsam laden. Remember these things and that we people of Hood River are notelfish. We like to have visitors. We enjoy showing our valley to the world. Above all, we ask you to divert some of those Americans who would travel to Europe to spend vacation dollars. We are assuming that the Northwest has sold itself to you on this trip. Let your eloquence sell it to those Ameri cans who seem to prefer Europe. Tell them about all of the wonders to be found in Oregon, Alaska, Washington and British Columbia. They'll thank you when they arrive out here. The rescuers were too late down at the Argonaut mine. Death beat them into the earth's depths, and hope had fled while 47 heroes lost in their fight with poisonous gas. The tragedy has become the nation's, and grief was ex pressed in every home for those who survived the brave miners. The "Rough Writers," missed see ing Mount Hood from the orchards of the Hood River Valley. It is rare that the U. P. svstem ever falls down. But in this instance they let slide an opportunity. The Hood River Valley trip would have formed one of the cli mactic hours of the notables on their Northwestern jaunt. Some Hood River boy or girl has a good opportunity of winning the Amer ican Legion essay pr ize.on the subject, "How the American Legion Can Best Serve the Nation," by giving the facts and aspirations connected with the Mount Hood Climb. For Sale 3 Bantam hens and Rooster: all good layers except rooster; price IliS. Miriam K. Urow, phone 4073, S21U For Sale Late model Chevrolet 490, good con dlllon, good tires. I'honebifc-l. 06 For Hale-Italian prunes, tel. 6954 evenings. 81 KorHale-Hnnseand lot, Including full equip. mem ot lurniiure, or win sen rnrniture sepa rately by pieces. U. D. Alford, j04 121b. 81. KilS Kor Hale One team of heavy horses and har ness. J. E. Malley, phone 447. S2S Kor Hale A good riding or driving horse lth saddle snd bridle or buggy and harness. Will sell for loO.OO, If we can get him a good home. Bert L. Wolf, Hood River, tel. 61152. oi2 For Sale Rugs and numerous household ar ticles. Mrs. Maud uasurouck, Koute4, Ala meda Way- b28 Kor Hale Pure bred Holstein cow. heavy milker, bargain. Leaving town. Tel. 5667. s21 Kor Sale 3 orchard ladders, 8, 8, and 10 foot; nju.ieei.oi woven wire fencing, ao incnes nign; 1 bushel of shelled popcorn. Mrs. K. C. Olan vllle, phone 5S52. s2S For Sale Dairy farm, 820 acres, good soil, timber, large spring, near Olenwood, north of white haimon, Wash. 66 acres under culti vation, an Timothy, stocked and equipped. Am forced to sell at a price that can't be du plicated. Must sacrifice. Kor particulars write A. Willard, SMI JK. Spruce St., Seattle Wash. tmt Wanted Packing house foreman for rnn of about 26,000 boxes apples. Caller (frailer. Must be man of experience who can take charge ol crew and be responsible for grade ana pact. U. O. Garmlre, cloldendale. Wash. s28 Wanted To bny a Nunaraaker grader; must oe in good condition and complete. 5646. Call tel. 821 For Sale Big body-pine 16-ln. wood on good road, to .00 per cord . lei. Parkdale 45. J.L). Smulilu. 02 r or Hale A universal range in excellent condlllou, i'lione Mia, U. K. Marshall, tel. mt. s2itr Wanted A second band Palmer sizing ma chine. Phone 6tm s21lf Wanted Lady for light housekeeping, more for home than wages. Mrs. C. Benson, care of I w. a. norm, uood River. t sas Wanted Yonng man to work year round on upper valley orchard. Man wishing to lea the business preferred. Muet be able-bodied and of clean make-up. A fine chance for the I right chap. No I. W. W. s need apply. Must be able to ass time responsiblll.y when owner I Is absent. Wages reasonable to begin with; win oe increased In view or length or satis- laciory service. This Is a business proposition not just a meal ticket. Kusseit U. i'oua, rark dale, Ore. s2i Wanted Elderly matron for general light uuusework. Jesse Allen, cascade locka. H21 1 Wanted To buy a circular saw for wood making. Tel. 326 Odell. W. H.Hhelrbon. s21 Wanted The nse of a nlano for storage dur ing the winter months. Mrs. J. W, Ingalls, puoue hm. mil Wanted To buy yonr used furniture, stoves I uu rugs, tjaaa or new goods in exchange. ej. &. r rani to. S2UU Wanted-To sell or rent a 150-acre ranch, 6 1 miles above Dee on the road to Lost Lake. Mrs. J . R. W Ickelsen, phone 5!69. JeBtf Wanted-To make your boxes. First class work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Phone Oden ivx. aiitf MISCELLANEOUS Lost or Strayed A Fox Terrier, white breast, lame In right hind leg, The Hood River American Legion Mount Hood Climb is due to become the national mountain climbing classic of America. Kor Sale Pry body-fir cordwood. 55o6, Aklyama Bros. Phone K28 to Thomas Flagler, phone 54y3. black with Return 821 What is Walter M. 1'ierce trying to do when he repudiates all parties, try ing to steal Charles Hall's thunder? Some of those Bosc pears, if they keep on growing, will exceed the state's big cucumbers e'er long. The season's first bad colds and the buzz of the wood saw are prophetic of the coming of winter. OAK GROVE SHOULD BE PROUD Five of the seven Hood River county school children who will go to Salem next week as guests of the state, the free trip being given as a reward for efforts in producing excellent displays and demonstrations, are from Oak Grove. They are: Viena Ilukari, Ma mie Sarriuelaen and Irma Annala, of the canning team; Ernest Annala, for club work, and Fred Miller, for stock judging. The Oak Grove school children received an aggregate of $18.25 in cash prizes at the school fair. Those Oak Grove parents are even prouder than the children. The school fair was gratifyingly suc cessful. Oak Grove deserves praise for the energy and enterprise of her coming citizens, but just as much praise should go to sister districts. The work of every school was worthy of high praise. The blush. Pippin's cheek is beginning to ODD FELLOW CON VENTION APPROACHES The local Odd Fellows Lodge is mak ing elaborate preparations for the an nual district convention of the Odd Fellows from Hood River, Wasco, Sherman and Morrow counties here October 2. Preparations are being made to entertain 400 out of town members of the fraternal organization. The Odd Fellows have secured the Pythian hall for the evening, and meetings will be held at both places. A banquet and parade will be features of the convention. Kor Hale Cot and bed with springs and mat tress, suitable for apple-picker bouses. In quire at Employment Otllce. 828 For Sale One I-too Hamson truck, eoulnned with oversize tires, electric lights, starter and cab. (iood body; practically new; used two mom ns; uargain xiuu; terms, ocuindler Trans fer Co, 402 state Ht., Hood Klver: s28 Kor Male Kord roadster, 1916 model; equlpt with campers' bed; good tires, for fiOO cssh. scutndler irausrer Co., 402 Hlate tit. Kor Hale Indian b I cycle with donble bar, motorcycle type handle bars, trussed forks, neavy leauier motorcycle sauuie, inua guards, imiwry iuiik, auu siauu. lu goou condition. Call mi alter tip, m. sill For Sale-One milk goat and one Toirenbere iriiinie iu mourns oiu. inquire Oregon uoii jiaroer nuop. 814tr For Sale 9 swarms of young Italian bees, Ihls spring's swarms. Also an acetylene gas piauu num. nana, tua, a, pnone 6U42. s2s For Hale 8-Inch Mandt wagon with apple mm, gouu as new. ruone uueil 60. 81411 For Hale An upright Knelsel piano In good condition and Just tuned. Tel. 22x1 Odell 28 ror Buie two norses one light and one medium weight. Work well in team. Jesse Alien, UBKcaae locks. s21 For Hale Holstein cow. 5-vr.-old. fresh In November; one Jersey heifer yearllnsr: drair w auu uverianu auio. it. u, moel, itoule 4, uu meiuouisi lmuv. sio Kor Sale-I have for sale 2-ton Htandard truck. 11 Is In first class condition and has new 7-Inch Goodrich tires. Give me a note, acceptable to the bank and you can name your own time. Write or phone G. f. Mor- den, Mosier, ore. I'bone 2Vtf. sltlf Lost Bunch of keys at the Oriental Cafe annaay evening. Return lo Mt. Hood nolel. For wood sawing call Felton and Reynolds, rnouB reiionvx or tteynoias toiv. our aim. To Satisfy Je8tf Real Estate Loans Kor Sale Concord grapes, 6c per place on Avalou Way. Mrs. laura Clapp, at my 6"X IX3AN8 may be secured for any pur. pose on farm lands, Irrigated lands, to buy or build homes, Cltv or Karm, under our first mortgage certificates. Bankers Reserve iJepoMi company, Uas fc Electric Bldg , Den ver, Colo. nia SOCIETIES Hood River Commandery No. 12, K. T Meets every first Tuesday evening w u mourn. a. jr. iewis, c. c A. M. Cannon, Recorder. MT. HOOD COUNCIL No. 8, R. 8. M. Meets in Mason lo liall every third Tuesday lo cnuu iuuuui, W. F. Laraway, 1. I. M. A. Canfleld, Recorder. Mi. HOM K CAMP 34Gy. R. N. A., meets second ann ronrin Fridays of each month at old K. of I, ball. Mrs. Emma Jones. Recorder. Mrs, Elizabeth Rodger, o. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. 25, O. E. 8.- meeui second ana rourtn Tuesday evening Of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed Mrs.u. o. Hiancuar, W. M. Lois O. Fuller, kc'y. 1 UL.E WILiDK LiOIlOE NO. 107, 1. O. O. F. meeia in fraternal ball, every Thursday a. n. unamuers, JN.U. Ueo. W. Thomson, decretary. Kr.Mr LODGE, No. 181, I. o. O. F.-Meets In uaeu oaa renows' hall every Hatur day night. Visitors cordially welcomed. Wm. Hannah, N (J. R. E. Creson, V. O. II. 8. Cangbey, Secretary, Ueo. Clark, Treasurer. Kor Hale-Household goods, cheap. sU6 Ouk street. Inquire I si It is a wise man who knows when to quit talking. Walter M. Fierce pre sents some convincing facts and figures to his audiences when he makes his political speeches. Mr. Pierce has a wonderful flow of language, but his talks would probably be more effec tive, could he close the spigot at the properjmoment. We make this com ment, after observing Mr. Fierce at Pine Grove Monday night. Mr. Pierce grew bigger than the Democratic par ty, unaer wnose uanner ne is waging his campaign, before he finished his speech. Indeed, he repudiated party fcnd placed the principles of Walter M. Fierce sbove organization of any kind. He nominated himself as "Free Ince" Walter. We wonder what Judge Tom Crawford and some of those other real Democrats of Oregon think cf such remarks of Walter. It was Hamlet's wife or mother or Borne close relative, wasn't it, who talked too much? We are willing to bet a pretty penny that Judge Crav. ford thinks Mr. Pierce is a bit like llwm let's mother. Better Sidewalk Bids Expected The city council, which has called for new bids on construction of a large number of concrete.sidewalks, expects better results than'obtained when bids on the same work were opened recent ly. But a single contractor had sought the work. The dearth of bids, it was said, came from a cement famine. This situation is now better, and the city fathers expect some rivalry among contractors when the next bids are opened. The counril meeting, postponed from Monday, when no quorum was present will be held tonight. Kor Hale Hecond hand kitchen range In nrst-clans condition, 1'hone KM. s2l 17. . Ual. frrAl.. .. 1 . . . . -w, nine utci isuu ruui, o ttneiit-r lour ing car, 1U20 model; also Men runabout, for sale or trade. Call at 10!) 4th street. s21 Kor Hale Good gentle team, sound. piui, Harness nearly new. uot need now. wall. true to Have tracto'. so do Call Odell 229. John Duck- s7tf Mr. Vinton digressed sumewhet the other nigiit in his Pine Grove prech to congratulate the nation cn remaining out of the League of Nations. If we had ejected this great rational organ ization, with America at Us r im. Mi. Vinton int;mated that today America's roldiers would Le cnlled to finbt the Mohammedans. It is net irrrrrbaiie that America, it the !..; Ehcf v.ar rcai.'y gets 'goinr, wi!lc cuieii on to aid in subduing it. T!ie L ,. of Na tions, as it was propped ' , Wiliiam Howard Taft, Wcxlrow Wiisun snl Charles Evans Lushes, would have re duced to the minimum the ii.rej tion of turh cor.tir.gencits as we row bchc'.J dow n around Cur.slar.linople. B. Si. S. Get Maupin School The Ialdwin & Swope Construction Co., has just received the award for constructing a new $20,000 concrete high school building at Maupin. The structure, which will have two class room?, a gymnasium and assembly hull, will be of the cottage type. It will be ready for accupancy by Janu ary 1. !! i m-h- 1 1 1 1 'M"I"M 1 I I 1 1-l-H- Clipped Here and There J t-H-M I l H"H"M"M 1 1-I -I-H -I-I1 .1 I- " Swearing in the presence of children is a reprehensible habit which reacts rs a boometang to the man who does it. A child respects its parents and others for what it finds them to be. It judees them from their acts as it sees and hears them. When another teach es a child that swearing is wrong, what must the child think of the father wlio rip out an oath when something irrs wrong. Control your russing or ujn'i ess. Dufur Dispatch. For Hule A good second hand Tuor washing machine. Call SUi. s7tf Kor Sale Drag saw and complete outfit of wooamaaiiig tools, j. K. jioyce, tel. 5M'. s7tf Kor Hule During (September, Lewis' trap nemed Rhode Island Red cockerels whose mothers' records were2lti to eggs each, dur ing past ten months. 1'rlce f'JftJeach. Ralph R. Lewis, Willow Hat, phone Odell KB tot Kor Hale-i") acres, 4$ miles from Hood Klver. 17 acres In standard varieties of apples, cherries, ears, plums, prunes, peaches snd other small fruits; sprlug water piped Into house, good noil, good 7-rooin bouse, barn; will neii hi a nargaui ir taken ss)n. Mrs. Win. McCarty, Route 3, Phone &(H7. cat Kor Sale My rlace two miles south nrni Ten acres in orchard, 5 In alfalfa. & uncleared. A. It. Nickels, phoue 1'arkdaie 19. s"tf I Kor Hale Beds, springs and mattresses suit. aoie lor aipie pickers: two overcoats, naid condition, one large and one medium sld; one wsll tent m.e 12 X 14 good condition; one guitar, steel strings; some fruit Jars. Inquire ini. umfu Jiuiei. SHI Kor Hale - K0X HO lot, good location on the heights, fitto. Must have cash .Address "H" care Glacier. g:tf oraie Htuciebaker, will trade for good piano. I'lione 112. gjj Kor HHle Several used apple graders of va rious mskes and slr.es. I'rlced low. C. M Sheppard, phone Odell 16z. a-tltf Kor Kale or Trade Equity In house and lot on 91h and Cascade. L. L. Culp. sl Kor Hale 5 room modern bungalow with cement basement, furnace. Two lots, SoxluO A. LtK'kman, alilf HAZK.L KERKKAH LODOK No. IM. I n n V Meets the first and third Tuesday evening In each month In the Odd Kellows Hall, seven mlies .south of Hood River. R. t. I rs. ueo. niegbaupt, N. U. Mrs. Dane Kemp, Hee. UOOD RIVER CI RCLK No.524, NEIGH BOR8 oi wooocran Meets at K. off. hall on the nrst ana jnira Tuesdays of each month. Mrs. Katherlne Hluvn ll w Mrs. F. 1L Blagg, Clerk. W A UN A TEMPLE PYTHIAN H 1ST K Rs Kn a Meets the second and fourth Thursdays of w ii iiiouiii at iv . oi r nail. A Ida Baldwin, E. 0. Mrs. Klorence Rand, M. of R. and C. WOMEN H AUXILIARY OK HOOD KIVER i-osi, American Legion, No. 2!. Meets p. m. 1st Saturday of each month at Library Hail. Mrs. Ueo. Wilbur, Fres.; Mrs. Dr. ADranam, nee. OLKTA AHHEMBLY NO. ICS, UNITED ART- Isans. Meets the first and third Krldays i oiu iv. oi r. uaii. u. u, UIHKICH3, M. A. J. H. Kohkko Hecretary. KUKN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 48, I. O. O. K. Regular meeting second and fourth Mondays ui nnt;u MKiniu. . Hi. JM. IMOOie, O. I. Ueo. W. Thomson. Scribe. MtiOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A.- M eels In K of P. hall every 1st and 8rd Wed. of each month. "J. E. Mowers, E. C. W. T. Krasier. Clerk. HOOD RIVER LOINJK NO. 105, A. r. and A. M. t lrst and third Wednesday nights of earn month. K. W. Sinclair, W. M. Kent Shoemaker, Sec y. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. 7. R. A. M - Meets first and third Krtday nlghu of each month. O. B. Nye, H. P. W. H. McUnlre, Secretary. CANBY W. R. C Meets second sod fourth Haturdays of each month atK.ot P. hall. Mrs. K. C. Wittenberg, President, asra. r. it. Mutton, necreiary. W. O. W. Regular meetings are neld the first and third Mondays ol each month at K. ol P. hall. Visitors cordially Invited. B. C. C. U. W. Barton. C. (1 1. 1. Blagg, Clerk. each. 1'houe doal, W. Joe Wilson and Will Langille, of H oil I. iver, among the first to go to tr.e Klondike in the Alaska gold rush, f-e l, trd from. They had reached Ju.itiiu, and sent back for a team and a WHi n w ith w hich they expected to ra-i? expenses during the winter by trii. tvinn. The Dalles ' Chronicle of . .(ii l'er 7. 1897. Just when the world ougU to be 0 ing beck to work, TuAey kindles the fames cf war fcgain. F.efore tl.- 6s s of the close conmtrcial re! nions-lrf 8 tfcat cLaractr'z this ege one farawav HOARD OF EQUALIZATION Kor Sale Rarrelt District, one acre, 6-ronra house, hirulxhed, out buildings, never railing well, miMlo'n chli-ken hoi.se acnunolatlng IK) electricity. Address K. L. Uarstow. 4IU N. E. 101 h SL, Portland. Ore. lv2Jif Kor Trade-Maxwell Touring car, good condi tion, new top and upholstering; lor cow chick, ens, wood, or what you bsv. Price fiT6U Address A. Dickinson, Mt. Hood, Oregon. a;(l Kor Hale-4 acres In city limits. Good soil and fine building sites. New house under construction, nearly compiled W ill sell all or part. U. K. Palmer, 1701 Sherman Ave. sa Kor Hale Either Kord Coupe or Hnpmoblle j ii'iuri , mi iraue lor real estate or mort- Knge. IT. I'UIIIUIG. JJOlf WAUtX)MA LODGE NO. SO, K. or P -Meets In K. of P. ball every Tuesday night A. U. Thompson, C. C L. M. Baldwin. K. of R, and H. LAUREL RKBERAH 1X)1M(K No. S7.I.O.O.P. Meets flrst and third Mondays each month. Mrs. Clara Colby, N. ti. Mrs. Nettie Moses, See. HOOD RIVER VALLEY HUMANE HOC1ETY Hood River, Ore. James HHranahan, Pre. Mrs. Alma Howe. Hec. Leslie Butler, Treaa. Call phone 13)1. I Emm i Mlxl i p ? tVi ; - The answer is VIRGIN WOOL SCHOOL time is here again. Once more parents are confronted with the boys' clothing problem how to combine good style and long wear at a moderate price. The answer is virgin wool ! Come in and see the new Jacobs Oregon City Mackinaws and Overcoats for boys and youths. Just examine the staunch virgin wool fabrics. You can feel the quality 1 Your boy will like the styles. There are big roll or convertible collars, muff or patch pockets. In verted back pleats, a belt that buttons. And the virgin wool warmth will protect against cold and weather. Oregon City garments with stand hard wear1 they hold their shape. Plaids or plain colors. All sizes. Made in boys', youths' or men's sizes. Let us fit your boy for school and winter with one of these sturdy mackinaws. Moderately priced mm Copyright, 1921 Oregon City Woolen Mill This label is a guarantee of pure virgin wool me PARIS FAIR If you buy at these stores, you can be sure your money has done its best. Low cost of operation and consequent low selling of merchan dise has built this successful string of stores. STRONG FEATURES FOR Saturday and Monday ARE Onions, local grown, fine yellow stock, 5 lbs. 8c; 10 lbs. 15c Potatoes, carefully selected white stock, running very even in size, ' 8 pounds, 15c '14 pounds, 25c Sweet Potatoes New Sweet Potatoes, 5 pounds, 25c Macarroni, fresh curve cut, 4 pounds for 25c Vim Flour 49 lb. sack, $ 1 .83 Barrel lots, $7.25 Leslie's Shaker Salt, free running, 2 lb. can for 10c Baker Girl Patent Flour a Crown Mills Product No. 10 sack, 38c; 2 for 75c Canned Milk - Federal, 3 cans, 25c; 12forSl.QO. Borden's, 9c per can Cane Sugar 15 pounds, $1.00. Limit 1 lot to a customer. Pancake Flour, Crown Brand, 3 lb. pkg. 22c Chocolate "Sweetened Cocoa," lb. 18c; 2 lbs. 35 Golden West Coffee, Lb. can, 38c; 3 lb. can ?!.I0 BULK COFFEE 20th Century If anything, it is better than ever. Pound, 33c; 2 lbs. 65c Plantation Blend Very good coffee pound, 23c; 2 pounds, 45c In our roaster today-on your table tomorrow. Salad Points, Preferred Stock Brand tall cans, 25c Royal Baking Powder, 12 oz. can, 40c 2 lb. can, $1.19 Stringless Cut Beans, Terrapin Brand, 2 cans, 25c SOAP Special Bundle Sale in one assortment only 3 bars Ivory and 3 bars P. & G. all purpose soap, 43c Crisco, 9 pound can $1.99 Crystal White Soap 10 bars, 45c A. & No. 1 L. Oysters Can, 1 5c Honey Pure honey in pint jars, each 29c 20th CENTURY GROCERY 104 OAK STREET, HOOD RIVER Kor Sale Ranch and Trl. 6S Odell. personal prorrt v. J2UU Head River Irrigation District N. tice is hereby Riven: That the Jj'.bil of Directors of Hood River Irri gxtion I'tjstiict, pitting as a Hoard of r 'junlii-ation, will meet at its ottice in lt Oak Crove Store, Ilood River, Or- i ;r on Tucfday, October 3, 1922, for j the j!i;r:xee of reviewing and correct i in? it a.-'-essment and apportionment of lay, 3 for tne year li23, made and f.J.lU-d September 5. 1922. The l'"'8rd will continue in fefficn from Ltlf of the vtr!i could grapple in war 1 df,v ,0 day, as long as may be neces ur.to death and rot a:Tect the tlber I ,ary' , d w ill hear and determine any v." . t. i cbjtrt ;on tv any interested person to ha... Not so now; suth . war s ' asment and apportionment brewing in the Near La.'t noon showers tht-teuf and any other matter connect ita sparks cn re lh lx.ru, and e'er we H erewith that may ccme before it. ir.terrstior.al bell ;e 1 J ht? "cessment list and record, so , , . , r.ar;e aru aaupiea, is now sna win re- .. ...V ... - ... OWJ For Sale or Trade Five and f.V 1. ti irrM tin Aval. in Way, two arr.n aira !rrip im liu iil liwi, at-niit hu rr Irw. itim Clir rim. U aut to wll on iwodI or helna ux old to do the woik. Kttownw on tli i,mniMi C. C. Maaiker. K.r.i. . tor Hue-A bargain. 14 nrrr orrliard in Oak (irnte dintrict. Hi blo k of DtrilrlouR. I-juit lerma. 1 none M3w. jrltj For Sale-Fir and pine l-ln. and 4 0, wood delivered anywhere within two mile or Hood Klver. K Beanrcuard., tel. Odrll talM For Kale-(Jood lota for aale in all nana of ttieclty, prloea r ht A. W. initbauk A Co. aMtl comprthend it l-x?ed like the fcrett. We have a feeiing.that those "Ro-jgh WriUrs" had a wholesome re?pect ftT I'rsnk Branch Riley sfter the Marama esmvKre at Lancaster's camp the otter r'gfct. , r-a: tTihm in the office of the Secretary cf the Board, Oak Grove Store, Hood River. Oregon, for the inspection of ail rtt,r.n interested, bated b'ettember 5, 1922. F. Fenw ick, Secretary. G'acier ofiice makes rubber stamps. Fi r Hale-At a l!rts'n a m'!frn reatdene two block frtm center of buatneaa dlatrlrt li roonia. Inrlndiou four larKe bwlmoma, targe double attune room, kiu-tien pantry lame floseia. t.ml.r.Hiin and emiwed irb Fiuiii Ied with fuma-eaud ha convenient tall W.J. Ha er. L '4if on n o, Q) 13) For fale-iryoo -re thtnkln or enm'nc to I ortland lo hny a home 1 have agnod ii.t a anyone, all properly api.ri-l and ao'd al the riiitil rrU. aio good tti.ine rhanrea renta, etr 1 ran help v.. n onrelt.si Helnvnt ;t Mh. He.ldenr.e Vr. i-jim p,, lloo, fflp latKr 641, rea. lattr r.h. ti. P. Al en. irit FOR RENT Kor Knt-S:ee(inf rrom and k itrhenette, cloae In. Kor womeo only. TUaatsl, a! FOR PEACH, PEAR AND TkMP APPLE BOXES MADE TO ORDER AT THE GLACIER OFFICE, HOOD RIVER, OREGON ORDER NOW and have them ready when you start to pack. DO NOT order name stamps by telephone unless absolutely necessary, as we cannot be responsible for the correct spelling of names taken over the phone. 1