HOOD IlITEIt GLACIER. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1022 " NATIONAL PARK Natures Wonderland and Americas Most Famous Playground It, scenery is Bupremely sub It. hotels arr "vinagt lighmenta. Ite ca.npa are r.reitj - ltt e tent ana w models of cleanliueia. sanitation, comfort " "p' pleasures. 300 miles of fine bou evards An idea pl.ce for vara P d fl Send for beautifully illustrated booklet telling all awnu in word and picture. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR Operated Daily Between Portland and West Yellowstone On the Main Line of the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM r NOW Sentember 15th is the last dale pa September lUtb. Let oar representative. PtZZoTm which enable vlNltor to see the Ye 'a'0"' comfortably and at minimum cot; I'J QJ rare, prepare your ln'r and ake y our reservations. J. H. FKEUKICY, Atfui, " " glad to make all necens.ry arranKiiiei.Ui for any SnewlHhlnu to visit Yellowsloue. lH on blin or Pd dress WM. McMURRAY, General rassenger Agent Portland, Oregon. a81 V 1 fWfEX FOR RENT Large 9-room modern home, 514 State St. Large lawn with big oak trees, view unsur passed; will make a splendid home or rooming house. For information phone 2822 or 5703. MRS. W. M. STEWART - For Apple Harvest We are now manufacturing apple box nailing presses which incorporate features of the famed Snow Press with numerous improvements. We only make warehouse trucks on order. Get in your order immediately. We have for sale two good secondhand trucks. And if somebody is looking for a bargain auto mobile he will find it here. We have a used Chev rolet Roadster in good condition, for which we will take $150.00, HOWELL BROS. FOURTH STREET Tel. 2551 IYT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time laDle INO. Jo Taking-effect Wednesday, October 29th, 1919. ocTHBori NORTHBOUND SALAD MELON DERBY EARLY HIGH PKICE ATTRACTS ATTENTION HURTFUL TO UKUWtK While the hopes of local gardeners have been somewhat aasneu uy i : D.t inri nr a cucumuer discovery in . . r. . j . ., ,,,.,1 I Li, ti I fam. we ghing it pounuo, bb - ilies continue 10 scour specimens larger.. Several enthusiast .,r,A nntn sintr VOUnCT ' CUkeS. nave iuuiiu ... . n . - which they are trying to groom mio championship size. t . Mark -A. Mayer, of Mosier, viewed a ber displayed in i i r:..- tku nther rlnv. He de- clared the "salad melon" did not ap- ..vtranrrtinarilv large to Dim. Mf. Mayer said bis gardener had been har- T! n.,,1,.," Hnilw nf larcer size. it. , mi thai na wiiuiu i; IV. IV vuo no pxuiiiiov ....... - - i.:. i onri hrinir eiiHtern ureurun oroin t the ioreiront in iuo ooibu " . a l - nnwnoat melon aemy now on aw... MERRILL'S MOTHER DIES IN CALIFORNIA TnKort -T SrPBrre. assistant cashier of the Mosier Valley Bank, Friday re- -I 1 nirrsm rrnm I .. .1 . ivierriil. ...hi whn nnnnnnced the deatn 01 v-aDftiit., " " J . n mr :il his mother, Mrs. urannie r. merriii, 1L tamitv home, falo Alio. VHIli. n i. tn j - - . rri Uni.n. hankr WflH Called BOULI1 1LU WV01 -- two weeks ago by serious illness of bis mother. ., , Mr Mcrr ill was tne W1UOW OI me late S. A. Merrill, prominent DanKer . n. M;no Is Sho in survived bv Ui iCO 1UUI1IVD( . " ' two other "ons, Kussell n., 01 raio Alto, and E. U. Merrill, 01 rnuauei r,v,io Th hodv was taken to Des Moines for interment Rflarrihea of records and reliable ab ..i0 mmia hv Orpcon Abstract Com .. a w ( nrnflnr. manairer. uiw uy, " ,. m . ftk Htreet. rnone ion. jy-w Notice of Street Improvement Jj W. 1 Wa. I I So. I N. 4 No. t H. I ?0,.Cf' BilrV r,",'" Station! Kicrpl Katuray I.Hy 9iit1 am V Honday .Hy only "r. M. A. M. M. I . U. A. M. P. M. P. M. 1.00 10.45 8.00 ....Li. Booi Sim Ar 3.00 9.2 2.15 8.45 4.03 10.48 S.te l'owenlale 2.67 9.22 2.11 8.41 4.12 10.67 8.15 Kmirchbatk 2.50 9.15 2 04 6.34 4.28 11.10 8.25 Van Horn 2.40 9.02 1.52 6.22 4.29 11.13 8.30 Mnl.r 2.85 8.58 1.48 6.18 4.3.5 11. IS B.40 OJeil 2.30 8.53 1.4.1 6.13 4.40 11.23 8.45 Kuunnit 2.25 8.4rt 1.36 6.0 4.4S 11.26 8.50 Blon.-her 2.20 8.42 1.32 6.02 4.47 11.30 9J lIMMein 2.10 8.37 1.27 5.67 4.M 11.33 B.tVi Winans 2.05 8.34 1.24 6.54 4.67 11.S8 9.20 IV pm. 2.00 8.30 1.20 6.50 6.12 11.43 9.25 Tre nt Credit 11.15 8.2-5 1.15 6.45 6.1 11. .53 9.S5 WiMMlwnrth 11.05 8.15 1.1W5 6.35 6.17 12.00 10.00 hr. Pjrkdtlt L 11.00 8.10 1.00 6.30 .9. W. , A. . 1 A. M. I A. W. I P. M. P. M. Steam liaadied on the fteamtrains, eitLer in a lvarue of or following; the 4 Motor. ing to limit?'l ppaie on Motor Cart all trnnki and beary baepape will be paaengera D.,...,.nf tn tho ArHpr of the Com mnn (kiuncil Contained in Uiumaiice No fi35 of the city or nooa Kiver, n nnsand hv the Common txmn cil August 21, IB", ana appruvcu uy the Mayor August 22, 1922, notice is hereby given that the undersignea uiy Do.nripr will receive bids for the fol- iAitnr noniAH Rtreta ; Sixth Street By constructing and lavine down a cement sidewalk and a mnnt curn ana nuiier vn hid c side of Sixth Street from Sherman Av omia nnrth to nresent cement side VI1UV a.vs - . n, ntL- "" . . .XML Tfv, vt.oot - n wear aiae oi luin ACllktl ... .. . ..-.rt Street from Cascade Avenue north 100 tent hv constructing and laying down a cement sidewalk. iniffhth street The east Bian or oin from Cascade Avenue north to n. y.mUi Utraot. hv frradinc the Bide SJ IU LliUlU V. -- j r " wailf area and bv constructing ana i.,,mi Hnmn a fpmpnt sidewalk. Qfroot Nnrth aid. from 7th street west to present cement sidewalk hv nrvnatriirnnir ana lavinir uuwn a go mant Q 1 f 1 U UU 0 1 M Mx.th Diiln from 9th Street eaBt to the present cement sidewalk by laying ...ollr May street South side from 9th Street east to present cement sidewalk hv nnntrnptinar ana lavinn uuwn a South side from 10th street west about 100 feet to present cement side walk by constructing and laying down Aamonf 114117 tt 1 K . South side from 11th Street west to present cement sidewalk by construct irxr and lavintr down a cement side a Tarclfth Street Eaat side or ltn Street north from May Street to the sYiatino'Vement Hiiiewalk bv construct Iftvintr down a cement Bide Eugene Street The south side or Fn irene Street from 9th Street west to present cement sidewalk by construct- inr anri lavinir aown cemeni biucwuikb. Sherman Avenue South side from 6th Street east to the east line of Lot "11" by constructing and laying down A MAmont airtoorallr. Tha crrnrliriLT of the sidewalk area, or the area from the property line to the curb line shall oe none wnere neeueu in making any of said improvements to or UDon said streets or avenues or carts thereof. Drains and means oi conveying wa ter ahull he constructed in said streets. r,m n.rti thereof uvhpre needed. v. ... , . Sealed nroDosais Tor me worK win ha rereived at mv ofhee UD to 8 o'clock n m Spntmlifr 6. 1922. and the Common Council will at its next regu lar meet in t? alter the completion or the publication of this notice, to-wit : (in the Rth day of Seotember. 1922. at the Council Chamber at the hour of 8 o clock p. m., proceed to open ana all bids for said work, which is ordered by the Common Council by laid Ordinance No. 635, duly enacted as above specified ; that the improve ment will be let in one contract, and mill he required to be completed with in thirty (30) days from the date of the ivanrlinv the name to the success ful hiH.ter n.hf. will he renuired furnish a bond to the City of Hood Iiiver in a sum of not less than 25 per cent of the eutimateH mat of the contract for the faithful performance thereof: that enmnletA anertncationa are on file in my office covering me improvements for which bids are called, which may be examined by prospective bidders opon application, and said contract will be awarded to the lowest and best bid- Aa9 ntvin an ill anerifieations. The City reserves me ngni vo reject any or all bids, or to waive any defects therein, for the benefit of the City of iiorvt Uiver. The terms of the specifi cations shall be notice to prospective bidders of the requirements demanded by said City In the performance of said work. This notice is given for ten days by publication in the Hood River Glacier, a newanarer published at the City of Hood Kiver, Oregon, the date of the first publication being the 24th day of August, 1922. II. Is. nuv t 24a3l City Recorder, H F. nav-Maon. nresident of the re cently organized Fruit Export Corpor ation, a concern effected by himself and Yakima and W'enatchee apple men. declared while here last week that Northwestern apple growers are reap inir some of the ill effects of starting the opening price on apples annually wtHgn. .SJ "This year." said Mr. uaviuson, "while a number of price lists have been announced, all of them from ih to 75 centa per box lower than last year, no apple sales or any tu quence have been made. There has been less buying this season than Bince lOlO 4UA nnat BAVen fir filffht years growers have hurt themselves by starting apples into consumption at prices that are too nign. cuyenui early apples have lost, money with the result that the general purchasing and movement of fruit into consumption has been retarded. When apples sen on the pier in New York City at $4.25 hnx. the retailers estab lish their price on this basis. But they never reduce tneir price in " w wholesale price drops. Thus they make heavier profits and the producer is the one to lose. .... "The public, too, win not Duy oi a product when it is tnougns nunurumi j high, and apple growers, if they would encourage a greater cosumption of their product wouia ultimately ue wie winners. Thev should reverse the sit uation of the retailer who would have to continue selling his product to ti.e ponsnmer on the price established from the low wholesale price." Mr. Davidson says nis export con cern contemplates shipping from 400 to 500 carloads of aoples to Europe the coming season. J. Mcrnee rerguBon, of Yakima, who has peen wuruiK ui principal European markets sir.re june 15, wa8 expected to arrive in Seattle Friday night, where Mr. Davidson con templated meeting him, plans for ac tion in the near future depending on the report of Mr. Ferguson. Mr. Davidson says ne nnas an bacci- lent fruit crop in all parts oi tne Tie has iust returned from Medford, where he Bays the har vest of pears is phenomenal. That district, he Bays, will ship 1,200 cars of pears, twice as many as in any lormer season. While a large quantity or new re frigerator cars was built the past year, Mr. Davidson says ne unucipureo a Bhortage or this ciasa oi roning w because or the heavy aemanua. c pointed out that the fruit tonnage of the entire coast was exceedingly heavy, and that California's grape crop will tax refrigerator car the supply to the limit. B r Attention ! Amateur Photographers Let us do your developing and printing. We will give you the best and quickest service in the city. Films in before 4:00 P. M. today are ready at 4:00 P. M. tomorrow We carry a full line of Eastman Cameras and Films. Always new and fresh and always at your service. HOE Your, for Service"" A.'S. KEIR Reliable Druggirt "Try The Drug Store First" H ,..... ' LUiu ...J.U.....I 'J-T " Rose May Appeal v t Ram TTnner Vallev orchard I ' . ist, recently arrested Dy tramc omcers on a charge or overioaaing nia niuiur ,n,.b- mith pnrrlwnnd. served notice of appeal Friday when fined $20 in the court of Justice of the Peace Onthank. Mr. Rose declared that tne omciai charge showed the load on the high side of his truck to be heavier than on the low side. He also declared that ne had taken up the matter or loading mi truck last year with Btate traffic offi cers and had been told by them that his machine was so constructed that he would be given some leeway. Fire Starter May Be Deported District Attorney Haker last week received a letter from R. P. Bonham, immigration commissioner ot tne United States Department oi L,nuor m Portland, indicating tnat evidence se cured against the unnaturalized Aus trian now serving a 0-day Jan sen tence for setting the recent disatrous Herman creek forest fire, may be suffi cient to deport him. The real name of the man, wno caneu uimoeu Smith when arrested, is John Segel. An I. W. W. memoersnip cara nu wobbly literature were found in tne Austrian's cabin after his arrest. A diary, indicating sabotage activity dur ing the war, was also discovered. Hunger the Best Sauce Sonne ia nsed to create an appetite or relish for the food. The right way ;a tn inoif to vnur digestion, wnen you ha,, rr.i Hiireation vou are certain to relish your food. unamDenain a nwi. ;mn.nue the Hiireation. create a healthy oi.netite and cause a eentle movement of the bowels. C. A. RICHARDS 111 2nd Street Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Confectionery ICZIOEZDl TRY OUR Draught Luxo WE KEEP IT RIGHT The Pheasant and Oregon Hotel Di- mn, 1 aai.i nnnpr hh h ii i aimur u v II 1 II c iwvui . . Club Ureakfasts. Business Men s Luncli. K.veninir Dinner. tk)ntinuous ervlce, 6:30 A. M. toll P. M. leiu Notice to Wood Dealers c.,i. i,;.4o nriil he. received at the office of 1 he County Clerk for presenta tion to the County ixmri at meir reKu- i.. ueHneaiiav. Dtemoer o. 1922, for twenty cords or Doay nr ana five tons of coa to be deiiverea at me Court House on Sherman Avenue. Kent fcnoemaner. County Clerk r..- Knn an automobile VOU 1. 1 ..... ii,. una Ktmletiaker at tiie r 1 1 1 1 ii u i r't HID..'" - . Cameron Motor Co. We will be glad to see you and your menus at any time at THF APPLE BLOSSOM CAFE - fi - " AY PICNIC At Bonneville Knights of Pythias Band in charge There will be something to please all, young and old. Get your car in readiness and join the caravan to this noted recreational ground. Admission 50 cents per automobile One or a dozen passengers. Refreshments can be had on the ground. Prizes for winners in competitive sports. DR. N. PLYLER CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic and Electric Treatments. Rooms 23, 24 and 25 Heilbronner Bldg. Phone 1833. Hood River, Ore. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYRICIAN AND SURGEON. CalU promptly anwersd In town or oountrj l 'tt y ui nigui. Telephone: ReHldence, 10M: Offloa, 1241. Offloe In the Brosloa UaUdtnf DRS. ABRAHAM AND S1FT0N PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Rooms 17, 19, 20 Brosms Building Res. Phones: Dr. Abraham 415J. Dr. Sifton 3613. uuice 4iot. H. D. W. PINEO, D.D.S. DENTIST ELIOT BUILDING Telephone S812 HOOD KIVfcK E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. BROSIUS BUILDING Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Office Tel. 3161 Residence Tel. 3412 L. L. MURPHY, D. D. M. General Dentistry Rooms 11-15 Brosius Bldg. L. R. Alexander, D.M.D. ROOMS 4 and 5 SMITH BLDG. Tlione 2021. Office Hours: 8:00 a. m. to 6 p, When you think of a Drug Store think of CHAS. N. CLARKE "Your Druggist" Phone your orders Phone 1262 m. C. H. JENKINS, D. M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Office 1081; residencs 3331 Office over Butler Bank Forbes Paint Shop 109 FOURTH STREET Painting in all its branches. Tel. 39 H V. J. Baker & Co. Deale rs in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands ury. r. ir'naius 7eL f'9 Stranalian & Slavcn Central Con trad ars and DuilJcrs t H00O PtlVER, ORiaOM. THE F.SHION STABLE'S ParRdale Auto Stage Phone 1201 Loaves Hood River daily at 4.30 p. m. Leaes Tarkdale Daily at 8 a, rru (except Sunday). Every Saturday Leaves Farkdale at 6 p. m. JJ. J. FREDERICK Building Contractor OiXce, Fmitb Block, lUjom S. Tt-I. SMI IKIOD KIVER, ORL Notice to Creditors In lh fViuntv Court of the State of Oresron. for Hood K'ver County In the Matter of the Estate of Lhza beth Hunt, deceased. Notice la hereby riven that the un dersigned haa been appointed adminis trator of tne estate or E,nzatetn Hunt, de"aed, by the above entitled court. All creditors and all persona having any claims cmt said etate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at hi office in Broius building. Hood River, Oregon, within sis months from the date of the first publication of thia notice, which date ia August 17th, JOHN BAKER. alTill Administrator. rf're von boy an antomobile you ihoaM the tiw tu ie).Ver at the Canienn Mf tor Co. mltl LENORE GREGORY TPACIIER OF VIOLIN European Training and Experience Call Satnrtlavs at Uregon iioiei, vr .!.!.. Mies Gregory, Hancock st, Portland, Oregon. Try Osteopathy for Acute and Chronic Diseases. Dr. R. S. McVICKER Osteopathic Physician Rooms 7. 8 and 9 Hall Bldg. Tel. 2012 For Wood Sawing PHONE FELTON & REYNOLDS 4664 4679 Our Aim "To Satisfy" Service! Service! Service! We are here to serve the fruit growers who are now busy with the rush of Spring work. Just call us for your grocery needs and let fix up your week s supplies. The smallest item, however will be prepared for you with a courtesy which we hope to make a characteristic of our store. We are ready to do our part in hastening along the spraying and Spring cultivation. 'mi FRASIER & SON B. B. POWELL Plumbing:, Heating and Sheet Metal Work 310 Cascade Avenue HOOD RIVER, OREGON Mrs. Walter Wells TEACHER riANO Leont given at your home. Credita to High tkhool Ptudenu. Phone 4723. e J. D. McLUCAS CONTRACTOR Prac-.kal worker in Stone, Concrete, Brii k and Planter. Eiraating, Orading, Etc. Hood River, Oregon. U. 4 If mnn ar rmr!r!:r.P TOUT boUSe : ln. iwiiuti .i Jv - - ; " . ! a m for vour riumbine. Fixture and Sup-1 plies. Small profit, qukk retarn. Tipe cat to order. All repair work tfrktly fird class. OLD CITY HALL PLUMBING SHOP 212 Fourth Street, Hood River, Ore. Tom Fisher. Prop. Pborj 1673 KraMroce I'tKjnr t3 Hood River Abstract Co. Real Estate and Insurance Accurate Abatracting of Larul Titles. Notice To Builders We are now working our gravel pit and can furnish you building material on short no tice. With our dump trucks and hoppers we are in a position to deliver gravel, crushed rock and sand at a minimum of expense. Our gravel, containing 30 e sand is ideal for concrete work. Hauling of all kinds. Dealers in coal. Let us lay in a supply of Nut Coal for summer fuel for your range. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111 M. E. WELCH, LICOSED TETXRIS1RY SUEfiEOS It vrtTTa to ao oy work IB U T4rlB. try fma. H ran ha onl by eawlln at or boBlo( M U rtabioB r Labia. I We are very proud of the praise of our patrons for our courtesy and good service. It stimulates us in the maintenance of a confec tionery, tobacco shop, lunch counter and pool hall second to none. We serve products of the highest quality only, for it is our endeavor to lead in our line. o)c Electric Kitchen R. S. GEORGE O